Which option for reducing a labor surplus causes a high amount of suffering multiple choice question?

Organizations carry out human resource planning to

A. reduce hiring of workers from colleges and universities.

B. increase hiring costs to match industry standards.

C. avoid taking risks.

D. gain an advantage over competitors.

E. replace technology with highly skilled workers.

D. gain an advantage over competitors.

Which of the following is the first step in the human resource planning process?

A. forecasting

B. goal setting

C. program implementation

D. program evaluation

E. performance evaluation

A. forecasting

In the context of human resource planning, the primary goal of forecasting is to

A. predict labor shortages or surpluses in specific areas of an organization.

B. determine labor supply.

C. set goals for hiring employees.

D. focus attention on a problem and provide a basis for measuring an organization's success.

E. eliminate large numbers of personnel with the goal of enhancing an organization's competitiveness.

A. predict labor shortages or surpluses in specific areas of an organization.

Identify a benefit of applying statistical forecasting methods.

A. They are particularly useful in dynamic environments.

B. Under the right conditions, they provide predictions that are much more precise than a human forecaster's subjective judgment.

C. They are particularly useful in predicting important events that have no historical precedent.

D. They are invariably better than the "best guesses" of experts.

E. They can be used by organizations as a substitute for relying on the subjective judgments of experts.

B. Under the right conditions, they provide predictions that are much more precise than a human forecaster's subjective judgment

Sasha, a production manager at ZestCorp Inc., must predict future labor demand using information about inventory levels from the past three years. Sasha will most likely use _____ to predict the demand.

A. yield ratio

B. workforce utilization review

C. trend analysis

D. cost per hire

E. capacity utilization analysis

C. trend analysis

In the context of forecasting the demand for labor, using trend analysis, inventory levels, changes in technology, and actions of competitors are examples of _____.

A. leading indicators

B. performance indicators

C. coincident pointers

D. transitional matrices

E. functional pointers

A. leading indicators

A chart that lists job categories held in one period and shows the proportion of employees in each of those categories in a future period is called a _____.

A. labor review

B. trend analysis

C. forecast

D. leading indicator

E. transitional matrix

E. transitional matrix

Ron, an HR manager at Franton Inc., is preparing for a 5 percent increase in the production labor force next year. To do this, he needs to determine what the current number of production employees is and how the number is likely to change by the end of the year. To help with this analysis, Ron should use a _____.

A. transitional matrix

B. propensity analysis

C. trend analysis

D. multiple regression

E. leading indicator

A. transitional matrix

Tim, a human resource manager, has studied a transitional matrix to identify how his company has been filling its demand for lab technicians. Where else should Tim get information related to the labor supply?

A. the Bureau of Labor Statistics

B. the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

C. the Occupational Safety and Health Administration

D. his company's marketing plan

E. statistical models that capture "once-in-a-lifetime" changes

A. the Bureau of Labor Statistics

The second step in human resource planning is _____.

A. forecasting labor shortage

B. forecasting labor surplus

C. goal setting and strategic planning

D. program implementation and evaluation

E. program goal setting

C. goal setting and strategic planning

Jonathan, the CEO of Maxofan Inc., finds that the company needs to eliminate a labor surplus to avoid financial difficulties. To deal with this problem, he chooses a strategy that gives him fast results. However, the amount of suffering caused to employees is high. Jonathan is most likely using the _____ strategy to reduce the labor surplus.

A. early retirement

B. downsizing

C. natural attrition

D. retraining

E. hiring freeze

B. downsizing

Yienze Inc., a manufacturer of electronic goods, is experiencing financial losses. The company is also facing the problem of a labor surplus due to low demand for its products. In this context, which of the following would be the best way for Yienze to deal with this labor surplus?

A. The company must consider work sharing because it causes relatively less suffering to the employees.

B. The company must choose an early retirement option because it gives an option to employees to voluntarily leave the organization with suitable monetary compensation.

C. The company must freeze employee hiring and focus on natural attrition because it is a relatively fast way to reduce a labor surplus.

D. The company must consider downsizing because it is the quickest way to deal with a labor surplus that results in financial losses.

E. The company must consider retraining employees because it helps improve their interpersonal skills.

D. The company must consider downsizing because it is the quickest way to deal with a labor surplus that results in financial losses.

Solenz Inc. is a relatively new company that employs 23 workers. When it finished a major contract, the owner realized that there wasn't enough work left for all the remaining workers. The company is negotiating contracts that could provide future work in a few months, but it currently must address its labor surplus in order to remain financially sound. Which of the following is the best strategy to deal with this labor surplus?

A. an early-retirement program

B. natural attrition

C. a hiring freeze

D. downsizing

E. work sharing

E. work sharing

Bob, an HR manager at Delair Inc., is expecting a labor surplus for the company in the month of December. This gives Bob nearly eight months to deal with the problem. In order to reduce the labor surplus, Bob decides to use a _____ strategy, which causes less suffering for employees.

A. downsizing

B. demotion

C. hiring freeze

D. pay reduction

E. transfer

C. hiring freeze

Brendan and Angela are HR managers at Seattle Investments. They are expecting a labor surplus over the next two years resulting in the organization having 24 more employees than required. Typically, two employees leave the organization each month. Which of the following HR strategies should Brendan and Angela consider, taking into account the length of time they have available?

A. downsizing

B. natural attrition

C. pay reductions

D. demotions

E. transfers

B. natural attrition

Identify the similarity between the natural attrition and early retirement strategies for reducing a labor surplus.

A. Both strategies yield slow results for an organization.

B. Both strategies cause high suffering to the employees of an organization.

C. Both strategies can be applied for preventing labor shortages.

D. Both strategies are expensive to implement.

E. Both strategies encourage layoffs.

A. Both strategies yield slow results for an organization.

Carmella, an HR manager at Crexion Inc., is dealing with labor shortage problems due to a sudden increase in production levels at the company. Among the following options, the fastest way to fix this problem is to _____.

A. use retrained transfers

B. focus on turnover reductions

C. hire new employees

D. hire temporary employees

E. focus on technological innovation

D. hire temporary employees

Britt, a production manager at Frelix Inc., is expecting a labor shortage for a short period of time. He would like to avoid it with a strategy that can be easily eliminated in the future when there is optimal labor available for work. Which of the following options for avoiding a labor shortage would be the right solution for Britt?

A. hiring new employees

B. employing technological innovation

C. using retrained transfers

D. hiring temporary employees

E. reducing managerial staff

D. hiring temporary employees

Errol, a manager at a large holiday decoration store, is expecting increased sales during the upcoming holiday season. He knows that his current workforce will not be able to meet demand, putting him at risk of a labor shortage. Which of the following strategies would be the best option to help Errol avoid a labor shortage?

A. Errol should hire new employees because he will most likely need additional workers after the holiday season to deal with an increasing sales trend.

B. Errol should consider increasing his current employees' pay during the holiday season so they will work harder to achieve sales targets.

C. Errol should keep his store closed during non-peak hours to compensate for labor shortages. This will ensure his current employees work harder during peak hours.

D. Errol should hire temporary employees because he can let them go once the holiday season is over.

E. Errol should consider increasing the prices of toys so that he can make higher profits with fewer sales, thereby reducing the number of customers and consequently solving the labor shortage issue.

D. Errol should hire temporary employees because he can let them go once the holiday season is over.

Identify the similarity between the outsourcing and overtime strategies for avoiding a labor shortage.

A. Both strategies yield slow results.

B. Both strategies have high revocability.

C. Both strategies are expensive to implement.

D. Both strategies involve contracting with another organization to perform a broad set of services.

E. Both strategies can be used for reducing labor surplus.

B. Both strategies have high revocability.

Janet, an HR manager at SensNet Inc., hires employees who provide a specific set of knowledge and skills that will give her company advantage over its competitors. In the context of strategic planning, Janet is

A. outsourcing a broad set of services.

B. using propensity analysis.

C. seeking leading indicators.

D. hiring individuals with a core competency.

E. using trend analysis.

D. hiring individuals with a core competency.

Steve, the CEO at Winsfeld Inc., learns that his company is perceived as low-value by customers. He plans to combat this by hiring highly skilled and knowledgeable employees in order to improve Winsfeld's competitive standing. In this scenario, Steve will most likely be hiring

A. outsourced employees.

B. offshored employees.

C. employees with a core competency.

D. employees with a college degree.

E. temporary workers.

C. employees with a core competency.

Wilma heads the production department at Riden Inc., a firm that stresses the importance of maintaining regular contact with customers. Wilma is expecting a labor surplus in the future. John, a supervisor, recommends downsizing as an option to deal with this labor surplus, however, Wilma rejects this option. Which of the following statements will validate that Wilma made the right decision?

A. Downsizing cannot be used to reduce the number of managers.

B. Downsizing would result in increased operational costs.

C. Downsizing cannot provide an immediate solution to labor surplus.

D. Downsizing would hurt long-term organizational effectiveness.

E. Downsizing would harm the hierarchy of top management.

D. Downsizing would hurt long-term organizational effectiveness.

Identify the correct statement regarding downsizing.

A. Downsizing improves long-term organizational effectiveness.

B. The negative effect of downsizing is especially low among firms that engage in high-involvement work practices.

C. Downsizing often disrupts the social networks through which people are creative and flexible.

D. The negative impact of downsizing is especially low for those organizations that emphasize research and development.

E. Downsizing campaigns only eliminate people who are replaceable.

C. Downsizing often disrupts the social networks through which people are creative and flexible.

Which of the following is a step a downsized company can take to counter negative employee emotions?

A. demonstrate that the employees that were downsized deserved it

B. build confidence in the company's plans for a stronger future

C. show the organization's commitment to its management

D. encourage employees to work harder, increasing their value and thus keeping them with the company longer

E. pursue a commitment to the customers over a commitment to the community

B. build confidence in the company's plans for a stronger future

A manufacturing company, hit by a slump in demand, is experiencing a labor surplus. The company expects the market to improve in six months, and it does not want to lay off any of its employees. Which of the following strategies is an equitable way to handle this issue and spread the burden more fairly?

A. demotions

B. outsourcing

C. reduced work hours

D. overtime

E. employing temporary workers

C. reduced work hours

Nicole, a human resource manager at an electronics firm, observes that many employees who are reaching the traditional retirement age are not interested in leaving the organization. Which of the following statements best explains the reason for this trend among older employees?

A. there are laws against gender discrimination

B. there is a rise in the availability of pensions

C. jobs are becoming less physically demanding

D. phased-retirement programs require employees to work longer hours

E. older workers generally don't have much debt

C. jobs are becoming less physically demanding

Which of the following best describes a phased-retirement program?

A. It refers to laying off older employees in small batches.

B. It refers to giving lucrative incentives to a large number of older employees to voluntarily retire.

C. It refers to reducing both the number of hours older employees work as well as the cost of these employees.

D. It refers to giving older employees a certain time limit to voluntarily retire.

E. It refers to offering alternative work locations and work responsibilities to older employees.

C. It refers to reducing both the number of hours older employees work as well as the cost of these employees.

Which of the following are the most widespread methods for eliminating labor shortages?

A. downsizing and merging with other organizations

B. hiring temporary workers and outsourcing work

C. retrained transfers and turnover reduction

D. overtime and new external hires

E. overtime and retrained transfers

B. hiring temporary workers and outsourcing work

Identify a disadvantage of using temporary and contract workers.

A. Revocability of this method is more difficult than other methods of avoiding labor shortage.

B. These kinds of workers cannot be hired through an agency.

C. These methods are a relatively slow solution to labor shortage.

D. These workers tend to be less committed to an organization.

E. These workers work well in key jobs, but not in those jobs that supplement permanent employees.

D. These workers tend to be less committed to an organization.

Why is temporary employment popular with employers?

A. It gives employers flexibility in operations.

B. It allows employers to comply with the requirements of affirmative action imposed by the government.

C. The quality of work from temporary workers is usually far superior.

D. It is the most effective strategy for key customer service jobs.

E. Temporary workers are more committed to the organization.

A. It gives employers flexibility in operations

Which of the following best describes outsourcing?

A. It refers to contracting with another organization to perform a broad set of services.

B. It refers to finding cheap resources in another country to gain a competitive advantage.

C. It refers to using a temporary or contract employee to fill a single job vacancy.

D. It refers to buying the necessary raw materials needed to conduct business from external suppliers.

E. It refers to moving operations away from the home location to decrease cost savings.

A. It refers to contracting with another organization to perform a broad set of services.

Trotta Inc., a manufacturer of widgets, has entered into a contract with a third party to perform services related to processing orders, managing inventory levels, and shipping products to customers. The company is engaged in

A. offshoring.

B. consolidating.

C. licensing.

D. acquiring.

E. outsourcing.

E. outsourcing.

Organizations use outsourcing as a way to
A. reduce a labor surplus.

B. operate more efficiently and save money.

C. replace labor with technology.

D. ease the transition from temporary worker to employee.

E. hold onto good employees during a labor surplus until they can be hired back.

B. operate more efficiently and save money.

Which of the following is a challenge associated with an outsourcing strategy?

A. labor shortage

B. increased cost

C. quality-control problems

D. lack of necessary technology

E. diseconomies of scale

C. quality-control problems

Gordon, a supervisor at AutoMate Inc., realizes that a couple of months from now, he might experience a labor shortage for approximately two weeks due to increased demand for the company's products. Which of the following options would be best for dealing with this labor shortage?

A. Gordon should hire new employees because it is a simple process.

B. Gordon should depend on technological innovation because it helps replace human labor with machines.

C. Gordon should use outsourcing because it reduces internal costs.

D. Gordon should encourage employees to stay with the company.

E. Gordon should encourage employee overtime because it helps to increase productivity for a short period of time.

E. Gordon should encourage employee overtime because it helps to increase productivity for a short period of time.

Which of the following is an element in the final stage of human resources planning?

A. estimating labor demand

B. forecasting labor supply

C. estimating labor surplus or shortage

D. strategic planning

E. evaluating outcomes

E. evaluating outcomes

In the context of HR planning, implementation that ties planning and recruiting to an organization's strategy and to its efforts to develop employees becomes a complete program of

A. reengineering.

B. total quality management.

C. benchmarking.

D. talent management.

E. workforce utilization.

D. talent management.

Nazir, an HR manager at Solomon Beverages, identifies and attracts potential job seekers to his organization. In the context of HRM functions, Nazir is carrying out the _____ process.

A. promoting

B. appraising

C. recruiting

D. forecasting

E. disbanding

C. recruiting

In the context of managing human resources, the process of _____ creates a buffer between planning and the actual selection of new employees.

A. recruiting

B. evaluating

C. inducting

D. outsourcing

E. training

A. recruiting

_____ influence the kinds of job applicants an organization reaches.

A. Personnel policies

B. Recruitment sources

C. Characteristics of the recruiter

D. Financial sources

E. Industry competitors

B. Recruitment sources

Which of the following aspects of recruitment is most likely to affect the nature of the positions that are vacant?

A. recruitment sources

B. personnel policies

C. recruiter traits

D. recruiter behavior

E. applicant characteristics

B. personnel policies

Which of the following is true of companies that use a "lead-the-market" pay strategy?

A. They pay more than the current market wages for a job.

B. They have a recruiting disadvantage.

C. They recruit fewer employees than needed and depend on overtime.

D. They provide relatively better working conditions to employees compared to competitors.

E. They usually have low pay, coupled with overtime and flex-time.

A. They pay more than the current market wages for a job.

_____ states that if there is no specific employment contract saying otherwise, the employer or employee may end an employment relationship at any time, regardless of cause.

A. Due-process policy

B. Employment flexibility

C. Rule of fair treatment

D. Rule of law

E. Employment at will

E. Employment at will

_____ formally lay out the steps an employee may take to appeal an employer's decision to terminate that employee.

A. Leading indicators

B. Trend analyses

C. Transitional matrices

D. Due-process policies

E. Employment-at-will contracts

D. Due-process policies

Premiere Software is having difficulty filling all its positions for systems analysts. The company's human resource manager suggests introducing a kind of personnel policy known as a due-process policy. How is that most likely to help with recruitment?

A. This policy implies greater job security and concern for employees.

B. Due-process implies that employees won't be bound to a contract.

C. Implementing a due-process policy suggests that the organization is innovative and fun.

D. Applicants know a due-process policy always leads to a lead-the-market pay strategy.

E. The due-process policy supports a "promote from within" practice, which will encourage current employees to apply.

A. This policy implies greater job security and concern for employees.

In order to cultivate a favorable picture of the organization, Rhodes Group, a financial services corporation, advertises itself to potential applicants by using the slogan, "Investing in you no matter what road you take." This scenario is an example of _____ advertising.

A. viral

B. image

C. proactive

D. saturation

E. signature

B. image

A physicist at AdVanTech recently received an award for several patents he earned that enabled AdVanTech to help slow climate change by reducing carbon emissions. Shelby, AdVanTech's vice president of human resources, is eager to get news coverage of the physicist's award. She knows that, in addition to drawing positive attention to the company, the publicity will support recruitment. Which statement best supports Shelby's thinking?

A. Publicity about AdVanTech will create more opportunities for advancement within the company.

B. A lead-the-market pay strategy requires that people be familiar with the company's track record.

C. Creating the impression of AdVanTech as a place where talented people make a difference can attract talented job candidates.

D. People who learn about the physicist will be less likely to expect that AdVanTech has an employment-at-will policy.

E. This kind of image advertising will give more people the impression that AdVanTech

C. Creating the impression of AdVanTech as a place where talented people make a difference can attract talented job candidates.

Which of the following is an internal source of recruitment?

A. employee referrals

B. direct applicants

C. employment agencies

D. job postings

E. personal interviews

D. job postings

The process of communicating information about a job vacancy on company bulletin boards, in employee publications, on corporate intranets, and anywhere else an organization communicates with employees is referred to as

A. job posting.

B. external hiring.

C. employment referral.

D. a workforce utilization review.

E. direct sourcing.

A. job posting.

Connor is a human resource specialist at a company with a promote-from-within policy. Based on that policy, what method should he include in his recruiting efforts to fill an open position for an accounting supervisor?
A. using the services of a private employment agency

B. inviting employees to refer a friend

C. sending recruiters to colleges

D. posting the job on the company's intranet

E. posting the job on the company's careers website

D. posting the job on the company's intranet

Identify the benefit of relying on internal recruitment sources.

A. Internal candidates are likely to promote diversity in terms of race and sex.

B. Internal applicants minimize the impact of political considerations in the hiring decision.

C. Internal sources are generally cheaper and faster than other means.

D. Internal sources expose an organization to new ideas or new ways of doing business.

E. Current employees are well suited to recruit people for specialized upper-level positions.

C. Internal sources are generally cheaper and faster than other means.

Which of the following is the correct statement regarding internal recruitment sources?

A. Research indicates that most organizational positions are filled internally.

B. Internal recruitment sources expose an organization to new ideas or new ways of doing business.

C. Internal recruiting minimizes the possibility of unrealistic employee expectations.

D. Employee referrals are the most common source of job applicants for internal recruitment.

E. Internal sources are the most appropriate for specialized upper-level positions.

C. Internal recruiting minimizes the possibility of unrealistic employee expectations

People who apply for a vacancy without prompting from an organization are referred to as

A. direct applicants.

B. natural applicants.

C. internal applicants.

D. neutral applicants.

E. referred applicants.

A. direct applicants

Steve applies for a job at Texel Inc. because his friend Dan, who is a manager there, prompts him to do so. In this scenario, Steve is a(n) _____.

A. direct applicant

B. natural applicant

C. neutral applicant

D. referral

E. executive search professional

D. referral

Most direct applicants to an organization have done some research and concluded there is enough fit between themselves and the vacant position to warrant submitting an application. This process is termed

A. nepotism.

B. employee referral.

C. self-selection.

D. internal recruitment.

E. employment at will.

C. self-selection.

Which of the following statements is true about referrals?

A. Referrals fall under the category of internal sources of recruitment.

B. The use of referrals tends to increase the likelihood of exposing an organization to different viewpoints.

C. The use of referrals can contribute to nepotism.

D. Referrals cost much more than other formal recruiting efforts.

E. Referrals are the least preferred sources of new hires.

C. The use of referrals can contribute to nepotism.

Margaret, the HR manager at Frexotel Inc., recruits her cousin Linda as production manager in the company. This move results in resentment among several of the company's employees. By hiring her cousin, Margaret has engaged in the practice of hiring relatives, or _____.

A. localism

B. nepotism

C. structuralism

D. voluntarism

E. abstractionism

B. nepotism

Hunter works in the human resource department of a well-known and highly respected maker of athletic equipment. He suggests that the company expand its recruiting by placing job advertisements on popular websites for job seekers. However, his supervisor says this has become a poor use of the company's recruiting dollars. Which is the most likely reason for the supervisor's objection?

A. These types websites are too difficult for most job hunters to use.

B. The company will be flooded with applications from individuals who are barely qualified.

C. Employers can't search these sites; only job seekers can conduct searches.

D. The company will get very few applications, because job hunters read the ads slowly.

E. Finding a match between job seekers and job vacancies is inefficient on these sites.

B. The company will be flooded with applications from individuals who are barely qualified.

Which of the following is true of executive search firms?

A. They find new jobs almost exclusively for high-level, unemployed executives.

B. They help organizations in on-campus recruiting.

C. They help only entry-level and inexperienced employees to find jobs.

D. They are agencies administered by the federal government or governmental organizations.

E. They serve as a buffer, providing confidentiality between an employer and a recruit.

E. They serve as a buffer, providing confidentiality between an employer and a recruit.

Themost important source of recruits for entry-level professional and managerial vacancies is

A. on-campus interviewing.

B. public employment agencies.

C. advertisements in newspapers and magazines.

D. private employment agencies.

E. employee referrals.

A. on-campus interviewing.

In the context of evaluating the quality of a recruitment source, yield ratios express the

A. output yielded by a new hire in relation to the cost of recruiting the new hire.

B. dollar costs incurred per hire in relation to the number of applicants interviewed.

C. percentage of applicants who successfully move from one stage of the recruitment and selection process to the next.

D. quality of new hires by comparing the cost of training the new recruits to the cost of hiring them.

E. percentage of applicants who complete one year in the organization after recruitment.

C. percentage of applicants who successfully move from one stage of the recruitment and selection process to the next.

Gilbert, an HR manager at MaxNet Inc., hires 50 employees in five months. He has used different sources of recruitment to recruit these employees. He wants to know which kind of source delivered the most new hires for the money. To answer that question, Gilbert should determine the _____.

A. hiring conversion rate

B. prospective cost

C. return on investment

D. yield ratio

E. cost per hire

E. cost per hire

Keri, a trainer at Klemens Inc., plans on finding out how many candidates moved from the initial interview stage to the training selection stage in the past month. To find out, she needs to compare the _____.

A. yield ratios

B. cost per hire

C. prospective costs

D. returns on investment

E. liquidity ratios

A. yield ratios

Zoe is a recruiter with a bachelor's degree in business administration. She is well respected among her peers for her professional standards and understanding of the HR field. However, she has noticed that when she recruits engineers for her company, they sometimes seem unresponsive to her. According to your text, the most likely reason for this is because Zoe

A. is not warm enough to the applicants.

B. is perceived as less credible because she is an HR specialist.

C. does not give applicants enough information, leaving them with more questions than answers.

D. comes off as being too professional for someone in the HR field.

E. is not approaching the candidate with enough skepticism.

B. is perceived as less credible because she is an HR specialist.

Malik is an HR manager at a large accounting firm. He hires and trains the firm's staff of recruiters. Malik hires people with education in human resource management and a warm attitude that displays a positive interest in people. How else should he equip the recruiters so that they have success in this kind of work?

A. Malik should give them a realistic job preview about the recruiters' position.

B. Malik should select recruiters in an ideal age range.

C. Malik should train the recruiters in how to perform candidates' jobs.

D. Malik should equip recruiters with the kinds of information job applicants are seeking.

E. Malik should tell recruiters to downplay any negative information about the firm.

D. Malik should equip recruiters with the kinds of information job applicants are seeking.

Juliette is a recruiter for Kaskade Inc. When she interviews job candidates, she works hard to provide background information about the job's positive and negative qualities. She aims to be sure every detail is accurate, so that any employees hired will feel they got what they expected and will want to stay on with the company. Juliette's behavior is an example of providing a _____.

A. yield ratio

B. realistic job preview

C. core competency

D. due-process policy

E. job posting

B. realistic job preview

Harriett wants to apply for a job vacancy. She calls the recruiter who had advertised this vacancy to know more about the job. The recruiter gives some background information about the positive and negative qualities of the job to Harriett. Which of the following terms refers to the job information given by the recruiter?

A. vacancy analysis

B. substantive job criticism

C. pragmatic job survey

D. realistic job preview

E. role examination

D. realistic job preview

Omar is proud of his team of warm, knowledgeable, and ethical recruiters at Luvya Insurance. They practice their presentations to be sure they give realistic job previews, and they keep up-to-date on the company's policy so they can provide applicants with accurate answers to a host of questions. However, over the past year, Omar observes that the proportion of applicants who accept offers from Luvya has fallen. He follows up with several who turned down offers and learns that they took jobs elsewhere because they developed an unfavorable opinion of Luvya. Which of the following situations most likely explains this problem?

A. The recruiters lack the characteristics associated with success.

B. Candidates are not getting timely feedback about their applications.

C. The job previews by the recruiters are not realistic.

D. The recruiters are not the most appealing race and sex.

E. The organization has begun recruiting with teams of recruiters.

B. Candidates are not getting timely feedback about their applications.

Which of the following options for reducing an expected labor surplus?

Which of the following options for reducing an expected labor surplus has the benefit of being a relatively fast solution, but the disadvantage of being high in human suffering? transfers and work sharing. Which one of the following is most likely to represent a core competency for a retail store?

What is the most widespread method for eliminating labor shortages quizlet?

- The most widespread methods for eliminating a labor shortage are hiring temporary and contract workers and outsourcing work.

What is the best way to deal with a labor shortage or surplus?

3 Ways to Fix Your Labor Shortage.
Fix #1: Increase wages. The first solution is to increase wages. ... .
Fix #2: Increase hours. The second option is to ask your existing employees to work more hours. ... .
Fix #3: Increase productivity. The third solution is to increase the productivity of your existing workforce..

What strategy is often used by companies when there is a labor surplus quizlet?

The company must consider downsizing because it is the quickest way to deal with a labor surplus that results in financial losses.


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