Which one of these statements is incorrect about international differences in education systems?

Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding Indian traditional education system?

I. It was neither open to all nor had any equality in it.

II. It was noble in character and supported by religious motives.

  1. Both I and II
  2. Neither I nor II
  3. Only I
  4. Only II

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 1 : Both I and II


10 Questions 10 Marks 6 Mins

Education is the imparting and acquiring knowledge through teaching and learning, especially at a school or similar institution. The earliest educational processes involved sharing information about gathering food and providing shelter; making weapons and other tools; learning a language; and acquiring the values, behavior, and religious rites or practices of a given culture. Before the invention of reading and writing, people lived in an environment in which they struggled to survive against natural forces, animals, and other humans. To survive, preliterate people developed skills that grew into cultural and educational patterns.

Important Points

Traditional education is also called customary education or conventional education.

  • The main motive of traditional education is to pass on the values, manners skills, and social practice to the next generation which is necessary for their survival.
  • In traditional education, the student learns about the customs and traditions of the society in which he lives. This type of education is mostly imparted to the students by the means of oral recitation.
  • There is very little written work or practical work. The students simply sit down together and listen to the teacher or another who will recite the lesson.
  • The traditional does not include written tests but it includes some oral tests which are not very formal.
  • It was noble and supported by religious motives.
  • Traditional education is very far from the use of science and technology. Neither the education about sciences we study today in great detail is imparted in the traditional education system.
  • The traditional education system included knowledge about customs, traditions, and religions. That is why it is called traditional education.
  • Traditional education which was provided in schools was not meant for all the children. There was a lot of discrimination between the children. It was considered that education was meant for only high society people.
  • The children who belonged to the families of lower society were not allowed to enter the schools. Traditional education was not meant for everyone. Modern education is accessible to all. Anyone can take admission in a school and learn the modern education.
  • As mentioned above, in traditional education the students are taught about traditions, customs, rituals, and religion. In modern education, the students are taught about science, technology, language skills, mathematics, etc. the knowledge imparted in the traditional education system was enough for one’s living, but it was not enough to match the whole world.

Hence, we can conclude that both the statements are correct regarding the Indian traditional Education System.

  1. Social Science perpetuates the values like equity, freedom, justice, etc.
  2. Social Science encompasses diverse aspects of society.
  3. Social Science cannot use scientific methods of enquiry.
  4. Social Science deals with peoples and their lives.

Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 3 : Social Science cannot use scientific methods of enquiry.


Official Paper 2: Tripura TET 2019 Paper 2 (Maths & Science)

150 Questions 150 Marks 150 Mins

Social sciences constitute a field of knowledge that studies a woman’s/ man’s relationship with her/ his socio-cultural environment. The birth of social sciences as a formal field of study (field of study mostly at higher education/university education level). Social sciences study the social behavior of human life.. The different core components of social behavior of human life are- economic behavior, political behavior, cultural behavior and tradition, customs and social institutions, religious faiths and ethics, value pattern followed in society, etc.

Key Points

  • Perpetuate social values like democracy, socialism, secularism, liberty, equality, fraternity, justice, scientific temper, individual right, equity, freedom, justice, rationalistic thinking, etc. are the outcomes of the modern social system.
  • Promoting the virtues of living together harmoniously and solving the diverse socio-cultural problems of the modern world, social sciences have become a significant part of formal and non-formal education of the modern world.
  • Social science using modern scientific methods of survey and census.
  • Promote healthy social living among the people of the world, which ultimately emphasizes learning of social sciences.

Hence, we can conclude that Social Science cannot use scientific methods of enquiry the statement is incorrect.

Latest Tripura TET Updates

Last updated on Sep 22, 2022

The Teachers Recruitment Board, Tripura, is expected to release the notification for Tripura TET (Teacher's Eligibility Test) very soon. The Tripura TET Exam includes two papers. Paper-I is for the aspirant intending to be a teacher for Class-I to V and Paper-II for Class-VI to VIII. As Tripura TET does not have any age limit, it might be a golden opportunity for many government job aspirants. The aspirants must go through the Tripura TET Eligibility Criteria to match their eligibility as per the need of the exam.

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