Which statement made by the nursing student indicates a need for further teaching by the nursing instructor on the concept of ethnocentrism?


African-American food preferences usually include chicken, pork, greens, rice, and fried foods. Asian-Americans eat raw fish, rice, and soy sauce. Hispanic-Americans prefer beans, fried foods, spicy foods, chili, and carbonated beverages. European-Americans prefer carbohydrates and red meat.)


(Asian-American food preferences usually include raw fish, rice, and soy sauce. African-American food preferences include chicken, pork, greens, rice, and fried foods. Hispanic-Americans prefer beans, fried foods, spicy foods, chili, and carbonated beverages. European-Americans prefer carbohydrates and red meat.)


The Amish society maintains a culture that is distinct and separate from the non-Amish society, but they are not completely secluded especially in their own community and Amish families help each other. Family life has a patriarchal structure, and although the roles of women are considered equally important to those of men, they are very unequal in terms of authority. Amish society rejects materialism and worldliness. Members value living simply, and they may choose to avoid technology, such as electricity and cars. They highly value responsibility, generosity, and helping others, and they often work as farmers, builders, quilters, and homemakers. The Amish use traditional health care and alternative health care, such as healers, herbs, and massage. They believe that health is a gift from God but that clean living and a balanced diet help maintain it. They may choose not to have health insurance and instead maintain mutual aid funds for those members who need help with medical costs. Funerals are conducted in the home without a eulogy, flower decorations, or any other display. Caskets are plain and simple, without adornment. At death, women are usually buried in their bridal dresses.)

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Chinese-Americans may be uncomfortable with face-to-face conversations. They may prefer to sit side-to-side or at right angles to carry on conversation. Among American Indian, Chinese, and Japanese cultures, silence is sometimes used to allow the listener to consider what the speaker has said before continuing. Maintaining eye contact may be considered ill-mannered and disrespectful. In Eastern cultures including Chinese, East Indian Hindu, Filipino, and Korean, schedules and time may be much more flexible concepts. Some Asians will spend a lot of time getting to know someone and will view abrupt endings to a conversation as rude. Although touch is possibly acceptable among same-sex acquaintances, touching in public between opposite sexes is not acceptable.)

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Communication involves nonverbal messages, which include touch, facial expressions, eye behavior, body posture, and the use of space. Nonverbal communication is powerful and honest, its importance and meaning vary among cultures; therefore, it is essential that the nurse has an awareness of the role that nonverbal cues may have in the communication process. Intonation is specific to verbal communication.)

What is the most serious negative effect of a nurse maintaining ethnocentric views but not recognizing and acknowledging this?

If the nurse is ethnocentric, he or she may not communicate effectively because of his or her ethnocentrism, and this can lead to impaired relationships and interference with the effectiveness of nursing interventions.

Which dietary rule would the nurse expect a client who practices Orthodox Judaism to follow select all that apply?

In the Orthodox Jewish tradition, members avoid meat from carnivores, pork products, and certain fish. The nurse should not deliver the food tray to the client and should ask the dietary department to deliver a different meal.

When assessing a patient from a different culture what is the most important are to consider?

Terms in this set (10) When assessing a patient from a different culture, what is the most important area to consider? It is important to determine whether the nurse and patient can understand what the other is saying. It may be possible to find an interpreter in the event of a language barrier.

Which meal tray should the nurse deliver to a client of Orthodox Judaism faith who follows a kosher diet?

Which meal tray should the nurse deliver to a client of Orthodox Judaism faith who follows a kosher diet? Sweet and sour chicken with rice and vegetables, mixed fruit, juice.


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