Which of the following statements about changes in cognitive pragmatics is true?

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Psychosocial evaluation in kidney transplantation

Kristy L. Engel, Kristin K. Kuntz, in Psychosocial Aspects of Chronic Kidney Disease, 2021

Cognitive functioning

Cognitive functioning is another important aspect of the patient’s psychosocial presentation that is assessed during the pretransplant evaluation. There are many factors that could impact patients’ cognitive functioning, intellectual functioning, and health literacy, including the primary illness, other comorbid medical conditions, previous brain injuries, and demographic factors such as age and educational attainment. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) itself often has cognitive consequences that may be attributed to the accumulation of uremic toxins not adequately cleared by the kidneys, vascular alterations, chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, anemia, or comorbid conditions such as diabetes and hypertension that often occur in patients with CKD.47, 48 Fifty to eighty-seven percent of patients on dialysis have cognitive impairment in one or more cognitive domain with verbal learning, memory, and executive functioning being the most commonly impaired.48 Fortunately, most patients experience significant improvement in cognitive functioning after transplantation but may remain impaired compared with healthy controls.49 Although transplantation removes the cognitive burden of CKD, other premorbid factors and some irreversible damage from CKD may continue to affect patients’ cognitive functioning.

It is imperative to understand the patient’s current level of cognitive functioning and the likely contributor(s) to it for a number of reasons, including the patient’s ability to provide informed consent, the patient’s ability to adhere to posttransplant requirements, and the likely course of decline or improvement in cognitive functioning. Patients must be able to provide informed consent for transplantation, which means they must be able to reasonably understand the risks and benefits of transplantation for them. It is also important that patients have an understanding of what will be required of them after transplantation, including clinic visits, regular laboratory evaluations, and lifelong medication adherence.

At the beginning of the transplant evaluation process, patients are provided with education about transplant that includes information about the risks, benefits, aspects of listing, deceased versus living donor options, accepting offers of organs of differing quality (i.e., Kidney Donor Profile Index), and posttransplant expectations. Patients must be able to process and retain this educational information to make informed decisions. The psychosocial evaluation often includes asking patients what they recall of the education they received using open-ended questions. Because the amount of information presented to patients can be overwhelming, it may be appropriate to reteach some of the information about transplant and require a “teach-back” method during which the patient repeats what he or she has understood and retained. The goal is not for patients to demonstrate medical expertise in transplantation, but to ensure that they are able to process and retain details about the transplant process that are important in making informed choices. This interaction also helps clinicians estimate patients’ general health literacy, which could affect their ability to follow complex medical recommendations.

Formal testing of cognitive functioning may be included in the standard psychosocial evaluation or added as an additional requirement when cognitive impairment is suspected. The extent of standardized testing can range from a brief cognitive screen to an hour-long neuropsychological battery. When impairment is suspected, it is important to differentiate between impairment likely attributable to the patient’s current health status and CKD, which may improve with transplantation, and impairment caused by a more permanent factor (such as traumatic brain injury or cerebrovascular accident) or a degenerative disease (such as dementia).

Standardized testing can help determine the etiology, likely course, and possible remediation strategies for deficits. However, comprehensive testing can be costly and time consuming and is often not easily accessible, so it is not generally included as a standard practice for every patient being considered for transplantation. Collateral reports from family and/or long-term providers can also be helpful in identifying the onset and course of cognitive concerns. These individuals may help identify concerns not readily noted in brief or singular interactions with the patient and may be able to provide insight into how the patient’s deficits impact his or her day-to-day functioning. A patient’s educational and employment history can also be used as an estimate of baseline intellectual functioning.

Low intellectual functioning or health literacy and mild cognitive impairment are not generally considered absolute contraindications to transplant. Indeed, children with severe intellectual disability who underwent kidney transplantation had similar outcomes to children without intellectual disability.50 Individuals who are part of ethnic or racial minority groups often have lower levels of health literacy, and there are a myriad of factors that likely contribute to this disparity.51, 52 Poor health literacy, in itself, should not be held against transplant candidates. If they are able to understand and appreciate the risks and benefits of transplantation and the components and importance of posttransplant care when the information is presented at an appropriate level, poor health literacy may not be a barrier. However, a diagnosis of a progressive, degenerative dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease, is generally seen as an absolute contraindication to transplantation, not necessarily because of cognitive dysfunction, but because it is a life-limiting illness.53

If the patient does have cognitive impairment, additional provisions may be needed to support the patient’s success.54 The patient may be required to have a support person present for every appointment to ensure that accurate information is obtained from the patient and that there is adequate understanding of the information provided to the patient. It is also important for the providers working with the patient to have an awareness of the patient’s level of health literacy and intellectual functioning so that information can be presented at a level commensurate with the patient’s abilities.

Additional compensatory strategies such as using a weekly pillbox, writing appointments on a calendar, or using an alarm to remember medication administration times may be recommended. If there is significant concern, patients may be asked to implement these strategies and return for reassessment to see if further remediation is necessary. Patients with greater cognitive impairment may require a higher level of support or oversight to be successful, such as in-home nursing services or a structured living environment. Arrangements for these can be made during the evaluation process.

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URL: //www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128170809000178

Theories of Cognitive Aging and Work

Gwenith G. Fisher, ... Dorey S. Chaffee, in Work Across the Lifespan, 2019

Psychometric Approach

Cognitive functioning refers to multiple mental abilities, including learning, thinking, reasoning, remembering, problem solving, decision making, and attention. The dominant approach to the measurement and conceptualization of cognitive functioning in lifespan developmental psychology is the psychometric approach, which arose from efforts to define, measure, and quantify cognitive abilities using the most basic underlying constructs of abilities such as general intelligence (g), fluid intelligence (Gf), and crystallized intelligence (Gc; Carroll, 1993; Cattell, 1963, 1987; Horn & Cattell, 1967). General intelligence (g) derived from a single common factor underlying all cognitive abilities. Fluid cognitive abilities (Gf) refers to reasoning or thinking, processing speeds, and one’s ability to solve problems in novel situations, independent of acquired knowledge. Crystallized cognitive abilities (Gc) refer to “acquired knowledge,” which includes the accumulation of lifetime intellectual knowledge and achievements. Gc is often measured by abilities like knowledge and vocabulary. Lifespan psychologists (e.g., Baltes, Staudinger, & Lindenberger, 1999) have referred to these dimensions as “cognitive mechanics and pragmatics” (p. 486). The psychometric method relies upon the administration and scoring of multiple cognitive performance tests. This approach has had a strong influence on applied psychological research (e.g., Ackerman & Beier, 2012; Fisher et al., 2014; Klein et al., 2015; Salthouse, 2012).

Prior research has identified distinct intra-individual trajectories over the lifespan for different cognitive abilities, including important differences across one’s working life (Klein et al., 2015; McArdle, Hamagami, Meredith, & Bradway, 2000; Schaie, 1994). In particular, Gf peaks in early adulthood (around age 20) and then declines throughout the remainder of the lifespan (which includes the time during which people work; Salthouse, 2012). Alternatively, Gc typically increases over the lifespan due to the acquisition of new knowledge and experience. Gc is less likely to decline until much later ages and typically after people retire. Increases over age in Gc are believed to compensate for the losses in Gf and may account for the general stability (or even slight increase) in work performance as people age (Ng & Feldman, 2008). Fig. 2.1 illustrates distinct trajectories of Gf and Gc within individuals over time, with advancing age, and how the trajectory of g alone occludes the distinct patterns of more specific ability measures. When investigating cognitive abilities, it is important to be specific about which cognitive abilities are being investigated, given that there is not one single pattern of intellectual functioning over age across all abilities (Schaie, 1994). Furthermore, the patterns depicted in Fig. 2.1 show that age-related changes in cognitive functioning are more likely to be masked when using more general measures (such as g) compared to the use of more specific abilities.

Figure 2.1. Trajectories of cognitive abilities within individuals across time with advancing age.

It is important to consider age differences in cognitive abilities when investigating cognitive functioning and work-related issues. For example, Ackerman and Beier (2012) indicated that “over a 20 or 30+ year span of one’s lifetime of work, both rank order and raw scores [of cognitive abilities] change in marked ways” (p. 151). Klein et al. (2015) investigated cognitive predictors (e.g., general and specific mental abilities) related to age among business executives. Their results indicated that the largest mean differences in cognitive ability scores were among individuals age 65 or older, suggesting evidence of cognitive decline among older adults even in the working population. However, it is very important to note that there are vast individual differences in the aging process such that the extent and rate at which people decline can vary considerably (Salthouse, 2012).

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URL: //www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128127568000025


Martin J.B. Taphoorn, Martin Klein, in Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 2012


Cognitive functioning and HRQOL have become important patient-oriented outcome measures in patients with brain tumors, next to traditional measures such as (progression-free) survival. New treatment options and combinations of treatment for brain tumors warrant further use of these outcome measures. An important rationale for the selection of a given brain tumor treatment may be related to cognitive side-effects and the impact on HRQOL. In long-term surviving patients with brain tumors, such as low-grade glioma, assessment of cognitive function has also become crucial.

Apart from its use in clinical trials, cognitive testing and assessment of HRQOL of the individual patient with a brain tumor may guide the physician in clinical decision-making. These measures may not only have prognostic significance but also, during follow-up, may give the first indication of recurrent tumor growth. The neurological handicap and the burden of epilepsy in patients with brain tumors should be considered as well.

Comprehensive questionnaires for HRQOL and comprehensive test batteries for cognitive function are needed for daily clinical practice. In addition, computer-adapted assessment of cognition and HRQOL are increasingly being developed towards this goal.

The prevention of side-effects of brain tumor treatment is becoming another challenge now that (subgroups of) these patients are living longer.

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URL: //www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780444521385000141

Cognition in Parkinson's Disease

Adina H. Wise, Roy N. Alcalay, in Progress in Brain Research, 2022

8 Conclusion and future directions

Cognitive functioning and cognitive performance are heterogenous among all individuals and, similarly, cognitive performance and cognitive decline are heterogenous among individuals with PD. The hypothesis underlying the studies summarized here is that genetics may explain some of this heterogeneity.

Studies focusing on PD genetics may be crudely categorized as focusing on known mutation carriers, i.e., genetic PD, or focusing on more common variants in idiopathic PD. Among carriers of pathogenic mutations in genetic PD, genotype may explain some componet of the different phenotypes and patterns of progressions, with regards to congition and cognitive phenotype, which have been observed and are described above.

Specifically, dementia is rare in PRKN-PD, less frequent in LRRK2-PD than idiopathic PD, and likely more common in GBA-PD and SNCA-PD. Interestingly, the stronger the association between genotype and α-synuclein pathology, the greater the risk for cognitive decline. In non-genetic PD, the most convincing data support APOE variants relationship to poorer cognitive outcomes.

We anticipate that as research advances, additional variants will be associated with a range of cognitive phenotypes. Specically, as investigations into polygenic risk scores expand further into correlating risk scores with clinical characteristics, we hypothesize that additional genetic contributions to cognitve progression in PD will be uncovered.

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URL: //www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0079612322000152

Diabetes and the Nervous System

Paula S. Koekkoek, ... Geert Jan Biessels, in Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 2014

Cognitive domains and neuropsychological tests

Cognitive functioning comprises multiple cognitive domains, such as memory, language, visuoconstruction, perception, attention, and executive functions (Lezak et al., 2004). In addition, mental speed is an essential feature of cognitive functioning. These cognitive domains can be impacted selectively or can be affected by other noncognitive factors that contribute to task performance, such as motivation or mood. Detailed neuropsychological tests are available to assess performance on these cognitive domains. It is important to acknowledge, however, that most tests depend on multiple cognitive processes and therefore do not tap a single cognitive domain. For example, in a memory test where words must be remembered, attention is also needed to be able to perform the test. By combining multiple tests, the pattern of disturbances often reveals which domains are most likely to be affected.

The next paragraphs briefly address the three domains that are affected most often in patients with diabetes, namely memory, information-processing speed, and executive functions (Brands et al., 2005; Reijmer et al., 2010). For a more detailed description of cognitive domains and cognitive test procedures the reader is referred to neuropsychological textbooks (Lezak et al., 2004).

Memory is usually assessed with tests that require patients to recall a list of unrelated words that is presented to them repeatedly. They are then asked to recall these words immediately after presentation and again after a 30 minute delay, to assess immediate or short-term verbal memory and long-term verbal memory, respectively. “Working memory” is the ability to maintain and manipulate information for a period of several seconds. This is measured by the digit span task, where patients are asked to repeat a list of digits of increasing length in both the same way as presented (forward) and in reverse order (backward) (Wechsler, 1997). There are also several tests available that assess memory in a nonverbal manner.

Information-processing speed is a measure of the ability to process information within a limited amount of time. It is essential for all other cognitive processes and depends on the integrity of the cerebral network as a whole. Information-processing speed is tested using reaction time tasks, such as the Digit Symbol Substitution Test of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – 3rd edition (WAIS-III) (Wechsler, 1997). In this test the patient has to copy as many symbols as possible that match the digits on top of the paper in a period of two minutes. Information-processing speed declines naturally with age, but is also sensitive for cognitive dysfunction. The grooved pegboard test is a test of psychomotor speed that is particularly sensitive to the modest cognitive decrements that are associated with type 1 diabetes (Ryan et al., 2003; Brands et al., 2005).

Executive functions are needed to plan and organize all aspects of daily life. They are necessary to control our behavior, to set and monitor goals, and to inhibit automatic responses. They are thereby closely related to more complex attention processes. The domain is also described as “mental flexibility.” This domain can be measured by the Stroop Color Word Test (Stroop, 1935) for complex, selective attention and the Trail Making Test part B (Corrigan and Hinkeldey, 1987) for divided attention. The main item in these tests is that patients need to switch efficiently between multiple task components. Another widely used test is the Verbal Fluency Test (Deelman et al., 1981), where patients must generate as many words as possible starting with a specified letter of the alphabet or belonging to a specified category (for example, animals) within one minute.

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URL: //www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780444534804000114

Enhancing social engagement of older adults through technology

Michael T. Bixter, ... Wendy A. Rogers, in Aging, Technology and Health, 2018

Social engagement and cognitive decline

Preserved cognitive functioning is an integral component of maintaining a healthy, active, and independent lifestyle for older adults. Whether it is managing multiple medications, learning new skills and hobbies, or managing finances and paying bills, many everyday activities require complex cognitive processes. As a result, a better understanding of the protective effect that social engagement has on cognitive functioning is vital for designing solutions or interventions targeting declines in cognitive ability in older adulthood.

The most severe and debilitating form of cognitive decline is the development of dementia, with Alzheimer’s disease being the most common cause (Burns & Iliffe, 2009). Due to the high personal and societal costs associated with the condition, numerous studies have investigated the effect of social engagement on the occurrence and onset of dementia (e.g., Sörman, Rönnlund, Sundström, Adolfsson, & Nilsson, 2015; Wang, Karp, Winblad, & Fratiglioni, 2002).

Fratiglioni et al. (2000) conducted a study of 1,203 community-dwelling older adults (aged 75 and above). Social engagement was assessed by a measure that included both structural and qualitative aspects of individuals’ social lives. This included items about marital status, living arrangement, having children, as well as contact frequency and relationship satisfaction with various social ties (e.g., children, relatives, close friends). During a 3-year follow up after the baseline interview, it was found that poor or limited social engagement increased the risk of dementia by 60%.

A recent meta-analysis was carried out on the effect of social relationship factors on dementia risk in longitudinal cohort studies (Kuiper et al., 2015). The results of the meta-analysis were that individuals with lower levels of social participation, individuals with lower frequency of social contacts, and individuals with higher levels of loneliness were, respectively, 1.41, 1.57, and 1.58 times more likely to have a higher risk to develop dementia than their more socially engaged counterparts.

Even though dementia has been a main research focus, the benefits of social engagement for cognitive functioning in older adults are not solely confined to the onset of dementia. Social engagement has been found to associate with cognitive functions more broadly (Barnes, de Leon, Wilson, Bienias, & Evans, 2004; Seeman, Lusignolo, Albert, & Berkman, 2001). For instance, in a sample of 838 older adults without dementia, measures of social activity and social support related to higher cognitive functioning (Krueger et al., 2009). In this particular study, cognitive functioning was assessed using multiple measures of a variety of cognitive processes, including episodic memory, semantic memory, working memory, perceptual speed, and visuospatial ability. These results demonstrate that a high degree of participation in social activities and the maintenance of social connections serve to preserve an array of cognitive functions in late adulthood.

The relationship between social engagement and cognitive functioning in older adulthood could be bidirectional. That is, cognitive decline may cause a reduction in social engagement, because successfully maintaining interpersonal social relationships requires cognitive processing. Moreover, older adults experiencing cognitive decline could face barriers in participating in social activities, which would result in lower reported levels of social engagement. However, evidence suggests that enhanced social engagement exerts a protective effect on cognitive functioning for older adults. In one longitudinal study that used data from the Health and Retirement Study (Ertel, Glymour, & Berkman, 2008), linear growth curve models were used to determine if social engagement predicted subsequent memory decline. In fact, higher levels of social engagement did predict a reduced rate of memory decline over a 6-year period. However, no reverse causality was found (i.e., earlier memory scores did not predict subsequent social engagement), suggesting a causal path from degrees of social engagement to levels of cognitive functioning in older adulthood.

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URL: //www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128112724000087

Cognitive Dysfunctions in Chronic Cocaine Users

M. Vonmoos, B.B. Quednow, in The Neuroscience of Cocaine, 2017

Mini-Dictionary of Terms

Cognitive functioning: The individual functional properties regarding a broad range of basal mental operations (i.e., attention, memory, executive functions).

Emotional empathy: The ability to feel and share the emotions of others.

Executive functions: Heterogeneous concept of complex cognitive functions usually involving the frontal cortex (inhibition, flexibility, monitoring, rule acquisition, planning, etc.).

Social cognition: Mental operations to understand oneself and others.

Theory-of-mind: The attribution of emotions, intentions, and goals to others, also known as emotional and mental perspective-taking.

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URL: //www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128037508000403

Challenging Behavior

Chris Oliver, ... Kate Woodcock, in International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2013

5.4 Cognitive Functioning

General cognitive functioning in individuals with PWS comprises a normal IQ distribution centered over a mean shifted downward by about 40 IQ points, meaning that most individuals have a mild to moderate ID (Whittington et al., 2004). Mathematical skills and short-term memory appear to be specific areas of cognitive deficit (Bertella et al., 2005; Stauder, Brinkman, & Curfs, 2002). Deficits in EF have also been demonstrated (Jauregi et al., 2007; Woodcock, Oliver, & Humphreys, 2009b).

Certain aspects of the PWS cognitive phenotype vary across different genetic subgroups. Those with a deletion show strength in performance relative to verbal IQ, whereas those with UPD show a relative strength in verbal IQ (Roof et al., 2000). The relative strength in visual processing in deletion PWS (Dykens, 2002) may be specific to the ventral processing stream (processing surface properties), while there remains relative impairment in the dorsal processing stream (processing location, Woodcock, Humphreys, & Oliver, 2009). In addition, verbal IQ is lower in those with a Type I compared to a Type II deletion (Milner et al., 2005; Whittington et al., 2004; Zarcone et al., 2007). These subtype comparisons have the potential to inform on more refined genotype–phenotype associations.

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URL: //www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780124016620000063

Recovery from Language Disorders

Leo Blomert, in Handbook of Neurolinguistics, 1998


Adequate cognitive functioning requires a relatively high level of neurochemical capacity. Functional (metabolic) “lesions” may represent depressed levels of neurotransmitters and/or receptor populations and thus form the biological basis of many processing limitations. Because the quality and quantity of receptor populations is a dynamic property, long-standing functional lesions may signal the potential restitution of impairments.

Processing limitations may be a primary cause of impairments at central levels of ongoing language activity (Friederici, 1995). Linebarger, Schwartz, and Saffran (1983) showed that agrammatic patients were able to detect syntactic anomalies, but were not able to use this knowledge on-line to produce well-formed sentences. Broca’s aphasic patients did detect syntactic violations in spoken language if sentences were simple, but not if they were complex (Haarman & Kolk, 1994). Martin, Dell, Saffran, and Schwartz (1994) studied a patient over a period of 6 years post-onset. His overall improvement in naming performance as well as change in error pattern was interpreted as a normalization of the decay time of activated lexical items. This demonstration of a restitution of function after long-standing specific processing limitations is as elegant as it is rare. Adequate lexical retrieval no doubt requires sufficient processing resources to occur. A restitution of processing capacity very likely indicates a change in neurochemical thresholds. This change may have been brought about indirectly, by brain reorganizations unrelated to the function under study, or more directly by specific behavioral and/or pharmacological treatments.

Luria et al. (1969) were among the first to appreciate the dynamic nature of cognitive deficits. They used a combination of pharmacological and behavioral treatment for seemingly permanent disorders and showed significant behavioral improvements by boosting levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. It was further reported that the drug effects were stronger if combined with behavioral training. This beneficial effect of drugs as potential adjuvants to behavioral treatment was recently confirmed in a study reporting significant improvements in chronic aphasic patients receiving systematic language training in combination with a “cognitive enhancer” such as piracetam (Huber, Willmes, Poeck, Van Vleymen, & Deberdt, 1997).

The concept of biochemical thresholds for the recovery of different functions was investigated by Russell, Smith, Booth, Jenden, and Waite (1986). They injected into rodents a compound binding irreversibly to cholinergic receptors in the brain and reducing the receptor population to approximately 10% of its normal volume. The results showed that recovery, from an almost complete neurochemical lesion, occurred in a strict hierarchical and temporal order: physiological functions reappeared first and cognitive functions last. This hierarchical recovery matched the increase of a newly synthesized receptor population. Cognitive functions were observed only after the receptor population had reached 90% of its normal level. These studies indicate that biochemical thresholds and balances in damaged areas and their connections may constitute key concepts for understanding (a) cognitive processing impairments in the absence of extensive structural damage, (b) improvements without extensive structural changes, and (c) late recovery phenomena. Training programs may sometimes not be successful because they inappropriately tax the available processing capacity. Pharmacological and/or stimulation treatment preceding structured training may sufficiently alter neurochemical activity levels to make improvements possible and enhance the learning process. It has recently been shown that it is possible to significantly improve verbal memory of aged adults, if the subjects were administered a drug, sensitive to memory encoding, prior to the learning task (Lynch et al., 1997). These drugs (ampakines) promote the induction of long-term potentiation (Staubli et al., 1994) and thus change functional biochemical thresholds. The authors suggest that the drugs used may be particularly effective in the context of reduced memory processing. There probably is more potential for recovery than is often assumed in the field of cognitive rehabilitation.

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URL: //www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780126660555500447

Sex Differences in Neurology and Psychiatry

Caroline Gurvich, ... Jayashri Kulkarni, in Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 2020


Sex differences in cognitive functioning have been consistently reported in some cognitive tasks, with varying effect sizes. The most consistent findings in healthy adults are sex differences in the areas of mental rotation and aspects of attention and verbal memory. Sex differences in the vulnerability and manifestation of several psychiatric and neurologic diseases that involve cognitive disruption provide strong justification to continue investigating the social and biologic influences that underpin sex differences in cognitive functioning across health and disease. The biologic influences are thought to include genetic and epigenetic factors, sex chromosomes, and sex hormones. Sex steroid hormones that regulate reproductive function have multiple effects on the development, maintenance, and function of the brain, including significant effects on cognitive functioning. The aim of the current chapter is to provide a theoretical review of sex differences across different cognitive domains in adulthood and aging, as well as provide an overview on the role of sex hormones in cognitive function and cognitive decline.

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URL: //www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780444641236000084

Which of the following is true of the influence of education on the cognitive functioning of older adults?

Which of the following is true of the influence of education on the cognitive functioning of older adults? For older adults with less education, frequently engaging in cognitive activities improve their episodic memory.

What happens to cognitive development as we age?

The most important changes in cognition with normal aging are declines in performance on cognitive tasks that require one to quickly process or transform information to make a decision, including measures of speed of processing, working memory, and executive cognitive function.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the difference in language skills between older adults and younger adults?

Which of the following statements accurately describes the difference in language skills between older adults and younger adults? Older adults' speech is typically lower in volume, slower, and less fluent than younger adults' speech.

Which of the following characteristics are common changes in the speech patterns of older adults?

Which of the following characteristics are common changes in the speech patterns of older adults? Their speech is less precisely articulated.


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