Which of the following people identified three basic types or clusters of temperament easy difficult and slow to warm up?

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Which theorists developed a temperament classification system in which most children are considered to be easy difficult or slow to warm up?

According to Thomas and Chess, there are three general types of temperaments in children: easy, slow-to-warm, and difficult. Easy children are generally happy, active children from birth and adjust easily to new situations and environments.

What are the 3 dimensions of temperament?

The current list of temperament dimensions includes three broad basic dimensions: Extraversion/Surgency, which is related to positive emotionality, activity level, impulsivity and risk-taking; Negative Affectivity, which is related to fear, anger, sadness and discomfort; and Effortful Control, which is related to ...

What are the three basic temperament types displayed by infants?

There are three general types of temperaments: easy-going, slow-to- warm, and active.

What percentage of infants are classified as having an easy temperament?

About 40% of babies and children have an easy temperament, meaning that they readily approach and easily adapt to new situations, they react mildly to things, they are regular in their sleep/wake and eating routines, and they have a positive overall mood.


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