Which of the following is a take home message regarding the texts discussion on resilience quizlet?

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Terms in this set (50)

Which statement about the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) is NOT accurate?

A) The test measures academic potential.
B) It has different subtests.
C) The test is given to children individually by a psychologist.
D) It measures knowledge of different school subjects.

D) it measures knowledge of different school subjects

Dr. Slim is giving a lecture on the prevalence of U.S. childhood obesity. Which is NOT a statement she should make?

A) "Rates are higher among African American and Latino children."
B) "Low-income children have higher rates."
C) "Rural areas have higher rates."
D) "Rates are higher among preschoolers than in the past."

D) rates are higher among preschoolers than in the past

If a psychologist adheres to Spearman's "g," which of the following does she believe?

A) The intelligence quotient (IQ) score is only valid when children are in school.
B) The intelligence quotient (IQ) score only measures academic aptitude.
C) There is a general underlying intelligence that the intelligence quotient (IQ) score measures.
D) People have unique intellectual talents and skills.

C) there is a general underlying intelligence that the intelligence quotient score measures

Dorek is failing in school, and scores well below grade-level on achievement tests. When he takes the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), his intelligence quotient (IQ) score is 110. Dorek is classified as:

A) dyslexic
B) an underachiever.
C) having a specific learning disability.
D) intellectually disabled.

C) having a specific learning disability

oung children can run and jump well before they can follow the rules of games because the:

A) motor cortex develops before the frontal lobes.
B ) frontal lobes develop before the motor cortex.
C) frontal lobes are not fully mature until middle childhood.
D) motor cortex is not fully mature until middle childhood.

A) motor cortex develops before the frontal lobes

Mr. Wilson, a kindergarten teacher, is worried about a student who is obsessed with playing very violently. Generalizing from the text, this kind of play:
A) is likely in boys.
B) is normal.
C) may predict later problems.
D) will change.

C) may predict later problems

Link the language issues involved: (1) Janek, says, "I saw some gooses." (2) Jana says, "I no like gooses." (3) Tommy refers to every bird as a "goose."

A) (1) problem with syntax; (2) overregulation; (3) overextension
B) (1) overregulation; (2) problem with syntax; (3) overextension
C) (1) overextension; (2) overregulation; (3) problem with syntax
D) (1) overregulation; (2) overextension; (3) problem with syntax

B) overregulation, problem with syntax, overextension

Which ex-spouses are engaged in parental alienation?

A) The Pearlman's are alienated from one another emotionally.
B) The Garcia's are both alienated from their children.
C) The Jones's constantly badmouth each other in front of their children.
D) The Saville's constantly badmouth each other with friends.

C) the Jones's constantly bad mouth each other In front of their children

Which preschoolers are MOST likely to be best friends?

A) a quiet child and one who loves to run around
B) two children who like to share feelings
C) two classmates who love to play with dolls
D) a leader and a follower

C) two classmates who love to play with dolls

All are true of children who have serious problems regulating their emotions EXCEPT that they:

A) always have inadequate parents.
B) may be excessively anxious.
C) may be excessively aggressive.
D) have trouble succeeding with their peers.

A) always have inadequate parents

Theory of mind refers to the understanding that:

A) children need to listen to and mind their parents
B) other people have different perspectives and beliefs.
C) life isn't fair.
D) each person knows his or her own mind.

B) other people have different perspectives and beliefs

Undernutrition—or not having enough food—has all of the following effects EXCEPT:
A) affecting play.
B) impairing physical development.
C) making children intensely angry.
D) compromising social relationships.

C) making children intens

A five-year-old who is incredibly talented at remembering and copying designs will MOST likely be _____ at a younger age.

A) playing softball
B) writing well
C) speaking well
D) running fast

B) writing well

Dr. Darwin is lecturing on why human childhood lasts such a long time. Which is NOT a comment he probably would make?
A) "Only humans are expert at decoding other people's motivations."
B) "Humans alone have bodies that can do incredible things."
C) "Only humans can build on the intellectual advances of previous generations."
D) "Humans alone have huge, slow growing frontal lobes."

B) humans alone have bodies that can do incredible things

Identify which theorist/perspective provides the best answers for the following situations: (1) exploring children's different ideas about the world; (2) developing a general strategy for teaching; (3) understanding how memory operates.

A) (1) Piaget; (2) Vygotsky; (3) information processing
B) (1) information processing; (2) Piaget; (3) Vygotsky
C) (1) Piaget; (2) information processing; (3) Vygotsky
D) (1) Vygotsky; (2) Piaget; (3) information processing

A) piaget, vygotsky, information processing

Who is LEAST likely to be prosocial in elementary school?

A) a person who gets overwhelmed by anxiety
B) a child who was extremely prosocial in preschool
C) a self-confident person
D) someone who is happy

A) a person who gets overwhelmed by anxiety

Which behavior does NOT indicate that a child has externalizing tendencies?

A) Tino fights continually with his classmates and adults.
B) Sharon freely discusses her emotions.
C) Clint barges in and takes over social situations, so he has few friends.
D) Sherise cannot stop running around the classroom when she needs to focus on work.

B) sharon freely discusses her emotions

Which is NOT a take-home message from the text's parenting-styles discussion?

A) Good parenting involves being flexible, adapting childrearing to a particular child and environment.
B) Difficult children are destined to experience little success in their lives.
C) A variety of forces, not just parenting, determine how children turn out.
D) Superior parenting is vital when children are genetically reactive or biologically "at risk."

B) difficult children are destined to experience little success in their lives

Marta is 9 years old. According to Susan Harter, Marta is MOST apt to describe herself as:

A) the best kid in the world.
B) the worst kid in the world.
C) realistic, based on how she measures up compared to the other children in her class.
D) an extremely happy child.

A) the best kid in the world

According to Judith Harris's theory, to predict how children will act as adults, people should look to:

A) the quality of their upbringing.
B) their genetics.
C) their socioeconomic status.
D) the norms of their peer group.

D) the norms of their peer group

In Western societies, all are qualities involved in "superior" scaffolding EXCEPT:

A) breaking large cognitive challenges into smaller, easier-to-master steps.
B) letting children figure things out totally on their own.
C) fostering a secure attachment and building in motivation.
D) entering a child's zone of proximal development.

B) letting children figure things out totally on their own

All these qualities predict that Danny will act prosocially EXCEPT that he:

A) has parents who take him to church every week.
B) is basically a happy kid.
C) has good executive functions.
D) feels confident of having the skills to help others.

B) is basically a happy kid

Which child is MOST likely to recover from a blow to self-esteem?

A) Juana, whose father has high standards for success
B) Myron, who has a warm, close relationship with his parents
C) Kent, whose mother abandoned him when he was three years old
D) Dominique, who has very few friends

B) Myron who has warm close relationship with his parents

According to Vygotsky, fantasy play does NOT have the purpose of:

A) encouraging children to understand and master social norms.
B) promoting creativity.
C) giving children a sense of control in the face of upsetting situations.
D) allowing children to practice adult roles.

A) encouraging children to understand and master social norms

Lately, Barbara has become intensely focused on being popular. Barbara MOST likely is _____ years old.

A) 9
B) 3
C) 5
D) 6

A) 9

If most of José's classmates rank him among the two or three fifth graders they most like, and no one labels him as disliked, then Jose is in the _____ group.

A) jock
B) best-looking
C) popular
D) narcissistic

C) popular

Boris looks at a bouquet of daisies and carnations, and knows that there are more flowers than daisies in the vase. Boris understands _____.

A) identity constancy
B) conservation of mass
C) class inclusion
D) seriation

C) class inclusion

All are core symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) EXCEPT for:

A) difficulties with selective attention
B) problems with inhibition.
C) serious depression.
D) difficulties performing a sequence of tasks.

C) serious depression

Which disorder is defined by serious theory-of-mind impairments?

A) bipolar disorder
B) autism spectrum disorders
C) attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
D) dyslexia

B) autism spectrum disorders

The most "popular" discipline technique in the United States is _____.

A) shaming
B) spanking
C) yelling
D) time out

D) time out

The text implies that attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a:

A) less popular diagnosis than in the past.
B) clear-cut category.
C) partial function of a poor childhood-society fit.
D) myth.

C) partial function of a poor childhood-society fit

Typically, as children move through school, they care:

A) more about studying, only because they enjoy the material.
B) less about studying and about grades.
C) more about studying, but only to get a good grade.
D) less about their teachers.

C) more about studying but only to get a good grade

All explain why children dislike elementary school EXCEPT:

A) needing to stay with their own age group even when they have friends of other ages.
B) being forced to learn what the teacher says, rather than choosing what they are interested in.
C) having their performance constantly compared to their peers.
D) being given work that is often boring, rote, and uncreative.

A) needing to stay with their own age group even when they have friends of other ages

Developmentalists agree that child maltreatment is caused by:

A) a combination of factors.
B) serious life stress alone.
C) parent personality problems alone.
D) a child's difficult temperament alone.

A) a combination of factors

According to the text, peer rejection is _____ in promoting reactive aggression and antisocial behavior.

A) very important
B) of minor importance
C) irrelevant
D) fairly important

A) very important

In the information-processing framework, _____ memory is the name for the process of transforming material into information that can later be remembered.

A) sensory
B) long-term
C) working
D) short-term

C) working

Bully prevention programs:

A) train kids to tell their teachers when they are being bullied.
B) change the classroom norms, so bullying becomes unacceptable among the group.
C) train bullied kids in karate or another skill that allows them to effectively retaliate.
D) teach bullied kids to stand up for themselves.

B) change the classroom norms, so bullying becomes unacceptable among the group

Three-year-old Lola watches her mommy roll a ball of dough into a thin circle for a pie crust, and exclaims, "You made more dough!" Lola lacks an understanding of the conservation of _____.

A) matter
B) number
C) mass
D) volume

C) mass

Which teacher is using Vygotsky's concept of scaffolding in teaching math?

A) Mr. Olinksy, who tries to get his students to figure out long division on their own.
B) Mr. Shepherd, who drills his students in long division, and then gives a multiple-choice test to see what the class has learned.
C) Mr. Chen, who makes sure his students have mastered each step in learning long division, and then gradually backs off and allows the class to practice on their own.
D) Ms. Lahod, who goes over long division in a single class period.

C) mr Chen who makes sure his students have mastered each step in learning long division, and then gradually backs off and allows the class to practice on their own

Alicia is being raised in a blended family. This means that Alicia's parents:

A) divorced and remarried, so Alicia has step-siblings.
B) adopted children.
C) are multiracial.
D) are a gay couple.

A) divorced and remarried, so Alicia has step siblings

Sibyl, age 3, is an exuberant child who has trouble controlling herself. Due to an evocative process, when Sibyl misbehaves, her parents may be likely to:

A) use induction.
B) ignore her.
C) employ time out.
D) yell, shame, and hit her.

D) yell, shame, and hit her

According to Baumrind's parenting-styles framework, which is the authoritative parent?

A) Petula insists on bedtime at 10; but she relaxes the rules for special occasions, and offers lots of love.
B) Salil rarely knows where his 10-year-old daughter is; when she comes home, he doesn't care.
C) Ning sets firm rules, makes no exceptions, and wears a shirt that says, "Because I'm the mommy."
D) Martin allows his daughter to set her own bedtime, interrupt conversations, and to take a bath only when she "feels dirty."

A) Petula insists on bedtime at 10, but she relaxes the rules for special occasions and offers lots of love

Which facet of language grows throughout a person's life?

A) phonemic articulation
B) inner speech
C) syntactic abilities
D) semantic abilities

D) semantic abilities

In the information-processing framework on memory, the executive processor:

A) transforms items in working memory bins into material to be remembered later.
B) enables people to hear information more clearly.
C) teaches people to think more deeply about life.
D) keeps people's working memory bins intact.

A) transforms items in working memory bins into material to be remembered later

Nina's 4-year-old son has an autism spectrum disorder. The word that BEST describes this child's prognosis, as of 2015, is _____.

A) excellent
B) varying
C) fair
D) poor

D) poor

The basic units of meaning in a language, such as "boy" and "s" for "boys" are called _____.

A) syntax
B) phonemes
C) morphemes
D) semantics

C) morphemes

Fearless explorer toddlers:

A) can turn out to be a tremendous success as adults with the right person-environment fit.
B) need strict discipline.
C) will be likely to end up in jail.
D) are apt to become popular in elementary school.

A) can turn out to be a tremendous success as adults with the right person- environment fir

Professor Adachi is giving a lecture on the qualities that promote resilience. Which statement is she LEAST likely to make?

A) "It helps to be optimistic and be able to regulate your emotions."
B) "It helps to have brothers and sisters."
C) "It helps to have superior intellectual skills or a special talent."
D) "It helps to have a caring relationship with at least one adult."

B) it helps to have brothers and sisters

Longitudinal U.S. research shows that low-income children start school:

A) at an academic disadvantage, but catch up later on.
B) at an academic disadvantage, but then get special school help.
C) at an academic disadvantage, and tend to go to the worst schools.
D) on target academically, but tend to go to the worst schools.

C) at an academic disadvantage, and tend to go to the worst schools

The MAIN basic philosophical difference between Piaget and Vygotsky is that Piaget believed:

A) people learn through hands on experience; Vygotsky believed people only learn through being taught.
B) in communism; Vygotsky believed in capitalism.
C) in capitalism; Vygotsky believed in communism.
D) people only learn through being taught; Vygotsky believed people only learn through hands on experience.

A) people learn through hands on experience, vygotsky believed people only learn through being taught

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