Which of the following is most likely to be related to reduced absences and lower resignation rates

In Indonesia, comfortable living occurs at about $30,000. Based on the measurement of comfortable living, which of the following is most likely to be true?

A) People earning approximately $25,000 are content with their jobs.
B) People earning below $30,000 are as happy with jobs as those earning $35,000.
C) People earning below $30,000 experience a positive correlation between pay and job satisfaction.
D) People earning $50,000 have higher levels of job satisfaction than those earning $40,000.
E) People's earnings have no relation to their job satisfaction if they earn $25,000.

Charles, Anna, Elle, and Adam are college friends and work in New York City. Comfortable living in New York occurs at about $40,000 a year. Charles makes $24,000 a year, Anna makes $30,000 a year, Elle makes $50,000 a year, and Adam makes $75,000 a year. Which of the following is most likely to be true with reference to correlation between pay and job satisfaction?

A) Charles is more satisfied with his job in comparison with Anna.
B) Anna is more satisfied with the job than Adam.
C) Charles and Adam share identical levels of job satisfaction related to pay.
D) Elle and Adam are most likely to have a similar level of job satisfaction.
E) Charles and Anna have the same levels of job satisfaction in relation to their pay.

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Which of the following is most likely to be characteristic of disengaged employees?

Test 1 - MGNT.

Which of the following actions best represents Kiran's high job involvement?

B) Kelly actively takes part in team activities and proactively takes up additional job responsibilities.

Under which of the following conditions is job dissatisfaction most likely to result in turnover quizlet?

Explanation: D) Job dissatisfaction is more likely to translate into turnover when employment opportunities are plentiful because employees perceive it is easy to move.

Which of the following is most likely to be true with reference to correlation between pay and job satisfaction?

Which of the following is most likely to be true with reference to correlation between pay and job satisfaction? Employees with positive core self-evaluations believe in their inner worth and basic competence and are more satisfied with their jobs than those with negative core self-evaluations.


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