Which of the following would not be an effective way of encouraging group cohesiveness?

Which is not a weakness of group decision making?

Group decisions tend to be less creative than individual decisions.

Which of the following steps can be taken by a manager to minimize groupthink?

Ask the group leader to actively seek input from all members.

Alberto is working with a group of fifteen people to coordinate the merger of two corporations. Everyone in the group is highly qualified, offers relevant information, and has high norms. Still, the group seems to be slow at outlining a definitive plan for the merger. With the information provided, what would be the fastest and best way for Alberto to increase cohesiveness and productivity?

decrease the size of the group

Which of the following statements is true regarding the effect of group cohesiveness and performance norms on group productivity?

When both cohesiveness and performance norms are high, productivity will be high.

Which of the following is an effective means of countering social loafing?

ensure that individual contributions to the group's outcome are identified

During the ________ stage of group development, members accept the existence of the group but resist the constraints it imposes on individuality.

When the group energy is focused on the task at hand, the group has moved to the ________ stage.

In discussing a given set of alternatives and arriving at a solution, group members tend to exaggerate the initial positions they hold. This phenomenon is called ________.

Groups of approximately ________ members tend to be more effective for taking action.

Role ________ indicates the way others believe you should act in a given context.

Which of the following is not likely to encourage group cohesiveness?

increasing the size of the group

The important groups to which an individual belongs or hopes to belong are known as the ________ groups.

Employees who band together to seek improved working conditions form a(n) ________ group.

John is a college student and he is accused of a campus crime. To deal with this problem a team is formed that consists of the dean of academic affairs, the dean of students, the registrar, the director of security, and the student's advisor. This team is an example of a(n) ________ group.

Some of the elements of ____________ are a focus on a shared mission, a willingness to work together toward the same goals, and a sense of trust in each other.

According to Jon Katzenbach and Douglas Smith, which of the following characteristics would indicate that you are working on a team rather than in a group? Check all that apply.

-Having interdependent tasks -Having a purpose that is unique to its members -Shared leadership roles -Individual and mutual accountability -Purpose is specific to the team -Characterized by complex and interdependent tasks -Collective work products -Open-ended discussions and problem solving are encouraged

According to Jon Katzenbach and Douglas Smith, The following characteristics would indicate that you are working in a GROUP rather than on a TEAM:

-Having a purpose that is the same as the organization's mission -Making sure that each person is held accountable for his or her own work -Having one person who is clearly the leader -Having independent tasks -Clearly focused leader -Individual accountability -Group's purpose is same as organization's mission -Characterized by straightforward and independent tasks -Individual work products -Predetermined work structure

Identify each example in the following table as a team or a group. Last week, the logistics employees at Run River got together to determine the best way to ship products overseas. Each employee created a separate plan and submitted it to the logistics manager, who decided which plan the company would pursue.

Robbie Whitten and his father, Robert, have a clear task that they work on together: to create white-collar pawn shops that attract high-end clients.

Last week, Mr. Simon told his English class that they were responsible for finishing The Great Gatsby and writing a six-page essay about why the book captured the culture of the 1920s. Today, each student in Mr. Simon’s class turned in his or her essay.

Your manager is thinking about hiring a consultant to help the employees in her department become a team. Before undertaking the time and expense of such a project, he asks you what drivers of organizational performance teamwork can impact. Complete the blanks in your response below. Effective teamwork can result in ________ and ________.

-more creativity -higher productivity

Think about the different types of teams in organizations and complete the sentences. Karin is the manager of the IT department and has 12 systems analysts reporting to her. Karin and her employees coordinate closely to accomplish the department’s goals, and they are a ______________.

To develop a new curriculum to address state standards, the school district superintendent led a ___________ of principals and teachers, school counselors and librarians, parents, and education program faculty at colleges around the state. Team members exchanged ideas via email and had regular videoconferences.

Think about the different types of teams in organizations and complete the sentences. The VP of product development led a ____________ of specialists in sales and marketing, manufacturing, and research and development to figure out how to bring new products to market faster in the United States.

When Taco Bell wanted to open many new locations, the company’s leaders knew they would have trouble hiring enough managers. The solution was to train employees to work as __________, working together to hire their own colleagues, manage inventory, and do financial reporting.

A team that exceeds its goals has high _________.

Individual members set aside personal agendas; they focus on what’s best for the team. Collective outputs define success.

Members hold one another responsible rather than relying on managers as the source of responsibility.

Members feel comfortable disagreeing and challenging one another in the interest of finding the best solution.

-Leadership -Environment -Culture -Strategy -Reward, control system

-Formal -Self-managed -virtual/global

-knowledge and skills -Benefits and costs

-Stages of development -Cohesiveness -Norms -Conflict resolution

-Productive output -Personal satisfaction -Capacity to adapt and learn

To manage teams well, managers need to run meetings effectively. Which of the following steps help a meeting go smoothly? Check all that apply.

-Start on time and state the meeting’s purpose. -End the meeting with a call to action and follow up soon afterward. -Prepare an agenda ahead of time and establish ground rules.

Running a good meeting means doing the following:

• Define the purpose. • Invite the right people. • Prepare an agenda and identify the expected outcome. • Start on time, state the purpose, and review the agenda. • Establish ground rules. • Create involvement. • Keep the discussion moving. • End with a call to action. • Follow up swiftly.

Now you have to get to work. Your first thought is to have ten members on the team, but management research indicates that ten members would be _________. It would be better to have _______________ people on the team.

You also remember that research shows:

Smaller teams are more focused on team goals than larger teams

Obviously, since all of its members live in your neighborhood, you won’t be using a ___________. But since you want formal representation from your homeowner’s association, your local law-enforcement agency, and the businesses on your street, you think that you might start with a _____________. Whatever type of team you choose, you know that less diversity will bring you __________ideas.

-global team -cross-functional team -fewer

Obviously, since you do not manage your neighbors, you won’t be using a ______________. But since all of your neighbors are connected to the Internet and prefer working via e-mail, you think that you might start with a ________. Whatever type of team you choose, you know that more diversity will bring you ________ ideas.

-functional team -virtual team -more

Niranjana sat at the kitchen table with her mother-in-law, Paramita. The two women were engrossed in the movie guide spread in front of them. “Bollywood Retrospective!” read the headline. Niranjana wants to see Asoka, but Paramita wants to see Zubeidaa. Seeing Zubeidaa seems to be really important to Paramita, and Niranjana wants to continue her amicable relationship with her husband’s mother. The __________ conflict-handling technique is most appropriate in this situation.

Now you have to get to work. Your first thought is to have seven members on the team, but management research indicates that seven members would be __________. It would be better to have ___________ people on the team.

As the team works together, Carol plays a ____________, diffusing conflicts and helping everyone feel welcome to contribute ideas.

Elise said, “I don’t think Julián and Ethan are really that far apart here. Their ideas have a lot of overlap.”

Ethan said, “Folks, I’ve just had a brainstorm! We could get the people in sales to communicate our message to customers. They’ll be good at it, they’ll enjoy it, and the message will get out really fast.”

Lolita’s team meets every Tuesday morning. Lolita always brings doughnuts to these meetings, and she always starts the meeting by asking who’s had a big success that week, which encourages participation. Lolita’s habitual actions were developed during the _________ stage of team development.

Patrick works for a large technology company that sponsors an intramural soccer league. Patrick has been on a soccer team with the other software engineers for his product for several years, and they are very good. Team members rarely miss practices and never miss games, they know each other’s strengths and weaknesses on the field, and they play together so well that they have won the company championship 2 years in a row. When the team was first formed, however, the players did not seem very committed, team cohesion was not very good, and the team took a very long time to decide on which plays and strategies to use. After making a change midway through the first season that led to increased cohesion, team performance improved dramatically.
What stage of development is Patrick’s soccer team in currently?

If a team leader wanted to help a team such as Patrick’s get through the performing stage of team development, he or she should take which of the following actions? Check all that apply.

-Help the team make effective decisions. -Encourage constructive conflict between members of the team. -Help team members talk freely with each other.

The team created to document procedures throughout the organization had several ________, or expectations of behavior: be on time for meetings, check email on evenings and weekends, and share cute animal videos found online.

To improve team cohesiveness, a manager should increase: Check all that apply.

-The frequency with which team members interact -The degree to which team members agree on the team’s goals -The amount of positive recognition the team gets from others in the organization

You are the HR manager at FoodFaire, a local grocery store. Your clerks belong to the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, which has threatened a strike in 11 days unless their demands are met. They are asking for a 12% raise, and you can offer them only 4%. You can almost feel the hours ticking by—this is a critically important negotiation, and neither party really wants the strike. The __________ conflict-handling technique is most appropriate in this situation.

The artist engaged in __________ with the comic book publisher in which the two parties had a lively discussion about various payment options until they worked out a mutually agreeable contract.

Which message best separates the people from the problem?

“Let’s lay the problem on the table. We’ve got 100 hires allotted and 400 requisitions that need to be filled.”

Which message is interest-based (as opposed to demand-based)?

“I’ve been told I have to increase my sales by 20% next year.”

Which message bases results on objective standards?

“How can we hire staff so that each department has an equal chance of meeting the sales goal?”

The two managers often engaged in _________    ; in today’s meeting, they had a spirited debate over the project’s optimal workflow, and their disagreement ultimately led to a creative solution.

Two sisters, Carol and Patty, are sitting at the kitchen table discussing what to do for Thanksgiving. They disagree about almost everything: how to cook the turkey, what kind of stuffing to make, whether to serve wild rice salad, how to prepare the yams, and even what kind of pie to serve. Eventually Carol says, “Just do it your way! You always have to be the boss. I’m sick of fighting with you.” Patty responds, “That’s only because you’re so stupid!”
Carol and Patty are engaged in __________ conflict, based on __________.

Two sisters, Carol and Patty, are sitting at the kitchen table discussing what to do for Thanksgiving. They disagree about almost everything: how to cook the turkey, what kind of stuffing to make, whether to serve wild rice salad, how to prepare the yams, and even what kind of pie to serve. Eventually Carol says, “Just do it your way! You always have to be the boss. I’m sick of fighting with you.” Patty responds, “That’s only because you’re so stupid!”
Which of the following outcomes are likely in this situation? Check all that apply. The sisters will learn from one another. The sisters will experience stress and low morale. Carol and Patty will become frustrated with each other. Carol and Patty will find a creative way to solve the problem.

-The sisters will experience stress and low morale. -Carol and Patty will become frustrated with each other.

When the company is hosting an event, managers should assign event preparations to a _________. Preparations include trucking in different kinds of equipment and setting it up over several acres; installing sufficient security, first aid, and portable restrooms throughout the course; and having food and drink delivered, as well as marketing the event and enrolling participants.

Managers should seek to maximize _____________  on the team to enhance its effectiveness.

The CEO of Tough Mudder believes that teams in his company are not working as effectively as they could, and he is asking you for advice. Provide the best answer to his question. “Our teams in different countries have learned a great deal, so I am putting together an international team to study and share the best practices that have been developed. This team will have people from each continent where we operate. How should I plan to manage this team?”

Encourage team members to socialize online by sharing photos and videos. Reach out to people from cultures where proactively sharing ideas is not valued.

Team ___________ is high when the team is maintaining the commitment of its members by meeting their personal needs.

Members hold one another responsible rather than relying on managers as the source of responsibility.

Members connect with one another on a deep emotional level; they feel comfortable being vulnerable with one another.

Members feel comfortable disagreeing and challenging one another in the interest of finding the best solution.

Team managers need to monitor and reward the team’s progress. How can the manager of a virtual team best do this? Check all that apply.

-Have online recognition ceremonies to celebrate accomplishments. -Post targets and progress reports in a shared online workspace. -Analyze electronic communication patterns.

Because all ideas are put on the table, people can eventually achieve genuine buy-in around important goals and decisions.

Denise became wary of participating on teams after her experience with a ___________, a member of her Management class project team who did almost no work.

Managing a virtual team poses special challenges. How can a virtual team leader build relationships across distances? Check all that apply.

-Encourage social networking in which team members share personal information. -Make sure all team members have a way to stay up-to-date. -Highlight diverse skills and express appreciation of varying opinions.

Todd, Tim, Zanthia, and Tubrina came together for the first time today to talk about how they will develop a new 3-D printer. The team, in its ______________ stage, is defining what task it will perform and how it will achieve it.

Last summer, Maria decided to join a bowling league with some colleagues from work. They formed a team and bowled together several times to get to know one another better. The week before the league started, the team had to come up with a name. During a meeting to discuss this, Maria and her teammate Tim got into a heated debate because Maria wanted their name to be The Lucky Strikes, whereas Tim wanted the team name to be The Pin City Pimps. While yelling at each other, it became clear that Maria thought she should be the team manager because she had formed the team. Tim was just as adamant that he should be team manager because he is the more experienced bowler. As Maria and Tim argue about the team name, what stage of development is their bowling team in?

If a team leader wanted to help a team such as Maria’s get through the norming stage of team development, he or she should take which of the following actions? Check all that apply.
Help the team create ground rules for the group. Provide the resources the team needs to accomplish its goals. Help team members use blocking behaviors. Help team members openly discuss the expectations they have of each other with regard to meeting, working, communication, leadership, and consideration.

-Help the team create ground rules for the group. -Help team members openly discuss the expectations they have of each other with regard to meeting, working, communication, leadership, and consideration.

The SOMA water filter team is operating in the ________ stage right now. All of the team members share the same goal, to produce an innovative water filter, and they are working together optimally to accomplish that goal.

David recently joined his company’s softball team, which plays in a competitive city league. After the first game of the season, David went straight home to rest his weary body in a bath, while the rest of the team went to a local bar to celebrate their victory. The next day at work, one of David’s softball teammates chastised him for not going out after the game. “It’s expected, and it appears as if you don’t want to be on the team when you don’t go,” his teammate said. From that day forward, David joined his teammates at the local bar after each game. The tradition of the entire team going to a local bar after each game appears to be what?

If a team leader wanted to help a team such as David’s get through the adjourning stage of team development, he or she should take which of the following actions? Check all that apply.
Throw a party to celebrate the work that the team has done together. Help group members manage their feelings of sadness and loss. Help discourage free riding in the team. Help the team evaluate its work.

-Throw a party to celebrate the work that the team has done together. -Help group members manage their feelings of sadness and loss. -Help the team evaluate its work.

Tough Mudder takes reservations from people wanting to enroll in its events by phone and online. The employees confirming these reservations, answering customers’ questions, and ensuring that billing is processed correctly could be organized as a ______________, because they can be trained to hire new staff and hold one another accountable for results. On the rare occasions an employee cannot meet a customer’s needs, the employee can confer with colleagues to decide how best to proceed.

A team made up of people of different nationalities will be ________ to the company due to its diversity.

“One of our longstanding cross-functional teams is being led by Ingrid. She is very knowledgeable and highly organized, so we would like to keep her in a leadership role. However, when there is disagreement on the team, she puts forward her ideas very emphatically and flatly rejects other team members’ contributions. Everyone on the team needs to buy in to the final decision so they work hard to implement it. What guidance should I give Ingrid?”

Ingrid should learn to collaborate, using a high degree of both her natural assertiveness and cooperation.

Which of the following is not used to encourage group cohesiveness?

The correct option is b) increasing the size of the group Among all the given options, option B is not likely to encourage group cohesiveness because increasing the size of the group will decrease the individual productivity of the member.

How do you encourage group cohesiveness?

7 Ways to Improve Group Cohesion and Achieve Goals Faster.
Stick With Smaller Groups. Bigger is not always better. ... .
Encourage Personal Interactions. We all need friends at work. ... .
Provide Feedback & Ongoing Training. ... .
Set Goals With Clear Deadlines. ... .
Maximize Your Team's Ability to Focus. ... .
Create Contingency Plans. ... .
Celebrate Success..

What are the 5 factors to consider to enhance group cohesiveness?

The main factors that influence group cohesiveness are: members' similarity, group size, entry difficulty, group success and external competition and threats.

In which way does group cohesiveness not develop?

When members of a new group have had previous positive group experiences, they are more easily able to establish group cohesion. When members have had past group experiences that were unfavorable, they will resist developing cohesion.


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