Which one of the following terms refers to all forms of pay or rewards going to employees and?

Ahmed Abdul Qader

Ahmed Abdul Qader

People Ops Manager| HRBP | Peronnel Manager

Published Jul 25, 2015

Human Resource Management (HRM) has never been as significant as it is today. Companies want to attract, retain and motivate brains to meet objectives. Today Humans are regarded as one of every company’s assets so they need to be efficiently and effectively managed. One of the tools companies use to attract, retain and motivate its people is Compensation Management. In this article, I shall define compensation and benefits along with their advantages for a company and its workers.

Suppose, you own a boutique. Let’s call it myWear - or you can give it any name of your liking. You have hired three salespersons and a receptionist. The salespeople are responsible to look after the sales affairs. The receptionist's duties are to handle the cash and manage the account books. I shall refer to this illustration throughout the article.

Would the three salespersons and the receptionist work for free? No. They would, like us all, expect something in return. You must have heard a common phrase: Give and Take. You always have to give things to people in return to what you take from them. Compensation refers to this exchange, but in monetary terms. Compensation is the employer's feedback for an employee's work. It simply is the monetary value you would give to your four employees in return of their services.

In the book Human Resource Management, Gary Dessler defines compensation in these words "Employee compensation refers to all forms of pay going to employees and arising from their employment." The phrase 'all forms of pay' in the definition does not include non-financial benefits, but all the direct and indirect financial compensations. I shall, Inshallah, explain the two terms in my next article 'Parts of Salary'.

Employees today are not willing to work only for the cash alone, they expect 'extra'. This extra is known as employee benefits. Also known as fringe benefits, Employee benefits are non-financial form of compensation offered in addition to cash salary to enrich workers’ lives.

What benefits would you offer to your employees at myWear? Off course, you would offer different benefits to the salespersons and the receptionist. Problem will arise when you begin to decide what benefit to give to whom and on which basis? Employee benefits are not performance-based, they are membership-based. Workers receive benefits regardless of their performances. Employee benefits as a whole have no direct affect on employee performance, however, inadequate benefits do contribute to low satisfaction level and increase absenteeism and turnover in employees (DeCenzo and Robbins; 2007). So you would have to carefully design your benefit package. Your package may include a cell phone to each worker, taking them to a training workshop or seminar, giving them a day or two off every month and so on. While deciding on the benefits package, do consider the associated costs.

A well designed compensation and benefits plan helps to attract, motivate and retain talent in your firm (which is myWear). A well designed compensation & benefits plan will benefit your boutique in the following ways.

1. Job satisfaction: Your employees would be happy with their jobs and would love to work for you if they get fair rewards in exchange of their services.

2. Motivation: We all have different kinds of needs. Some of us want money so they work for the company which gives them higher pay. Some value achievement more than money, they would associate themselves with firms which offer greater chances of promotion, learning and development. A compensation plan that hits workers’ needs is more likely to motivate them to act in the desired way.

3. Low Absenteeism: Why would anyone want to skip the day and watch not-so-favorite TV program at home, if they enjoy the office environment and are happy with their salaries and get what they need and want?

4. Low Turnover: Would your employees want to work for any other boutique if you offer them fair rewards. Rewards which they thought they deserved?

1. Peace of Mind: your offering of several types of insurances to your workers relieves them from certain fears. Your workers as a result now work with relaxed mind.

2. Increases self-confidence.
I shall, inshallah, explain types of rewards & parts of salary in my next article.

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