Which time of day is considered most appropriate to schedule an appointment for a young child?

The first two years of your baby’s life will be packed with more magical milestones than you can even imagine — from the first coos to the first giggles, steps and words. The skills your newborn will develop in what seems like a blink of an eye will not only make you fall in love every step of the way, but will also prepare your precious bundle for the momentous accomplishments that lie ahead.

You’ll be a vital part of your baby’s wellness, both emotional and physical, of course — nurturing, encouraging and protecting your little one like no one else can. But you’ll also have a vital partner in your baby’s health, one you’ll likely see a lot of during the first few years: your baby’s doctor.

What are well-baby visits and why are they so important?

Well-baby visits with your baby’s doctor or another pediatric health care provider give you an opportunity to check in regularly to make sure your baby is growing, feeding and developing as she should, and that she’s getting the childhood vaccines she’ll need to prevent life-threatening diseases.

They’ll also give you a welcome chance to get answers to the many questions about your baby (you know, the ones about how long she should sleep, how much she should eat, what you can do about all that crying, how often she should be pooping ... and, yes, what color and consistency that poop should be) that you’ve stored up since the last visit.

When will my child's well-baby visits happen?

Your baby’s first official checkup (and first immunization) will take place at the hospital. After that, well-baby visits are scheduled throughout the first two years at:

  • The first week (usually a couple of days after you’re discharged from the hospital)
  • 1 month
  • 2 months
  • 4 months
  • 6 months
  • 9 months
  • 12 months
  • 15 months
  • 18 months
  • 24 months

While this schedule follows recommendations by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), your baby's doctor may vary it. It may still sound like a lot of trips to the doctor just for wellness, without even counting those inevitable visits for runny noses and upset tummies. And it is.

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Yet well-baby visits are worth it — not only for the reassuring report your baby will likely get each time, but also for the comfort of knowing that your baby’s doctor will be able to spot, treat and usually remedy any little problems before they get bigger. And while no parent looks forward to their infant getting a shot, staying on top of the recommended immunizations is one of the best ways to make certain your baby (and the rest of the children in your community) stays healthy.

What you can expect at well-baby visits

As your baby’s first year progresses, you’ll probably find yourself looking forward to well-baby visits. They’re an opportunity to see just how much your little one has grown and developed — and to get reassurance regarding any concerns (from sleep habits to crying) that have come up since your last visit.

Though every well-baby visit may differ slightly, your doctor (or sometimes a nurse) will do most of the following at each appointment:

  • Give you a chance to ask the baby-related questions (don’t forget to write them down!) that you’ve had on your mind since the last visit
  • Ask about how you and baby are doing, and about baby’s feeding, sleeping and development
  • Measure your baby’s weight, length and head circumference (and plot those measurements on a growth chart to track baby’s progress)

He or she will also complete a physical exam that will check your baby's:

  • Belly, by gently pressing to feel for anything out of the ordinary
  • Heartbeat and breathing with a stethoscope
  • Hips, legs, arms, back and spine to make sure they’re moving, growing and developing normally
  • Eyes
  • Ears and nose (with an otoscope)
  • Mouth and throat
  • Neck and underarms, gently pressing on lymph glands located there
  • Fontanelles (the soft spots on the head)
  • Genitals for hernias or undescended testicles (and the doctor may also check the femoral pulse in the groin for a strong, steady beat)
  • Skin color and tone (and any rashes or birthmarks)
  • Reflexes specific to your baby’s age

Before wrapping up your well-baby visit, your doctor or a nurse will administer any scheduled vaccines. Your doctor may leave this step for last so your baby will be as happy and relaxed as possible during the exam — and you’ll be able to concentrate on your conversation with the doctor. Also, with your questions already asked and answered, you’ll be able to focus on comforting your little one after the shot (which can of course cause momentary pain).

Tips on making the most of well-baby visits

Wondering how you’ll manage to wrangle a wriggly newborn while still remembering all the questions you wanted to ask the pediatrician (not to mention the answers you’ll get)? Two words: Come prepared. And follow these tips:

Time it right

It’s not always possible to schedule appointments to avoid nap times, mealtimes and fussy times — especially when your infant doesn’t have anything approximating a predictable routine yet. But if you can and your pediatrician’s office or health care clinic offers flexibility, schedule your visits to the doctor when your little one is likely to be well-rested, well-fed and at his most cheerful (or least cranky).

Also key: Find a time of day when the office is least likely to be packed. Usually offices are the busiest after school or before work, but this varies from office to office, so ask before you book. Scheduling the first appointment of the day or the first after lunch often minimizes your wait time.

Make a checklist

Your insurance card, plenty of diapers, a change of clothes, a burp cloth, a pacifier: Check, check and check. Put your gear in order the night before with a checklist, and getting out the door on time will be much less stressful. Here’s what you’ll want to bring:

  • Up-to-date insurance information
  • A change of clothes
  • Diapers and wipes
  • Burp cloths
  • A blanket to put over crinkly exam-table paper
  • A favorite toy, blanket or comfort object
  • A ready-to-serve bottle, if you’re bottle-feeding
  • Snacks, if your baby’s on solid foods
  • Snacks for you (low blood sugar isn’t sweet when you’re under stress!)
  • A nursing cover, if you use one
  • A teething ring and/or pacifier (and a spare)
  • A list of questions and concerns for the doctor
  • A list of baby’s skills so far — plus, for a newborn, a record of sleep, dirty diapers and feedings
  • Your baby’s medical history, if you’re visiting a new doctor

Write down your questions

Keep a running list of non-urgent questions and concerns on your phone so you’ll have them ready when the doctor asks, "Any questions or concerns?"

From "how much weight should my baby be gaining?" to "when will she start sleeping through the night?" and "am I burping her right?," well-baby visits are your chance to get the advice and reassurance you’re craving. And if you’ve run into a breastfeeding roadblock, your pediatrician or a trained lactation consultant in the office or through referral can help you troubleshoot and get back on the road to success.

Have some answers, too

Nobody knows your baby better than you do. That’s why the doctor will want you to rattle off a list of your baby’s milestones (so be ready to brag). Keep a note on your phone (or use a tracking app) to help track your little one’s hours spent sleeping, time and duration of feedings, and number of wet and dirty diapers each day. All of these will be especially important to report in the early months.

Dress baby for success

Since your baby will be getting undressed for his checkup, think easy-off, easy-back-on when it comes to his outfit. That onesie with lots of snaps may be adorable, but it won’t be so cute when you’re in a rush and your infant is getting restless or squirmy. The same goes for snug clothes that are tricky to pull over baby’s head or off those constantly moving legs. And don’t forget that backup outfit!

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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