Which of the following is correct regarding a minors ratification of a contract?

In the UK, a legal presumption exists that entitles anyone to enter into a contract unless an exception applies. One of those exceptions is in the case of a minor. Since 1969 the age of contractual capacity for individuals has been set at 18 and reaching the age of 18 is known as attaining 'majority'. Minors are therefore those who have not attained the age of 18.

Minors are permitted to enter into contracts for limited purposes however, and the test as to whether or not they can, focuses on the nature of the transaction, and whether the minor is of an age such that they are capable of understanding it.

The general law states that contracts entered into by children that are for necessaries are binding on children, as are those for apprenticeship, employment, education and service where they are rightly said to be for the benefit of the child.

Contracts for necessaries are for such things as the supply of food, medicines, accommodation and clothing, but generally speaking conveniences and products and services for comfort or pleasure are excluded, as are commercial or 'trading' contracts. These latter contracts are therefore voidable at the option of the minor. Consequently, whether the minor may avoid a contract they have entered into depends on the nature of that contract.

Contracts where the minor may avoid the effect of the contract are for the acquisition of a legal or equitable interest in property of a permanent nature - so shares, land, marriage and partnerships would all be included here. Other contracts, however, require positive ratification in order to be enforceable, which includes contracts for debts and the sale of goods that are not for necessaries. The ratification must take the form of an acknowledgement that the debt is binding after attaining the age of 18.

On the other hand, restraints of trade may be unenforceable against a minor, even if they would be enforceable against an adult.

The contents of this article are intended for general information purposes only and shall not be deemed to be, or constitute legal advice. We cannot accept responsibility for any loss as a result of acts or omissions taken in respect of this article.


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Contracts with Minors – Why Age is So Important

Written by: Teri-Lynn Skelly, Paralegal

Edited by: Jonathan Thibert LL.B.

The following paper is for academic use only and is not intended to be used or interpreted as legal advice.

In law, the terms “infant” and “minor” relate to a person under the age of majority. More specifically, a person who is under the age of 18 would be considered a minor in Ontario. It is important to be well informed regarding what types of contracts a minor can be held accountable for and what types of contracts could later be voided by the minor. You don't want to end up in Small Claims Court. 

If a person enters into a contract with a minor, there are very specific stipulations to be aware of. If the agreement is a non-necessity contract or its terms are detrimental to the minor, in the eyes of the court, the contract could be void.

Although it is legal to enter into a contract with a minor, there are specific factors that determine if the contract is enforceable or if it is voidable.

One very important factor in determining if a contract is valid is whether or not the minor is mentally capable of fully understanding and comprehending the contract or agreement and the terms set out within. It would be fair to say that a child at the age of three would not be at the same mental capacity to interpret and understand an agreement as a child at the age of 10. In the eyes of the court, a child at any age may not of sound mind to enter into a contract. Better understanding may be found in the following quote by L.J. Moulton in Nash v. Inman, “… an infant, like a lunatic, is incapable of making a contract in purchase in the strict sense of the words…”[1]

In law, a minor can only be bound by contracts for necessities. This is founded, in part, on a belief that the law should impose no restriction on a minor’s ability to obtain legitimate necessities; if all contracts with minors were voidable, people would be reluctant to provide a minor with necessities for fear they will not be compensated. Authority for this principle comes from both common and statutory laws, such as cases line Nash[2] or s. 3 of the Sale of Goods Act[3]. Regarding the Sale of Goods Act, the following authority is provided:

Capacity to buy and sell is regulated by the general law concerning

capacity to contract and to transfer and acquire property, but where

necessaries are sold and delivered to a minor or to a person who by

reason of mental incapacity or drunkenness is incompetent to contract,

he or she shall pay a reasonable price therefor.[4]

The definition of necessities can be very broad; basic necessities would consist of food, water, shelter, health and safety. However, several cases have held that items not typically considered necessities can also constitute necessities.  Such a contract is required to be fulfilled by both contracting parties, but the courts may impose restrictions on this to ensure the minor is not taken advantage of simply because he or she is in genuine need.  

Any contract that is not of necessity to the minor is voidable by the minor at any point during the contract. If a minor enters into a contract and fails to fulfill their obligation, the debt that is incurred will not follow them to adulthood, and is essentially a loss to the other contracting party. See the Statute of Frauds, which reads:

As to the ratification of promise made during minority

No action shall be maintained to charge a person upon a promise

made after full age to pay a debt contracted during minority or upon

a ratification after full age of a promise or simple contract made during

minority. Unless the promise or ratification is made in writing signed by

the party to be charged therewith or by his or her agent duly authorized

to make the promise or ratification.” R.S.O. 1990, c. S. 19, s. 7.[5]

See also Jewell v. Broad, where C.J. Mulock stated:

“This action rests entirely upon contract, and the general rule is that,

unless for necessaries, the contract of an infant is not binding upon


What happens if a contract is formed during the minority, but the minor becomes of age?

R v. Rash allows the minor to repudiate the contract if such is done within a reasonable period of time after tuning 18. This concept is discussed in Rash as follows:

“The claim of one who has in the course of trade, supplied goods to an

infant is admittedly unenforceable against the infant during his infancy

and if repudiated after the infant comes of age may never ripen into

a debt…”[7]

R v. Rash goes on to explain that:

“…because an infant could not contract a debt except for necessaries…

If a person choose to supply goods to an infant on credit, they take the

chance of being paid.”[8]

A minor may also ratify a contract after they turn 18. This means that if a teenage athlete enters into an agreement with a sports team, the parent or guardian would be required to also sign the contract. Once that teenager is no longer a minor, they may choose to ratify the contract, however the ratification would not need to be in writing.

Due to the unequal bargaining power between a minor and an adult, the option to cancel or void a contract must be available to the minor, but not to the adult. A good example of this is if a teenager were to buy a vehicle with cash, and later realize that it was a bad decision, they could void that contract, however the seller of the vehicle could not, provided the vehicle was not somehow deemed a necessity.

Keep in mind that any contract with a minor must be in writing, and if the minor cancels the contract it must be in its entirety; the minor can not pick and choose provisions of the contract that they may find favourable.

While this provides a brief overview, the law can be very complex, and many aspects are case specific. If you have an issue or need help in the Small Claims Court, call a paralegal at Act Legal in Oshawa for a free consultation.

(905) 240-4529

Last updated November 3, 2017

[1] Nash v Inman [1908] 2 KB 1

[2] Ibid.

[3] Sale of Goods Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. S.1

[4] Ibid. at s. 3(1)

[5]Statute of Frauds, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter s.19 at s. 7

[6]Jewell v. Broad, [1909] O.J. No. 100 at para 6

[7] R v. Rash, [1923] O.J. No. 127 at para 36

[8] Ibid at para 71

Could a minor ratify a contract before achieving majority?

After attaining capacity, a person may ratify the contract made while under an incapacity. Ratification - is action by the party indicating intent to be bound by the contract. For a minor, ratification must occur after achieving majority.

Which statement is true about the ability of minors to enter into contracts?

Minors (those under the age of 18, in most states) lack the capacity to make a contract. So a minor who signs a contract can either honor the deal or void the contract. There are a few exceptions, however. For example, in most states, a minor cannot void a contract for necessities like food, clothing, and lodging.

Which of the following is true in relation to minors agreement?

1) A contract with a minor is void and, hence, no obligations can ever arise on him thereunder. 2) The minor party cannot ratify the contract upon attaining majority unless a law specifically allows this. 3) No court can allow specific performance of a contract with minors because it is void altogether.

Which statement is true about the ability of minors to enter into contracts quizlet?

Which statement is true about the ability of minors to enter into contracts? A minor may enter into any contract an adult can, except for contracts that are expressly prohibited for minors.


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