One way in which Hakuseki argument was influenced by long-standing Asian cultural traditions

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How was Hakuseki argument influenced by long standing Asian cultural traditions?

Hakuseki's argument was influenced by Confucianism. Hakuseki's argument that sovereign is Heaven to the subjects and the father is Heaven to the child was influenced by Confucian beliefs. Hakuseki's argument that only the emperor is supposed to serve the Lord of Heaven reflects the beliefs of Confucianism.

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The weakening of the Imperialist Powers during WWI and WWII led to the demise of these nation's abilities to successfully directly rule their colonies. Because they no longer had as much control, people living in the colonies began to campaign for their rights, leading to many specific independent movements.

Which economic factor led to the outbreak of the Mexican Revolution?

“Although noneconomic factors such as government corruption and ethnic tensions contributed to the Mexican Revolution, economic factors such as labor exploitation and economic inequality were the most important factors in sparking the revolution.”

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Westernization led to imperialism and the destruction of traditional political and economic systems in many non-Western countries. The “world revolution of Westernization” disrupted non-Western societies because it led to colonial rule and poverty for many countries in Asia and Africa.


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