Who makes the final decision on how long to keep an active or closed patient files in the office before sending them to storage?


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treat a title as the last filing unit
How often should the office tickler file be checked? daily
Files of patients who have died, moved away, or for some reason no longer consult the office are considered ____. closed files
Security drills ____. keep staff aware of security risks
Numeric systems are known as _______ filing systems. indirect
What does a retention schedule detail? When files should be moved to a storage area and how long they should be kept
Which of the following specifies how long to keep different types of patient records in the office after the files have become inactive or closed? Retention schedule
When labeling medical records for an alphabetic filing system, which of the following sequences should you use? last name, first name, middle name, title
What constitutes an active file, as opposed to an inactive file? criteria established by each individual practice
records management system
The method of organizing the medical record that places the most recent documents in the patient’s record on top of documents with earlier dates is known as which of the following? reverse chronological
Who decides which patient files that are inactive or closed to keep in the medical office before sending to storage? practitioner
What is the most common filing system used in a numeric filing system? terminal digit
Medical practices use ____ files to avoid losing track of important dates. tickler
A numeric filing system ____. may include numbers that indicate where in the filing system a file can be found
The first step in the filing process is ____. inspecting
Which of the following is used when there is a need to distinguish files within a filing system? color-coding
When counting the years in a retention schedule, you should begin counting ____. from the year after the file was produced
What should you use when you need to distinguish files within a filing system? color-coding
The filing system that is used when patients' names must be kept confidential is ____. numeric

Who decides which patient files that are inactive or closed to keep in the medical office before sending to storage?


What constitutes an active file as opposed to an active file?

What constitutes an active file as opposed to an inactive file? Closed files. File of patients who have died moved away or for some reason no longer consults the office are considered? The original documents are preserved for possible use in legal proceedings.

What is a closed file quizlet?

closed file. files of patients who have died, have moved away, or for some other reason no longer come to the office. compactible file.

What is the name of the filing method in which files are arranged by the patients last name?

*Alphabetic filing is the traditional filing system for medical offices. According to the filing rules and indexing rules, medical records are filed alphabetically using each patient's last name, first name and middle initial as the first three filing units.


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