When the army uses the slogan Be all you can be they are addressing what Maslow would refer to as?





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Terms in this set (91)

_____ refers to the processes that lead people to behave as they do


In the motivation process, the desired end state is the consumer's ____


The _____ of motivation is related to the idea that customers desire a state of balance called homeostasis.

Drive theory

Cheryl has a new job at a financial services firm and he has decided to spend her hiring bonus on a new car. She believes that purchasing and driving a Mercedes will make her appear as a more successful member of the firm (and help her get promoted faster) than if she drives a Toyota. This is an example of _____

expectancy theory

When Sean Jean cologne encourages department store sales people to give any potential customer a vial of its product, the company is attempting to boost customer involvement by appealing to customer's hedonic needs.


Motivation that is driven by raw reactions is called ___


What type of conflict exists when we desire a goal but wish to avoid it at the same time?

approach- avoidance conflict

Which of the following needs from Maslow's hierarchy is addressed by the U.S. Army's advertising slogan "Be all you can be"?

Self actualization needs

An individual with a high need for ___ would be most likely to place a premium on products and services that signify success.


Seth is sitting in a class that precedes lunch. His stomach begins to rumble and grumble. Instead of thinking about the day's lecture, Seth begin to think about lunch and his choice of places to eat. He even begins to narrow down the selection of foods that he might want fo lunch.

Seth is focusing on biological needs that are at present unfulfilled and have produced what might be thought of as an unpleasant state of arousal. Which of the following theories best describes Seth's experience?

Drive theory

Mary Chen is torn between going home for the holidays to visit her parents in China or going on a skiing trip with friends from college. Mary would love to be able to do both. Which of the following motivational conflicts will Mary more likely experience as she makes her decision?

an approach- approach conflict

If a consumer were to pursue products and services that seemed to alleviate loneliness, such as playing team sports, going to a bar, and/or shopping in busy malls, the consumer would be expressing a need for ____


According to information presented in the chapter, the implication of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is that ____

one must satisfy basic needs before moving to higher order needs

The degree to which a person is willing to expend energy to reach a specific need is called ___

motivational direction

Motivational conflicts can occur in a variety of ways. If a person must choose between two desirable alternatives, this form of conflict is called ___

approach- approach conflict

Explain the term "affect"

Affect refers to our raw emotional reactions to products. It's all about emotional arousal. Many marketing messages focus on altering our moods or linking their products to an affective response, although different types of emotional arousal may be more effective in some contexts than others.

How has a social media benefitted a company's brand?

Social media has benefitted a company's brand because of a concept called happiness economy. Happiness economy claims that a well- being is the new wealth, and social media technology is what allows us to accumulate it. If we share with others how happy or satisfied with a product or service we are this feeds our happiness economy. This will benefit the company because other people will see how satisfied you are which will attract other people to the product or service.

Person, object, and situational factors are the three types of influences that determine a person's level of ___


Product involvement refers to a consumer's level of interest in a product


The ____ refers to the tendency of the brain to convince the self that a fake treatment is the real thing ---- thus a sugar pill can have the desired effect.

placebo effect

____ involve temporary positive or negative affective states accompanied by moderate levels of arousal. Moods tend to dissipate and are not necessarily linked to a specific event.


James receives a brand new bicycle for his ninth birthday. This gift triggers intense feelings of joy and happiness. These feelings are known as an affective response called ____


____ refers to the idea that our judgements tend to be shaped by our moods

Mood congruency

Perceived ____ refers to the customer's assumption of negative consequences if they choose the wrong product option.


Donna always purchases the same shampoo brand because she believes it offers her the best shine and manageability for her hair. This is an example of brand loyalty.


Many Eastern cultures stress the importance of a _____, in which an individual's identity is derived in a large measure from his or her social group.

collective self

____ summarizes the beliefs a person holds about his own attributes and how he or she evaluates their self on those qualities.


A person's conception of how he/she would like to be is called ____

Ideal self

A female consumer sees an ad about a woman who can no longer fit into her old bathing suit, the consumer might think about her own situation and make a personal pledge to lose weight before summer arrives. This would be an example of marketing communications that attempt to influence a consumer's level of ____

Self- esteem

Bart was a mortuary worker who noticed that there seemed to be a social class difference in what people placed on the graves of departed family members. What Bart observed was a class difference in how people manifest the relationship between external objects and the ___ self.


College student Jeff Barnes sees himself as a rich banker who drives a top of line BMW. This fantasy is an expression of the _____

ideal self

The ____ refers to our more realistic appraisal of the qualities we have and don't have.

actual self

____ is when the person tries to evaluate their appearance by comparing it to the people depicted in artificial images.

Social comparison

Which of the following is a level of a people extended self?

Individual self
Family level
Community level

An person's actual self is a person's conception of how he/she would like to be


The nature of the social comparison that occurs when a consumer uses these marketing images as a benchmark is likely different than the social comparison that occurs when a consumer sees advertisements for products that use professional models


If products take on masculine or feminine attributes, they said to be ___

sex- typed

____ refers to the possession of both masculine and feminine traits.


_____ refer to a customer's subjective evaluation of his or her physical self.

Body image

A(n) ___ is a particular model, or exemplar, or appearance ****

Ideal of beauty - Is a particular model, or a "perfect example," of what physical appearance "should" look like.

Ideal of beauty for both men and women include physical features as well as clothing style, cosmetics, hairstyles, skin tone, and body type.

Dante is worried about how well he will be accepted when he goes to a new school this week. He has decided to purchase a pair of designer jeans in hopes that the other students will see him as someone with fashion and a "cool" image

Dante is displaying

public self- consciousness

If Volkswagen owners see themselves as being more economical and conservative than do owners of the Buick Regal, ____ is a probably at work

self- image congruence model

Consumers often conform to their home culture's expectations of their gender role- how they should eat/ drink/ drive/ listen to/ read/ watch. Marketers refer to this role and the combination of beliefs as gender ____


In primary school classrooms, teachers may sometimes separating students by gender for activities or discipline students differently depending on their gender. This type of action reinforces children's developing beliefs and assumptions about gender roles and is known as gender socialization.


The classification of gender into two distinct, opposite and disconnected forms (with no options with for any gender identities beyond these two) is known as

gender binarism

When Deena Shoemaker posted a photo collage of different clothing items in different sizes of Facebook to show how misleading the numbered size on the tag actually is, she was pointing out the clothing manufacture practice of phantom sizing


____ is deeply ingrained cultural discrimination against people who are overweight


Body positivity refers to the idea that all people deserve to have a positive body image--- regardless of how culture idealized weight, size, shape, or other aspects of physical appearance.


____ refers to a person's unique psychological makeup and how it consistently influences the way a person responds to his/ her environment


According to Freud, the part of the personality that seeks immediate gratification is called the ____.


When the ego tries to balance opposing forces, it uses the ____

Reality principle

In the 1950s, an approach called ___ attempted to use Freudian ideas to understand the deeper meanings of products and advertisements

Motivational research

Match.com and eharmony.com are dating websites/apps that measure identifiable personal characteristics called ____

personality traits

According to Freud, the system that acts as a referee in the fight between temptation and virtue is called ____

the ego

An advertisement emphasizes that is a consumer uses a certain deodorant, he or she will not offend other people and will not cause problems in the workplace because of "bad body odor". What part of the Freudian system is this ad appealing to?

the superego

Instead of spending the weekend working on the research paper die at the end of next week, Andrew decided to spend the weekend going out with friends. According to Freudian theory, which system dominated in Adam's decision?

the id

The superego is also known as the pleasure principle


An individual with the personality trait of extroversion tends to be quiet and reserved


The reality principle finds a way to gratify the id that are acceptable to the outside world


The Pillsbury Doughboy and the Jolly Green Giant are examples of

brand personalities

Linda named her car, which she drove to work every day, Sylvia. She talked to her friends about the personality traits her little car seemed to have. Linda has ____ her car.


Brand personality is a set of traits people attribute to a product as if it was a person ****


____ are the use of psychological, sociological, and anthropological factors to determine how the market is segmented by the propensity of groups within the market (and their reasons) to make a particular decision about a product, person, ideology, or otherwise hold an attitude or use a medium.


Both Justin and Craig are business majors and live in the same dorm but Justin's room looks like a Cabela's showroom, with fishing and trophies and lures on the wall and pictures of fishing trips across the study desk, which Craig's room features posters of his favorite musical group and stacks of CDs. The difference in ____ between Justin and Craig.


When marketer's use psychological, sociological, and anthropological factors to analyze a market, they are using ____


Is it possible to use psychographics to identity to distinct segments even mundane products such a soap.


Based on motivational research, which of the following consumption motives most likely explains a person's motivation to purchase gourmet foods, foreign cars, cigarette holders, or perfume?


When companies team up and promote two or more items this is called product complementary.


The functional theory of attitudes was initially developed to explain how ____

attitudes facilitate social behaviors

The ___ function of attitude applies when a person is in an ambiguous situation and needs order, structure, or meaning


Which attitude function relates to the consumer's self- concept or central values?

value- expression

A(n) ___ is a lasting general evaluation of people (including oneself), objects, advertisements, or issues.


Which of the following general attitude functions is most likely related to the basic of reward and punishment?

Utilitarian function

The object of an attitude can be an object or an issue, but not as a person.


According to the functional theory of attitudes, attitudes exist because they are hereditary


The three components of the ABC model are affect, behavior, and consistency


Double dip makes ice cream. The only advantage Double- dip has over its competitors is taste. Double- dip costs more and has more calories per unit weight. Promotions for Double- dip should emphasize of the experiential hierarchy of the ABC model of attitudes.


Researchers agree that there are various levels of commitment to an attitude. The highest level of involvement.


Researchers agree that there are various levels of commitment to an attitude. The lowest form of involvement.


Which theory of attitudes states that people are motivated to take action to resolve inconsistencies between attitudes and behaviors?

Theory of cognitive dissonance

The ___ states when a person is confronted with inconsistencies among attitude or behavior, he/she will take action to restore consistency

Theory of cognitive dissonance

Roger was really angry when Coca-cola attempted to switch from its older formula to New coke. He wrote letters to Coca-cola, talked to friends, called the local bottler, attempted to hoard "old Coke", and complained to the local grocery store manager. In this example, which degree of commitment would be most closely associated with Roger and his attitudes?


Identification occurs when we form an attitude to conform to another person's group's expectations


The psychological principle of reciprocity is at work when we take into account what others do before we decide what to do.


A communicator's expertise, objectivity and trustworthiness refer to ___

source credibility

A marketing study found that respondents believed that a dark-haired model would be more effective in selling gold jewelry than a blond-haired celebrity would if the dark-haired celebrity was not perceived to be ethnic. What two ideas of using celebrities as communication sources are more likely to be at work here?

The celebrity's image should match that of the product and should embody cultural meaning.

_____ occurs when people appear to "forget" about the negative source and change their attitude.

The sleeper effect

According to a major study of more than 1,000 commercials, the single most important factor whether a commercial will be persuasive is whether the communication ___

stresses a unique attribute or benefit of the product

A politician attempts to gain support for her campaign for mayor releasing a poll showing that almost 70 percent of the city's voters support her position on property taxes. What basic psychological principle is the politician using to persuade voters that she should be the next mayor?


ABC model of attitudes

Affect, behavior, cognition. The model emphasizes the interrelationships among knowing, feeling, and doing.

Affect describes how a consumer feels about an attitude object.
Behavior refers to the actions taken toward the object.
Cognition is what the consumer believes to be true about the object.

Ego defensive function

is an attitude formed to protect ourselves from an external threat or internal feelings.

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Which of the following needs from Maslow's hierarchy is addressed by the US Army's advertising slogan Be all you can be?

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