Which of the following supply chain strategies creates value by allowing suppliers to have economies of scale?

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Which of the following supply-chain strategies creates value by allowing suppliers to have economies of scale? Suppliers becoming part of a company vertical integration strategic partnership with a few suppliers negotiating with many suppliers

Expert Answer

Vertical integration is the strategy where supply chain produces different product or services and the supply chain is owned by the company.Company expand its business operations on same production path by following different steps which will reduce cost and efficiency will be improved by decreasing transportation expenses and turnaround time and it will help the company in establishing economies of scale.

So,option B is the answer

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Question & Answer: Which of the following supply-chain strategies creates value by allowing suppliers to have economies of…


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What are the 4 supply chain strategies?

There are 4 fundamental supply chain strategies that focus on customer-centricity, predictive maintenance, automation, and visibility. Incorporating these strategies will enable businesses to meet customer demand and boost profitability.

What are the 3 types of supply chain strategies?

Supply chain management operates at three levels: strategic, tactical, and operational.

What type of negotiation strategy requires the supplier?

The market-based price negotiation strategy requires that the supplier open its books to the purchaser.

What are the 5 supply chain strategies?

The Top-level of this model has five different processes which are also known as components of Supply Chain Management – Plan, Source, Make, Deliver and Return. Let's deep dive into each component: Plan: Planning is imperative to control inventory and manufacturing processes.


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