Related to issues of globalization, the pervasiveness of identity confusion may be best equated to

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Terms in this set (90)

At the beginning of the chapter on the self, the author of the text uses Holden Caulfield (the young character) from Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye to illustrate

a. adolescent rebellion.
b. how adults cannot understand adolescents.
c. how society has changed since the 1950s.
d. aspects of adolescents' self-development.

d. aspects of adolescents' self-development.

Which of the following is associated with adolescent cognitive development?

a. Inability to see others' perspectives
b. Self-reflection
c. Concrete thought
d. None of these answers are correct

b. Self-reflection

Which of the following is most true of identity development?

a. Middle childhood is the key life period for identity development.
b. During adolescence, a person's identity is solidified.
c. Identity issues are especially central in emerging adulthood.
d. After the first six years of life, a person's identity is set.

c. Identity issues are especially central in emerging adulthood.

Individualistic culture is to independent self as collectivistic culture is to __________ self.

a. collection
b. social
c. ideal
d. interdependent

d. interdependent

The term self-esteem was invented by

a. Lawrence Kohlberg.
b. William James.
c. Jean Piaget.
d. Susan Harter.

b. William James.

Of the following countries, where is the independent self likely to be MOST valued?

a. China
b. The United Kingdom
c. The United States
d. Pakistan

c. The United States

Constantine is a young adult who spends a lot of time volunteering for his church. He gladly gives a portion of his paycheck to his aunt and grandmother each month. Constantine's wife, Vera, is very upset and thinks that he should be focusing on his own career and trying to get ahead. Which of the following is most likely true of this couple?

a. Constantine grew up in an individualistic culture; Vera grew up in a collectivistic culture.
b. Constantine grew up in a collectivistic culture; Vera grew up in an individualistic culture.
c. They are exhibiting normal behavior due to differential gender socialization.
d. They are experiencing normal troubles associated with marriage in emerging adulthood.

b. Constantine grew up in a collectivistic culture; Vera grew up in an individualistic culture.

Tian is twelve years old. She arrives home after school and announces to her family, "I am the best public speaker in my class! I am so proud of myself. I'm going to be a great journalist!" Tian's mother replied by saying, "You shouldn't brag, Tian. Remember your responsibilities." Tian's mother's comments best exemplify __________ cultural values.

a. individualistic
b. collectivistic
c. broadly defined
d. self-reflective

b. collectivistic

Childhood is to concrete as adolescence is to

a. combined.
b. defined.
c. vague.
d. abstract.

d. abstract.

When asked to describe himself, Kolton replies, "I have a sister named Jo and I live in Fort Qu' Appelle." Most likely Kolton is _________ year(s) old.

a. one
b. five
c. fourteen
d. sixteen

b. five

Muukadu's step-mother was a "workaholic" and was hardly ever home. Muukadu plans to apply for law school, but swears she will not be like her step-mother. This scenario best reflects Muukadu's

a. actual self.
b. feared self.
c. abstract thought.
d. barometric self-esteem.

b. feared self.

For an adolescent, feelings of failure may result from awareness of a difference between the

a. false self and ideal self.
b. the ideal self and the feared self.
c. the concrete self and the abstract self.
d. actual self and the ideal self.

d. actual self and the ideal self.

One reason that depression is more prevalent in adolescence than in childhood may be that

a. feelings of inadequacy stem from large discrepancies between actual and ideal selves.
b. parents do not understand what it is like to be an adolescent.
c. children do not have a sense of self.
d. feelings of loneliness accompany adolescents' abstract self-understanding.

a. feelings of inadequacy stem from large discrepancies between actual and ideal selves.

Lauren, a ninth-grade student, describes herself as a pretty good guitar player and an excellent math student who can't understand chemistry class. She says she is wild and extroverted with friends in her band, yet is shy and quiet at school. Lauren's self-description reflects

a. the inability to integrate different aspects of her identity.
b. that she is atypical of most adolescents.
c. differential gender socialization.
d. the ability to recognize contradictions in her personality.

d. the ability to recognize contradictions in her personality.

According to research, an adolescent is most likely to put on a "false self" with

a. parents.
b. dating partners.
c. close friends.
d. teachers.

b. dating partners.

Self-esteem enhancement programs became popular in the United States during the

a. 1930s.
b. 1950s.
c. 1960s.
d. 1980s.

c. 1960s.

The value placed upon self-esteem in the United States is associated with

a. child welfare.
b. individualism.
c. interdependence.
d. the age of adolescence.

b. individualism.

Which of the following may contribute to a decline in self-esteem experienced in adolescence?

a. Imaginary audience
b. Response bias
c. Separation
d. None of these

a. Imaginary audience

Which of the following scholars distinguished between baseline self-esteem and barometric self-esteem?

a. Susan Harter
b. Erik Erikson
c. Lawrence Kohlberg
d. Morris Rosenberg

d. Morris Rosenberg

When would a person likely experience the most intense fluctuations in barometric self-esteem?

a. Early adolescence
b. Middle adolescence
c. Late adolescence
d. Emerging adulthood

a. Early adolescence

The Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents was developed by

a. Morris Rosenberg
b. Carol Gilligan
c. James Marcia
d. Susan Harter

d. Susan Harter

Which of the following is NOT one of the domains of self-image proposed by Harter?

a. Scholastic competence
b. Romantic appeal
c. Extracurricular participation
d. Behavioral conduct

c. Extracurricular participation

Lee responded to The Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents. Lee has a high self-image in terms of close friendship, and a low-self image in terms of physical appearance. Lee is most likely

a. male.
b. female.
c. bisexual.
d. prone to depression.

b. female.

Which of the following statements relate to girls' decline in self-esteem in adolescence?

a. Normal physical development is at odds with a cultural ideal of thinness.
b. Boys typically have a more negative body image than do girls.
c. Girls' scholastic achievement is typically lower than that of boys.
d. All of these.

a. Normal physical development is at odds with a cultural ideal of thinness.

Most of Harter's research has been conducted with

a. middle-class Canadian adolescents.
b. middle-class American adolescents.
c. American college students.
d. British adolescents in foster homes.

b. middle-class American adolescents.

Recent research has shown that an effective way of increasing school-related self-esteem is to

a. teach them knowledge and skills that can be the basis of real achievements.
b. praise students regardless of real effort or achievement.
c. encourage students to rate themselves favorably on self-image questionnaires.
d. teach students how to praise themselves even when they don't try to do well.

a. teach them knowledge and skills that can be the basis of real achievements.

Tessa's parents have noticed that she has low self-esteem. Of the following, what is the best advice for them?

a. Provide love and encouragement
b. Send her to a "boot camp"
c. Do nothing; it's a normal phase
d. Seek treatment for depression

a. Provide love and encouragement

In the 1960s and 1970s, American educational programs designed to enhance self-esteem reflected a predominant belief that self-esteem

a. is a result of school success.
b. is a cause of school success.
c. had declined steadily since World War II.
d. is a socio-cultural invention.

b. is a cause of school success.

An increase in self-esteem in emerging adulthood may be associated with

a. comfort with one's physical appearance.
b. improved relationships with parents.
c. social acceptance from peers.
d. all of these answers are correct.

d. all of these answers are correct.

Throughout the ages, the period of adolescence has been considered a time of

a. increased emotionality.
b. increased resiliency.
c. decreased cognition.
d. decreased ambition.

a. increased emotionality.

According to most scholars, increased emotionality in adolescence can be attributed to

a. raging hormones.
b. cognitive and environmental factors.
c. the generation gap.
d. storm and stress.

b. cognitive and environmental factors.

According to the text, recent research indicates that ___________ may make a significant contribution to adolescents' emotionality.

a. media consumption
b. globalization
c. brain development
d. environmental toxins

c. brain development

According to Gilligan's theory, girls have a "different voice" than boys. This refers to girls'

a. sensitivity to the subtleties of relationships and emotions.
b. understanding of logical and mathematical problems.
c. tendency to speak more than boys.
d. awareness of extra-sensory perceptions.

a. sensitivity to the subtleties of relationships and emotions.

Critics of Carol Gilligan's work argue that

a. differences between boys and girls are exaggerated.
b. validity and reliability of the methodology is hard to determine.
c. her studies of gender differences rarely include boys.
d. all of these answers are correct.

d. all of these answers are correct.

Recent research testing Gilligan's theory found that

a. "feminine" girls reported higher levels of "voice" than boys.
b. "feminine" girls reported lower levels of "voice" than boys.
c. "androgynous" girls reported higher levels of "voice" than boys.
d. it is impossible to compare boys and girls on this matter.

b. "feminine" girls reported lower levels of "voice" than boys.

Psychohistory is the psychological analysis of

a. mental health institutions.
b. major historical figures.
c. important historical events.
d. academic institutions.

b. major historical figures.

According to Erikson, each life period is characterized by a specific

a. developmental issue.
b. physical experience.
c. socio-cognitive task.
d. ethical dilemma.

a. developmental issue.

Which of the following scholars proposed the theory of the adolescent identity crisis?

a. James Marcia
b. Erik Erikson
c. Carol Gilligan
d. Susan Harter

b. Erik Erikson

According to Erikson, an infant's developmental task is to

a. achieve a secure sense of identity.
b. differentiate between the self and others.
c. establish a sense of trust and security with someone.
d. learn language in order to communicate.

c. establish a sense of trust and security with someone.

According to Erikson, the central task of adolescence focuses on

a. identity versus identity consolidation.
b. identity versus identity confusion.
c. childhood identity versus sexual identity.
d. identity versus immaturity.

b. identity versus identity confusion.

Erikson (1958) used the life history of Martin Luther to illustrate

a. the identity crisis in adolescence and emerging adulthood.
b. the impact of religious beliefs on self-esteem.
c. career choices during adolescence and emerging adulthood.
d. intimacy versus isolation.

a. the identity crisis in adolescence and emerging adulthood.

The key areas of identity formation in adolescence are love, work, and

a. ideology.
b. rebellion.
c. body image.
d. entertainment.

a. ideology.

Enid looks up to her aunt who is a writer and wants to be just like her when she grows up. According to Erikson, which of the following terms describes this situation?

a. Retention
b. Separation
c. Ideal self
d. Identification

d. Identification

Which of the following best describes the psychosocial moratorium?

a. A period of identity exploration in adolescence
b. A period of identity consolidation in emerging adulthood
c. The inability to make a decision about the future
d. The suspension of working on identity formation

a. A period of identity exploration in adolescence

Juan is a high school senior. He's not sure what he wants to study in college, but he is considering either teaching or nursing. He has a part-time job as a clerk in a medical clinic and volunteers at his step-sister's preschool. We could say that Juan is experiencing

a. identity achievement.
b. identity foreclosure.
c. identity diffusion.
d. psychosocial moratorium.

d. psychosocial moratorium.

Blake is 28 years old and hasn't settled down. He has started college twice and quit, unsure of what career would suit his personality. He plays in a rock band on the weekends and secretly hopes he will be discovered by a record company, but doesn't really like performing all that much. Most likely, Blake is experiencing

a. identity foreclosure.
b. identity confusion.
c. negative identity.
d. marginality.

b. identity confusion.

Fiona has always excelled in school and is a talented artist and piano player. Her parents have always told her, "You're so bright, you can be anything you want!" Now a young adult, Fiona is having difficulty deciding what to do and as a result feels depressed and unable to do anything. Most likely, Fiona is experiencing

a. parental control.
b. psychosocial moratorium.
c. identity confusion.
d. her feared self.

c. identity confusion.

Which of the following researchers developed the "Identity Status Interview"?

a. Erik Erikson
b. James Marcia
c. Reed Larson
d. Jean Phinney

b. James Marcia

Scholars have developed questionnaires based upon the "Identity Status Interview" primarily because the questionnaire approach

a. provides richer data.
b. is less time-consuming.
c. is more valid.
d. is more reliable.

b. is less time-consuming.

Each identity status contains a different combination of exploration and

a. crisis.
b. reflection.
c. commitment.
d. assimilation.

c. commitment.

Ingrid is trying to "find herself." She is traveling to Asia and Europe next month and also plans to attend several career seminars when she returns home. Right now, she is considering a career in engineering and is taking a prerequisite physics course by correspondence. However, she has been talking to her aunt lately about her aunt's experiences staying home with her kids while she runs a home-based Internet business. All in all, Ingrid feels "up in the air," but she is trying to figure it all out. Which of the following identity statuses best describes Ingrid?

a. Achievement
b. Foreclosure
c. Moratorium
d. Diffusion

c. Moratorium

Dylan plans to get his commercial pilot's license and be a pilot at the company where both his father and grandfather work. He's never given it a second thought. Dylan's brother Aidan constantly warns him, "Take some time, man, don't rush into it; do what's right for you." Dylan always replies, "If being a pilot is good enough for Dad and Grandpa, it's good enough for me. Besides, they would be very disappointed if I backed out." Which of the following identity statuses best describes Dylan?

a. Foreclosure
b. Moratorium
c. Diffusion
d. Achievement

a. Foreclosure

During her first year of college, Sarah left her options open by choosing a variety of courses. She had planned to be a business major, but after two summers of volunteering in a hospital, she decided that business went against her sense of values. She was able to transfer into a social work program at the start of her second year of college and is now sure she wants to go into social work. During this time, she had stopped going to church. Recently, she has started going to church again but has decided to join an ecumenical congregation that fits best with her beliefs. All in all, Sara feels like she has made the right choices. Which of the following identity statuses best describes Sarah?

a. Diffusion
b. Moratorium
c. Foreclosure
d. Achievement

d. Achievement

Adolescents in the foreclosure status tend to be more

a. rebellious.
b. conformist.
c. inquisitive.
d. indecisive.

b. conformist.

Conformity is likely to be thought of more unfavorably in

a. an individualistic culture.
b. a collectivistic culture.
c. adolescence.
d. emerging adulthood.

a. an individualistic culture.

According to recent research, the identity status model is

a. stable and unitary.
b. changeable across contexts.
c. not able to respond to cultural elements.
d. portrayed by a predictable stage theory.

b. changeable across contexts.

The postmodern identity theory replaces which criticized model?

a. Cultural identity model
b. Bicultural identity model
c. Identity status model
d. Negative Identity model

c. Identity status model

Gender differences in identity formation exist especially in the area of

a. religion and spirituality.
b. ideology and political beliefs.
c. education and occupation.
d. no gender differences have been found in identity formation.

c. education and occupation.

Critics of Erikson's work have argued that it is

a. biased toward male development.
b. outdated in its historical approach.
c. based only on European contexts.
d. too focused on questionnaire data.

a. biased toward male development.

In terms of culture and identity, critics of Erikson's theory argue that it

a. focuses on emerging adulthood.
b. is outdated in its historical approach.
c. assumes an independent self.
d. assumes an interdependent self.

c. assumes an independent self.

For adolescents in minority cultures, the cognitive ability of self-reflection may bring about a heightened awareness of

a. what it means to be a member of a minority group.
b. the cultural stereotypes others may hold.
c. differences between the majority and minority cultures.
d. all of these answers are correct.

d. all of these answers are correct.

Which of the following scholars is well-known for the study of identity formation of members of ethnic minorities in Western society?

a. James Marcia
b. Carol Gilligan
c. Jean Phinney
d. Robert Weiss

c. Jean Phinney

It is Chantel's first day at a new high school. At lunch, a girl from her class asks her, "Where are you from? What's your background?" Chantel replies, "My parents are originally from Korea, but I really think of myself as just Canadian." Chantel's statement best illustrates

a. marginality.
b. biculturalism.
c. separation.
d. assimilation.

d. assimilation.

Which of the following ethnic identity statuses is characterized by low identification with the majority culture?

a. Marginal
b. Assimilated
c. Bicultural
d. None of these answers are correct

a. Marginal

Of the following, which group of adolescents is most likely to view themselves as bicultural?

a. Mexican American
b. African American
c. Native American
d. Puerto Rican

a. Mexican American

With regard to ethnic identity, a separation orientation most likely might result from

a. discrimination experienced by minorities.
b. conflict in parent-adolescent relationships.
c. the loss of traditional cultural values and practices.
d. international trends in globalization.

a. discrimination experienced by minorities.

As a consequence of __________ many young people around the world adopt a_________ identity.

a. racism; bicultural
b. racism; assimilated
c. globalization; separation
d. globalization; bicultural

d. globalization; bicultural

Recent studies have shown that adolescents who are bicultural or assimilated have

a. higher self-esteem.
b. lower self-esteem.
c. more friends.
d. fewer friends.

a. higher self-esteem.

Mobashar lives in Pakistan and is a member of a rap group. His favorite recording artist is Jay-Z. His rap group integrates traditional music with rap. He plans to study information and communications technologies at college and is happy with the arranged marriage that awaits him. Mobashar's situation best exemplifies

a. hybrid identity.
b. marginalization.
c. immigrant identity.
d. identity confusion.

a. hybrid identity.

Related to issues of globalization, the pervasiveness of identity confusion may be best equated to

a. hybrid identity.
b. identity foreclosure.
c. marginalized identity.
d. identity achievement.

c. marginalized identity.

Celeste spends an unusually large amount of time alone. In fact, her parents notice that she is alone over half of the time. Celeste is likely to have a

a. greater than average chance of psychological difficulties.
b. lower than average chance of experiencing adjustment problems.
c. greater than average chance of school success.
d. lower than average chance of relationship difficulties.

a. greater than average chance of psychological difficulties.

Dominick has ten brothers and sisters and shares a bedroom with two brothers. His parents take in boarders who sleep in the basement. Dominick rarely gets to spend time alone, and sometimes wears his iPod just to block out the noise and be alone with his thoughts. Dominick is likely to have a

a. greater than average chance of psychological difficulties.
b. lower than average chance of experiencing adjustment problems.
c. greater than average chance of school success.
d. lower than average chance of relationship difficulties.

a. greater than average chance of psychological difficulties.

Robert Weiss (1973) makes the distinction between two types of loneliness: social and

a. spiritual.
b. unsocial.
c. emotional.
d. constructive.

c. emotional.

Jakob goes out a lot. He hangs around with a lot of guys from his neighborhood and his school. They are always skateboarding together downtown and playing video games. However, Jakob feels like he has no one to talk to about his problems and the things that are important to him. Jakob is experiencing

a. social loneliness.
b. emotional loneliness.
c. separation.
d. marginality.

b. emotional loneliness.

During which of the following life periods do people tend to spend the most time alone?

a. Childhood
b. Adolescence
c. Emerging adulthood
d. Middle adulthood

c. Emerging adulthood

Levon feels good about his physical appearance and friendships, but worries that he is not so good at school. According to Harter, it is possible for Levon to have healthy global self-esteem.

a. True
b. False

a. True

Adolescent boys are more likely than girls to focus on physical appearance as a basis for self-esteem.

a. True
b. False

b. False

Global self-esteem and physical appearance are closely linked for emerging adults.

a. True
b. False

a. True

According to research, African American adolescent girls are more likely to have a positive body image than White American adolescent girls.

a. True
b. False

a. True

Adolescents tend to experience more negative moods than preadolescents or adults.

a. True
b. False

a. True

Adolescents do NOT report more extremes of emotions than children or adults.

a. True
b. False

b. False

Harter's (1999) research supports Gilligan's claim that girls' "voice" declines as they enter adolescence.

a. True
b. False

b. False

According to Erikson, adolescence is the most crucial age in terms of identity development.

a. True
b. False

a. True

Erikson's work on identity formation was mostly based on the findings from research projects.

a. True
b. False

b. False

Of all the identity statuses in adolescence, diffusion is the most likely to be predictive of psychological problems later in life.

a. True
b. False

a. True

"Prolonged adolescence" is most likely to occur in industrialized societies.

a. True
b. False

a. True

The postmodern identity is stable across contexts and over each developmental period.

a. True
b. False

b. False

According to Erikson, intimacy versus identity is the central issue of young adulthood.

a. True
b. False

b. False

Biculturalism is the option that involves leaving behind the ways of one's ethnic group and adopting the values and way of life of the majority culture.

a. True
b. False

b. False

According to research, adolescents spend approximately one-fourth of their time alone.

a. True
b. False

a. True

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