Which performance appraisal tool requires supervisors to maintain a log of positive and negative examples of subordinates work


  • Advantages of Ranking Method
  • Limitations of Ranking Method
  • Advantages of Forced Distribution
  • Limitations of Forced Distribution
  • Advantages of Critical Incident techniques
  • Limitations of Critical Incident techniques
  • Advantages of Checklists and Weighted Checklists
  • Limitations of Checklists and Weighted Checklists
  • Authorship/Referencing - About the Author(s)
  • Performance Appraisal
  • Employee Performance Appraisal
  • Six modern performance appraisal methods
  • 1. Management by Objectives (MBO)
  • 2. 360-Degree Feedback
  • 3. Assessment Centre Method
  • 4. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)
  • 5. Psychological Appraisals
  • 6. Human-Resource (Cost) Accounting Method
  • A future-focused employee performance appraisal method
  • Related Articles:

Following are the tools used by the organizations for Performance Appraisals of their employees.

  1. Ranking
  2. Paired Comparison
  3. Forced Distribution
  4. Confidential Report
  5. Essay Evaluation
  6. Critical Incident
  7. Checklists
  8. Graphic Rating Scale
  9. BARS
  10. Forced Choice Method
  11. MBO
  12. Field Review Technique
  13. Performance Test

We will be discussing the most important performance appraisal tools and techniques in detail.

  1. The ranking system requires the rater to rank his subordinates on overall performance. This consists in simply putting a man in a rank order.

    Under this method, the ranking of an employee in a work group is done against that of another employee. The relative position of each employee is tested in terms of his numerical rank. It may also be done by ranking a person on his job performance against another member of the competitive group.

    Advantages of Ranking Method

    1. Employees are ranked according to their performance levels.
    2. It is easier to rank the best and the worst employee.

    Limitations of Ranking Method

    1. The “whole man” is compared with another “whole man” in this method. In practice, it is very difficult to compare individuals possessing various individual traits.
    2. This method speaks only of the position where an employee stands in his group. It does not test anything about how much better or how much worse an employee is when compared to another employee.
    3. When a large number of employees are working, ranking of individuals become a difficult issue.
    4. There is no systematic procedure for ranking individuals in the organization. The ranking system does not eliminate the possibility of snap judgements.
  2. This is a ranking technique where raters are required to allocate a certain percentage of rates to certain categories (eg: superior, above average, average) or percentiles (eg: top 10 percent, bottom 20 percent etc). Both the number of categories and percentage of employees to be allotted to each category are a function of performance appraisal design and format.

    The workers of outstanding merit may be placed at top 10 percent of the scale, the rest may be placed as 20% good, 40% outstanding, 20% fair and 10% fair.

    Advantages of Forced Distribution

    1. This method tends to eliminate raters bias
    2. By forcing the distribution according to pre-determined percentages, the problem of making use of different raters with different scales is avoided.

    Limitations of Forced Distribution

    1. The limitation of using this method in salary administration, however, is that it may lead low morale, low productivity and high absenteeism.
    2. Employees who feel that they are productive, but find themselves in lower grade(than expected) feel frustrated and exhibit over a period of time reluctance to work.

  3. Under this method, the manager prepares lists of statements of very effective and ineffective behaviour of an employee. These critical incidents or events represent the outstanding or poor behaviour of employees or the job.

    The manager maintains logs of each employee, whereby he periodically records critical incidents of the workers behaviour. At the end of the rating period, these recorded critical incidents are used in the evaluation of the worker’s performance.

    Example of a good critical incident of a Customer Relations Officer is :March 12 - The Officer patiently attended to a customers complaint. He was very polite and prompt in attending the customers problem.

    Advantages of Critical Incident techniques

    1. This method provides an objective basis for conducting a thorough discussion of an employees performance.
    2. This method avoids recency bias (most recent incidents are too much emphasized)

    Limitations of Critical Incident techniques

    1. Negative incidents may be more noticeable than positive incidents.
    2. The supervisors have a tendency to unload a series of complaints about the incidents during an annual performance review sessions.
    3. It results in very close supervision which may not be liked by an employee.
    4. The recording of incidents may be a chore for the manager concerned, who may be too busy or may forget to do it.
  4. In this system, a large number of statements that describe a specific job are given. Each statement has a weight or scale value attached to it. While rating an employee the supervisor checks all those statements that most closely describe the behaviour of the individual under assessment. The rating sheet is then scored by averaging the weights of all the statements checked by the rater.

    A checklist is constructed for each job by having persons who are quite familiar with the jobs. These statements are then categorized by the judges and weights are assigned to the statements in accordance with the value attached by the judges.

    Advantages of Checklists and Weighted Checklists

    1. Most frequently used method in evaluation of the employees performance.

    Limitations of Checklists and Weighted Checklists

    1. This method is very expensive and time consuming
    2. Rater may be biased in distinguishing the positive and negative questions.
    3. It becomes difficult for the manager to assemble, analyze and weigh a number of statements about the employees characteristics, contributions and behaviours.

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Performance Appraisal

A performance appraisal is also referred to as performance evaluation, performance review or employee appraisal. All companies use performance appraisals to discover which employees have contributed the most to the company’s growth, review progress, and reward high-achieving workers.

Employee Performance Appraisal

The employee performance appraisal process is crucial for organizations to boost employee productivity and improve their outcomes. Performance appraisals are an annual process where an employee’s performance and productivity is evaluated against a predetermined set of objectives.

Performance management is super important, not only because it is the determining factor in an employee’s wage rise and promotion but also because it can evaluate an employee’s skills, strengths, and shortcomings accurately.

However, the performance appraisal is rarely put to good use since existing performance appraisal methods fail to internalize employee performance results. To prevent performance appraisals from becoming nothing more than empty buzzwords, HR managers need to revamp their existing process and try implementing one of the six modern performance appraisal methods that are listed below.

Six modern performance appraisal methods

With the right performance appraisal method, organizations can enhance employee performance within the organization. A good employee performance review method can make the whole experience effective and rewarding.

Here’s a close look at the six most-used modern performance methods:

1. Management by Objectives (MBO)

Management by objectives (MBO) is the appraisal method where managers and employees together identify, plan, organize, and communicate objectives to focus on during a specific appraisal period. After setting clear goals, managers and subordinates periodically discuss the progress made to control and debate on the feasibility of achieving those set objectives.

This performance appraisal method is used to match the overarching organizational goals with objectives of employees effectively while validating objectives using the SMART method to see if the set objective is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-sensitive.

At the end of the review period (quarterly, half-yearly, or annual), employees are judged by their results. Success is rewarded with promotion and a salary hike whereas failure is dealt with transfer or further training. This process usually lays more stress on tangible goals and intangible aspects like interpersonal skills, commitment, etc. are often brushed under the rug.

Incorporating MBO into your performance management process

To ensure success, the MBO process needs to be embedded in the organizational-wide goal setting and appraisal process. By incorporating MBO into the performance management process, businesses can improve employee’s commitment, amplify chances for goal accomplishment, and enable employees to think futuristically.

Ideal for:

Measuring the quantitative and qualitative output of senior management like managers, directors, and executive (business of any size)

Common reason for failure:

Incomplete MBO program, inadequate corporate objectives, lack of top management involvement

Steps to implement a successful MBO program:

  1. Every manager must have 5-10 goals expressed in specific, measurable terms
  2. Manager can propose their goals in writing, which will be finalized after review
  3. Each goal needs to include a description and a clear plan (list of tasks) to accomplish it
  4. Determine how progress will be measured and how frequently (minimum quarterly)
  5. List down corrective actions that will be taken if progress is not in accordance with plans
  6. Ensure that goals at each level are related to the organizational objectives and levels above/below

Did you know?

Retail giant Walmart, uses an extensive MBO participatory approach to manage the performance of its top, middle, and first-line managers.

2. 360-Degree Feedback

360-degree feedback is a multidimensional performance appraisal method that evaluates an employee using feedback collected from the employee’s circle of influence namely managers, peers, customers, and direct reports. This method will not only eliminate bias in performance reviews but also offer a clear understanding of an individual’s competence.

This appraisal method has five integral components like:

1. Self-appraisals

Self-appraisals offer employees a chance to look back at their performance and understand their strengths and weaknesses. However, if self-appraisals are performed without structured forms or formal procedures, it can become lenient, fickle, and biased.

2. Managerial reviews

Performance reviews done by managers are a part of the traditional and basic form of appraisals. These reviews must include individual employee ratings awarded by supervisors as well as the evaluation of a team or program done by senior managers.

3. Peer reviews

As hierarchies move out of the organizational picture, coworkers get a unique perspective on the employee’s performance making them the most relevant evaluator. These reviews help determine an employee’s ability to work well with the team, take up initiatives, and be a reliable contributor. However, friendship or animosity between peers may end up distorting the final evaluation results.

4. Subordinates Appraising manager (SAM)

This upward appraisal component of the 360-degree feedback is a delicate and significant step. Reportees tend to have the most unique perspective from a managerial point of view. However, reluctance or fear of retribution can skew appraisal results.

5. Customer or client reviews

The client component of this phase can include either internal customers such as users of product within the organization or external customers who are not a part of the company but interact with this specific employee on a regular basis.

Customer reviews can evaluate the output of an employee better, however, these external users often do not see the impact of processes or policies on an employee’s output.

Advantages of using 360-degree feedback:

  • Increase the individual’s awareness of how they perform and the impact it has on other stakeholders
  • Serve as a key to initiate coaching, counselling, and career development activities
  • Encourage employees to invest in self-development and embrace change management
  • Integrate performance feedback with work culture and promote engagement

Ideal for:
Private sector organizations than public sector organisations as peer reviews at public sector organizations are more lenient.

Common reason for failure:

Leniency in review, cultural differences, competitiveness, ineffective planning, and misguided feedback

Did you know?

Top private organizations like RBS, Sainsbury’s, and G4S are using 360-degree, multi-rater performance feedback to measure employee performance.

3. Assessment Centre Method

The concept of assessment centre was introduced way back in 1930 by the German Army but it has been polished and tailored to fit today’s environment. The assessment centre method enables employees to get a clear picture of how others observe them and the impact it has on their performance. The main advantage of this method is that it will not only assess the existing performance of an individual but also predict future job performance.

During the assessment, employees are asked to take part in social-simulation exercises like in-basket exercises, informal discussions, fact-finding exercises, decision-making problems, role-play, and other exercises that ensure success in a role. The major drawback of this approach is that it is a time and cost intensive process that is difficult to manage.

Advantages of the assessment centre method:

  • Enhance a participant’s knowledge, boost his/her thought process, and improve employee efficiency
  • Can be tailored to fit different roles, competencies, and business needs
  • Offer an insight of the employee’s personality (ethics, tolerance, problem-solving skill, introversion/extroversion, adaptability, etc.)

Ideal for:

Manufacturing organizations, service-based companies, educational institutions, and consulting firms to identify future organizational leaders and managers.

Guidelines to implement assessment centre practice:

  1. Use job analysis to determine the components of effective performance
  2. Identify performance metrics that can be measured using this assessment center
  3. Classify meaningful and relevant candidate behavior in the assessment process
  4. Find assessment techniques that can ideally elicit ideal behavioral information
  5. Spot assessors and assessee’s excluding immediate supervisors
  6. Provide thorough training to assessors and reviewers
  7. Maintain a system of performance records for each candidate
  8. Review records and reward employee or provide training accordingly

Did you know?

Microsoft, Philips, and several other organizations use the assessment centre practice to identify future leaders in their workforce.

4. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)

Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) bring out both the qualitative and quantitative benefits in a performance appraisal process. BARS compares employee performance with specific behavioral examples that are anchored to numerical ratings.
Each performance level on a BAR scale is anchored by multiple BARS statements which describe common behaviors that an employee routinely exhibits. These statements act as a yardstick to measure an individual’s performance against predetermined standards that are applicable to their role and job level.

The first step in BARS creation is generation of critical incidents that depict typical workplace behavior. The next step is editing these critical incidents into a common format and removing any redundancy. After normalization, the critical instances are randomized and assessed for effectiveness. Remaining critical incidents are used to create BARS and evaluate employee performance.

Advantages of using BARS:

  • Enjoy clear standards, improved feedback, accurate performance analysis, and consistent evaluation
  • Eliminate construct-irrelevant variance in performance appraisal ratings by emphasis more on specific, concrete, and observable behaviors
  • Decrease any chance for bias and ensure fairness throughout the appraisal process

Ideal for:

Businesses of all sizes and industries can use BARS to assess the performance of their entire workforce from the entry level agent to c-suite executives

Common drawbacks of BARS:

  1. High chance for subjectivity in evaluations
  2. Hard to make compensation and promotion decisions
  3. Time-consuming to create and implement
  4. Demands more from managers and senior executives

5. Psychological Appraisals

Psychological appraisals come in handy to determine the hidden potential of employees. This method focuses on analyzing an employee’s future performance rather than their past work. These appraisals are used to analyze seven major components of an employee’s performance such as interpersonal skills, cognitive abilities, intellectual traits, leadership skills, personality traits, emotional quotient, and other related skills.

Qualified psychologists conduct a variety of tests (in-depth interviews, psychological tests, discussions, and more) to assess an employee effectively. However, it is a rather slow and complex process and the quality of results is highly dependent on the psychologist who administers the procedure.

Specific scenarios are taken into account while performing psychological appraisal. For instance, the way in which an employee deals with an aggressive customer can be used to appraise his/her persuasion skills, behavioral response, emotional response, and more.

Advantages of psychological appraisals:

  1. Extract measurable, objective data about not just an employee’s performance but also potential
  2. Can be deployed easily when compared with other performance appraisal methods
  3. Offer introverted or shy employees a platform to shine and prove their potential

Ideal for:

Large enterprises can use psychological appraisals for an array of reasons including development of leadership pipeline, team building, conflict resolutions, and more.

Common reasons for failure:

Absence of proper training, lack of trained professionals to administer reviews, and nervousness or anxiety of candidates can skew results.

Did you know?

Ford motors, Exxon Mobil, Procter & Gamble use psychological appraisals to test the personality and performance of their employees.

6. Human-Resource (Cost) Accounting Method

Human resource (cost) accounting method analyses an employee’s performance through the monetary benefits he/she yields to the company. It is obtained by comparing the cost of retaining an employee (cost to company) and the monetary benefits (contributions) an organization has ascertained from that specific employee.

When an employee’s performance is evaluated based on cost accounting methods, factors like unit-wise average service value, quality, overhead cost, interpersonal relationships, and more are taken into account. Its high-dependency on the cost and benefit analysis and the memory power of the reviewer is the drawback of human resources accounting method.

Advantages of the human cost accounting method:

  • Effectively measure the cost and value that an employee brings to the organization
  • Help identify the financial implications that an employee’s performance has on the organization’s bottom line

Ideal for:

Startups and small businesses where the performance of one employee can make or break the organization’s success.

Implementation of human resource cost accounting method:

  1. Identify the gap between the market and the current package of an employee
  2. Determine the monetary and non-monetary value that an employee brings to the table
  3. List down the things that an employee achieved in the review period (increase in the subscriber count, improvement in revenue, number of new deals won, etc.,)

A future-focused employee performance appraisal method

Choosing the right performance appraisal method is more critical than ever since it reflects what you think of your employees and how much you care about employee morale. Once you’ve found an ideal performance review method for your needs, the next step is implementing it properly to eliminate critical performance gaps and address pressing issues that impact ROI.

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