Why would the nurse recommend that parents give their child food rich in vitamin A

During a visit to the pediatrician's office, a mother inquires about adding solid foods to the diet of her infant age 6 months. What does the nurse inform the mother?

New foods should be introduced one at a time for a period of five to seven days.

At what period of life do nutrient needs stabilize?

Which laboratory test is the best indicator of a client in need of TPN?

An older adult client has a decubitus ulcer with drainage, dysphagia, and immobility. She consumes less than 300 calories per day and has a large amount of interstitial fluid. The client is in a state of:

negative nitrogen balance

The charge nurse is observing a new nurse care for a client who is receiving a continuous feeding through a nasogastric feeding tube. Which actions by the new nurse would require intervention by the charge nurse?

The new nurse places the client in the left lateral recumbent position.

The nurse is caring for a patient who has dysphagia and is unable to eat independently. While assisting the patient in eating, which of the following actions is most appropriate for the nurse?

Speak to the patient, but reduce the number of distractions while patient is eating.

A nurse is reviewing a client's laboratory values. Which laboratory value would be indicative of a client's level of malnutrition?

A nurse is caring for a client who has a body mass index (BMI) of 26.5. Which category should the nurse understand this client would be placed in?

A nurse is caring for a client who has a malabsorption disease. The nurse should understand that which structure in the gastrointestinal system absorbs the majority of digested food and minerals?

A nurse is learning about religious dietary restrictions at a nursing conference. Which of the following religious meal selections should the nurse understand is appropriate?

A nurse is teaching a client about diabetes and glucose monitoring. What should the nurse include in the teaching?

Blood from the fingertips shows changes in glucose more quickly than other testing sites.

A nurse in a rural health center meets a new client, age 4. The nurse notices as the client enters the clinic that his legs appear to be bowed. When he smiles, the nurse also notes that his dentition is quite malformed for a child his age. What vitamin deficiency would the nurse most suspect?

A nurse is conducting client education with a woman who meets the diagnostic criteria for metabolic syndrome. The nurse is teaching the client about the MyPlate tool for promoting healthy food intake. According to MyPlate, the highest proportion of food in each meal should consist of what?

A client is discussing vitamin and mineral intake with the nurse. Which client statement requires nursing intervention?

"Taking megadoses of vitamins will help me increase muscle mass quickly."

The nurse is caring for a client who refuses most foods on the dietary tray. Which nursing intervention is appropriate?

Assess when the client generally eats meals.

The nurse is caring for four clients. The nurse recognizes that which client's lifestyle choice contributes most highly to risk for development of cardiometabolic syndrome?

28-year old who eats fast food daily

The nurse is caring for four older adult clients. Which does the nurse identify at highest risk for cardiometabolic syndrome?

59-year old with bust, abdomen, and hips of similar proportion

A client with headaches has been told by the healthcare provider to increase intake of dietary magnesium. Which food will the nurse teach the client to consume?

The nurse is teaching four clients in a community health center. Which client does the nurse identify as needing more servings per day of milk?

teenager who is in the second trimester of pregnancy

A postmenopausal client wishes to increase the amount of vitamin D that she consumes to help keep her bones strong. Which food will the nurse recommend?

Upon assessment, the nurse determines the client has a body mass index (BMI) of 45. This finding indicates the client is:

A female client has developed an abscess following abdominal surgery, and her food intake has been decreasing over the past 2 weeks. Which laboratory finding may suggest the need for nutritional support?

The nurse has observed that a client's food intake has diminished in recent days. What intervention should the nurse perform in order to stimulate the client's appetite?

Try to ensure that the client's food is attractive and sufficiently warm.

A client with influenza is prescribed a diet that is rich in fiber and carbohydrates. Which would the nurse incorporate into the education plan as a major reason for the high fiber diet?

maintenance of normal bowel elimination

A woman consumes pasta, grains, and other carbohydrates for which purpose?

A client has just had abdominal surgery, and the nurse is consulting with him about his diet now that he is allowed to eat. Which nutrient is most important for wound healing?

A client who has bleeding tendencies has a deficiency in which vitamin?

A physician orders nutritional therapy administered via a central vein for a patient who cannot take foods orally. What is the term for this type of nutrition?

Total parenteral nutrition (TPN)

You are the nurse caring for a client with an enlarged thyroid gland. You anticipate which nutritional deficiency is linked to the client's condition?

A nurse is caring for a client who has been ordered a clear liquid diet. Which of the following can be included in the client's diet?

A nurse is caring for a client with a nasogastric tube. The nurse enters the room to flush the nasogastric tube and check gastric residual. Which action should the nurse perform first?

Elevate the head of the bed

A nurse is teaching an adolescent client about nutrition following a hospital admission. What should the nurse understand about adolescent nutrition?

Childhood nutrition problems may worsen during adolescence.

A nurse is planning a high-energy diet for a client. What nutrient provides energy to the body and should be increased in the diet?

Which nursing action associated with successful tube feedings follows recommended guidelines?

Check the residual before each feeding or every 4 to 8 hours during a continuous feeding.

Which nursing actions follow guidelines for preventing complications with enteral feedings? Select all that apply.

• Elevate the head of the bed at least 30 degrees during the feeding and for at least 1 hour afterward.
• Flush the tube before and after feeding.
• Clean and moisten the nares every 4 to 8 hours.

A client is prescribed warfarin, an anticoagulant. When educating this client about potential diet and drug interactions, the nurse would caution the client about foods containing which nutrient?

A 16-year-old adolescent informs her nurse that she became a vegetarian 1 year ago. Lately she is reporting fatigue and has trouble concentrating. A quick blood test ordered by her licensed provider informs the nurse that she has pernicious anemia. This is a deficiency of what vitamin?

A nurse is working with a 45-year-old construction worker. The nurse obtains his height and weight and calculates that his BMI is 28. How would the nurse best classify James?

The nurse is helping a client who wishes to increase Omega-3 fatty acids order breakfast. Which food will the nurse recommend?

The nurse is helping a client who eats a normal diet of 2000 calories daily to read a nutritional label on a box of cereal. Which nutrient does the nurse identify as appropriate for this client?

cholesterol less than 300 mg

After reviewing the client's chart, the nurse notes that the client has been ordered a clear liquid diet. Which meal tray would the client be allowed to eat?

Bouillon, apple juice, and gelatin

The average dietary nutrient intake level that meets the nutritional requirement of almost all healthy people in a selected age and gender group is the:

An athlete wants to increase her intake of complex carbohydrates and asks the nurse about potential sources. Which food is considered a complex carbohydrate?

Which of the following is a fat-soluble vitamin?

The nurse is providing education to a client concerning calcium intake. During the discussion the nurse addresses a potential health concern related to inadequate calcium intake. Which condition is most impacted by inadequate calcium intake?

The nurse is providing education about nutrition and feeding to the parent of a toddler. Which statement by the child's parent indicates understanding of the education?

"Boiled eggs and pieces of cheese are good snacks for my child."

The client reports to the nurse that she feels as if her eyes are persistently dry. This symptom is consistent with a deficiency in which dietary element?

A nurse documents a client's hemoglobin as 80 g/L. What nutritional condition does this biochemical data signify?

A nurse is caring for an older adult client who is admitted with failure to thrive. Which laboratory value would the nurse expect to find with this diagnosis?

Blood urea nitrogen 15 mg/dL (5.35 mmol/L)

The nurse is providing teaching for a postoperative client complaining of nausea. Which food would be the most appropriate to recommend?

The nurse is performing a nutritional assessment of an obese client who visits a weight control clinic. What information should the nurse take into consideration when planning a weight reduction plan for this client?

Psychological reasons for overeating should be explored, such as eating as a release for boredom.

The nurse researches factors that may alter nutrition. Which statements accurately describe factors that influence nutritional status? Select all that apply.

• During pregnancy and lactation, nutrient requirements increase.
• Nutritional needs per unit of body weight are greater in infancy than at any other time in life.
• Men and women differ in their nutrient requirements.

A 45-year-old client on the inpatient unit has just resumed eating a normal diet. The nurse checks a blood sugar with the morning labs and the result is 99.10 mg/dL (5.5 mmol/L). How would the nurse interpret this blood glucose?

A 28-year-old woman client is in an outpatient clinic with frequent reports of fatigue. Her physician has prescribed her ferrous sulfate 325 mg to treat iron-deficiency anemia. A nurse is teaching the client about medication administration. What food would be best consumed with her ferrous sulfate?

A nurse is working with a 46-year-old woman who is working to lose weight. Based on recommendations from the USDA regarding diet modification, which is not appropriate advice for this client?

Drink juice for majority of fluid intake

Which clients, at risk for poor nutritional intake, would benefit from nutritional counseling from the nurse? (Select all that apply.)

• pregnant teenagers
• people with substance abuse problems
• older adults living on fixed incomes

A client with diabetes mellitus must monitor carbohydrate intake. Which client statement requires nursing intervention?

"My favorite drink is coffee with sugar."

The community nurse is educating client groups about nutrition. Which group does the nurse identify that will benefit most from nutritional counseling and intervention?

older adults living on a fixed income

A client is discussing vitamin and mineral intake with the nurse. Which client statement requires further nursing teaching?

"My husband and I are ordering a product that has megadoses of vitamins."

The nurse is caring for a client who is vegetarian. Which foods rich in calcium will the nurse recommend? (Select all that apply.)

• fortified soy yogurt
• bok choy
• kale
• turnip greens

A nurse is establishing an ideal body weight for a 5'9" (175 cm) healthy female. Based on the rule-of-thumb method, what would be this client's ideal weight?

A 40-year-old man has consumed a breakfast consisting of cereal, milk, orange juice, and coffee. His blood sugar in 2 hours is likely to be in what range?

Which vitamin is found only in animal foods?

A client is reporting cracking fissures in the corner of her mouth. Which instruction should the nurse include in the information provided to the client?

Increase intake of eggs and milk

The nurse is caring for a client with an enlarged thyroid. What nutritional deficiency is linked to an enlarged thyroid?

A nurse provides discharge education for a client diagnosed with ketosis. Which nutrient would be added to this client's diet?

The nurse is caring for a client who has been experiencing prolonged wound healing from a surgical procedure. A deficiency in which nutrient would be associated with this condition?

The nurse is caring for a client with malnutrition due to protein deficiency. Which of the following foods should be included in this client's diet?

A client resides in a long-term care facility. Which nursing intervention would promote increased dietary intake?

Encourage the client to eat in the dining room

A client is receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN). The nurse will assess for complications related to what?

Fluid and electrolyte levels

A nurse is caring for a client who has been admitted on the medical surgical unit. Which statement by the nurse about obtaining an initial weight is correct?

"I need to get your weight at this time with our scales."

A nurse is caring for a client who has a nasointestinal tube inserted. The nurse is checking placement using gastric aspirate to check the pH level. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect if the tube is in the duodenum?

Which nursing action is performed according to guidelines for aspirating fluid from a small-bore feeding tube?

If fluid is obtained when aspirating, measure its volume and pH and flush the tube with water.

The nurse is caring for four older adult clients. Which does the nurse identify as highest risk for cardiometabolic syndrome?

70-year old with a body mass index (BMI) of 34.8

When a client provides a return demonstration of appropriate food selections for carbohydrates, which food does the nurse acknowledge as rich in carbohydrates? (Select all that apply.)

Which nursing student statement regarding vegetarian diets requires further teaching from the nursing instructor?

"According to research, vegetarians have a higher incidence of obesity than others."

The nurse is educating a client with anemia about increasing iron in the diet. Which foods will the nurse teach the client that are high in iron? (Select all that apply.)

• liver
• egg yolks
• tofu
• spinach

After a teaching session regarding dietary choices of carbohydrates, which client responses indicate correct understanding of the foods to limit in the diet? Select all that apply.

• rice
• wheat germ
• corn on the cob
• apple

A nurse teaches a student nurse about the role fats play in the human body. What is the major storage form of fat?

A client who is taking supplements complains of severe flushing and itching an hour after ingestion. The nurse is aware that the supplement is most likely?

A nurse is caring for a client who has a decrease in appetite. Which actions by the nurse would be appropriate?

Assist with oral hygiene before serving the meal tray.

A nurse is caring for a client who had an appendectomy earlier in the day. The client now has bowel sounds and is passing flatus. Which food is appropriate for the nurse to serve to the client at this time?

A nurse is caring for a client receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN). Which should the nurse educate the client about regarding TPN therapy? Select all that apply.

• TPN has three primary components: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
• TPN has a high glucose concentration.
• TPN requires a PICC line or central venous access.

The nurse is assessing clients for basal metabolic rate (BMR). Which client would the nurse suspect would have an increased BMR?

Which clients would the nurse expect to have an increase in basal metabolic rate (BMR)? Select all that apply.

• a toddler who is having a growth spurt
• an adolescent who has a fever
• an adult who is going through an emotional time due to divorce

A nurse is teaching a client how to use the information on food labels to facilitate a healthy diet. The nurse has shown the client the label on a can of condensed soup, which states that a serving of the soup contains 46% of the daily value of sodium. What conclusion should the client draw from this information?

A bowl of this soup contains nearly half of the sodium that the client should consume during a day.

The nurse is caring for a client who is pregnant. Which nutrition education will the nurse provide?

More servings of milk daily will be required.

A nursing student is teaching healthy nutrition to a client who is vegetarian. Which statement by the nursing student requires the nursing instructor to intervene?

"Obesity is closely linked with vegetarianism."

The nurse is providing care for a patient whose abdominal fistula has necessitated the use of total parenteral nutrition (TPN). What action should the nurse implement in the care of this patient?

Use a pump to administer the patient's TPN.

The nurse is caring for a client on a telemetry unit following a myocardial infarction. The client has undergone numerous medication changes since the event. Which food should be avoided when a client is taking warfarin sodium following a myocardial infarction?

A client has developed dysphagia secondary to a cerebrovascular accident. The nurse is aware that the client is at risk for:

A client has a nursing diagnosis of Imbalanced Nutrition, Less Than Body Requirements. The client's expected outcome is:

to consume 80% of diet tray for each meal.

The nurse is caring for a client who wishes to include more antioxidant and anti-inflammatory foods in the diet. Which food will the nurse recommend? (Select all that apply.)

The nurse is teaching an older adult client about different types of proteins that can be eaten. Which food will the nurse identify that contain dietary protein? (Select all that apply.)

• beans
• nuts
• poultry
• fish

The nurse is caring for four clients. Which client does the nurse assess to be at highest risk for cardiac and vascular disease?

client with total cholesterol of 210 mg/dL, HDL 40 mg/dL

The nurse is teaching a client about ways in which to reduce sodium in the diet. Which foods will the nurse recommend that the client avoid? Select all that apply.

• cured ham
• table salt
• bacon

Which food with a nurse recommend for a child who is at risk for developing rickets?

To prevent rickets, make sure your child eats foods that contain vitamin D naturally — fatty fish such as salmon and tuna, fish oil and egg yolks — or that have been fortified with vitamin D, such as: Infant formula. Cereal.

Which food with the nurse recommend for a child who is at risk for developing rickets quizlet?

Which food should the nurse recommend for a toddler-age client who is at risk for developing rickets? A calcium and vitamin D deficiency causes rickets; therefore, the nurse should recommend yogurt for the toddler who is at risk.

Which recommendation would the nurse provide a parent who asks when it is safe to transition a toddler from crib to a bed?

Most experts recommend making the crib-to-bed transition after your child turns 3. “Before the age of 3, many children do not have the behavioral control or understanding to stay within the imaginary boundaries of a bed, and it's not fair to expect them to stay in a bed when it's beyond their abilities,” said Dr.

Which response would the nurse recommend when a 3 year old child hits their parent and laughs?

While caring for a 3-year-old child, the nurse finds that the toddler hits the parent and laughs. What is the appropriate reaction to the toddler in this situation? Tell the child to stop hitting, because hitting hurts others. Tolerate the child's behavior until the hitting stops.


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