According to T.M. luhrmann members of the Vineyard Christian Fellowship evangelical churches

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Terms in this set (59)

An orienting context that is consciously adopted by the actors, somehow pleasurable, and systemically related to what is considered to be the normal or everyday context is called
a. art
b. myth
c. play
d. ritual


According to the text, play displays which of the following concepts in linguistics and cognition?
a. vocal-auditory channel
b. rapid fading
c. openness
d. prescription


Some scholars have proposed that play is connected with
a. developing cognitive and motor skills involving the brain
b. exercise
c. learning
d. all of the above

all of the above

Robert Fagen proposes that play in animals communicates the message
a. "all's well"
b. "back off"
c. "let's cooperate"
d. all of the above

"all's well"

Metacommunication refers to
a. communication systems in advanced societies
b. communication about communication
c. ordinary communication studied out of context
d. such e-mail practices as the sideways smiley faces, for example, :-)

communication about communication

A cognitive boundary that marks certain behaviors as "play" or as "ordinary life" is called
a. framing
b. metacommunication
c. openness
d. reflexivity


Marking the play frame can be done by
a. a dog showing its play face
b. a referee's whistle
c. the phrase "just joking"
d. all of the above

all of the above

Because play offers different ways of thinking about everyday life, it is said to be
a. dangerous
b. fun
c. reflexive
d. relativistic


Critical thinking about the way one thinks is called
a. framing
b. metacommunication
c. openness
d. reflexivity


In an example discussed in the text, Elizabeth Chin claims that when African American girls in New Haven, Connecticut give their white dolls hairstyles like their own, they are
a. fooling themselves about race
b. reconfiguring the boundaries of race
c. demonstrating that race is less important in the United States than some scholars have claimed
d. making an unconscious political statement about their own powerlessness

reconfiguring the boundaries of race

Play with form producing some aesthetically successful transformation-representation is a definition of
a. games
b. art
c. sport
d. ritual


A Javanese artist makes a puppet of the great mythic hero Arjuna out of water buffalo hide for use in the shadow puppet plays called wajang. This is an example of what the text calls
a. transformation-representation
b. aesthetic creation
c. functional design representation
d. formal evaluation


Artists in non-Western societies
a. are divorced from everyday life
b. produce work that is more interesting to Western collectors than it is to the people in their own societies
c. are similar to Western artists in that they are concerned with art for art's sake
d. work with symbols that are of central importance to their societies

are similar to Western artists in that they are concerned with art for art's sake

"Art by intention" includes
a. objects that are found and exhibited
b. objects that have been made for religious purposes
c. objects that are made to be art
d. objects that carry meaning for the people who make them or use them

objects that are made to be art

According to Shelly Errington as cited in the text, "art by appropriation" includes
a. objects that museums decided were art
b. African masks
c. ancestor figures from New Guinea
d. all of the above

all of the above

In today's global art market,
a. people who make primitive or tribal art are no longer tribal
b. most producers of ethnic arts sell their work to wealthy Western collectors
c. producers of ethnic arts have become well-known artists
d. the increased demand for ethnical and tribal arts provides a new and successful economic strategy for tribal peoples

people who make primitive or tribal art are no longer tribal

When Michelle Bigenho tried to assist villagers in copyrighting a cassette of their music, she and the villagers discovered that
a. Bolivian law did not recognize collective ownership of a creative work
b. if the villagers did not take individual ownership of the music, it could only be classified as folklore and therefore belonged to the state
c. to copyright the work would take additional time and a significant amount of additional money
d. both a and b

both a and b

Ian Condry's study of hip-hop in Japan showed that
a. it was an example of the expansion of a popular culture form into another part of the world that Japanese were forced to adopt without changing it
b. Japanese artists and fans have adapted hip-hop so that it is Japanese
c Japanese hip-hop lyrics emphasize the theme that youth need to speak out for themselves
d. Both b and c

Both b and c

Which of the following statements reflects the way anthropologists understand myth?
a. Myths are flawed attempts at science or history.
b. Myths may justify past action, explain action in the present, or generate future action.
c. Myths are tools for overcoming logical contradictions that cannot otherwise be overcome.
d. Both b and c are true.

Both b and c are true.

The term anthropologists use for stories that recount how various aspects of the world came to be the way they are is
a. folktales
b. metaphors
c. myths
d. narrative


When myths and related beliefs that are taken to be self-evident truths are highly codified and deviation from the code is considered a serious matter, we may call this
a. liminality
b. orthodoxy
c. orthopraxy
d. ritual


The anthropologist who argued that myths serve as "charters" or "justifications" for present-day social arrangements was
a. E. E. Evans-Pritchard
b. Claude Lévi-Strauss
c. Bronislaw Malinowski
d. Victor Turner

Bronislaw Malinowski

The Blue people control access to power among the Grugenach people. In the old days, before time began, the Red people had arrived first on the Island, before the Blue people, but they had married their father's sister's daughters, and had so forfeited their rights to power. The Blue people, true to the ways of the ancestors, always married their father's brother's daughters, and so displaced the Red people. This case demonstrates myth being used as
a. a social charter
b. history
c. a structural methodology
d. flawed history

a social charter

The anthropologist who argued that myths are tools for overcoming logical contradictions that cannot otherwise be overcome was
a. E. E. Evans-Pritchard
b. Claude Lévi-Strauss
c. Bronislaw Malinowski
d. Victor Turner

Claude Lévi-Strauss

Which of the following does NOT reflect the anthropological understanding of ritual?
a. Rituals are exclusively religious in nature.
b. Rituals are repetitive social practices composed of a sequence of symbolic activities.
c. Through ritual performance, the ideas of a culture take on a concrete form.
d. Ritual shapes action as well as thought.

Rituals are exclusively religious in nature.

A repetitive social practice composed of a sequence of culturally-recognizable symbolic activities in the form of dance, song, speech, gestures, or the manipulation of objects, set off from the routines of everyday life, and closely connected with a specific set of ideas is known as a
a. ritual
b. myth
c. play
d. art


A ritual that serves to mark the movement and transformation of an individual from one social position to another is called
a. a transformative ritual
b. orthoprax
c. a rite of passage
d. orthodox

a rite of passage

What are the three stages of rites of passage?
a. separation, transition, reaggregation
b. effacement, transition, delivery
c. liberty, equality, fraternity
d. communitas, liminality, marginality

separation, transition, reaggregation

Liminal, from the Latin word limen, means
a. sprite
b. containing
c. transporting
d. threshold


The ambiguous transitional state in a rite of passage in which the person or persons undergoing the ritual are outside their ordinary social positions is called
a. transformativity
b. orthopraxy
c. reaggregation
a. liminality


An intense comradeship in which the social distinctions among participants in a rite of passage disappear or become irrelevant is called
a. liminality
b. communitas
c. transition
d. reaggregation


The movement to ritual is based on the premise of
a. "Let's continue"
b. "Let's make-believe"
c. "Let's believe"
d. "Let's play"

"Let's believe"

Play communicates about _____; ritual communicates about _____.
a. body; mind
b. what should be; what is
c. what can be; what ought to be
d. what is; what will be

what can be; what ought to be

When nearly every act of everyday life is ritualized, and other forms of behavior are forbidden, the term used is
a. liminality
b. orthodoxy
c. orthopraxy
d. ritual


Encompassing pictures of reality created by the members of a particular society are called
a. schemas
b. experiential gestalts
c. worldviews
d. metaphors


The ideas and practices that postulate reality beyond that which is immediately available to the senses are known in anthropology as
a. metaphors
b. worldviews
c. religion
d. orthodoxy


For many anthropologists, using the term "supernatural" in a definition of religion is
a. a problem because it may distort how informants perceive the forces at work in the world
b. a problem because it implies an invisible world
c. necessary in order to capture the distinction between the world human beings can see and the one they cannot
d. necessary because it is found universally

a problem because it may distort how informants perceive the forces at work in the world

When nearly every act of everyday life is ritualized and other forms of behavior are strongly discouraged, anthropologists and religious scholars sometimes speak of
a. worldview
b. orthodoxy
c. orthopraxy
d. secularism


Which of the following is NOT a minimal category of religion, according to Anthony F. C. Wallace?
a. prayer
b. exhortation
c. reflexiveness
d. physiological exercise


The principle that sacred things are to be touched so that power may be transferred refers to which of the following minimal categories of religion?
a. prayer
b. sacrifice
c. mana
d. taboo


Every religious system in the world has a customary way of addressing the supernatural. This feature is captured by the minimal category of religion called
a. prayer.
b. exhortation
c. mana
d. taboo


In some religious systems, certain objects or people may not be touched, or else the cosmic power in them may drain away. This feature is captured in the minimal category of religion called
a. physiological exercise
b. mana
c. sacrifice
d. taboo


Part-time religious practitioners who are believed to have the power to travel or contact supernatural forces directly on the behalf of individuals or groups are known as
a. shamans
b. priests
c. oracles
d. witches


Religious practitioners skilled in the practice of religious rituals, which they carry out for the benefit of the group are known as
a. shamans
b. priests
c. oracles
d. witches


The performance of evil by human beings believed to possess an innate, nonhuman power to do evil, whether or not it is self-aware is called
a. magic
b. oracles
c. witchcraft
d. channeling


A set of beliefs and practices designed to control the visible or invisible world for specific purposes is called
a. magic
b. oracles
c. witchcraft
d. channeling


Invisible forces to which people address questions and whose responses they believe to be truthful are called
a. magic
b. oracles
c. witchcraft
d. channeling


The Azande use chicken for
a. stir fry
b. celebrations
c. detecting witches
d. enhancing the powers of witchcraft

detecting witches

For the Azande, witchcraft
a. consists of spells that must be purchased from other witches
b. is a substance in the body of witches
c. is ordinarily practiced by women
d. is most powerful in important chiefs

is a substance in the body of witches

To the Azande, witches are
a. neighbors
b. antisocial
c. those whose behavior is out of line
d. all of the above

all of the above

An invisible force to which the Azande address questions, and whose responses they believe to be truthful is called a(n)
a. witch
b. magician
c. oracle
d. chief


Witchcraft beliefs, especially witchcraft accusations
a. can serve to unify a society
b. can defend the wider values of a community
c. can weaken in-group ties
d. all of the above

all of the above

According to T. M. Luhrmann, members of the Vineyard Christian Fellowship evangelical churches
a. were searching for a more direct experience of God
b. expected God to answer their prayers
c. the hardest part of prayer training was learning to hear God's part of the communication
d. all of the above

all of the above

According to T. M. Luhrmann, how did members of the Vineyard Christian Fellowship evangelical churches understand prayer?
a. God was to be addressed and listened to in groups of congregants
b. Congregants have to be trained in order to learn how to pray properly
c. Prayer is intended to help congregants find answers to suffering
d. People stay with the church because the theology makes rational sense to them

Congregants have to be trained in order to learn how to pray properly

According to T. M. Luhrmann, members of the Vineyard Christian Fellowship stay with the congregation because
a. prayer helps them find answers to suffering
b. God's friendship becomes its own reward
c. they care about transforming their own suffering, not about explaining why suffering exists
d. both b and c

both b and c

The synthesis of old religious practices with new religious practices introduced from outside is called
a. syncretism
b. revitalization
c. communitas
d. nativism


A conscious, deliberate, and organized attempt by some members of a society to create a more satisfying culture in a time of crisis is known as a
a. syncretism
b. revitalization
c. communitas
d. nativism


A movement whose members expect a messiah or prophet who will bring back a lost golden age of peace, prosperity, and harmony is called
a. syncretism
b. revitalization
c. communitas
d. nativism


Symbols can be used as instruments of power when
a. they are under the direct control of a person wishing to affect the behavior of others
b. they are used for reference or in support of certain conduct
c. some people are able to impose their metaphors on others
d. all of the above

all of the above

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