Which phase of the helping relationship is the nurse exhibiting when reviewing the patients medical and nursing histories quizlet?

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Terms in this set (91)

Which special zone of touch requires the nurse to get permission to take a pulse at a patient`s wrist?


According to the circular transactional model, which element motivates a patient to communicate with the nurse?


Which phase of the helping relationship is the nurse exhibiting when reviewing the patient's medical and nursing histories?


Which phase of the helping relationship is involved when the nurse and a patient meet and become acquainted?


Which statement by the nurse indicates a correct understanding of the elements of professional communication? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

"I should introduce myself by giving my name and title."

"I will avoid referring to patients by diagnosis, room number, or other attributes."

"I should avoid terms such as 'honey,' 'dear,' or 'grandma' while addressing the patients."

Which zone of personal space is involved when the nurse is instructing visitors in the hallway to avoid talking loudly?


Which communication technique is the nurse using when he or she comments on positive aspects of a patient's behavior and response?


Which characteristic would the nurse infer from the nonverbal cues of a patient who has a quick and purposeful gait?

The patient is confident.

In the communication process, which person is the receiver of the message?

The person who decodes a message

Which communicative statement indicates a defensive response?

"No one here would intentionally lie to you."

Which distance of personal space is involved when giving a verbal report to a group of nurses?

9 feet (274 cm)

Which nontherapeutic communication technique is the nurse using when saying, "Don't worry; you'll be fine" to a patient?

Offering false reassurance

Which phase of the helping relationship is represented when the nurse recalls a funny shared experience with a patient shortly before the patient is transferred to another unit?


Which level of communication is exhibited by the nurse performing a mental rehearsal on how to deal effectively in difficult situations with increased confidence?


Which term describes snide remarks or put-downs between colleagues?


Which communication technique is nontherapeutic?


Which form of communication is appropriate to assess understanding and clarify misinterpretations when the nurse is teaching a patient about a health concern?


Which level of communication is applicable when the registered nurse (RN) is teaching a group of nursing students about the care of patients?


The communication tool SBAR is an acronym for which words?


Which etiological factor may lead to difficulty articulating words? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Facial trauma
Laryngeal cancer
Endotracheal intubation

A diminished ability to speak can lead to which consequence? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Social isolation
Ineffective coping

Which action would the nurse avoid when working with an older adult?

Shifting quickly from subject to subject

What is an advantage of summarizing? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Promotes recall of previous discussions

Participants focus on key issues

Useful in the terminal phases of the patient relationship

The nurse states that being self-directed and independent are essential for accomplishing goals. Which element of communication is the nurse describing?


Which action describes a therapeutic communication technique? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Provide hope to the patients.

Listen actively to the patients.

Understand the patients' feelings.

A patient tells the nurse there is no meaning to life, and that he or she wants to see the end of it. The nurse asks the patient, "Are you talking about suicide?" Which term is this communication technique referred to as?


The nurse states to a patient, "When you tell me that you're having a hard time living up to expectations, are you talking about your family's expectations?" Which therapeutic communication technique does this illustrate?


Which behavior fosters the development of trust? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Answering the nurse call system promptly

Answering questions honestly

Demonstrating competence when implementing treatments

A 40-year-old patient has poorly controlled hypertension. The dietitian recommended several dietary modifications to the patient. Which technique would the nurse use during the orientation phase of this helping relationship? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Closely observe the patient's behavior.

Prioritize the patient's problems and identify goals.

Begin the conversation with warmth and empathy.

Work to understand the patient's behavior.

Which statement describes appropriate uses of focusing as a therapeutic means of communication? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

This method guide the direction of the conversation to important areas.

Use focusing when the patient begins a vague conversation

Avoid focusing if it interrupts the patient's important discussion

Which term describes the type of communication involved when the nurse teaches individuals about healthy meal planning?


Which minimum font size (in points) should be used for the print for a visually impaired patient? Record your answer using a whole number. ________


Which statement would block communication?

"Why do you always put so much salt on your food?"

Which technique would the nurse use to actively listen to a patient? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Lean forward toward the patient.

Sit erect facing the patient with uncrossed arms.

Make eye contact.

The nurse explains to a patient that self-talk can improve self-awareness and help build a positive self-concept. To which level of communication does this refer?


Which element of nonverbal communication would the nurse consider when establishing a nurse-patient helping relationship? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.


The nurse has a patient who is short of breath and calls the health care provider using SBAR (Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation) to help with the communication. Which information will the nurse address first?

The patient is short of breath.

Upon initial assessment, a patient reports a cough for 3 days that is getting worse. The nurse says, "Tell me more about your cough." The patient says, "I wish I could, but that is why I'm here. You tell me what's wrong!" Which response would enhance communication?

"After 3 days, your cough has gotten worse. Have you had a fever?"

An older-adult patient who is critically ill asks the nurse about assisted suicide. The nurse is ethically opposed to assisted suicide. Which response by the nurse is appropriate?

"You have been thinking about it; let us discuss more about how you feel."

The nurse plays music to promote a sense of joy in a child with cognitive impairment in a rehabilitation center. Which form of communication is the nurse using in this situation?

Symbolic communication

The senior nurse is training a nursing student about the professional approach in communication. The nurse explains that the way one responds to a question or a situation indicates state of mind. Which statement is true about this explanation? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Passive responses serve to avoid conflict or sidestep issues.

Aggressive responses provoke confrontation.

Assertive responses are a more professional approach.

The nurse is asking a patient about pain in the abdomen. When asking a patient about abdominal pain, the nurse would use which method of effective communication? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Appropriate intonation

Properly paced statements

Clear and concise phrasing

When caring for a patient, the nurse identifies factors that affect the outcomes of the treatment. To which phase of the nursing process does this nursing activity belong?


Which action would the nurse perform during the working phase of a helping relationship in a hospital setting? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Work with patients to set their goals.

Help patients express feelings.

Take actions to help patients meet the goals.

Which intervention would help the nurse communicate with patients with varying degrees of hearing loss? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Speak clearly and slowly.

Check for the patient's hearing aids.

Make the patient aware while talking.

Which action would the nurse take when communicating with a patient with aphasia? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Ask simple questions.

Use communication aids.

Listen attentively and patiently.

How would the nurse complete the discharge teaching for a patient with limited English proficiency who is to be discharged on a new medication?

Obtain an interpreter to facilitate communication of medication information.

Where is the most therapeutic place for the nurse to sit when taking the patient's health history?

18 inches to 4 feet from the patient

The nurse asks an 80-year-old patient a question while washing hands across the room. The patient does not answer. Which action would the nurse take next?

Move to the patient's bedside, get her attention, and repeat the question while facing the patient.

Which therapeutic communication technique would the nurse apply in attending to an agitated patient? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Listen actively

Share empathy.

Ask relevant questions.

When taking care of a patient from Thailand, the nurse notes that the patient looks relaxed and smiles but seldom looks at the nurse directly. Which response by the nurse is best?

Deflect eyes downward to show respect.

The nurse is planning to conduct an interview of a Portuguese patient who does not speak English. The nurse has arranged for an interpreter, who is currently in the patient's room. The nurse speaks to the interpreter directly and maintains eye contact. The interpreter then translates the information for the patient. What can be said about the communication pattern used by the nurse?

It is inappropriate, because the nurse is not speaking to the patient directly.

Which measure would the nurse adopt to ensure effective communication when caring for a non-English-speaking patient? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Understand cultural and language differences.

Avoid interpreting based on personal cultural beliefs.

Provide written information in the primary language

Which action would the nurse perform when practicing active listening? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Establish eye contact.

Sit facing the patient

Lean toward the patient.

Be relaxed while communicating.

A patient has just been told that she has cancer, and she is crying. Which action facilitates therapeutic communication? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Pulling the curtain to provide privacy

Offering to discuss information about her condition

Sitting quietly by her bed and holding her hand

Which phase of a helping relationship involves activities such as reviewing available medical and nursing history?


The nurse asks another nurse how to collect a laboratory specimen and is told, "Why don't you figure it out?" How would the nurse respond?

"When you brush me off like that, it takes me even longer to do my job."

Which nursing action best represents the role of collaboration with others for the patient's plan of care?

Works with colleagues and the patient's family to provide combined expertise in planning care

Which factor would the nurse consider when using the method of confrontation as a therapeutic means of communication with the patient? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

This should be done gently and after establishing trust.

This method improves patient self-awareness in a therapeutic way.

Using this technique helps the patient become aware of inconsistent feelings.

Which action would the nurse perform when communicating with a cognitively impaired patient? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Ask one question at a time.

Use simple sentences to clarify.

Allow time for patient to respond.

Which observation of the patient's speech and behavior would lead the nurse to conclude the patient is having difficulty communicating? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Inappropriate verbalization

Inability to articulate words

Difficulty in comprehending

The patient informs the nurse that a diagnosis of terminal breast cancer has completely changed her life and then suddenly becomes silent. How would the nurse respond?

Allow the patient to break the silence.

The nurse summarizes a conversation with a patient to determine whether the patient has understood the nurse. Which element of the communication process does this illustrate?


The nurse finds that a patient avoids taking painkillers because of a fear of drug addiction in accordance with the patient's cultural beliefs. Which level of communication would the nurse use for cultural assessment of the patient?


A patient named Ben Smith is admitted to a hospital for the management of fever. The patient is lying in room 10 comfortably. How would the nurse talk to the patient initially?

"Hello, Mr. Smith. I am your nurse, Jane. Can you tell me more about your problem?"

A patient with poorly controlled hypertension and diabetes expresses that it is difficult to choose a diet low in sugar as well as low in salt and carbohydrates. The patient reports working extra hours and not having the time to cook. Which information would the nurse report first to the dietitian using SBAR (Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation) technique?

The patient has chronic diabetes with hypertension.

Which critical thinking attitude motivates the nurse to communicate and know more about a patient?


Which level of communication is exhibited by the nurse performing a mental rehearsal on how to deal effectively in difficult situations with increased confidence?


Which type of communication technique is represented when the nurse asks cancer survivors to share their stories on how they went through treatment and how their family members supported them?

Narrative interaction

Which context factor influencing communication is problem resolution to be categorized as?


Which approach is likely to be effective when communicating with a Spanish-speaking patient who has a hand fracture? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Assessing the patient's level of fluency in English

Incorporating the patient's communication methods

Providing written information in English and the primary language

Which communication technique is the nurse exhibiting when stating, "I'm so very sorry about your condition; you probably are devastated after your surgery?"

Showing sympathy

Which communication skill would the nurse use during the assessment phase of the nursing process? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Verbally interview and ask for a history.

Visually observe for nonverbal behavior.

Gather data during a physical examination.

Which skill would facilitate attentive listening while interacting with the patient? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Sit at an angle facing the patient.

Maintain intermittent eye contact.

Be relaxed and comfortable.

Which attribute is exhibited by the nurse when a patient wants a regular diet but a regular diet would delay recovery and after a discussion both mutually agree upon a full liquid diet?


Which statement by the nurse indicates effective learning about assertive behavior?

"It helps resist intentionally imposed guilt."

Which term describes the use of the word basketball in a conversation about a basketball game in which both the nurse and patient are referring to the sport?


Which patient would benefit from the use of a picture that mimics the desired action?

Patient D

Which situational context factor influences communication? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Expression of feelings

Information exchange

Which statement by the nurse represents "background" when using the SBAR (Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation) technique?

"The patient has a history of congestive heart failure."

Which element of the communication process is the patient displaying when frequently nodding and saying, "I see" as the nurse explains the steps of a dressing change?


Which strategy would be contraindicated while communicating with a patient who has cognitive impairment?

Offer detailed explanations while asking questions to help the patient understand.

Which factor influences the relational context of communication? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Balance of power and control

Shared history of participants

Which communication strategy would the nurse use when caring for a patient who is unresponsive? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Call the patient by name during interactions.

Provide orientation to person, place, and time.

Articulate to the patient as though the patient can hear.

Which situation is typical regarding lateral violence?

Colleagues, especially in the workplace, use badmouthing, nasty remarks, or nonverbal expressions of disapproval.

Which activity does the nurse carry out while maintaining a zone of personal distance?

Teaching or educating a patient

Which technique would the nurse use to develop trust? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Treat the patient with respect.

Answer the patient honestly.

Display consistent behavior when responding to patients.

Which communication technique is the nurse using when stating, "I see you haven't eaten anything" while taking a patient's history?

Sharing observations

Which type of communication pattern would be exhibited when the nurse observes and acknowledges a patient's verbal and nonverbal indications of stress and prompts the patient to elaborate on these feelings?


Which nursing intervention is appropriate for communicating with a patient who is visually impaired?

Using reading material with at least a 14-point print

Which action would the nurse perform for easy communication with a patient who has aphasia?

Ask questions that require "yes" or "no" answers.

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Which phase of the helping relationship is the nurse exhibiting when reviewing?

Reviewing the medical data of the clients is a part of the pre-interaction phase of the helping relationship. Assessing clients for their health status is a part of the orientation phase in which the nurse and the clients get to know each other.

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Which actions would the nurse perform during the working phase of a helping relationship? The working phase of a helping relationship involves nurses working together with patients to set their goals and encouraging them to solve their problems and express their feelings.

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In the evaluation phase, the nurse compares the actual and expected outcomes and identifies the factors that influenced the patient outcomes.


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