In preindustrial societies which of the following groups would have attended school

The anatomical or other biological differences between males and females that originate in human genes

Norms, roles, and behaviors associated in a given society with being male or female

People whose gender identity, expression, or behavior differs from their assigned sex at birth or outside the two gender categories may be categorized as

Socially constructed and dynamic, continuously being learned and relearned

Which of the following is considered the "factory of gendered personalities"?

How early do sociologists believe parents begin socializing their children into gender

At birth, sometimes even in utero

Martin and Fabes (2001) found that young girls who played in all-girl groups affirmed characteristics such as:

a. Encouragement and support

Sociologist C. J. Pascoe (2011) found in her ethnography of teenage boys that they reinforced norms of masculinity and heterosexuality by

Disciplining behavior deemed inappropriate, feminine or otherwise "unmanly" by using homophobic slurs

. Which of the following is not discussed as a common institution in which peers reinforce gender expectations?

The "hidden curriculum" refers to:

The unspoken socialization to norms, values, and roles—including gender roles—that occurs in the classroom

. Which of the following is associated with successful women’s empowerment? a. Higher maternal mortality rates

. The “second shift” refers to

The unpaid housework women typically do after they come home from their paid employment

. Any set of social relationships in which men dominate women

.What landmark legislation required gender equity for men and women in every educational program receiving federal funding?

. The difference between the earnings of women who work full-time year-round as a group and men who work full-time year-round as a group is called:

The federal law that made unequal pay for equal work illegal is called

Definition. Equal Pay Act of 1963

Which of the following is a factual statement?

Women occupied only 18 CEO positions in the Fortune 500 companies in 2012. 

The nearly invisible promotional boost men gain in female-dominated occupations is referred to as:

. The demand or implication that a sexual favor will buy a promotion or just an opportunity to keep your job is:

Referred to as “quid pro quo” sexual harassment

Sexual harassment typically occurs in a situation of unequal power. Which of the following examples does not illustrate this concept?

. A server at a restaurant repeatedly asks a fellow server for a phone number after every shift

Who was the early feminist who coined the term sexuoeconomic relation, describing unhappy heterosexual relationships in which the sexual relationship was also an economic one?

The belief that social equality should exist between the sexes

. Feminism first emerged in the United States

In connection with abolitionism and attempts to end slavery during the 1830s

Which of the following is not true of second wave feminism

The movement was inclusive of women of all races, sexual orientations, and class backgrounds.

Women’s inequality is primarily the result of imperfect institutions, which can be corrected by reforms that do not fundamentally alter society itself. This statement reflects the beliefs of:

Women’s inequality is the result of the combination of capitalistic economic relations and male domination (patriarchy). Both must be fundamentally transformed before women can achieve equality. 

. Feminism should aim to understand and end inequality for all women, regardless of race, class, nationality, age, sexual orientation, physical ability, or other characteristics. This statement reflects the beliefs of:

Women’s inequality underlies all other forms of inequality, including economic inequality. This statement reflects the beliefs of:

The idea that the knowledge we create is conditioned by where we stand—that is, by our subjective social position, is referred to as:

Standpoint epistemology, a philosophical perspective that what we can know is affected by the position we occupy in society, is a major tenet of:

The matrix of domination is a system in which:

. Individuals are viewed as occupying statuses as members of both dominated and dominating groups.

Which of the following is one of David and Brannon’s four "basic rules of manhood"?

. Be a “big deal”: acquire wealth, power, and status

Sociologists do not distinguish between sex and gender—they consider them synonymous concepts.

Transgender people may have heterosexual, lesbian, gay, or bisexual sexual orientation.

Women, on average, score higher than men on the SATs

. Women, on average, graduate high school at higher rates than men

Traditional gender roles are mostly the same in every society.

Unlike other forms of media, video games do not typically portray women in stereotypically feminine roles.

. Anthropological studies have found that inequalities in almost all known societies, past and present, favor men over women.

Prior to marriage, cohabitating men and women perform equal amounts of housework.

. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, ___ % of women aged 24 and older have earned a bachelor’s degree, compared to ____ % of men

In 2011, women working full-time and year-round earned about ___ % of what their male counterparts earned.

Functionalist sociologist Talcott Parsons argued that women were socialized to acquire ___ qualities needed in the private sphere, while men were socialized to acquire ___ qualities needed in the public sphere.

According to the International Labor Organization, about ___ % of forced labor and ___ of sex trafficking victims are women and girls.

One of the goals of ____ was to increase women’s access to athletic teams and academic clubs.

Although a majority of women agree that a glass ceiling exists preventing them from reaching higher positions, very few men acknowledge its existence.

____ perceived the socialization of men and women into sex roles as a positively functional for society, contributing to economic and emotional stability.

Both men and women can be perpetrators and victims of sexual harassment

The glass escalator, the nearly invisible promotional boost men gain in female-dominated occupations, benefits all men, regardless of race.

A 2011 Pew Research Center survey found that women are more likely than men to say college was “very useful” in increasing their knowledge and helping them grow intellectually.

When two or more people live together and have a legally or normatively recognized relationship, this is an example of which of the following social institutions?

Physical or sexual abuse committed by one family member against another is referred to as

Marriages may be legitimized by which of the following

. Religious authorities, legal authorities, and cultural norms

Which of the following is an explanation for declining fertility rates in modern societies?

Children begin to be seen as more of an economic cost rather than a wage-earning benefit

. In preindustrial societies, which of the following marriage patterns was most common? 

In post-industrial societies, serial monogamy describes which of the following

Marriage limited to partners who are members of the same social group or caste are referred to as:

About what percent of new marriages are between spouses of different races or ethnicities?

Which of the following racial groups is most likely to marry outside their race or ethnicity

In the United States, the primary caregiver is often

Biological parents or stepparents

Social groups consisting of one or more parents, children, and other kin, often spanning several generations, living in the same household are referred to as:

Families characterized by parents living with their biological children and apart from other kin are referred to as:

In 2011, about how many children lived in single-parent households?

Which of the following is true of same-sex families

There are over 115,000 same-sex households raising children

What expression does Talcott Parsons use to describe the family

The phenomenon in which the nuclear family supports adult family members emotionally is referred to as:

Personality stabilization

Which of the following is true of marriage in the United States?

The U.S. marriage rate exceeds that of most other modern societies

The phenomenon of dividing production by gender and designating the public sphere to men and the private sphere to women is referred to as:

In her 1982 book The Future of Marriage, Jessie Bernard introduced the concept of:

Which of the following is a feminist critique of marriage?

It gives men privileged access to the rewards of capitalism

The wave of pregnancies and births in the United States that occurred following World War II is referred to as:

The broad discontent born of women’s exclusion from the workplace and their lack of fulfillment in their roles as wives and mothers is referred to as what by Betty Friedan?

The problem that has no name

About what percentage of total U.S. households are made up of traditional nuclear families in 2011?

About what percentage of children lived in two-parent households in 2011?

About what percentage of people in the United States lived alone in 2011?

A relationship in which partners live as if married but without marriage’s formal legal framework is referred to as:

. What is the name of the 1996 federal law that recognized “marriage” as being only a legal union between one man and one woman?

Legal unions that fall short of marriage but provide some state-level legal rights and benefits are referred to as:

Legal unions that provide a circumscribed spectrum of rights and benefits to same-sex couples are referred to as:

. A person who lives, works, worships, and is politically active in one nation, while still maintaining strong political, social, religious and/or cultural ties in other nations, is embodying

Which of the following refers to the practice of one woman having multiple husbands?

According to some studies, which of the following is characteristic of working-class or low-income child-rearing styles, or accomplishment of natural growth?

Issuing directives rather than explanations

As of 2013, total student loan debt now exceeds consumer credit card debt.

Antimiscegenation laws, ruled unconstitutional in 1967, sought to limit marriage to only endogenous relationships between ppl

In most cultures, polyandry is far more common than polygamy.

One explanation for why married couples “match up” in terms of their race, ethnicity, religion, or class is because their “ma

Extended families are more common in Canada, Australia, and Western Europe, while nuclear families are more common in Eastern

In the United States, extended families are more common in lower income households, in rural areas, and among recent migrants

The shift from agricultural to industrial to post-industrial economies has made the family’s economic purpose more central th

Talcott Parsons argued that distinct sex roles clarified the social status of the family, by being derived from the male’s so

Talcott Parsons posited that women are socialized into _____ roles as mothers and wives, while men are socialized into _____

According to Bernard’s analysis, _____ scored highest on stress indicators, while _____ scored lowest on stress indicators.

unmarried women, married women

According to Nancy Chodorow women, are socialized to be _____, seeking close bonds and defining themselves through relationsh

First-generation immigrant women typically have _____ birth rates compared to native-born U.S. women, while second-generation

. An estimated _____ % of deaf people marry others who share their own language and culture.

According to ____, masculinity in boys may thus develop in part as a nonfemininity because of early childhood rejection by th

One explanation for high divorce rates in the United States is our dominant culture, which places a high value on ____.

As of 2013, both marriage and divorce rates are ____.

Which of the following would NOT be considered an example of an international family?

A married woman travels across the Canadian border each day for work

Which of the following is NOT a social role commonly attributed to families

Mass production of goods and services

Which of the following would NOT be considered a sociological definition of marriage?

a. A relationship between two or more

A relationship defined as only being between one man and one woman

Which of the following is NOT characteristic of Native American families?

Higher value on the individual rather than the collective

Which of the following is NOT a macro-level example of the micro-level "devaluation of the feminine" by boys as outlined in C

An employer hiring a male applicant with "leadership" experience over a female applicant with "cooperative" experience

Which of the following would NOT be considered a sociological explanation for increased divorce rates in the United States?

Increased stigma about divorce

What percentage of students who complete high school go on to enroll in a college program

Education is increasingly important for job seekers due primarily to which of the following factors?

Transition to a post-industrial economy

What percentage of students who enroll in college complete a degree?

Which of the following reasons illustrates a micro-level explanation for why education is important?

.Median weekly earnings are higher for those with a college education

The transmission of society’s norms, values, and knowledge base by means of direct instruction is referred to as

School segregation based on residential patterns or student choice, despite the legal segregation being banned, is referred t

. Schools were originally established in the United States for which of the following purposes?

Educating children to read biblical literature

A society in which access to desirable jobs and social status depends on the possession of a certificate or diploma is referr

Which of the following is associated with the highest levels of income

Which of the following is an example of the sociological term "moral education"?

Kindergartners learning how to behave in class.

Which of the following is true of the relationship between race and education

Blacks and Latinos are less likely than Whites to complete their bachelor’s degree within six years of starting

On which of the following points do conflict and functionalist theorists agree?

Education trains people in the dominant norms and values of society.

According to conflict theorists, the "hidden curriculum" is a latent function of education that does which of the following

Socializes members of the working class to accept their class positions

Which of the following is an example of a symbolic interactionist approach to studying education issues?

Observing how certain students perform in class after being labeled as "exceptional

. Which of the following is true of the relationship between education and income?

a. College graduates today are out-earni

College graduates out-earn their peers with only a high school education

. Of the four literacy levels determined by the National Assessment of Adult Literacy (Below Basic, Basic, Intermediate, and

The Supreme Court case that upheld the states’ right to segregate public accommodations is known as:

What method of achieving school integration is known for worsening racial conflict in South Boston?

College graduation rates are higher at private colleges than at public institutions

Which of the following racial minority groups is least likely to attend segregated schools

Which of the following racial minority groups is most likely to attend segregated schools?

. Only about 25% of students today fit the model of full-time, on-campus students supported largely by their parents.

Although access to books at home and early reading experiences are related with higher performance at the early grade level,

Which of the following racial groups is most likely to experience heavy educational debt (defined here as $30,500 or more at

Which of the following is the most common reason cited for why students dropped out of college?

They could not afford to stay enrolled.

During the 2008 global economic recession, which group was most affected by unemployment of the 34 OECD states

Adults without post-high school education

Which of the following is the number one destination for U.S. students who travel abroad?

Of the four literacy levels determined by the National Assessment of Adult Literacy (Below Basic, Basic, Intermediate, and Pr

The ability to read and write at a level sufficient to fulfill everyday practical needs is referred to as:

According to the National Center on Education Statistics (NCES), in 2009, about what percentage of U.S. students dropped out

Universal education systems provided by the government and funded by tax revenues rather than student fees are referred to as

Universal public education emerged out of demands made by labor unions in the 19th century

Following the abolition of slavery, and before Jim Crow law took effect, Black and White children were educated in the same s

Fifty years after the Civil Rights Movement, racial school segregation is no longer a pattern in U.S. society.

A longer school day has been shown to correlate with academic gains

The traditional school year with a summer break was designed to accommodate the needs of families sustained by agriculture

While there is a measurable relationship between higher levels of education and higher levels of income, it is not significan

Those with more education are more likely to participate in the paid labor force and less likely to face unemployment

Although the manufacturing sector has declined significantly, manufacturing jobs are just as likely to be unionized, provide

. Prior to _____, middle- and upper-class children attended private schools to be trained for business and education, while l

universal public education

According to contemporary functionalist perspectives, the transmission of knowledge and skills is a _____ function of educati

. _____ refers to the education of racial minorities in schools that are geographically, economically, and/or socially separa

In the South, school segregation was a result of _____ ; in the North, it was a result of _____.

Jim Crow laws, residential segregation

The Supreme Court case reversed _____ in 1954 when it ruled that segregating public schools was unconstitutional in the case

Plessy versus Ferguson, Brown versus Board of Education of Topeka

. The current U.S. labor market is mostly made up of _____ and _____.

advanced professional occupations that require higher education; part-time, low-pay, low-benefit service jobs

U.S. students attend on average about 180 school days per year, while students in Italy attend ____ days per year and student

Which type of family structure predominated in preindustrial societies?

Extended families, for example, which consist of parents, their children, and other relatives, have a nuclear family at their core and were quite common in the preindustrial societies studied by George Murdock that make up the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample (Murdock & White, 1969)Murdock, G. P., & White, D. R. (1969).

Why is formal education more common in industrial societies than in other societies?

The transition from pre- industrial to industrial society increases the relative importance of formal education because industrial societies rely very heavily on the availability of specialist work skills which cannot be taught informally.

Which generation is considered the most highly educated based upon an increase in the demand for goods and services?

Generation Z students are on track to become the most educated generation. They have higher high school graduation rates and lower dropout rates than those who came before.

Why were marriages an important source of social stability in preindustrial societies?

Why were marriages an important source of social stability in preindustrial societies? A. They insured that families would pay a dowry, thus contributing to the stability of both families' social status.


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