Which of the following is an example of a firm utilizing public relations as a promotional tool?

Ivan Kennedy, Jennifer Lombardo
  • Ivan Kennedy

    Ivan Kennedy has experience teaching College-level Business Management for the last 4 years. He has an MBA from the University of Kansas and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Economics. He has work experience in Business and Finance and he can relate well to any such related material.


    • Advertising
    • Public Relations
    • Advertising
    • Public Relations
    • Advertising
    • Public Relations
    • Which of the following presents an example of a firm utilizing public relations as a promotion tool?
    • Which types of promotion tools requires the most interaction with a customer Digital advertising Personal Selling Sales Promotion public relations TV advertising?
    • When using public relations the company pays for space and time in the media True or false?
    • What type of promotion is used to promote an organization's relationship with the public?

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  • Instructor Jennifer Lombardo

    Jennifer Lombardo received both her undergraduate degree and MBA in marketing from Rowan University. She spent ten years in consumer marketing for companies such as Nielsen Marketing Research, The Dial Corporation and Mattel Toys. She is currently an adjunct professor of marketing at Rowan University and a social media marketing consultant.

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Explore the promotional mix plan. Learn the definition of the promotion mix and understand its different elements. See various promotional mix examples. Updated: 05/13/2022

The promotional mix definition is the amalgamation of modes of marketing that organizations use to attain their goals and objectives. The promotional mix is a subset of the marketing mix. The marketing mix defines the combination of tools that a business entity uses to market its commodities and services to its target market.

The tools used in a marketing mix are known as the four Ps and include price, product, place, and promotion. Price involves the product's value to the consumer, the comparison of the prices to the competitors, and any possible discounts to consumers. Product entails the specifics of the commodity, such as size and color, its name, the comparison with competitors' products, and its overall outlook. Place entails where customers can access the product, the distribution channels, and how to market the commodity in trade conferences or through salespeople. Promotion entails the modes of reaching the target market, comparing how competitors conduct their promotions, the best timing to do promotions, and how best to convey the desired message to the target audience.

The promotion mix is important because it enhances the impact of promotional campaigns and helps determine the target audience, hence communicating and channeling efforts in that direction. The promotion mix also creates uniqueness in its advertisement, creating attention, and informs the target audience of the products and services with clarity. The objectives of the promotional mix are to heighten demand for its commodities, create a difference in the product or service, and create market awareness regarding the product or service.

A marketing plan is focused on the target market and made up of four key elements. These four elements are also knows as the 4 Ps. One P is called the promotional mix and it contains advertising, public relations, personal selling and sales promotion. They are used as tools to communicate to the target market and produce organizational sales goals and profits.

The new amusement park Fun Town has spent most of this year customizing and fine-tuning their promotional mix. Let's take a look at each element that Fun Town adopted to create an effective promotional communication program.

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The elements of the promotion mix are the tools that a business entity combines to fulfill its marketing objectives, which are creating awareness regarding the commodity and heightening demand. Four elements fall under the promotional mix plan. The promotional mix techniques describe the methods through which an organization attains its marketing objectives. The elements are advertising, public relations, sales promotion, and personal selling.


Advertising describes how organizations and business entities reach out to the public by creating awareness of the products and services they provide. It is defined as the impersonal paid communication where the company is identified. It entails the payment of another entity to create awareness by providing information on the product or service on behalf of the company that produces the commodity.

The role of advertising in the promotion mix is that it helps reach out to the masses about the benefits of the product or service, how it is used, and its reliability. Many platforms, such as TV, radio, email, banners, and social media platforms (e.g., Facebook and Instagram) can successfully be used for advertising.

Public Relations

Public relations describes how a company portrays its image to the public. It shows the way people react to the company and how the company interacts with its customers and the general public. Companies tend to depict a positive brand image to the public by sharing positive content about the causes they support and community efforts they engage in through communication and social media platforms. For example, a company may share information with the public while distributing food and clothing to children's homes or homeless families. This is an activity aimed at portraying a good public image of the company.

Participating in corporate social responsibility is part of public relations. Therefore, the sharing of that information is a way of enhancing the company's image to the public. However, public relations is not solely a positive asset for a company, as the internet has enabled the easy spread of negative information, which can affect a company's image.

Through reviews, the internet may be used to spread both positive and negative information regarding a company's activities. Public relations is an important tool, as it influences the way people perceive a company. The purpose of public relations in a promotional mix is to create a good public impression so that people will think positively about the company.


One of the most important elements of the promotional mix for Fun Town was the creation of a viable advertising program. Advertising is any form of impersonal (one-way) paid communication in which the company is identified. Fun Town realized that it needed to have a good advertising campaign because this would allow the company to reach a large number of people effectively. Fun Town used television, radio, newspaper, social media and Internet ads to introduce the target market to a grand opening of the amusement park. The park also used giant billboards and e-mails to reach other local customers. They promoted senior citizen discounts, family discounts and grand opening specials to lure the target market into trying a day at Fun Town.

Public Relations

Another promotional tool that Fun Town utilized was public relations. The main purpose of public relations is that it helps build a positive public image for a company, supports new product launches and sales, helps a company to evaluate public attitudes and communicates the overall goals of the company. Fun Town has multiple days throughout the year where they donate a percentage of ticket sales to local charities. They also have days where they close the park down and invite disadvantaged youths to enjoy the rides for free. In addition, Fun Town uses their public relations team to handle any negative park issues. For example, if a visitor is injured on a ride, the public relations team must evaluate public attitudes and communicate with the media that the appropriate corporate response occurred.

Sales promotion is another tool in the promotional mix. It contains methods of stimulating consumer purchase and is usually based on a short-term or immediate goal. Examples of sales promotion items are contests, sweepstakes, giveaways, free samples or coupons. Fun Town has invested heavily in sales promotion. They have had contests, like the first 1,000 people in the park would get a prize. They also had giveaways of free Fun Town water bottles, t-shirts, hats and canvas bags. Lastly, Fun Town released a large number of coupons into the marketplace, such as BOGO (buy one ticket, get one ticket free) or 15% off for students, family coupons for 20% off the day, etc.

Coupons, giveaways and free samples are some examples of sales promotions.

A marketing plan is focused on the target market and made up of four key elements. These four elements are also knows as the 4 Ps. One P is called the promotional mix and it contains advertising, public relations, personal selling and sales promotion. They are used as tools to communicate to the target market and produce organizational sales goals and profits.

The new amusement park Fun Town has spent most of this year customizing and fine-tuning their promotional mix. Let's take a look at each element that Fun Town adopted to create an effective promotional communication program.


One of the most important elements of the promotional mix for Fun Town was the creation of a viable advertising program. Advertising is any form of impersonal (one-way) paid communication in which the company is identified. Fun Town realized that it needed to have a good advertising campaign because this would allow the company to reach a large number of people effectively. Fun Town used television, radio, newspaper, social media and Internet ads to introduce the target market to a grand opening of the amusement park. The park also used giant billboards and e-mails to reach other local customers. They promoted senior citizen discounts, family discounts and grand opening specials to lure the target market into trying a day at Fun Town.

Public Relations

Another promotional tool that Fun Town utilized was public relations. The main purpose of public relations is that it helps build a positive public image for a company, supports new product launches and sales, helps a company to evaluate public attitudes and communicates the overall goals of the company. Fun Town has multiple days throughout the year where they donate a percentage of ticket sales to local charities. They also have days where they close the park down and invite disadvantaged youths to enjoy the rides for free. In addition, Fun Town uses their public relations team to handle any negative park issues. For example, if a visitor is injured on a ride, the public relations team must evaluate public attitudes and communicate with the media that the appropriate corporate response occurred.

Sales promotion is another tool in the promotional mix. It contains methods of stimulating consumer purchase and is usually based on a short-term or immediate goal. Examples of sales promotion items are contests, sweepstakes, giveaways, free samples or coupons. Fun Town has invested heavily in sales promotion. They have had contests, like the first 1,000 people in the park would get a prize. They also had giveaways of free Fun Town water bottles, t-shirts, hats and canvas bags. Lastly, Fun Town released a large number of coupons into the marketplace, such as BOGO (buy one ticket, get one ticket free) or 15% off for students, family coupons for 20% off the day, etc.

Coupons, giveaways and free samples are some examples of sales promotions.

What are the elements of a promotional mix?

There are four elements that make up the promotional mix. They are sales promotion, public relations, personal selling, and advertising.

What is an example of promotion mix?

An example of a promotion mix can be depicted in a company providing discounts on its products. Discounts are an example of sales promotion where a company provides a short-term incentive to encourage the increase in demand for commodities among consumers.

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Which of the following presents an example of a firm utilizing public relations as a promotion tool?

Which of the following is an example of a firm utilizing public relations as a promotion tool? A firm that sends email updates to customers about new products is engaging in personal selling.

Which types of promotion tools requires the most interaction with a customer Digital advertising Personal Selling Sales Promotion public relations TV advertising?


Term 1) ________ is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.

Definition Advertising

Term *27) Which of the following types of promotion tools requires the most interaction with a customer?

Definition Personal selling

Marketing Chapter 12 Test Questions Flashcardswww.flashcardmachine.com › ...null

When using public relations the company pays for space and time in the media True or false?

Public relations can have a strong impact on public awareness at a much lower cost than advertising can. Usually, when using public relations, a company pays for the space or time in the media. Lobbying refers to a PR department maintaining relationships with shareholders and others in the financial community.

What type of promotion is used to promote an organization's relationship with the public?

Public Relations Instead, PR strives to earn a favorable image by drawing attention to newsworthy and attention-worthy activities of the organization and its customers. For this reason, PR is often referred to as “free advertising.”

Which types of promotion tools requires the most interaction with a customer Digital advertising personal selling Sales Promotion public relations TV advertising?

Term 1) ________ is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.
Definition Advertising
Term *27) Which of the following types of promotion tools requires the most interaction with a customer?
Definition Personal selling
Marketing Chapter 12 Test Questions Flashcardswww.flashcardmachine.com › marketing-chapter12testquestionsnull

What are the four 4 common promotional tools that are used by sales representatives?

The four main tools of promotion are advertising, sales promotion, public relation and direct marketing.

What are four types of promotion that a firm may use?

What are the 4 types of promotional strategies? Types of promotional strategies include traditional and online advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, public relations and sponsorships and sales promotions.

When using public relations the company pays for space and time in the media True or false?

Public relations can have a strong impact on public awareness at a much lower cost than advertising can. Usually, when using public relations, a company pays for the space or time in the media. Lobbying refers to a PR department maintaining relationships with shareholders and others in the financial community.


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