Which of the following exercises and modalities would require the use of a spotter Nasm?

What are some benefits of kettlebell training?

  • Enhanced athleticism, coordination, and balance
  • Increased focus and stamina
  • Increased oxygen uptake
  • Increased total body training
  • Increased core stability and muscle endurance
  • Improved grip strength

True or False

If a client is having trouble completing a lift with a dumbbell, the best thing for the personal trainer to do in order to prevent injury is to take the weight away from the client.


The spotter should never take the weight away from the client unless they are in immediate danger of dropping or losing control of the weight. A proficient spotter provides just enough assistance for the client to successfully complete the lift.

What is a benefit to using sandbags?

Sandbags are designed to be carried, lifted, thrown, and pulled and usually come with multiple handles making them very versatile.

What are some benefits of fitness trackers such as Apple watches and Fitbit?

  • Motivation
  • Accountability
  • Accuracy
  • Medical purpose

What are some ‘cons’ to using free weights as compared to other modalities?

  • May require a spotter
  • May be too difficult for beginning clients
  • Require multiple weights to change intensity
  • Potentially more dangerous if not used correctly
  • Intimidating

This inexpensive exercise modality is ideal for developing muscular strength and endurance for rehabilitative and fitness purposes.

Elastic Resistance (Rubber Tubing and Bands)

All of the following would be examples of “pros” of choosing free weights over machines except:

  • Can improve athletic performance
  • Can challenge core stabilization system
  • Allows individuals to move in multiple planes of motion
  • Keeps the individual in a fixed plane of motion

Keeps the individual in a fixed plane of motion

Keeping the individual in a fixed plane of motion and limiting excessive ranges of motion is a “pro” of choosing a machine over free weights.

How should one select the position of the cable when setting up a cable machine for an exercise?

The cable should be positioned to offer resistance to match the muscles’ natural line of pull.

For example, when performing a tricep extension, the cable should be positioned to offer resistance in a vertical motion against the elbow extension.

ViPRs are best used for what?

Multidirectional full-body exercises with minimal fixed external load.

This training modality was developed by a Russian scientist who used it in the training of cosmonauts in an effort to decrease the loss of muscle and bone mass while in space.

Strength training machines are good for what client?


Machines offer a safer and effective alternative to free weights.

What are some benefits to using suspension bodyweight trainers such as TRX?

  • Increased core muscle activation
  • Low compressive loads to the spine
  • Increased balance
  • Potential increase in caloric expenditure
  • Increased flexibility and joint mobility

It is difficult to quantify the amount of resistance being using with an elastic tube because _________________.

The amount of tension at the beginning of a concentric contraction may vary greatly from the amount of tension at the end of the concentric contraction.

For example, the amount of tension at the beginning of a bicep curl would be less than the amount of tension at the end of the curl due to the elongation of the tube.

What side of a BOSU ball should you perform a bodyweight squat on?

Dome side up

Standing on the flat side of a BOSU ball is not recommended by the manufacturer. The flat side should be up only if hands are going to be on it (such as using it for pushups or a plank).

Training with a TRX Rip Trainer has shown beneficial in strengthening what?

  • Core
  • Balance
  • Stability
  • Power
  • Coordination

How many minutes of exercise is recommended weekly?

150 minutes (moderate intensity)


75 minutes (vigorous)

Common bodyweight exercises such as pull-ups, squats, and push-ups are examples of:

  • Closed-chain exercises
  • Open-chain exercises

Closed-chain exercises

Closed-chain exercises involve movements in which the distal extremities are in a constant fixed position and thus the force applied by an individual is not great enough to overcome the resistance. Examples would be the ground or an immovable object such as a pull-up bar.

BOSU is an acronym for _______________.

Individuals should select a stability ball size with which they can comfortably sit on top of the ball with their knees bent at a ___ degree angle and feet flat.

When using a medicine ball, high-velocity movements will require a lighter ball, generally less than ___% of an individual’s body weight.

Suspension bodyweight trainers are ideal for use in what phases of the OPT model?

1 and 2

Suspension is best used in phases 1 and 2 but can be integrated into any phase, especially when working core or balance while addressing possible muscle imbalances.

True or False

It is the client’s responsibility to check a resistance band for cracks or tears before exercise.


The trainer should check elastic bands before EVERY SESSION to ensure there are no cracks, rips, or excessive wear prior to use.

What are some benefits of using nutritional apps?

  • Meal planning
  • Counting calories
  • Reading and understanding food labels
  • Tracking macronutrients
  • Tracking nutritional content (such as sodium or fiber)
  • Forming positive eating habits

What are some instances when risk outweighs the reward in fitness?

  • Never compromise form over function
  • Always use caution when training on an unstable surface
  • Recognize limitations of fitness apps

Name two ways to increase the resistance of an elastic band.

  • Select a thicker band
  • Use multiple bands together

Which of the following exercises and modalities would require the use of a spotter?

Certain exercises such as the Bench Press, Military (Overhead) Press, and Barbell Squat require a spotter to maximize safety and provide clients with a sense of security, particularly when the client is new to weight lifting or performing a resistance exercise with heavy loads.

Which of the following modalities has the potential to be used effectively in every phase of the OPT model quizlet?

Which of the following modalities has the potential to be used effectively in every phase of the OPT model? Cable machines; Cable machines can be adapted to offer resistance for all body parts and are effective for developing stability, muscular endurance, hypertrophy (increased muscle size), strength, and power.

Which of the following is considered an open chain exercise Nasm?

Examples of open-chain exercises include chest presses, biceps curls, leg curls and leg extensions. In the closed chain, movement at one segment produces movement at all the other joints. For example, during a squat, the movement at the knee joint is accompanied by movement at the hip and ankle joints.

Which of the following modalities was designed to be carried lifted thrown and pulled as a functional training tool?

Sandbags. This form of equipment gives the trainer a very unique way to train clients. These are designed for carrying, lifting, throwing, and pulling and they often come with handles for easy gripping.


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