You worry about whether your teammates will work hard enough to accomplish their tasks for the team.

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Please identify the team performance factor illustrated in the following example.

The rocket launch team failed because the members never believed that they would be able to conduct a successful launch and did not give the project their best effort.

Social facilitation
Team efficacy

Team efficacy

Team efficacy is a team's shared belief that it can organize and execute the behaviors necessary to reach its goals. Trust is our confidence that other people will honor their commitments, especially when it is difficult to monitor or observe the other people's behavior. Teams build trust through repeated positive experiences, commitment to shared goals, and an understanding of team members' needs, motives, and ideas. Social facilitation happens when people are motivated to look good to others and want to maintain a positive self-image.

Identify the stage of group and team development for each example in the following table.

The members of your team understand each other's strengths and weaknesses and flexibly assign tasks to the person able to perform them most effectively.

Control and Organization

In the final stage of group and team development, control and organization, the group works effectively toward accomplishing its goals. Tasks are assigned by mutual agreement and according to ability. In a mature group, the members' activities are relatively spontaneous and flexible to adapt to the group's needs.

Identify the stage of group and team development for each example in the following table.

Arguments over how the team will get its work done have stopped and your team is beginning to perform well.

Motivation and Productivity

In the motivation and productivity stage the emphasis shifts away from personal concerns to activities that will benefit the group. Members perform their assigned tasks, cooperate with each other, and help others accomplish their goals.

Identify the stage of group and team development for each example in the following table.

After the first team meeting you feel like you can trust your teammates and look forward to working with them on the project.

Mutual Acceptance

During the mutual acceptance stage of development team members come to understand how similar their beliefs and values are and the extent to which they can trust one another.

Which team performance factor best describes the following situation?

You have noticed that your team members often stand around unsure about what they should be doing.

Process gain
Process loss


Roles define the behaviors and tasks each team member is expected to perform because of the position he or she holds. Process loss occurs when a team of people working in a group or team together performs worse than the individual members would have if they had worked alone. Process gain refers to the performance improvements that occur because people work together rather than independently.

Use your knowledge of the group and team implementation process
to select the word that best completes the following sentence.

In the _________________________ phase of implementing teams, the focus is on sending the message that management is firmly committed to the move to teams and to training employees in teamwork related skills and competencies.

start up

In the start-up phase of implementing teams, much of the initial training sends the message that top management is firmly committed to teams and that builds employees' teamwork competencies.

Please identify the team performance factor illustrated in the following example.

Because the team members were never able to agree on how to do their assigned task, productivity would have been better if they had just done the work as individuals.

Process gain
Team efficacy
Process loss

Process loss

Process loss occurs when a team of people working in a group or team together performs worse than the individual members would have if they had worked alone. Process gain refers to the performance improvements that occur because people work together rather than independently. Team efficacy is a team's shared belief that it can organize and execute the behaviors necessary to reach its goals.

Identify the stage of group and team development for each example in the following table.

You have noted that conflict in your team has decreased and team members are cooperating and focusing on performing their assigned tasks.

Motivation and Productivity

In the motivation and productivity stage the emphasis shifts away from personal concerns to activities that will benefit the group. Members perform their assigned tasks, cooperate with each other, and help others accomplish their goals.

Identify the stage of group and team development for each example in the following table.

Your team's performance has really taken off as members have become able to help each other and adapt to the team's needs.

Control and Organization

In the final stage of group and team development, control and organization, the group works effectively toward accomplishing its goals. Tasks are assigned by mutual agreement and according to ability. In a mature group, the members' activities are relatively spontaneous and flexible to adapt to the group's needs.

Identify the stage of group and team development for each example in the following table.

Conflict begins to increase as your new teammates try to identify the best goals and norms for your workgroup.

Communication and Decision Making

In the communication and decision making stage, group members discuss their feelings and opinions more openly, which can increase conflict. Members usually begin to develop norms and then discuss and eventually agree on the group's goals. Then they are then assigned roles and tasks to accomplish the goals.

Which team performance factor best describes the following situation?

Your team members do not seem to have confidence that the team will be able to meet its deadline.

Process loss
Team efficacy

Team efficacy

Team efficacy is the team's shared belief that it can reach its goals. Process loss occurs when a team of people working in a group or team together performs worse than the individual members would have if they had worked alone. Roles define the behaviors and tasks each team member is expected to perform because of the position he or she holds.

Use your knowledge of the group and team implementation process to select the word that best completes the following sentence.

In the __________________ phase of implementing teams, intense team loyalty can lead to inter-team conflict and unhealthy competition.

tightly formed teams

In the tightly formed teams phase, teams' internal focus can become detrimental to other teams and to the organization as a whole. Although these teams are often performing well and are confident in their abilities, communication with external teams begins to diminish and inter-team rivalries can create unhealthy competition.

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What is the effective group size in face to face team?

A team of between five and seven people is considered best for the effective participation of all members, but to achieve the range of expertise and skills required, the group may need to be larger.

Which orientation define the work situation in terms of group activities?

Task orientation: Teams require coordination of tasks and activities to achieve a shared aim. Groups do not need to focus on specific outcomes or a common purpose. Degree of interdependence: Team members are interdependent since they bring to bear a set of resources to produce a common outcome.

What is the essence of teamwork?

Collaboration is the essence of teamwork, where everyone involved is clear about the team goal, their individual roles, as well as each other's roles across interdependent functions.

How do you work in a team?

Here are some of our top tips for effective teamwork:.
Make teamwork a priority and reward teamwork. ... .
Clarify roles, responsibilities and accountabilities. ... .
Set clear goals. ... .
Communicate with each other. ... .
Make decisions together. ... .
Build trust and get to know each other better. ... .
Celebrate differences/diversity..

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