In what climate does shifting cultivation predominate what are its two characteristics

The characteristics of shifting cultivation are as follows:

  • Field rotations
  • Fire is used to clear the land
  • Land is kept fallow for a number of years in order to allow regeneration
  • Seeds are sown in the ashes after the first monsoon rainfall;it is usually harvested in september-october.
  • Human labour as the main input
  • Draught animals are not employed

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● <strong>SHIFTING</strong> <strong>CULTIVATION</strong> <strong>1.</strong> <strong>In</strong> <strong>what</strong> <strong>climate</strong> <strong>does</strong> <strong>shifting</strong> <strong>cultivation</strong> predominate? What are its two characteristics? 2. Identify the two hallmarks of the technique of <strong>shifting</strong> <strong>cultivation</strong>. (a) (b) 3 Regarding a swidden… a. <strong>what</strong> is it? b. What is potash? c. How long are swiddens used? 5. How is land owned in a typical village that practices <strong>shifting</strong> <strong>cultivation</strong>? 6a. What percentage of the world’s land area is devoted to <strong>shifting</strong> <strong>cultivation</strong>? 6b. What percentage of the world’s people work it?

  • Page 2 and 3: ● PASTORAL NOMADISM 8. What is pa

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SHIFTING CULTIVATION1. In what climate does shifting cultivation predominate? What are its two characteristics?2. Identify the two hallmarks of the technique of shifting cultivation.(a)(b)3 Regarding aswiddena. what is it?b. What ispotashc. How long are swiddens used?5. How is land owned in a typical village that practices shifting cultivation?6a. What percentage of the world’s land area is devoted to shifting cultivation?6b. What percentage of the world’s people work it??

PASTORAL NOMADISM8. What ispastoral nomadism9. In what type of climate is it usually found?10. What regions of the earth are currently occupied by this practice?11. How do pastoral nomads obtain grain (several ways)?12. What animals are chosen, and where?13. Describe territoriality among pastoral nomads.14. What istranshumance15. In what ways is pastoral nomadism currently threatened by modern governments???

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What climate does shifting cultivation predominate?

Shifting cultivation is a mode of farming long followed in the humid tropics of Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and South America.

Which is a characteristic of shifting cultivation?

The characteristics of Shifting cultivation are field rotation, the absence of fertilisation and draught animals, the use of only human labour, the use of a stick or hoe, and brief rotation periods with extended fallow periods.

In which climate region is shifting cultivation is most commonly found quizlet?

Shifting cultivation is part of the cultural diversity of folk customs in the tropics.

What are two reasons why shifting cultivation is on the decline?

(1) Shifting cultivation is expected to diminish because many new agricultural techniques and inventions such as genetically enhanced seeds, plows, tractors, irrigation systems, and many other things have made other types of agriculture more efficient.


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