Which of the following pulmonary function values are increased in patients with emphysema quizlet?

1. is most closely associated with chronic bronchitis.
2. is most closely associated with cystic fibrosis.
3. leads to the destruction of alveolar walls.
4. is characterized by mucus plugging.
a.1, 3
b.1, 4
c.2, 3
d.1, 2, 4


According to the GOLD report, which of the following is the greatest worldwide risk factor for COPD?
b.Genetic predisposition
c.Marijuana smoke
d.Tobacco smoke


A genetically linked cause of panlobular emphysema is:
b.a1-antitrypsin deficiency.
c.cystic fibrosis.
d.bronchial asthma.


Emphysema is probably caused by all of the following EXCEPT:
a.inhaling asbestos fibers.
b.a1-antitrypsin deficiency.
c.second-hand cigarette smoke.
d.air pollution


The genetic reference to a person with a normal level of a1-antitrypsin is:
a.Z phenotype.


Which of the following are anatomic alterations found with chronic bronchitis?
1. Increased size of submucosal bronchial glands
2. Destruction of pulmonary capillaries
3. Chronic bronchial wall inflammation
4. Bronchospasm
a.2, 3
b.3, 4
c.1, 2, 3
d.1, 3, 4


Which of the following are anatomic alterations found with emphysema?
1. Hyperinflation
2. Mucus plugs
3. Decreased surface area for gas exchange
4. Weakened distal airways
a.1, 2
b.2, 4
c.1, 3, 4
d.1, 2, 3, 4


The management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) includes:
1. annual influenza immunization.
2. bronchopulmonary hygiene procedures.
3. lung volume-reduction surgery.
4. smoking cessation.
a.1, 2
b.2, 3
c.2, 3, 4
d.1, 2, 3, 4


Which of the following terms is/are commonly applied to a patient with emphysema?
1. Pink puffer
2. Blue bloater
3. Type A COPD
4. Type B COPD
c.1, 3
d.2, 4


At which stage of COPD does the patient usually first seek medical attention because of worsening symptoms?
a.Stage I
b.Stage II
c.Stage III
d.Stage IV


A patient with chronic bronchitis will have which of the following clinical manifestations?
1. Rhonchi
2. Cor pulmonale
3. Use of accessory muscles
4. Stocky, overweight build
a.1, 2
b.3, 4
c.2, 3
d.1, 2, 4


A patient with emphysema will often have the following clinical manifestations:
1. Polycythemia
2. Barrel chest
3. Pursed-lip breathing
4. Normal percussion note
a.1, 4
b.2, 3
c.2, 3, 4
d.1, 2, 3, 4


Which of the following is true of the diffusing capacity test (DLCO) findings in a patient with COPD?
a.Normal in all cases
b.Decreased in emphysema
c.Decreased in chronic bronchitis
d.Increased in all cases


Which of the following are associated with chronic bronchitis?
1. Cyanosis
2. Purulent sputum
3. Right heart failure
4. Elevated CO2 level
a.1, 2
b.3, 4
c.1, 3
d.1, 2, 3, 4


Which of the following would indicate a diagnosis of advanced COPD?
1. Arterial blood gases show low O2 and high CO2.
2. Arterial blood gases show high O2 and low CO2.
3. Pulmonary function tests show low flow of air on expiration.
4. Pulmonary function tests show low flow of air on inspiration.
a.1, 3
b.2, 4
c.1, 4
d.2, 3


If an asthmatic patient is not properly treated and has long-term airway inflammation, what can occur?
a.Chronic bronchitis
b.Pulmonary fibrosis
c.Irreversible loss of airway caliber


A patient with a severe asthma attack has many mucus plugs. What structural changes can be expected because of this?
c.Alveolar hyperinflation
d.Pulmonary edema


Which of the following are associated with so-called extrinsic asthma?
1. Dog dander
2. Mold
3. Aspirin
4. Being a young male
a.1, 2
b.2, 3
c.1, 2, 3
d.2, 3, 4


What medical term is used to describe when an asthmatic patient has an early response followed by a late response to an allergen?
a.Intrinsic asthma
b.Antigen-antibody response
c.Biphasic response
d.Bilateral response


Which of the following are associated with so-called intrinsic asthma?
1. Emotional stress
2. Cockroach allergen
4. Obesity
a.2, 4
b.1, 3
c.2, 3, 4
d.1, 2, 3, 4


Mechanical ventilation may be required during which of the following situations?
a.Status asthmaticus
b.Intrinsic asthma
c.Early asthmatic response
d.Nonatopic asthma


If an asthmatic patient is given a sympathomimetic and parasympatholytic medication, what can be expected to happen?
a.Bronchial smooth muscle contraction will occur.
b.Airway edema will be reduced.
c.Nothing, since the two medications have opposite effects.
d.Bronchial smooth muscle relaxation will occur.


After a patient inhales a bronchodilator medication, what percentage change in peak expiratory flow (PEF) indicates a diagnosis of asthma?


Pulsus paradoxus would be manifested as:
a.a greater than 40 mm Hg difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressures.
b.inspiratory systolic blood pressure >10 mm Hg less than during expiration.
c.inspiratory diastolic blood pressure >10 mm Hg less than during expiration.
d.systolic and diastolic blood pressure reading being reversed.


As a respiratory therapist, you are performing a chest assessment. What findings would be common in a patient during an asthma attack?
1. Inverse I:E ratio
2. Decreased vocal fremitus
3. Increased vesicular breath sounds
4. Hyperresonant percussion note
a.1, 4
b.2, 4
c.2, 3, 4
d.1, 2, 3, 4


An asthmatic patient has been complaining of increased difficulty breathing. The physician has ordered pulmonary function testing to be performed. Which of the following findings would confirm how the patient feels?
1. Decreased tidal volume
2. Decreased FRC
3. Increased RV
4. Decreased VC
b.1, 3
c.1, 2
d.3, 4


A patient is having a severe asthma attack. What blood gas results would indicate to the respiratory therapist and physician that the patient is having great difficulty?
1. Increased carbon dioxide level
2. Decreased carbon dioxide level
3. Increased pH
4. Decreased oxygen level
b.2, 3
c.1, 4
d.1, 3, 4


A sputum sample from a suspected asthmatic patient has been sent to the laboratory for analysis. Which of the following findings would confirm the diagnosis?
a.Increased IgE level
b.Increased erythrocytes
c.Increased leukocytes
d.Decreased IgE level


A patient has been admitted to the hospital with a suspected asthma attack. What radiographic findings would confirm this diagnosis?
1. Depressed diaphragm
2. Increased anterior-posterior diameter
3. Asymmetrical lung inflation
4. Translucent lung fields
a.1, 2
b.3, 4
c.1, 2, 4
d.1, 2, 3, 4


Patients with bronchiectasis can have the following anatomic alterations:
1. Hyperinflation
2. Pulmonary embolism
3. Consolidation
4. Pneumothorax
a.1, 3
b.1, 4
c.2, 3, 4
d.1, 2, 3


Rigid and dilated bronchi are the key anatomic alterations found in which type of bronchiectasis?


Irregularly dilated and constricted bronchi are the key anatomic alterations found in which type of bronchiectasis?


Which form of bronchiectasis causes the greatest amount of damage to the tracheobronchial tree?


Congenital causes of bronchiectasis include:
1. Influenza
2. Cystic fibrosis
4. Kartagener's syndrome
a.2, 4
b.1, 3
c.1, 2, 3
d.2, 3, 4


Your patient has rhinosinusitis, right-sided heart placement, and bronchiectasis. She is likely to have which of the following conditions?
a.Pierre Robin syndrome
b.Kartagener's syndrome
c.Down syndrome
d.cystic fibrosis


A mother brought her 2 year old son to the physician. He has been coughing up secretions and having wheezy breathing ever since choking on food six months ago. The physician diagnosed the boy with bronchiectasis. What could be the cause?
a.Cystic fibrosis


For religious reasons, a young couple has not given their 4-year-old daughter the usual childhood immunizations. She has been repeatedly hospitalized with pulmonary infections. As the respiratory therapist caring for the child, what would you tell the parents that she is a risk of developing?
a.Chronic bronchitis
d.Left ventricular hypertrophy


Management of the patient with bronchiectasis may include:
1. Expectorants
2. Early childhood immunizations
3. Lung resection
4. Lung transplant
a.1, 3
b.3, 4
c.1, 2, 3
d.1, 2, 3, 4


Mechanical ventilation would be justified in the management of a patient with bronchiectasis under the following circumstances:
a.Patient has a reversible lung problem
b.to prevent atelectasis
c.To provide supplemental oxygen
d.To help to mobilize secretions


For a patient with bronchiectasis to reduce the risk of his/her condition worsening, which of the following should be done?
1. Avoid air pollution.
2. Get an influenza vaccination.
3. Take an antibiotic every day.
4. Avoid smoking.
a.3, 4
b.1, 2, 4
c.2, 3, 4
d.1, 2, 3, 4


Severe bronchiectasis is associated with all of the following EXCEPT:
a.vesicular breath sounds.
b.cor pulmonale.
c.distended neck veins.


Which of the following pulmonary function testing values would be found in a patient with severe, obstructive bronchiectasis?
a.Decreased RV/TLC ratio
b.Increased PEFR
c.Increased FEF25%-75%
d.Decreased FEF25%-75%


A patient with long-standing bronchiectasis also has pneumonia. Which of the following hematology test results would be expected?
1. Decreased red blood cell (RBC) count
2. Decreased white blood cell (WBC) count
3. Elevated WBC count
4. Increased hemoglobin and hematocrit
a.1, 2
b.3, 4
c.2, 4
d.1, 3, 4


The preferred radiographic method to evaluate a patient's bronchiectasis is:
a.posterior-anterior radiograph (x-ray).
b.anterior-posterior radiograph (x-ray).
c.computed tomography (CT).


During the advanced stages of cystic fibrosis, the anatomic alterations cause the patient to have:
a.a primarily restrictive lung disease.
b.a primarily obstructive lung disease.
c.equal parts restrictive and obstructive lung disease.
d.normal airways with emphysema.


Which of the following are commonly cultured from the mucus in the tracheobronchial tree of a patient with cystic fibrosis?
1. Klebsiella
2. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
3. Haemophilus influenzae
4. Staphylococcus aureus
a.1, 2
b.2, 4
c.1, 2, 3
d.2, 3, 4


The major pathologic or structural changes associated with cystic fibrosis include:
1. partial airway obstruction leading to hyperinflation.
2. bronchospasm.
3. thick, tenacious mucus.
4. total airway obstruction leading to atelectasis.
a.1, 2
b.3, 4
c.1, 3, 4
d.1, 2, 3, 4


How can the genetic mutation found with cystic fibrosis (CF) be characterized?
1. There are many variations in the mutation.
2. CF is the most common childhood inherited disorder.
3. The mutation is a dominant trait.
4. The mutation stops cilia function.
a.1, 2
b.3, 4
c.1, 3
d.2, 3, 4


Cystic fibrosis patients can have all of the following EXCEPT:
b.meconium ileus (bowel obstruction).
c.excessive, viscous pulmonary secretions.
d.tendency for status asthmaticus.


Men with cystic fibrosis have difficulty reproducing because:
a.the fallopian tubes are blocked.
b.the vas deferens is missing or underdeveloped.
c.the men are impotent.
d.the women do not ovulate.


If both the mother and the father are carriers for the cystic fibrosis gene, what are the chances that their child will be a cystic fibrosis carrier?


Which ethnic group has the greatest number of people with cystic fibrosis?
a.African Americans


All of the following can be used in the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis EXCEPT:
a.an elevated potassium level in the sweat.
b.an elevated chloride level in the sweat.
c.genetic testing of the patient and/or parents.
d.chronic lung infections from an early age.


Which of the following is/are commonly used in the treatment of cystic fibrosis?
1. Pancreatic enzymes and vitamins
2. Antibiotics
3. Postural drainage
4. Expectorants
a.1, 4
b.2, 3
c.1, 2, 3
d.1, 2, 3, 4


Your patient has a lung infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. What antibiotic should be used against it?
a.Tobramycin (TOBI)
b.Dornase alpha (Pulmozyme)
c.Levalbuterol (Xopenex)
d.Pentamidine (NebuPent)


If a cystic fibrosis patient is in generally good condition, what might be done to permanently fix the lung problem?
b.Total DNA replacement
c.Diaphragmatic pacemaker
d.Lung transplant


Common chest assessment findings in a patient with cystic fibrosis include:
1. tracheal deviation.
2. breath sounds reveal crackles and rhonchi.
3. dull percussion note.
4. hyperresonant percussion note.
a.1, 3
b.2, 4
c.1, 2
d.2, 3, 4


What complicating pulmonary problem is likely to happen to a patient with cystic fibrosis?
a.Pulmonary edema
b.Pleural effusion
c.Spontaneous pneumothorax
d.Cardiac tamponade


All of the following pulmonary function findings would be expected in a patient with moderate to severe cystic fibrosis EXCEPT:
a.increased FVC.
b.increased RV.
c.decreased PEFR.
d.decreased FEF 50%.


Which of the following ABG vslues would be consistent with ventilatory failure with hypoxemia in a patient with severe status asthmaticus?
1. Increased PaCO2
2.Decreased SaO2
3.Increased Ph
4.Decreased PH


All of the following symptoms are commonly associated with asthma EXCEPT recurrent:
a. Cough
b. Chest tightness
c. Fever
d. Wheeze


What is the term for an inspiratory fall in systolic blood pressure exceeding 10 mm Hg?
a. Pulses paradoxes
b. Stage 1 hypotension
c. Swanson's phenomenon
d. Hoover's sign


What of the following is the hallmark of bronchiectasis?
a. Chonic cough with production of large quantities of foul-smelling sputum?
b. Bronchospasm
c. Decreased DLCO with normal to decreased expiratory flow rates on pulmonary function
d. dyspenea on exertion


Which of the following Prediposing factors that frequently lead to the aspiration of gastrointestinal fluids( and anaerobes) are usually related to which of the following?
1. General anesthesia
2. Head Trauma
3. Seizure disorder
4. alcoholic abuse
b. 1,3,4
c. 1,2,3
d. 1,2,3,4


What describes a HR less than?
a. Bradycardia
b. tachycardia
c A-fib
d. V-fib


Your patient has a long smoking history and has recently coughed up blood. The physician suspects that there may be lung cancer but no lesions can be seen on a standard chest radiograph. A CT scan offers all of the following advantages EXCEPT:
a.bronchial tumors can be seen.
b.lung tumors as small as 0.4 cm can be seen.
c.a tumor's metabolism can be identified.
d.a mediastinal mass can be seen.


A PET/CT scan can provide all of the following:
1. Early detection of cancer metastasis
2. Accurate staging of cancer
3. Radiation treatment of the cancer
4. Activation of chemotherapy drugs within the tumor
a.1, 2
b.3, 4
c.1, 2, 3
d.1, 2, 3, 4


What is the Normal range for alpha1-antitrypsin
a.0 to 150 mg/dl
b. 150 to 350 mg/dl
c. 350 to 500 mg/dl
d. 500 to 750 mg/dl


Total lung capacity is composed of all of the following EXCEPT:


The CF gene is located on which chromosome
a. 5
b. 6
c. 7


During an asthma episode, the smooth muscles of the bronchi may hypertrophy as much as
a. 2 times normal thickness
b. 3 times normal thickness
c. 4 times normal thickness
d. 5 times normal thickness


Which of the following can be used to help confirm diagnosis of asthma?
1. Exercise challenge
2. Response to inhaled mannitol
3. Response to inhaled histamine
4. Response to inhaled methacholine
a. 1 and 3 only
b.2 and 4 only
c.2,3,and 4 only


Your patient with bronchiectasis has a productive cough. As the respiratory therapist, what should you be evaluating about the patient's sputum?
1. Color
2. Odor
3. Amount
4. Consistency
b.3, 4
c.1, 2
d.1, 2, 3, 4


A central venous pressure (CVP) catheter is used to:
a.measure left atrial pressure.
b.measure right ventricular work.
c.monitor right ventricular function.
d.monitor left ventricular function.


The cystic fibrosis gene is ?
b. recessive
c.dominant and recessive
d. OTA


The heart shadow on a chest radiograph will show up larger than normal on:
a.an AP film.
b.a PA film.
c.a left lateral film.
d.a computed tomography (CT) scan.


which phenotype is associated with the lowest serum concentration of alph2-antitrypsin?
a. mm phenotype
b. mz phenotype
c. zz phenotype
d. m phenotype


The genetic reference to a person with a intermediate deficiency in a1-antitrypsin is:
a.Z phenotype.


A patient with COPD the DLCO is?
a. decreased
b. increased
d. ota


Which of the following terms is/are commonly applied to a patient with chronic bronchitis?
1. Pink puffer
2. Blue bloater
3. Type A COPD
4. Type B COPD
c.1, 3
d.2, 4


Which of the following cause metabolic acidosis?
1. Hypokalemia
2. Renal failure
3. excessive administration of sodium bicarbonate
4. Hypochloremia
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. 1 and 4 only
d. 2 and 3 only


which of the following is associated with digital clubbing?
1. chronic infection
2. local hypoxia
3. circulating vasodilators
4 arterial hypoxia
a. 2 only
b.2 and 4 only
c.2,3,and 4 only
d. 1,2,3,and 4


Benefits of pursed-lip breathing include that it:
1. stabilizes airways.
2. offsets air trapping on exhalation.
3. generates a better gas mixing breathing pattern.
4. slows the respiratory rate.
b.2, 3
c.1, 2, 3
d.1, 2, 3, 4


Common causes of metabolic acidosis include all of the following EXCEPT:
a.diabetic ketoacidosis.
b.shallow breathing from a sedative overdose.
c.lactic acidosis.
d.renal (kidney) failure.


Common causes of metabolic alkalosis include:
1. diuretic therapy.
2. vomiting.
3. excessive sodium bicarbonate administration.
4. gastric suctioning.
a.1, 3
b.2, 4
c.2, 3, 4
d.1, 2, 3, 4


In which of the following is the atrial rate faster than the ventricular rate?
1. Atrial fibrillation
2. Sinus bradycardia
3. Atrial flutter
4. Ventricular flutter
a.1, 3
b.2, 4
c.3, 4
d.1, 2, 3


Which of the following are steps used in the evaluation of a chest radiograph?
1. Evaluation of the bony structures
2. Evaluation of exposure quality
3. Evaluation of the heart shadow
4. Evaluation of the tracheobronchial tree
b.1, 4
c.1, 2, 4
d.1, 2, 3, 4


In chronic bronchitis:
1. the bronchial walls are narrowed because of vasoconstriction
2. the bronchial glands are enlarged
3. the number of goblet cells is decreased
4. the number of cilia lining the tracheobronchial tree is increased
a.1 only
b. 2 only
c. 3 only
d. 3 and 4 only


The DLCO of patients with severe emphysema is:
a. increased
b. decreased
c. normal
d. The DLCO test is not used to assess emphysema patients


Patients with severe chronic bronchitis may demonstrate which of the following?
1. Peripheral edema
2. Distended neck veins
3. an elevated hemoglobin concentration
4, An enlarged liver
a. 3 only
b. 2 and 4 only
c. 2,3,and 4 only
d. 1,2,3 and 4


What type of emphysema creates an abnormal enlargement of all structures distal to the terminal bronchioles?

a. Centrilobular emphysema
b. Alpha1-protease inhibitor deficiency emphysema
c. ZZ phenotype emphysema
d. Panlobular emphysema


The patient with severe COPD commonly demonstrates which of the following hemodynamic indices?

1. Decreased CVP
2. Increased PA
3. Decreased RVSWI
4. Increased PVR

a. 1 only
b. 3 only
c. 2 and 4 only
d. 1 and 2 only


In chronic bronchitis, the patient commonly demonstrates which of the following?

1. Increased FVC
2. Decreased FEV1/FVC ratio
3. Increased VC
4. Decreased FEV1
a. 2 only
b. 1 and 3 only
c. 2 and 4 only
d. 3 and 4 only


The patient with severe chronic bronchitis (late stage) commonly has which of the following arterial blood gas values?
1. Normal pH
2. Decreased HCO3
3. Increased PaCO2
4. Normal PaO2
a. 1 only
b. 1 and 3 only
c. 2 and 3 only
d. 3 and 4 only


Patients with severe emphysema commonly demonstrate which of the following oxygenations indices?

1. Decreased SvO2
2. Increased O2ER
3. Decreased DO2
4. Increased C(a-v)O2
a. 1 only
b. 3 only
c. 4 only
d. 1, 2, and 3 only


Which of the following pulmonary function study findings are associated with severe emphysema?

1. Increased FRC
2. Decreased PEFR
3. Increased RV
4. Decreased FVC
a. 3 and 4 only
b. 2 and 3 only
c. 2, 3, and 4 only
d. 1, 2, 3, and 4


Because acute ventilatory changes are often seen in patients with chronic ventilatory failure (compensated respiratory acidosis), the RT must be alert for this problem in patients with severe COPD. Which of the following ABG values represent(s) acute alveolar hyperventilation superimposed on chronic ventilatory failure?
1. Increased pH
2. Increased PaCO2
3. Increased HCO3
4. Increased PaO2
a. 2 only
b. 2 and 4 only
c. 1 and 3 only
d. 1, 2, and 3 only


The lung parenchyma in the chest radiograph of a patient with emphysema appears:
1. Opaque
2. White
3. More translucent than normal
4. Dark
a. 2 only
b. 1 and 3 only
c. 2 and 3 only
d. 3 and 4


Asthma is associated with which of the following?

1. Increase in goblet cells
2. Damage to cilia and deduced mucous clearance
3. Increase in bronchial gland size
4. Decrease in eosinophils
a. 1 and 3 only
b. 2 and 4 only
c. 1, 2, and 3 only
d. 2, 3, and 4 only


Which of the following have gained a widespread acceptance for assessing and monitoring a patient's airflow limitation?
2. FEF 200-1200
3. FEV1
4. FEV1/FVC ratio
a. 1 and 3 only
b. 2 and 4 only
c. 1, 3, and 4 only
d. 2, 3, and 4 only


A patient clinical history presents the following: daytime asthma symptoms more than two per week; no limitation in activities; no nocturnal symptoms or awakening; the need for reliever/rescue medications once per week, and a normal PEFR and FEV1. Which of the following would best classify this patient's level of asthma control?
a. Controlled
b. Partly controlled
c. Uncontrolled
d. Severe exacerbation


When pulsus paradoxus appears during an asthma attack:
1. Left ventricle filling decreases during inspiration
2. Cardiac output increases during expiration
3. Left ventricle filling increases during expiration
4. Cardiac output increases during inspiration
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. 3 and 4 only
d. 1 and 2 only


During an asthmatic episode , which of the following abnormal lung volume and capacity findings are found?
1. Increased FRC
2. Decreased ERV
3. Increased VC
4. Decreased RV
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. 1 and 2 only
d. 3 and 4 only


How long must asthma be controlled before the treatment regimen can be stepped down-with the aim of establishing the lowest step and dose of treatment that maintains control?

a. At least 2 weeks
b. At least 1 month
c. At least 2 months
d. At least 3 months


In the primarily obstructive form of bronchiectasis, the patient commonly demonstrates which of the following?

1. Decreased FRC
2. Increased FEF 25%-75%
3. Decreased PEFR
4. Increased FEVt
a. 1 only
b. 3 only
c. 1 and 4 only
d. 2 and 4 only


Which of the following radiologic findings is or are associated with bronchiectasis that is primarily obstructive in nature?
1. Atelectasis
2. Depressed or flattened diaphragms
3. Long and narrow heart
4. Translucent lung fields
a. 1 and 2 only
b. 3 and 4 only
c. 1 and 4 only
d. 2, 3, and 4 only


Which of the following is considered the hallmark of bronchiectasis?

a. Chronic cough and large quantities of foul-smelling sputum
b. Abnormal bronchogram
c. Acute ventilatory failure superimposed on chronic ventilatory failure
d. Presentation as both a restrictive and obstructive pulmonary disorder


Which of the following diagnostic procedures is/are used to positively diagnose bronchiectasis?

1. Arterial blood gas
2. Bronchography
3. Oxygenation indices
4. Computed tomography
a. 2 only
b. 3 only
c. 1 and 3 only
d. 2 and 4 only


Which of the following is/are causes of bronchiectasis are related to abnormal secretion clearance?

1. Pertussis
2. Cystic fibrosis
3. Kartagener's syndrome
4. Measles
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. 3 and 4
d. 2 and 3


Which of the following hemodynamic indices is/are associated with bronchiectasis?

1. Decreased central venous pressure
2. Increased mean pulmonary artery pressure
3. Decreased right ventricular stroke work index
4. Increased right atrial pressure

a. 2 only
b. 3 only
c. 2 and 4 only
d. 1 and 3 only


Which of the following respiratory care protocols may be of importance in the outpatient care of a patient with bronchiectasis?

1. Oxygen Therapy Protocol
2. Bronchopulmonary Hygiene Therapy Protocol
3. Lung Expansion Therapy Protocol
4. Aerosolized Medication Therapy Protocol

a. 2 and 3 only
b. 2 only
c. 1 and 2 only
d. 1, 2, 3, and 4


In cystic fibrosis the patient commonly demonstrates which of the following?

1. Increased FEVT
2. Decreased MVV
3. Increased RV
4. Decreased FEV1/FVC ratio

a. 1 only
b. 3 only
c. 3 and 4 only
d. 2, 3 and 4 only


About 80% of all patients with cystic fibrosis demonstrate a deficiency in which of the following vitamins?

1. A
2. B
3. D
4. E
5. K

a. 3 and 4 only
b. 1, 4, and 5 only
c. 2, 3, and 4 only
d. 1, 3, 4, and 5 only


Which of the following agents targets the underlying cause of cystic fibrosis, the faulty gene G551D, and its defective CFTR protein?

a. Aztreonam
b. Ivacafor
c. Inhaled DNase
d. N-acetylcysteine


Which of the following is/are mucolytic agents?
1. DNase
2. Pulmozyme
3. Tobramycin
4. Dornase alpha

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. 3 and 4 only
d. 1, 2, and 4 only


What is the single most common etiologic factor in emphysema?

a. Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency
b. Cigarette smoking
c. Infection
d. Sulfur dioxide


Which of the following chest assessment findings is/are commonly found during an asthmatic episode?

1. Loud heart sounds
2. Hyperresonant percussion note
3. Expiratory prolongation
4. Increased tactile and vocal fremitus

a. 2 and 3 only
b. 1 and 4
c. 1, 2, and 4 only
d. 1, 2, 3, and 4


Patients commonly exhibit which of the following arterial blood gas values early during an acute mild to moderate asthmatic episode?

1. Increased pH
2. Increased PaCO2
3. Decreased HCO3
4. Decreased PaO2

a. 1 and 3 only
b. 2 and 4 only
c. 1, 2, and 3 only
d. 1, 3, and 4 only


With regard to the secretion of sodium and chloride, the sweat glands of patients with cystic fibrosis secrete up to:

a. 2 times the normal amount
b. 4 times the normal amount
c. 7 times the normal amount
d. 10 times the normal amount


Which of the following is/are commonly cultured in the sputum of patients with bronchiectasis?

1. Streptococcus pneumoniae
2. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
3. Haemophilus influenzae
4. Klebsiella

a. 3 only
b. 4 only
c. 1, 2, and 3 only
d. 1, 2, 3, and 4


When the pathophysiology of bronchiectasis is primarily obstructive in nature, the patient demonstrates which of the following clinical manifestations?

1. Decreased tactile and vocal fremitus
2. Bronchial breath sounds
3. Dull percussion note
4. Rhonchi and wheezing

a. 2 only
b. 3 only
c. 1 and 4 only
d. 2 and 4 only


Hypothermia is hospital induced after:
1. cardiac surgery
2. brain surgery
3. high fever
4,. flu
a. 1,2


Which of the following bacteria are commonly found in the tracheobronchial tree
of patients with chronic bronchitis?

1. Staphylococcus
2. Haemophilus influenzae
3. Klebsiella
4. Streptococcus pneumonia

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. 3 and 4 only
d. 2 and 4 only



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