Who decides how and when data in an organization will be used or controlled who is responsible for seeing that these decisions are carried out?

Who decides how and when data in an organization will be used and or controlled? Who is responsible for seeing these wishes are carried out? Control and use of data in the Data owners are responsible for how and when data will be used, Data users are working with the data in their daily jobs.

  • What is an EISP and what purpose does it serve?
  • Who should lead a security team should the approach to security be more managerial or technical?
  • Who is ultimately responsible for the security of information in the organization quizlet?
  • What is enterprise in information security?
  • What is system specific security SysSPS?
  • What three purposes does the ISSP serve?
  • Why is information security a management problem what can management do that technology Cannot?
  • What is the paper that started the study of computer security?
  • What is the difference between vulnerability and exposure?
  • Who is ultimately responsible for managing technology and for enforcing policy quizlet?
  • How has computer security evolve into modern information security?
  • Why is the CIA triad incomplete?
  • What is authenticity cryptography?
  • Which of the following is the principle of management that develops creates and implements strategies for the accomplishment of objectives?
  • Which of the following ensures that the data in transit is complete original and uncorrupted?
  • What is technology security?
  • What is enterprise security management?
  • What is the purpose of a SysSP?

What is an EISP and what purpose does it serve?

EISP is used to determine the scope, tone and strategic direction for a company including all security related topics. This policy should directly reflect the goals and mission of the company. The ISSP is used to guide employees on the use of specific types of technology (such as email or internet use).

Who should lead a security team should the approach to security be more managerial or technical?

The team should be led by security professionals/experts. It’s more efficient to approach security from a managerial perspective as managers are able to make and implement better decisions than technology can.

Who is ultimately responsible for the security of information in the organization quizlet?

15. Who is ultimately responsible for the security of information in the organization? The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is primarily responsible for the assessment, management, and implementation of information security in the organization.

What is enterprise in information security?

Enterprise security is the process by which an organization protects its information assets (data, servers, workstations, storage, networking, applications, etc.) from infringement of confidentiality, integrity, or availability.

What is system specific security SysSPS?

This lecture is on Systems-specific Security Policies or SysSPS. SysSps are policies designed to guide in the configuration of an organization’s technology. They provide guidance on how to implement the technology so that it benefits the organization and doesn’t interfere with operations.

What three purposes does the ISSP serve?

What three purposes does the ISSP serve? Addresses specific areas of technology, such as authorized and prohibited usage of equipment, policies, liability, and systems management. Requires frequent updates. Contains a statement on the organization’s position on specific issues.

Why is information security a management problem what can management do that technology Cannot?

What can management do that technology alone cannot? Information security is a management problem because management is the one who authorizes new technology, makes security policies, and enforces said policies. Technology won’t work if policy is not used to enforce its use.

What is the paper that started the study of computer security?

Thus, by 1967 the Department of Defense of USA published the R-609 which is considered as the first step in the wide world of Information security including Securing the data, Limiting random and unauthorized access to that data and Involving personnel from multiple levels of the organization in information security.

What is the difference between vulnerability and exposure?

What is the difference between vulnerability and exposure? Vulnerability is a fault witin the system, such as software package flaws, unlocked doors or an unprotected system port. It leaves things open to an attack or damage. Exposure is a single instance when a system is open to damage.

Who is ultimately responsible for managing technology and for enforcing policy quizlet?

Policy has the ultimate responsibility for managing technology. System administrators and users are responsible for enforcing policy. Based on NIST Special Publication 800-14, there are three types of information security policies.

How has computer security evolve into modern information security?

How has computer security evolved into modern information security? Computer security consisted of securing a system’s physical location with badges, keys, and facial recognition. To ensure total security, the information itself, as well as the hardware used to transmit and store it, needed to be protected.

Why is the CIA triad incomplete?

What makes the CIA Triad obsolete and incomplete? It is obsolete because it is information security–centric, and it only considers there to be three categories of threats against security, and which only require three services to defend against those threats.

What is authenticity cryptography?

Cryptographic methods protect for confidentiality, authenticity, and integrity. Authenticity is proving who you are, and integrity is protecting the data from unauthorized changes.

Which of the following is the principle of management that develops creates and implements strategies for the accomplishment of objectives?

The process that develops, creates, and implements strategies for the accomplishment of objectives is called planning.

Which of the following ensures that the data in transit is complete original and uncorrupted?

Data integrity is the assurance that digital information is uncorrupted and can only be accessed or modified by those authorized to do so.

What is technology security?

Computer security, cybersecurity, or information technology security (IT security) is the protection of computer systems and networks from information disclosure, theft of or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.

What is enterprise security management?

Enterprise Security Management is the process of controlling configuration, deployment, and monitoring of security policy across multiple platforms and security point products. Security Problems and Threats. Security problems and threats are a major reason for using ESM across an organization.

What is the purpose of a SysSP?

The SysSP Explained The SysSP is more like a manual of procedures for how systems should be configured or maintained. For example, in our lesson’s opener, Jordan was using an SysSP to determine how to select and set up her company’s firewall.

Who is responsible for data in an organization?

Who is Responsible for Implementing a Data Management System? The IT department is typically responsible for implementing a data management system. This is usually overseen by a CDO or the lead on the project. However, a company may also choose to outsource the data management implementation process.

Who decides what to do with the data?

The data controller determines the purposes for which and the means by which personal data is processed. ... .
Your company/organisation is a joint controller when together with one or more organisations it jointly determines 'why' and 'how' personal data should be processed..

Who is ultimately responsible for the organization's information security?

A company's CISO is the leader and face of data security in an organization. The person in this role is responsible for creating the policies and strategies to secure data from threats and vulnerabilities, as well as devising the response plan if the worst happens.

What is the role of data in an organization?

Data allows organizations to more effectively determine the cause of problems. Data allows organizations to visualize relationships between what is happening in different locations, departments, and systems.