Alec monopoly wer ist das

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Ja! Etsy ist der globale Marktplatz für einzigartige und kreative Produkte, von denen viele von Verkäuferinnen und Verkäufern in Deutschland hergestellt werden. Viele der besonderen Artikel, die du auf Etsy findest, zum Beispiel alec monopoly, können auch nach Deutschland versendet werden.

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In his murals, cavanses, and prints, Alec Monopoly (born Alec Andon) invites his viewers to simultaneously critique and buy into ideas of celebrity, money, and fame. Monopoly often depicts Rich Uncle Pennybags, the suited mascot of the board game …

Maler - Vereinigte Staaten
1985 -

Wer ist Alec Monopoly?

Alec Andon, also know as Alec Monopoly in the art industry, is well know for his street art. Originating from New York City, Alec has worked in urban environments such as Miami, Los Angeles, Mexico, and throughout both Europe and Asia. His artworks implement different techniques and materials such as stencils, spray paint, and epoxies with which he depicts various iconic pop culture characters. 

His fame and professional name comes from the character Mr. Monopoly from the Parker Brothers Monopoly game. Other than his street artwork Alec is also known for his famous pose while hiding his facial identity using his hand or with a surgical mask. 

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Ski Dollar


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 “Alec Monopoly” is the alias of an unidentified graffiti artist, originally from New York City. The artist has worked in the urban environments of New York, Miami, Los Angeles, Europe and throughout Asia using varied materials (including stencils, spray paint, epoxies, varnishes and newspapers) to subversively depict various iconic pop culture characters. Alec Monopoly cites his artistic origins as learning from his mother, an artist, eventually abandoning traditionally academically driven art classes to pursue an individual methodology. Alec and his work have been covered by The Wall Street Journal, London Times, New York Post, Rolling Stone, Playboy Magazine, Billboard Magazine, Vibe, The Huffington Post, Complex Magazine, Juxtapoz and The Dirt Floor in addition to a myriad of art + lifestyle blogs. Paramount Pictures commissioned Alec Monopoly to design the logo for their production company, INSURGE.

Having achieved international renown, he has been commissioned for high-profile projects with The W Hotel, Philipp Plein, TAG Heuer, Vitamin Water, Avicii, and CoverGirl. Unlike other street artists, Monopoly avoids vandalism—often painting on abandoned buildings and warehouses rather than government properties or businesses. His adoption of the board game character Mr. Monopoly as his mascot was inspired by the stockbroker Bernie Madoff and is intended as a criticism of the billion-dollar bailouts and deregulation associated with major banks.


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