Which physical examination technique is the nurse performing when using the bell of a stethoscope to hear a patients heart sounds quizlet?


While assessing a patient's rectum and vagina, the nurse should ask the patient to assume Sims' position, not prone position, because this position improves the exposure of rectal area. While assessing a patient's heart, the nurse should ask the patient to assume lateral recumbent position, because this position facilitates easy detection of murmurs. While assessing a patient's abdomen, the nurse should ask the patient to assume dorsal recumbent position, because this position promotes relaxation of abdominal muscles. While assessing a patient's musculoskeletal system, the nurse should ask the patient to assume prone position, because this position provides easy access to the extension of hip joint, skin, and buttocks.


While assessing the sensory function of position in the patient, the nurse grasps a finger and holds it by its sides with the thumb and index finger. Then, the nurse alternates moving the finger up and down, asking the patient to state when the finger is up or down. This process is repeated with the toes. The nurse applies the sharp and blunt ends of a paper clip or a broken cotton applicator to the surface of the patient's skin and notes the areas of numbness or increased sensitivity, while assessing the patient's ability to feel pain. The nurse touches the patient's skin with hot and cold test tubes, asking the patient to identify hot or cold sensations, while assessing the patient's ability to sense temperature. The nurse applies the stem of a vibrating fork to the distal interphalangeal joint of the patient's fingers and the interphalangeal joint of the great toe, the elbow, and the wrist, and has the patient voice when and where the patient feels vibration, while assessing the patient's ability to feel vibration.


Cranial nerve IX is the glossopharyngeal nerve, which is associated with taste and the ability to swallow. To test the functioning of this nerve, the nurse asks the patient to identify a sour or sweet taste on the back of the tongue, and also uses a tongue blade to elicit the gag reflex. Cranial nerve X is the vagus nerve, which is responsible for the sensation of the pharynx, movement of the vocal cords, and parasympathetic innervation to the glands of mucous membranes. Cranial nerve VII is the facial nerve, which is associated with taste and the ability to swallow. To assess the functioning of this nerve, the nurse has the patient identify a salty or sweet taste on the front of the tongue. Cranial nerve VIII is the auditory nerve, responsible for the sensation of hearing. During the neurological examination, the nurse would assess the patient's ability to hear spoken words.


Resonance is a loud, low-pitched, hollow sound normally percussed over an area that is part air and part solid, which is expected over normal lung fields. Hyper-resonance is a very loud, low-pitched sound that is normally heard in lungs with a lot of air such as in emphysema. Tympany is a very loud, high-pitched, drumlike sound that is heard over an air-filled structure, such as the stomach. Dullness is a medium-pitched, thudlike sound that is percussed over solid tissue such as the liver.

ANS: Warm the hands first before touching the patient., Start with light palpation to detect surface characteristics., Use the fingertips to examine skin texture, swelling, pulsation, and presence of lumps., Identify any tender areas, and palpate them last.

Always warm the hands before beginning palpation. Use intermittent pressure rather than one long continuous palpation; identify any tender areas, and palpate them last. Fingertips are used to examine skin texture, swelling, pulsation, and presence of lumps. Use the dorsa (backs) of the hands to assess skin temperature because the skin on the dorsa is thinner than on the palms.

Cognitive-perceptual pattern

Health-perception-health-management pattern
Assessment of the cognitive-perceptual pattern involves a description of all senses (vision, hearing, taste, touch, and smell) and the cognitive functions, with pain included as a sensory perception. Activity-rest pattern, self-perception-self-concept pattern, and health-perception-health-management pattern don't involve vision and hearing.Test-Taking Tip: A psychologic technique used to boost your test-taking confidence is to look into a mirror whenever you pass one and say out loud, "I know the material, and I'll do well on the test." Try it; many students have found that it works because it reduces "test anxiety."

Inspection is the only technique that is used when assessing every body part and system. Palpation is the use of touch to assess texture, temperature, moisture, size, shape, location, position, vibration, crepitus, tenderness, pain, and edema. Percussion is used to illicit sound or determine tenderness. Auscultation is used to listen to sounds. Palpation, percussion and auscultation are not used to assess every body part or system.

The knee-chest position is useful for examining the rectum. In this position, the client kneels on the examination table with the weight of the body supported by the chest and knees. In the prone position, the client lies down on the abdomen with the head to the side. The prone position is used primarily to assess the hip joint. In the supine position, the client lies down with the legs together on the examination table. This position allows the abdominal muscles to relax and provides easy access to peripheral pulse sites. Areas assessed with the client in this position may include the head, neck, chest, breasts, axillae, abdomen, heart, lungs, and all extremities. In the dorsal recumbent position, the client lies down on the examination table or bed with the knees bent, the legs separated, and the feet flat on the table or bed. Areas that may be assessed with the client in this position include the head, neck, chest, axillae, lungs, heart, extremities, breasts, and peripheral pulses.

Palpation is the use of touch to assess texture, temperature, moisture, size, shape, location, position, vibration, crepitus, tenderness, pain, and edema. Inspection is used to conduct the general survey, observing for body positioning, appearance, and behavior. Percussion is used to illicit sound or determine tenderness. Auscultation is used to listen to sounds.

Sets found in the same folder

Which physical examination technique is the nurse performing when using the bell of a stethoscope to hear a patient's heart sound?

4. Auscultation. Auscultation involves listening for various lung, heart, and bowel sounds with a stethoscope.

Which physical examination technique is the nurse performing when listening to heart sounds quizlet?

During the physical examination of a patient, the nurse listens to the heart sounds to detect variations from normal. Which physical examination technique is the nurse performing? The nurse performs auscultation. Auscultation involves listening to the sounds of the body to detect abnormalities.

What physical assessment technique uses a stethoscope?

Auscultation. This is an important physical examination technique used by your healthcare provider, where he or she will listen to your heart, lungs, neck or abdomen, to identify if any problems are present. Auscultation is often performed by using a stethoscope.

Which type of sound is Auscultated with the bell of the stethoscope quizlet?

What type of body sounds will the nurse be able to hear with the bell of the stethoscope? The bell is a concave cup that best transmits low-pitched sounds. The nurse should hold the bell of the stethoscope very lightly on the skin to listen to low-pitched sounds such as heart murmurs.


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