Which of the following steps in the career management process involves psychological tests?

Career management plays important role in career development. Career management is done with involved taking some necessary steps to reach the career plan and commonly more focusing on the ability of the organization able to do for their employee to increase their career development (Werner & DeSimone, 2009). Career plan is usually able to be performed, at least in some apart, through the training program which implemented by the organization. Career management process contained four steps which are self-assessment, reality check, goal setting and action planning (refer to Figure 1 in Appendix 1).
The first step of career management process is self-assessment. Self-assessment is refers to the employees using some information that help them to decide which career they really interested to pursue, ability, skills, and behavioural tendencies. According to Allen (2005), self-assessment is a process to identify skills, abilities, knowledge of the employees. During this step, the employees need to do some tests such as the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory and the Self-Directed Search. The tests help the employees to identify the value of work that they place on their work and also leisure activities. Self-assessment is also involved with some exercises which able the employees to identify their career future plan, where are they for now and also how their career match with the current situation and resource that available (Noe, 2010). After done with the exercises, career counsellors usually used to assist the employee in their self-assessment process and also provide explanation about their result of psychology tests. Then the employees assess their current skills and abilities and also capabilities they are lacking with some informa...

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... the company occurs when there is a position that need to be fill immediately and the employees who have capabilities to get the job may apply for it. All four steps in career management process are important and none of it can be skip.

Works Cited

Allen, R. (2005). Competitive career management practices. Massachusetts, US:
Antoniu, E. (2010) Career planning process and its role in human resource development.
Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics, 10(2), 13-22
Noe, R.A. (2010). Employee training and development. (5th ed). Singapore: McGraw-Hill
Patrick, A.H. & Kumar.A. (2011). Career management, employee development and performance in Indian information technology organizations. Business Management Dynamics, 1(5), 24-31
Werner, J.M. & Desimone, R.L. (2009). Human resource development. (5th ed). Mason, USA:
South-Western Cengage Learning

Managing Human Resources, 7e (Gómez-Mejía / Balkin / Cardy)

Chapter 9 Developing Careers

1) Unlike training, career development:

A) has a short-term focus.

B) is initiated by employees.

C) has a broad scope.

D) benefits the organization.

2) Career development is best defined as a:

A) one-time event or opportunity to enhance long-term skills.

B) formal, organized, ongoing effort to develop people skills.

C) highly selective process which guarantees success.

D) process that focuses on immediate job requirements.

3) Which of the following best explains why the career development field has experienced

significant change in recent decades?

A) More college graduates pursue careers with non-profit organizations.

B) Self-employment is a preferred career path for professionals.

C) Career paths are less structured and predictable.

D) Job security is an important career element.

4) The purpose of career development has changed over time and shifted its focus from the:

A) organization to both the organization and the individual.

B) individual to the organization.

C) organization to the individual.

D) individual to the community.

5) Currently, firms primarily view career development as a way to meet all of the following goals


A) reducing job burnout.

B) reinforcing affirmative action.

C) improving quality of work life.

D) expanding tenure opportunities.

6) Initially, companies viewed career development as a program to meet organizational needs.

Now, it is also looked upon as a way to meet employees' needs. This shift in perspective is most

likely due to all of the following EXCEPT:

A) the pressures of downsizing.

B) the pressures of technological change.

C) employee demands for career advancement opportunities.

D) the need for global firms to meet short-term strategic goals.

7) Lillian, the VP of HR, insists that a career development program should be implemented at

Dresses, Inc. She notes that employee turnover is increasing and many employees complain that

they feel stuck in dead-end jobs. Patty, the president of HR, claims that due to the recent

economic downturn, it is impossible to implement such a program. From this scenario, it is most


Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

What is the step in the career management process where psychological tests such as Myers Briggs and Strong Campbell Interest Inventory are used?

The step in the career management process in which psychological tests, such as Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory, are used is: data gathering.

Which of the following is the first step in the career management process?

Step 1: Self-Assessment Self-assessment is the first step in the process. This involves students identifying their values, interests, skills, and personality.

Which of the following is an employee's responsibility during goal setting in a career management process quizlet?

Which of the following is an employee's responsibility during goal setting in a career management process? job rotation. 9.

What is a component of a basic career management system quizlet?

A basic career management system involves four steps: data gathering, feedback, goal setting, and action planning and follow-up. The glass ceiling is likely caused by a lack of access to training programs, appropriate developmental job experiences, and developmental relationships such as mentoring.


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