Refers to the act of choosing from those that are available most likely to succeed on the job

(Last Updated On: August 26, 2022)

This is the Multiple Choice Questions Part 4 of the Series in Engineering Management as one of the General Engineering and Applied Sciences (GEAS) topic. In Preparation for the ECE Board Exam make sure to expose yourself and familiarize in each and every questions compiled here taken from various sources including past Board Questions in General Engineering and Applied Sciences (GEAS) field.

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⇐ MCQ in Engineering Management Part 3 | Engineering Board Exam

Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

151. A permanent committee that deals with issues on an ongoing basis.

A. Ad hoc committee

B. Standing committee

C. Sinking committee

D. Midget committee

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Answer: Option B


152. Defined as the management function that determines human resource needs, recruits, selects, trains, and develops human resources for jobs created by an organization.

A. Resourcing

B. Recruitment

C. Hiring

D. Staffing

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Answer: Option D


153. An assessment of future human resource needs in relation to the current capabilities of the organization.

A. Forecasting

B. Control

C. Programming

D. Recruitment

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Answer: Option A


154. Refers to translation of the forecasted human resource needs to personnel objectives and goals.

A. Forecasting

B. Control

C. Programming

D. Recruitment

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Answer: Option C


155. This refers to monitoring human resource action plans and evaluating their success.

A. Forecasting

B. Evaluation and Control

C. Programming

D. Recruitment

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Answer: Option B


156. Refers to attracting qualified persons to apply for vacant positions in the company so that those who are best suited to serve the company may be selected.

A. Forecasting

B. Evaluation and Control

C. Programming

D. Recruitment

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Answer: Option D


157. Refers to the act of choosing from those that are available than individuals most likely to succeed on the job.

A. Forecasting

B. Evaluation and Control

C. Selection

D. Training

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Answer: Option C


158. In this staffing procedure, the new employee is provided with the necessary information about the company and will be introduced to the immediate working environment and co-workers.

A. Performance Appraisal

B. Induction and Orientation

C. Training and Development

D. Monetary Rewards

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Answer: Option B


159. Refers to the learning that is provided in order to improve performance on the present job.

A. Performance Appraisal

B. Induction and Orientation

C. Training and Development

D. Monetary Rewards

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Answer: Option C


160. Refers to a movement by a person into a position of higher pay and greater responsibilities and which is given as a reward for competence and ambition.

A. Monetary reward

B. Promotion

C. Demotion

D. Transfer

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Answer: Option B


161. The movement of a person to a different job at the same or similar level of responsibility in the organization.

A. Monetary reward

B. Promotion

C. Demotion

D. Transfer

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Answer: Option D


162. The movement from one position to another which has less pay or responsibility attached to it. It is used as a form of punishment or as a temporary measure to keep an employee until he is offered a higher position.

A. Separation

B. Promotion

C. Demotion

D. Transfer

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Answer: Option C


163. Either a voluntary or involuntary termination of an employee.

A. Separation

B. Transfer

C. Termination

D. Demotion

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Answer: Option A


164. A process of sharing information through symbols, including words and message.

A. Counseling

B. Communication

C. Hypnotism

D. Language

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Answer: Option B


165. Function of communication that can be used for decision-making at various work levels in the organization.

A. Information Function

B. Emotive Function

C. Motivation Function

D. Control Function

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Answer: Option A


166. A function of communication used as a means to motivate employees to commit themselves to the organizations objectives.

A. Information Function

B. Emotive Function

C. Motivation Function

D. Control Function

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Answer: Option C


167. Function of communication that deals when feelings are repressed in the organization, employees are affected by anxiety, which, in turn, affects performance.

A. Information Function

B. Emotive Function

C. Motivation Function

D. Control Function

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Answer: Option B


168. A form of communication transmitted through hearing or sight.

A. Verbal

B. Oral

C. Written

D. Nonverbal

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Answer: Option A


169. A means of conveying message through body language, as well as the use of time, space, touch, clothing, appearance and aesthetic elements.

A. Verbal

B. Oral

C. Written

D. Nonverbal

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Answer: Option D


170. Refers to the process of activating behavior, sustaining it, and directing it toward a particular goal.

A. Suppression

B. Motivation

C. Praising

D. Unification

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Answer: Option B


171. The following are considered as factors contributing to motivation except:

A. Willingness to do a job

B. Self-confidence in carrying out a task

C. Needs satisfaction

D. Inferiority complex

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Answer: Option D


172. The following are considered theories of Motivation except:

A. Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy Theory

B. Expectancy Theory

C. Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory

D. Gagarin’s Theory

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Answer: Option D


173. It is a management function which involves influencing others to engage in the work behaviors necessary to reach organizational goals.

A. Sales talk

B. Motivation

C. Leading

D. Commanding

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Answer: Option C


174. A person who occupies a higher position has power over persons in lower positions within the organization. This describes:

A. Legitimate power

B. Referent power

C. Coercive power

D. Reward power

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Answer: Option A


175. When a person has the ability to give rewards to anybody who follows orders or requests, it termed as:

A. Legitimate power

B. Referent power

C. Coercive power

D. Reward power

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Answer: Option D


176. When a person compels with orders through treats or punishment.

A. Legitimate power

B. Referent power

C. Coercive power

D. Reward power

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Answer: Option C


177. When a person can get compliance from another because the latter would want to be identified with the former.

A. Legitimate power

B. Referent power

C. Coercive power

D. Reward power

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Answer: Option B


178. Which of the following is not a trait of an effective leader:

A. A high level of personal drive

B. Knowledge of the company, industry or technology

C. Charisma

D. Greedy

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Answer: Option D


179. Refers to the process of ascertaining whether organizational objectives have been achieved and determining what activities should then be taken to achieve objectives better in the future.

A. Planning

B. Controlling

C. Evaluation

D. Inspection

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Answer: Option D


180. A type of controlling when the management anticipates problems and prevents their occurrence.

A. Feed forward control

B. Preventive control

C. Concurrent control

D. Feedback control

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Answer: Option A


181. A type of controlling when the operations are already ongoing and activities to detect variances are made.

A. Feed forward control

B. Preventive control

C. Concurrent control

D. Feedback control

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Answer: Option C


182. A type of controlling when information is gathered about a completed activity, and in order that evaluation and steps for improvement are derived.

A. Feed forward control

B. Preventive control

C. Concurrent control

D. Feedback control

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Answer: Option D


183. Refers to any process that accepts inputs and uses resources to change those inputs in useful ways.

A. Operation

B. Production

C. Construction

D. Creation

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Answer: Option A


184. The process of planning, organizing, and controlling operations to reach objectives efficiently and effectively.

A. Planning

B. Operations management

C. Evaluation management

D. Backboning

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Answer: Option B


185. A process of creating a set of product specifications appropriate to the demands of the situation.

A. Product Design

B. Blueprinting

C. Product planning

D. Conceptualizing

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Answer: Option A


186. Refers to forecasting the future sales of a given product, translating this forecast into the demand it generates for various production facilities, and arranging for the procurement of these facilities.

A. Product Design

B. Blueprinting

C. Product planning

D. Conceptualizing

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Answer: Option C


187. The phase of production control involved in developing timetables that specify how long each operation in the production process takes.

A. Plotting

B. Scheduling

C. Timetable

D. Anticipating

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Answer: Option B


188. Refers to the approach that seeks efficiency of operation through integration of all material acquisition, movement, and storage activities in the firm.

A. Work

B. Quality Control

C. Inventory Control

D. Purchasing and Materials Management

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Answer: Option D


189. The process of establishing and maintaining appropriate levels of reserve stocks of goods.

A. Work-Flow Layout

B. Quality Control

C. Inventory Control

D. Purchasing and Materials Management

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Answer: Option C


190. The process of determining the physical arrangement of the production system.

A. Work-Flow Layout

B. Quality Control

C. Inventory Control

D. Purchasing and Materials Management

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Answer: Option A


191. Refers to the measurement of products or services against standards set by the company.

A. Work-Flow Layout

B. Quality Control

C. Inventory Control

D. Purchasing and Materials Management

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Answer: Option B


192. A group of activities designed to facilitate and expedite the selling of goods and services.

A. Advertisement

B. Commercial

C. Marketing

D. Sales

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Answer: Option C


193. The four P’s of marketing are the following except:

A. Product

B. Price

C. Promotion

D. Publicity

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Answer: Option D


194. It includes the tangible (or intangible) item and its capacity to satisfy a specified need.

A. Product

B. Price

C. Promotion

D. Place

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Answer: Option A


195. Refers to the money or other considerations exchanged for the purchase or use of the product, idea, or service.

A. Product

B. Price

C. Promotion

D. Place

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Answer: Option B


196. An important factor for a company to locate in places where they can be easily reached by their customers.

A. Product

B. Price

C. Promotion

D. Place

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Answer: Option D


197. Defined as communicating information between seller and potential buyer to influence attitudes and behavior.

A. Product

B. Price

C. Promotion

D. Place

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Answer: Option C


198. A type of promotion where a paid message appears in mass media for the purpose of informing or persuading people about particular products, services, beliefs, or action.

A. Advertising

B. Publicity

C. Sales promotion

D. Personal selling

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Answer: Option A


199. The promotional tool that publishes news or information about a product, service, or idea on behalf of a sponsor but is not paid for by the sponsor.

A. Advertising

B. Publicity

C. Sales promotion

D. Personal selling

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Answer: Option B


200. A more aggressive means of promoting the sales of a product or service.

A. Advertising

B. Publicity

C. Sales promotion

D. Personal selling

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Answer: Option D


Online Questions and Answers in Engineering Management Series

Following is the list of multiple choice questions in this brand new series:

MCQ in Engineering Management

Complete List of MCQ in General Engineering and Applied Science per topic


What refers to the learning that is provided in order to improve performance on the present job?

Training refers to the learning that is provided in order to improve performance on the present job.

What refers to a process which may be defined as activating behavior sustaining it and directing it toward a particular goal?

MOTIVATION may be defined as the process of activating behavior, sustaining it, and directing it toward a particular goal. Motivation moves people to act and accomplish.

When a person has ability to give rewards to anybody who follows orders or requests?

LEGITIMATE POWER - a person who occupies a higher position has legitimate power over a persons in lower positions within the organization. 2. REWARD POWER – When a person has the ability to give rewards to anybody who follows orders or requests. Rewards may be classified into two forms: Material and Psychic.

Is undertaken to match people with jobs so that the realization of the organization's objectives will be facilitated?

Staffing may be defined as “the management function that determines human resource needs, recruits, selects, trains, and develops human resources for jobs created by an organization. Staffing is undertaken to match people with jobs so that the realization of the organizations objectives will be facilitated.


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