Which of the following is the most appropriate pedagogical reason for occasionally using heterogeneous ability level groupings in the classroom?

journal article

Achievement Effects of Ability Grouping in Secondary Schools: A Best-Evidence Synthesis

Review of Educational Research

Vol. 60, No. 3 (Autumn, 1990)

, pp. 471-499 (29 pages)

Published By: American Educational Research Association



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This article reviews research on the effects of ability grouping on the achievement of secondary students. Six randomized experiments, 9 matched experiments, and 14 correlational studies compared ability grouping to heterogeneous plans over periods of from one semester to 5 years. Overall achievement effects were found to be essentially zero at all grade levels, although there is much more evidence regarding Grades 7-9 than 10-12. Results were similar for all subjects except social studies, for which there was a trend favoring heterogeneous placement. Results were close to zero for students of all levels of prior performance. This finding contrasts with those of studies comparing the achievement of students in different tracks, which generally find positive effects of ability grouping for high achievers and negative effects for low achievers, and these contrasting findings are reconciled.

Journal Information

Review of Educational Research (RER) publishes critical, integrative reviews of research literature bearing on education. Such reviews should include conceptualizations, interpretations, and syntheses of literature and scholarly work in a field. RER encourages the submission of research relevant to education from any discipline, such as reviews of research in psychology, sociology, history, philosophy, political science, economics, computer science, statistics, anthropology, and biology, provided that the review bears on educational issues.

Publisher Information

The American Educational Research Association (AERA) is concerned with improving the educational process by encouraging scholarly inquiry related to education and by promoting the dissemination and practical application of research results. AERA is the most prominent international professional organization with the primary goal of advancing educational research and its practical application. Its 20,000 members are educators; administrators; directors of research, testing or evaluation in federal, state and local agencies; counselors; evaluators; graduate students; and behavioral scientists. The broad range of disciplines represented by the membership includes education, psychology, statistics, sociology, history, economics, philosophy, anthropology, and political science.

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Review of Educational Research © 1990 American Educational Research Association
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| November 20, 2019

The ChalkTalk Method has three key moving parts: whole group instruction, collaborative learning, then individual practice. Collaborative learning may well be the classic middle child that can be lost in the shuffle between the lecture and the individual student work. However, like middle children, this intermediary step is critical to the cohesion of the whole, and deserves just as much attention as its older and younger siblings (despite our childhood remote control wars, I’m pretty sure my older and younger sisters would agree with me on this 😅). The aspect that demands the most attention for this middle step of collaborative learning? It’s not necessarily what is taught in those small groups, but rather how those small groups are formed.

(Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Pexels.com)

Small Group Learning

Placing students into small groups for learning allows students to practice skills and get feedback from peers and teachers before moving onto individual efforts, and has been shown to greatly increase individual student mastery. There are two primary methods for setting up student groups: homogeneous, where students are arranged so that like falls with like (usually done by ability levels); and heterogeneous, where students from different ability levels (or other factors) are intermixed so that each group has a wide representation of students. 

The dark side of small-group learning.

Homogeneous Grouping: Sorting by Ability

Following the passage of No Child Left Behind in the early 2000s and the rise of standardized testing, homogeneous groupings were widely used to sort students according to assessment results. The thinking was that students at the same level would be able to help one another, but it quickly became apparent that this often led to socioeconomic or racial divisions within classrooms, along with other unintended consequences. Additionally, students in “low-attainment” groups could be embarrassed by their placement and become even more unmotivated to learn. When students in a classroom are split up into a couple of groups based on ability, it’s obvious to them what’s going on even if teachers don’t tell them.

Teachers may also (sometimes subconsciously) adjust pedagogical styles among groups, treating lower-attaining learners as “dependent” and higher-attaining as “independent,” inadvertently limiting “learning opportunities and creating a cycle of restricted opportunity.” Ultimately, we’ve observed that homogeneous groupings have been shown to benefit only the top 10 percent or so of students—often those who need a boost the least.

So is Heterogeneous Grouping a Better Way?

Alternatively, students can be arranged heterogeneously, with a range of attainment levels in each small group. Higher-attaining students can help coach lower-attaining students, who in turn may learn better from peers. Students are also not obviously in a top or bottom group. This has been shown to have myriad benefits for students, including improved self-esteem, more chances for leadership development, better preparation for the workplace, strengthened relationships between students of different backgrounds, and increased student achievement.

Yet there remain some potential drawbacks to heterogeneous groupings. For instance, high-achieving students may feel they are not being challenged or may be expected by the other students in the group to do all the work. As Ben Johnson points out in Edutopia, it’s also important that heterogeneous groupings are used for the right reasons, and not as classroom management tools so that good students “rub off” on less successful ones. To work well, collaborative learning must involve all group members, who must all be invested, accountable, and have a meaningful role to play.

Heterogeneous or homogeneous groupings for collaborative learning—a ChalkTalk Infographic

ChalkTalk and Heterogeneous Groupings

At ChalkTalk, our approach to small group instruction initially took a data science angle, with our algorithms grouping students homogeneously by skill level. But as we dove deeper into our results, spoke to more educators, and improved our model, the advantages of heterogeneous groupings became more apparent. Yet we still noticed one big issue with heterogeneous groupings: the most-abled students immediately jumped into answering the questions before the less-abled students had enough time to process the information.

This is when we invented the ChalkTalk way of grouping students with the power of the pause: group students heterogeneously and give them a few minutes to work on the collaborative learning activities silently and then come together to discuss their answers. This allows students the chance to arrive at the answer themselves, or at least better understand why they struggled and talk to others about where they went wrong. Students actually learn how to do the problems and then can perform better on assessments. 

As noted above, there are many ways teachers can arrange students to get heterogeneous groups. One thing we’ve been working on at ChalkTalk (and are really excited about!) is giving teachers the ability to group students effectively for small groups. It brings home the lesson that students learn best when working with their peers, fostering the human connection and challenging one another to grow and learn more.

Author: Mohannad Arbaji, ChalkTalk Founder & CEO

Favorite Group Project: ENGN1000 class group project with Professor Kipp Bradford at Brown University. I worked with my classmates Brendan and Tyler to conceptualize, design, and build an affordable household device that converted solar/wind/mechanical energy into AC electricity for the use of Bedouins in the Sahara Desert. We dubbed it the PowerRanger. ⚡

Also published at //medium.com/@moarbaji
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What is heterogeneous grouping in the classroom?

Heterogeneous grouping is a distribution tactic in the classroom, whereby diverse students (for example, students that have learning disabilities and students who are gifted) are placed in different classrooms so that they can apply their skills and abilities more evenly through their cohort.

What kind of strategies will you use in assessing a heterogeneous class?

This can be done in different ways:.
Formulate clear expectations to the students. ... .
Provide self-study material. ... .
Let students identify their own prior knowledge. ... .
Provide opportunities for revision during a contact moment. ... .
Provide a preparatory assignment to create shared prior knowledge or detect problems..

Why is heterogeneous grouping favorable for student centered activities?

Productive struggle comes from the wide range of levels of learners working together on a common task and learning with and from one another. Students in heterogeneous grouping ensure diversity of ideas and opportunities for discourse around such ideas, leading to greater conceptual understanding.

What is a possible effect of heterogeneous learning groups in a classroom?

A heterogeneous group gives advanced students a chance to mentor their peers. All members of the group may interact more to help each other understand the concepts being taught.


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