Which of the following nursing intervention would the nurse perform during the third stage of labor?

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During the first trimester, common emotional reactions include ambivalence, fear, fantasies, or anxiety. The second trimester is a period of well-being accompanied by the increased need to learn about fetal growth and development. Common emotional reactions during this trimester include narcissism, passivity, or introversion. At times the woman may seem egocentric and self-centered. During the third trimester, the woman typically feels awkward, clumsy, and unattractive, often becoming more introverted or reflective of her own childhood.

Chloasma, also called the mask of pregnancy, is an irregular hyperpigmented area found on the face. It is not seen on the breasts, areola, nipples, chest, neck, arms, legs, abdomen, or thighs.

Which of the following are the most commonly assessed findings in cystitis?
Frequency, urgency, dehydration, nausea, chills, and flank pain
B High fever, chills, flank pain nausea, vomiting, dysuria, and frequency
C Dehydration, hypertension, dysuria, suprapubic pain, chills, and fever
Nocturia, frequency, urgency dysuria, hematuria, fever and suprapubic pain

Question 45 Explanation: Manifestations of cystitis include, frequency, urgency, dysuria, hematuria nocturia, fever, and suprapubic pain. Dehydration, hypertension, and chills are not typically associated with cystitis. High fever chills, flank pain, nausea, vomiting, dysuria, and frequency are associated with pvelonephritis.

Which of the following groups of newborn reflexes below are present at birth and remain unchanged through adulthood?
Blink, cough, sneeze, gag
B Blink, cough, rooting, and gag
C Rooting, sneeze, swallowing, and cough
D Stepping, blink, cough, and sneeze

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Which of the following nursing intervention would the nurse perform during third stage of labor?

During the third stage of labor, which begins with the delivery of the newborn, the nurse would promote parent-newborn interaction by placing the newborn on the mother's abdomen and encouraging the parents to touch the newborn.

What is the nurse's primary role during the 3rd stage of labor?

Here are nursing responsibilities in this phase: Inform patient on progress of her labor. Assist patient with pant-blow breathing. Monitor maternal vital signs and fetal heart rate every 30 minutes -1 hour, or depending on the doctor's order.

What happens during 3rd stage of labor?

The third stage of labor is the time from the delivery of the infant until delivery of the maternal placenta. The natural course of this final stage of childbirth involves cessation of umbilical cord pulsation, separation of the placenta from the uterine wall, and passage of the placenta through the birth canal.

What happens during Stage 3 labor quizlet?

Stage 3: The third stage of labor is when the mother's body expels the placenta and the remainder of the umbilical cord, which was cut when the baby was delivered.


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