Which of the following combines the greatest number of approaches to combating prejudice quizlet

Which of the following is an argument presented by psychologists adhering to the behavioral perspective of psychology?

They contend that behavioral disorders are largely the result of faulty thinking processes.

They contend that human behavior is influenced by genetics.

They contend that psychological disorders are brought about by unconscious behaviors.

They contend that the only legitimate source of information for psychologists is behavior that can be observed directly.

They contend that the only legitimate source of information for psychologists is behavior that can be observed directly.

Which of the following branches of psychology focuses on the consistency in people's behavior over time and the traits that differentiate one person from another?

cognitive psychology

evolutionary psychology

clinical psychology

personality psychology

personality psychology

Identify a true statement about health psychology.

Health psychology stems from Charles Darwin's arguments in his groundbreaking 1859 book, On the Origin of Species.

Health psychologists seeks to understand how humans might inherit certain healthy traits and how the environment influences whether they display such traits.

Health psychologists are interested in identifying ways to promote behavior that brings about good health.

Health psychology concentrates on such diverse topics as human aggression, liking and loving, persuasion, and conformity.

Health psychologists are interested in identifying ways to promote behavior that brings about good health.

Which of the following is a trend in the near future of psychology?

The branches of psychology are likely to be increasingly influenced by neuroscientific approaches.

Psychology's influence on issues of public interest, such as violence and terrorism, is likely to reduce.

The relevance of diversity in psychology is likely to decrease.

Psychology is likely to become an increasingly unified discipline.

The branches of psychology are likely to be increasingly influenced by neuroscientific approaches.

Which of the following is true of the cognitive perspective of psychology?

It has evolved in part from structuralism and in part as a reaction to behaviorism.

It was championed by B. F. Skinner.

It suggests that behavior is motivated by unconscious inner forces over which an individual has little control.

It provides a means to understand everyday phenomena such as prejudice and aggression.

It has evolved in part from structuralism and in part as a reaction to behaviorism.

Psychology is defined as the

study of mental disorders and their treatment.

intuition-based approach to study human behavior.

scientific study of behavior and mental processes.

speculative method to find answers about human cognition.

scientific study of behavior and mental processes.

According to ________, the human perception, or understanding, of objects is greater and more meaningful than the individual elements that make up these perceptions.



gestalt psychology

forensic psychology

gestalt psychology

Which of the following statements is TRUE of the structuralist perspective of psychology?

The structuralist perspective was supplanted by other views.

The structuralist perspective triumphed over alternative ones.

The structuralist perspective has waned somewhat, but it still remains influential today.

The structuralist perspective continues to coexist with other views in psychology.

The structuralist perspective was supplanted by other views.

Which of the following psychologists is associated with the psychodynamic perspective?

William James

Sigmund Freud

Karen Horney

Leta Stetter

Sigmund Freud

Which of the following subfields of psychology is CORRECTLY matched with a sample topic?

developmental psychology: the effectiveness of drug therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder

behavioral neuroscience: the influence of chronic stress on physical health

cognitive psychology: the influence of an event on people's thinking

health psychology: the role that frustration plays in producing aggression

cognitive psychology: the influence of an event on people's thinking

Dr. Chen studies how people grow and change during late adolescence and young adulthood. Dr. Doherty focuses on several traits that distinguish one person from another. Dr. Chen is a(n) ________; Dr. Doherty is a(n) ________.

developmental psychologist; personality psychologist

clinical psychologist; counseling psychologist

health psychologist; clinical psychologist

experimental psychologist; cognitive psychologist

developmental psychologist; personality psychologist

________ believed that children were born into the world with minds like "blank slates" and that their experiences determined what kind of adults they would become.






________ psychologists concentrate on diverse topics such as human aggression, liking and loving, persuasion, and conformity.






Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the difference between PhD and the PsyD degrees?

Fewer people earn a PhD than a PsyD.

A PhD is obtained by psychologists who wish to focus exclusively on the treatment of psychological disorders.

A PhD requires a dissertation based on an original investigation.

A PhD requires more years of study than a PsyD.

A PhD requires a dissertation based on an original investigation.

Driving to work one day, Owen suspects that drivers talking on their cell phones pay less attention to the road than do other drivers. This hypothesis would most likely be tested by a ________ psychologist.






Which of the following statements concerning the representation of racial and ethnic minorities among American psychologists is TRUE?

The number of minority members entering the field is about the same as it was 10 years ago.

The increase in the number of degrees awarded to minority members has outpaced the growth of the minority population.

The number of minority members entering the field is higher than it was 10 years ago.

The number of minority members entering the field has decreased over the years.

The number of minority members entering the field is higher than it was 10 years ago.

Which of the following is an argument that proponents of the psychodynamic perspective are likely to present?

Every behavior ultimately can be broken down into its biological components.

Behavior is motivated by inner forces and conflicts about which an individual has little awareness or control.

Human thinking is similar to the workings of a computer, which takes in information and transforms, stores, and retrieves it.

The focus of a psychological study should be on external behavior that can be observed and measured objectively.

Behavior is motivated by inner forces and conflicts about which an individual has little awareness or control.

Dr. Quinones studies the achievement motivation of junior high school students. He asserts that such motivation mainly reflects the parenting and educational practices the students have experienced. This statement is most directly related to the ________ issue; Dr. Quinones' position is toward the ________ end of the continuum.

nature vs. nurture; nurture

observable behavior vs. internal mental processes; internal mental processes

nature vs. nurture; nature

observable behavior vs. internal mental processes; observable behavior

nature vs. nurture; nurture

Which of the following statements is true of the diverse subfields of psychology?

Though they are individually separate and distinct, they all share a common goal of understanding behavior.

They always lead to an MD (doctor of medicine) degree.

They are not related at all other than being considered a part of psychology.

They allow psychologists to explain different types of behavior using the same techniques and experiments.

Though they are individually separate and distinct, they all share a common goal of understanding behavior.

Fiona helps students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) develop effective study regimens and strategies. Fiona is most likely a(n) ________ psychologist.






The neuroscience perspective

argues that behavior is motivated by inner forces and conflicts about which we have little awareness or control.

suggests that all individuals naturally strive to grow, develop, and be in control of their lives and behavior.

considers how people and nonhumans function biologically.

focuses on how people think, understand, and know about the world.

considers how people and nonhumans function biologically.

Kristen is a psychology major. Immediately following graduation, she will most likely

join the workforce.

continue to graduate school.

feel that her job is unrelated to her psychology background.

remain unemployed.

join the workforce.

Dr. Alvarez is currently studying how the degeneration of certain components of nerve cells in the brain leads to Lewy body disease. Dr. Alvarez's work is most likely to be a part of the ________ subfield of psychology.



behavioral neuroscience


behavioral neuroscience

When Wilhelm Wundt established the first experimental laboratory devoted to psychological phenomena in 1879, his goal was to

unite the areas of neuroscience and clinical psychology.

study the structures of the mind and their relationship to conscious experience.

examine the function of the emotion of fear in preparing people to deal with emergency situations.

study how people consider individual elements together as units or wholes.

study the structures of the mind and their relationship to conscious experience.

Which of the following was a disadvantage of introspection?

Introspection was too simplistic.

Introspection was a complicated process.

Introspection was not truly scientific.

Introspection was time-consuming.

Introspection was not truly scientific.

Rob is a 16-year-old American student; Yoon-Sook is a 16-year-old Asian student. Rob and Yoon-Sook, respectively, are likely to attribute academic success to ________ and ________.

natural ability; unchanging causes

unchanging causes; situational factors

effort; natural ability

effort; situational factors

unchanging causes; situational factors

Which of the following movements was led by the psychologist William James?


Gestalt psychology

social psychology



Penny is a recovering drug addict. Her treatment program emphasizes the influence of her environment—"people, places, and things"—on her use of her drug of choice. Her program reflects the ________ perspective in psychology.






Which of the following is a contribution of the psychologist B. F. Skinner?

He was the first psychologist to study the different aspects of child development.

He was the founder of the American Journal of Psychoanalysis.

He was a pioneer in the field of behavioral perspective.

He was the first male president of the American Psychological Association.

He was a pioneer in the field of behavioral perspective.

Identify a true statement about structuralism.

It brought about the union of functionalism and gestalt psychology.

It focused on uncovering the fundamental mental components, states, and activities.

It was pioneered by German scientists Hermann Ebbinghaus and Max Wertheimer.

It involved the use of a method known as information processing.

It focused on uncovering the fundamental mental components, states, and activities.

The field of phrenology is associated with






Psychology majors are highly valued by employers in business, industry, and the government because psychology majors

develop good intuitive skills.

can synthesize and evaluate information well.

are trained to be empathetic.

provide counseling to their coworkers as and when required.

can synthesize and evaluate information well.

A single-sentence definition of psychology may be misleading because

the discipline of psychology really has no core or center.

psychology is a narrower, more specific field than a general definition might suggest.

psychologists disagree on how broad psychology should really be.

it is very difficult to study the mind and behavior scientifically.

psychologists disagree on how broad psychology should really be.

During a discussion on the psychological aspects of suicide bombers, Dr. Gerami asserts the role of strong authority figures in encouraging the actions of suicide bombers. However, Dr. Islington proposes the role of internal traits in suicide bombing. Which of the following BEST identifies the subfields in which each of them specializes?

Dr. Gerami: cross-cultural psychology; Dr. Islington: personality psychology

Dr. Gerami: social psychology; Dr. Islington: cross-cultural psychology

Dr. Gerami: social psychology; Dr. Islington: personality psychology

Dr. Gerami: personality psychology; Dr. Islington: social psychology

Dr. Gerami: social psychology; Dr. Islington: personality psychology

The emphasis of the humanistic perspective is on:

free will

free will.

Pablo is taking part in a psychology experiment. He watches two political campaign ads—one highlighting the candidate's positive attributes and another emphasizing the opponent's negative features. During each ad, Pablo's brain is scanned. This experiment is most likely conducted by a ________ neuroscientist.






Dr. Greenway argues that psychology should focus on observable, measurable behavior. Dr. Cech suggests that psychology should study how people think about and understand the world. Which option below CORRECTLY identifies their respective perspectives?

Dr. Greenway—behavioral perspective; Dr. Cech—cognitive perspective

Dr. Greenway—behavioral perspective; Dr. Cech—humanistic perspective

Dr. Greenway—psychodynamic perspective; Dr. Cech—humanistic perspective

Dr. Greenway—cognitive perspective; Dr. Cech—behavioral perspective

Dr. Greenway—behavioral perspective; Dr. Cech—cognitive perspective

The 150th anniversary of a historic event will be commemorated at the American Psychological Association in the year 2029. Which of the following events is being commemorated?

Pavlov's discovery of classical conditioning, 1904

Wundt's operation of the first psychology laboratory, 1879

G. S. Hall's founding of the American Psychological Association, 1892

Charles Darwin's publication of the On the Origin of Species, 1859

Wundt's operation of the first psychology laboratory, 1879

Which of the following arguments is likely to be made by a proponent of the humanistic perspective of psychology?

People make intentional choices and those who display so-called abnormal behavior should be considered responsible for their actions.

Psychological disorders are brought about by unconscious factors.

It is possible to gain a complete understanding of behavior by studying the environment in which an individual operates.

The only legitimate source of information for psychologists is behavior that can be observed directly.

People make intentional choices and those who display so-called abnormal behavior should be considered responsible for their actions.

The cognitive perspective is said to have evolved in part from the ________ perspective in early psychology and to represent a reaction to ________.

humanist; behaviorism

structuralist; humanism

structuralist; behaviorism

humanist; functionalism

structuralist; behaviorism

Ricardo is a victim of domestic abuse. His therapist, Dr. Shania Johnson, tries to build his confidence and help him regain his trust in people. She wants Ricardo to realize his potential and to not let his past define him. She believes that Ricardo is already on the path to recovery because he sought help of his own free will. Dr. Shania Johnson is most likely a supporter of the ________ perspective in the field of psychology.






What might be the most controversial aspect of the evolutionary psychology position?

Evolutionary psychologists downplay the influence of biological inheritance on thought and behavior.

They hold the notion that our evolutionary heritage influences our physical characteristics.

Evolutionary psychologists minimize the role of environmental and social forces.

They promote the idea that our evolutionary heritage might influence aspects of our behavioral and mental processes.

Evolutionary psychologists minimize the role of environmental and social forces.

Noreen asserts that our behavior is motivated by inner forces and conflicts about which we have little awareness or control. This viewpoint is most consistent with the ________ perspective in psychology.







lack a medical degree.

must submit a dissertation based on an original investigation to obtain a degree.

have a PsyD, or doctor of psychology, as their highest degree.

most often use treatments involving the prescription of drugs.

most often use treatments involving the prescription of drugs.

In the context of the proportion of psychologists in the United States, which of the following is a true statement?

Psychologists in the United States make up between 30 percent and 34 percent of the world's psychologists.

Women outnumber men in the field of psychology in the United States.

The numbers of minority individuals entering the field of psychology have significantly reduced in the last decade.

The majority of psychologists in the United States are Hispanics and Asians.

Women outnumber men in the field of psychology in the United States.

Why is the term experimental psychologist considered somewhat misleading?

Psychologists in every subfield use the experimental method.

Psychologists in every subfield use the experimental method.

Akira has declared psychology as his major. He will be studying

behavior and mental processes.

internal medicine.

mental disorders and their diagnosis and treatment.

the disorders of the central nervous system.

behavior and mental processes.

Which of the following is true of evolutionary psychologists?

They argue that psychological disorders are brought about by unconscious factors.

They are proponents of the idea that introspection reveals the structure of the mind.

They reject the notions of natural selection and survival of the fittest.

They are interested in how behavior is influenced by genetic inheritance.

They are interested in how behavior is influenced by genetic inheritance.

Hugo is a college student. He is unable to cope with the workload. He does not get along with his classmates. He goes to his teacher for advice. Hugo's teacher is likely to refer him to a

clinical psychologist.

counseling psychologist.

personality psychologist.

health psychologist..

counseling psychologist.

________ psychology focuses on higher mental processes, including thinking, memory, reasoning, problem solving, judging, decision making, and language.






The Gestalt psychologists made substantial contribution to our understanding of






Assuming Dr. Hart is a clinical neuropsychologist, in which of the following is she likely to be involved?

Investigating the relation between depressive disorders and the levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain

Studying violent dreams to understand the role of unconscious forces affecting an individual's behavior

Studying the effects of long-term stress on an individual's health and physiology

Investigating the relationship between family communication patterns and psychological disorders

Investigating the relation between depressive disorders and the levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain

In the context of the psychology of emotion, William James and John Dewey would be most interested in

the organization of perception and thinking in a "whole" sense.

the contribution of unconscious memories to one's emotional experience.

the basic nature of an emotional feeling or experience.

how behavior aids one's adaptation to the environment.

how behavior aids one's adaptation to the environment.

Which of the following is true of social psychologists?

They are concerned with identifying ways to promote behavior that brings about good health.

They concentrate on diverse topics such as human aggression, liking and loving, persuasion, and conformity.

They are also called developmental psychologists.

They argue that our genetic inheritance determines not only physical traits but certain personality traits and social behaviors as well.

They concentrate on diverse topics such as human aggression, liking and loving, persuasion, and conformity

Arata loses his wife in a car accident. He is unable to cope with the grief; as a result, he loses his appetite, is unable to sleep, cannot focus at work, and avoids his friends and family. His family together decides that he needs help. Arata's family is likely to refer him to a(n)

clinical psychologist.

program evaluator.

behavioral geneticist.

industrial/organizational psychologist.

clinical psychologist.

Lukas is unhappy with the way he is being treated at work. He plans to quit as he believes his boss is undermining his efforts. His colleague, Marie, encourages him to examine his assumptions, evaluate the situation, and think more carefully about his decisions. In this scenario, which of the following approach is Marie encouraging Lukas to employ to make an informed decision?



critical thinking

description-based thinking

critical thinking

Which of the following subfields of psychology matches with its description?

Clinical neuropsychology is a subfield of psychology that focuses on the biological origin of psychological disorders.

Behavioral genetics is a subfield of psychology that deals with the study, diagnosis, and treatment of psychological disorders.

Industrial/organizational psychology is a subfield of psychology that focuses primarily on educational, social, and career adjustment problems.

Social psychology is a subfield of psychology that is concerned with the psychology of the workplace.

Clinical neuropsychology is a subfield of psychology that focuses on the biological origin of psychological disorders.

Which of the following is true of cognitive psychology?

It studies the inheritance of traits related to behavior.

It is a subspecialty of experimental psychology.

It stems from Charles Darwin's arguments in his book, On the Origin of Species.

It includes subfields such as developmental and personality psychology.

It is a subspecialty of experimental psychology.

Race is to ethnicity as ________ is to ________.

the individual; culture

biology; culture

culture; biology

the individual; biology

biology; culture

One of the arguments presented in Charles Darwin's book On the Origin of Species is that

natural selection leads to the development of traits that enable a species to adapt to its environment.

people's environment has little effect on the traits they exhibit.

it is possible to completely understand behavior by studying the environment in which individuals operate.

psychological disorders rarely originate from biological factors.

natural selection leads to the development of traits that enable a species to adapt to its environment.

Which of the following is true of evolutionary psychologists?

They are proponents of the idea that introspection reveals the structure of the mind.

They are interested in how behavior is influenced by genetic inheritance.

They argue that psychological disorders are brought about by unconscious factors.

They reject the notions of natural selection and survival of the fittest.

They are interested in how behavior is influenced by genetic inheritance.

In what way, if any, do evolutionary psychologists go beyond Darwin's arguments?

They suggest that culture influences the nature of behavioral and mental processes.

They argue that our genetic inheritance determines aspects of our personality and social behavior.

They argue that our genetic heritage influences our physical characteristics.

They do not go beyond Darwin's original arguments.

They argue that our genetic inheritance determines aspects of our personality and social behavior.

Lassandra takes a sip of cola. "Sweet...cold, wet, tingly...slightly bitter," she reports. Lassandra is

demonstrating functionalism.

taking an intelligence test.


defining umami.


Matias, a five-year-old, has just started preschool. As a preschooler, he must get used to being away from his parents for a few hours and being around other children and adults. His parents feel that this change may be difficult for him. A psychologist studying Matias's case is likely to belong to the field of

developmental psychology.

clinical psychology.

evolutionary psychology.

health psychology.

developmental psychology.

Victor works in a university. According to his job description, he is required to help students understand what kind of jobs they are suited for, identify the best learning practices, and resolve problems with their peers. Victor works as a ________ in the university.

social psychologist

developmental psychologist

counseling psychologist

personality psychologist

counseling psychologist

As a minority, Rwanda works as a clinical psychologist in Atlanta, Georgia. Given the current situation in her field of psychology in the United States, which of the following scenarios is likely to hold true for Rwanda?

Rwanda is outnumbered in her field by her male counterparts.

Rwanda is among the 50 percent of all professionally active psychologists belonging to racial minority groups.

Rwanda is likely to get more female patients belonging to the same ethnic group or race as hers.

Rwanda is likely to be paid more than her male counterparts.

Rwanda is likely to get more female patients belonging to the same ethnic group or race as hers.

As a program manager, Jazmin is required to sit at her computer for long hours working constantly on similar projects. As a result, she has lost all motivation to perform better. In addition, she has developed a negative attitude toward her coworkers and has stopped contributing to team efforts. To help her become a better employee, Jazmin's manager is likely to refer her to a(n)

cognitive psychologist.

health psychologist.

experimental psychologist.

industrial psychologist.

industrial psychologist.

The most common employment sector for students graduating with a bachelor's degree in psychology is

the local government.


social services.


social services.

Which of the following ideas stands in contrast to the notion that behavior is caused primarily by choices that are made freely by the individual?






Which of the following statements describes the basic idea of Gestalt psychology?

It emphasizes the process of natural selection.

It emphasizes the organization of perception.

It emphasizes the process of introspection.

It emphasizes the unconscious determinants of behavior.

It emphasizes the organization of perception.

As a psychologist, Feng is interested in studying the effects of anxiety on an individual's efforts to deal with a stressful situation. Which of the following perspectives does Feng advocate?

Gestalt psychology

behavioral genetics




Dr. Reynolds believes that depression reflects aspects of a patient's early relationship with her parents of which she may be completely unaware. Dr. Smith, by contrast, argues that depression stems from a patient's negative self-talk. The two psychologists appear to disagree on the ________ issue.

structuralism vs. functionalism

free will vs. determinism

nature vs. nurture

conscious vs. unconscious causes

conscious vs. unconscious causes

To many people who have never taken a psychology course, psychology begins and ends with the ________ perspective.






In order to study mind and behavior, psychologists

rely on the study of internal medicine.

use speculation.

use their intuition.

rely on the scientific method.

rely on the scientific method.

Donna-Lynn is preparing a visual display of psychology's early history. One panel is headed "The Gay '90s." It portrays developments in the 1890s. Another panel is titled "The Roaring '20s." It is devoted to the 1920s. Which theoretical perspectives in psychology should appear in each of these panels?

A)Gay '90s: behaviorism; Roaring '20s: structuralism

B)Gay '90s: psychodynamic perspective; Roaring '20s: behaviorism

C)Gay '90s: Gestalt psychology; Roaring '20s: structuralism.

D)Gay '90s: functionalism; Roaring '20s: Gestalt psychology

Gay '90s: functionalism; Roaring '20s: Gestalt psychology

Which of the following is true of clinical neuropsychology?

It considers how behavior is influenced by our genetic inheritance from our ancestors.

It builds on advances in the human understanding of the structure and chemistry of the brain.

It focuses primarily on educational, social, and career adjustment problems.

It stems from the notion of survival of the fittest.

It builds on advances in the human understanding of the structure and chemistry of the brain.

Identify a true statement about functionalism.

It involved the use of introspection to understand the structure of the mind.

It focused on the role behavior plays in allowing people to adapt to their environments.
It was first suggested by William Wundt in 1879.

It was derived from the notion of survival of the fittest.

It focused on the role behavior plays in allowing people to adapt to their environments.

Which of the following figures best approximates the number of major perspectives in psychology?

as many as there are psychologists

about five

a dozen or so

one or two

about five

Unlike clinical psychology, counseling psychology

builds on advances in the human understanding of the structure and chemistry of the brain.

unites the areas of neuroscience and clinical psychology.

focuses specifically on educational, social, and career adjustment problems.

involves diagnosing and treating problems that range from the crises of everyday life to more extreme conditions.

focuses specifically on educational, social, and career adjustment problems.

A time travel mishap lands you at one of the first psychology conferences ever held, sometime at the dawn of the 20th century. The graying older scientists slowly losing their grip on the field are most likely ________, whereas the passionate young up-and-comers are probably ________.

humanists; functionalists

structuralists; functionalists

humanists; structuralists

functionalists; developmentalists

structuralists; functionalists

The formal beginning of psychology is associated with






Which of the following statements describes the behavioral perspective of psychology?

It emphasizes that behavior is influenced by an individual's way of thinking about the world.

It emphasizes that behavior is motivated by unconscious inner forces over which an individual has little control.

It emphasizes that every behavior ultimately can be broken down into its biological components.

It emphasizes that observable, external behavior, which can be objectively measured, should be the focus of study.

It emphasizes that observable, external behavior, which can be objectively measured, should be the focus of study.

Identify an operational definition of happiness.

an individual's feeling of acceptance in a society

an individual's self-rating on a 10-point happiness scale

an individual's feeling of joy

an individual's sense of achievement and contentment

an individual's self-rating on a 10-point happiness scale

Which of the following is the first step in the scientific method?

carrying out research designed to support or refute the explanation

formulating an explanation

identifying questions of interest

communicating the findings

identifying questions of interest

Experimental research requires that the responses of ________ group(s) be examined.

at least one

at least five

at least three

at least two

at least two

When cues are transmitted to participants about how they are expected to behave in particular experimental conditions, the research results may reflect ________ expectations. When people develop their own ideas about the topic of the research, the investigation's outcomes may be biased by ________.

participant; experimenter expectations

participant; participant expectations

experimenter; participant expectations

experimenter; experimenter expectations

experimenter; participant expectations

Factors that distort the way the independent variable affects the dependent variable are referred to as


participant bias.

experimental bias.

placebo effects.

experimental bias.

Which of the following guidelines is true regarding the use of nonhuman animals in experiments?

Researchers must house, feed, and care for the animals properly.

Researchers must promote the animals' well-being, at least for some species.

Researchers must minimize discomfort, illness, and pain for the animals.

Research with animals has failed to provide psychologists with valuable information.

Researchers must minimize discomfort, illness, and pain for the animals.

Which of the following statements is true about archival research?

Archival research involves surveys and questionnaires.

Existing records used in archival research are always complete.

Archival research involves the observation of naturally occurring behavior.

Archival research is relatively inexpensive to conduct.

Archival research is relatively inexpensive to conduct.

Which of the following defines the term "research"?

broad explanations and predictions concerning phenomena of interest

the manipulation implemented by an experimenter

the scientific study of behavior and mental processes

a systematic inquiry aimed at the discovery of new knowledge

a systematic inquiry aimed at the discovery of new knowledge

Kendra is combining the results of a number of experiments to yield an overall conclusion. Kendra is performing

a meta-analysis.

replication research.

a cross-validation.

correlational research.

a meta-analysis.

Dr. Gigliotti is conducting an in-depth, intensive investigation of a patient with dissociative identity disorder. He uses psychological tests and interviews to better understand the patient. Dr. Gigliotti is undertaking a(n)

archival research.

naturalistic observation.

survey research.

case study.

case study.

_____ is a false treatment, such as a pill, "drug," or other substance, without any significant chemical properties or active ingredient.


double-blind procedure


natural procedure


What is a placebo?

a false experimental treatment

a bystander in Latané and Darley's experiment

an unethical experiment done on nonhumans

an actor employed by a researcher

a false experimental treatment

Joshua, a behavioral psychologist, asks participants to sign a document before beginning his experiment. Joshua also tells them that their participation is completely voluntary and that they can leave the experiment at any time. Joshua is

providing a detailed explanation of the study.

using deception.

analyzing his participants.

obtaining informed consent.

obtaining informed consent.

In Dr. Suarez's social psychology lab, some college students taking part in the research suspect that interpersonal attraction processes are under study. This knowledge influences the way they interact with each other. In a play session during a child development study, Dr. Thomas' research assistants are more likely to unconsciously reinforce aggressive behavior among children who view a violent video clip than among children viewing a nonviolent clip. Dr. Suarez's research is susceptible to ________ expectations. Dr. Thomas' work is prone to ________.

participant; participant expectations

experimenter; experimenter expectations

participant; experimenter expectations

experimenter; participant expectations

participant; experimenter expectations

Which of the following sequences is correct?

hypothesis → theory → operational definition

operational definition → hypothesis → theory

theory → hypothesis → operational definition

operational definition → theory → hypothesis

theory → hypothesis → operational definition

In an experiment, the independent variable is

not determined by the actions of those taking part in the experiment.

not under the control of the researcher.

measured by the researcher and is expected to change.

decided by the researcher on the basis of chance alone.

not determined by the actions of those taking part in the experiment.

Which of the following is an advantage of archival research?

Data collection is easy because data already exist.

A small sample can be used to infer attitudes and behavior of a larger population.

It provides a thorough, in-depth understanding of participants.

It provides a sample of people in their natural environment.

Data collection is easy because data already exist.

Which of the following statements is accurate about operational definitions?

They are usually untestable.

They are independent of the creativity of the researcher.

They translate actual procedures into abstract concepts.

Many operational definitions are usually possible for a given hypothesis.

Many operational definitions are usually possible for a given hypothesis.

Laura is a clinical research psychologist. She conducts an experiment that involves a placebo. Which of the following statements is true about her experiment?

Only the participants in the control group are aware of the purpose of the research.

All participants receive a treatment.

Only the participants in the experimental group are aware of the purpose of the research.

Laura is unaware of the nature of the drug that is being administered.

All participants receive a treatment.

According to Bibb Latané and John Darley's theory of ________, the greater the number of bystanders in an emergency situation, the less likely that any single person will come forward to help.

diffusion of responsibility

collective responsibility

collective morality

social disengagement

diffusion of responsibility

Which of the following sequences correctly arranges the steps in the scientific method from first to last?

carry out research → formulate explanation → identify problem → communicate findings

carry out research → identify problem → formulate explanation → communicate findings

identify problem → carry out research → formulate explanation → communicate findings

identify problem → formulate explanation → carry out research → communicate findings

identify problem → formulate explanation → carry out research → communicate findings

Amy is conducting a survey of dating attitudes and behaviors among young adults as part of her master's thesis work. Amy distributes questionnaires to 200 randomly selected students enrolled in an introductory psychology course at her university. The 200 students constitute Amy's ________. The people whom she assumes her results will generalize are termed the ________.

population; sample

control group; population

sample; population

experimental group; population

sample; population

Doctors Chase and Sanborn are conducting an experiment on the effects of caffeine on memory. Participants are randomly assigned to a caffeine or a no-caffeine group; their recall of items on a word list is later assessed. In this experiment, word recall is the ________ variable.






Martina is conducting a research study with two groups, namely group A and group B. Group A receives a treatment for severe depression, while group B does not receive any treatment. Group A in Martina's study is the

experimental group.

research group.

control group.

secondary group.

experimental group.

Which of the following statements best expresses the relationship between a sample and a population?

A sample includes a population.

A population is similar to a sample.

A population includes a sample.

A sample is completely separate from a population.

A population includes a sample.

Naturalistic observation entails

the examination of existing records, such as official documents.

questioning individuals directly to find out what they think, feel, and do.

the introduction of small changes to a habitat.

the researcher simply documenting what occurs.

the researcher simply documenting what occurs.

"People with opposite personality traits are more likely to be attracted to each other." This is a(n)




operational definition.


A team of researchers conduct an experiment to test the effectiveness of a new drug in treating anxiety disorders. The participants in the control group receive sugar pills without active ingredients, while those in the experimental group receive the new, anti-anxiety drug. In this example, the researchers use a

correlation coefficient.


double-blind procedure.

single-blind procedure.


In which of the following ways is a sample population of college students different from the general population it is implicitly intended to represent?

College students tend to be poor.

College students are educated.

College students tend to be from nondemocratic countries.

College students tend to come from Eastern cultures.

College students are educated.

Why are control groups included in experiments?

to ascertain cause-and-effect relationships

to ensure that participant characteristics are essentially the same in each group

to determine whether two variables are correlated

to translate the hypothesis into something testable

to ascertain cause-and-effect relationships

Olivia is a psychologist. She wants to use the scientific method to systematically acquire knowledge and understanding about behavior. With which of the following steps should she start?

formulating an explanation

carrying out research designed to support or refute the explanation

identifying questions of interest for research based on prior research findings

communicating her findings

identifying questions of interest for research based on prior research findings

The development of a hypothesis occurs in which of the following steps of the scientific method?

identifying questions of interest

communicating the findings

carrying out research designed to support or refute the explanation

formulating an explanation

formulating an explanation

Which of the following statements is true about descriptive research?

It is the only type of research in which the conditions are created by the researcher.

It is the only way psychologists can establish cause-and-effect relationships.

It is designed to systematically investigate a person, group, or patterns of behavior.

It tells us about the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables.

It is designed to systematically investigate a person, group, or patterns of behavior.

Experimental research is to correlational research what ________ is to ________.

cause; association

description; association

description; prediction

association; cause

cause; association

Which of the following types of research offers insights into relationships between variables but cannot determine causality?

descriptive and correlational research

correlational and experimental research

experimental and descriptive research

folk and experiential research

descriptive and correlational research

In a typical Latané and Darley "bystander" experiment, ________ is the independent variable and ________ is the dependent variable.

whether a false emergency occurs; the presence of bystanders

whether the participant helps; the number of people present

the number of people present; whether the participant helps

the presence of bystanders; whether a false emergency occurs

the number of people present; whether the participant helps

After a research study, the experimenter should debrief the participants. In debriefing, the experimenter

reiterates that the study was voluntary.

asks the participants to sign a document confirming informed consent.

provides a detailed explanation of the study.

assures the participants of confidentiality.

provides a detailed explanation of the study.

Which of the following is an advantage of a case study?

Data collection is easy because data already exists.

A small sample can be used to infer attitudes and behavior of a larger population.

It provides a sample of people in their natural environment.

It provides a thorough, in-depth understanding of participants.

It provides a thorough, in-depth understanding of participants.

Matteo, a psychologist, is conducting a study with children and adolescents as participants. However, he is using the same procedures and settings as that of an earlier study that was conducted on adults. He is doing this to increase confidence in prior findings. From the information given in this scenario, it can be said that Matteo is engaged in

parallel research.

reconstructed research.

replicated research.

archival research.

replicated research.

Which of the following statements best expresses the relationship between a theory and a hypothesis?

A theory is more focused than a hypothesis.

A theory is the same as a hypothesis.

A theory is broader than a hypothesis.

A theory is unrelated to a hypothesis.

A theory is broader than a hypothesis.

In the context of ethical research, identify a component of informed consent in a study.

a detailed explanation of the study and its procedures

an assurance that the participants selected are from diverse populations

a statement of the potential risks of participating in the study

the knowledge that at some point in the study, deception will be involved

a statement of the potential risks of participating in the study

Doctors Chase and Sanborn are conducting an experiment on the effects of caffeine on memory. Participants are randomly assigned to a caffeine or a no-caffeine group; their recall of items on a word list is later assessed. Which pair correctly identifies a variable in this experiment?

word recall—independent variable

caffeine—dependent variable

word recall—experimental variable

caffeine—independent variable

caffeine—independent variable

Little or no relationship between two variables is represented by


a negative sign.

zero or a number close to zero.

a positive sign.

zero or a number close to zero.

A pharmaceutical company is conducting an experiment to test the effectiveness of a tricyclic antidepressant. Which of the following, if true, would indicate that the experimenters used a placebo?

The participants in both groups did not know if they were getting a real or a false treatment.

The participants were informed about the medication they would be taking and its possible side effects before starting the treatment.

The participants were assigned to the experimental or control groups by drawing lots.

The research assistants who administered the drugs were asked to establish rapport with the participants.

The participants in both groups did not know if they were getting a real or a false treatment.

After identifying the question of interest, which is the next step in the scientific method?

evaluating the findings

formulating an explanation

carrying out research designed to support or refute the explanation

communicating the findings

formulating an explanation

________ is an in-depth, intensive investigation of an individual or small group of people.

Survey research

Case study

Archival research

Naturalistic observation

Case study

Which of the following is an advantage of survey research?

It provides a sample of people in their natural environment.

It provides a thorough, in-depth understanding of participants.

Data collection is easy because data already exists.

A small sample can be used to infer attitudes and behavior of a larger population.

A small sample can be used to infer attitudes and behavior of a larger population.

Which term is most nearly synonymous with the term correlation?






To guard against participant expectations biasing the results of an experiment, the experimenter may

disclose to participants how earlier participants tested.

try to disguise the true purpose of the experiment.

allow the participant to interact with people who have already been part of the experiment.

explain to the participant what the desired outcome should be.

try to disguise the true purpose of the experiment.

Correlation research is

research in which people chosen to represent a larger population are asked a series of questions about their behavior, thoughts, or attitudes.

research in which an investigator simply observes some naturally occurring behavior and does not make a change in the situation.

research in which the relationship between two sets of variables is examined to determine whether they are associated.

research in which existing data, such as census documents, college records, and newspaper clippings, are examined to test a hypothesis.

research in which the relationship between two sets of variables is examined to determine whether they are associated.

A double-blind procedure is administered to overcome

experimenter expectations.

participant expectations.

memory bias.

reporting bias.

experimenter expectations.

Andrea is reading a broad explanation for why some people are more vulnerable to addiction than are others. This reading material also includes several predictions concerning people's vulnerability to addiction. Andrea is reading a(n)




operational definition.


________ are broad explanations and predictions concerning phenomena of interest.



Operational definitions



Prediction is to explanation what ________ is to ________.

variable; supposition

hypothesis; variable

hypothesis; theory

theory; hypothesis

hypothesis; theory

In the context of the use of deception, identify the statement that accurately captures the opinion of most psychologists.

It is encouraged in psychological research because it adds to the credibility of a study.

It is unethical and must never be used in psychological research.

It is sometimes necessary to safeguard a study's true purpose.

It is integral to scientifically valid research.

It is sometimes necessary to safeguard a study's true purpose.

Martina is conducting a research study with two groups, namely group A and group B. Group A receives a treatment for severe depression, while group B does not receive any treatment. In this scenario, group B of Martina's study is the ________.

control group

secondary group

primary group

experimental group

control group

A placebo minimizes ________; a double-blind procedure minimizes ________.

participant bias; participant expectations

experimenter bias; experimenter expectations

experimenter expectations; participant expectations

participant expectations; experimenter expectations

participant expectations; experimenter expectations

Which of the following is a disadvantage of a case study?

It is dependent on the availability of existing data.

Results may not be generalizable beyond the sample.

It fails to provide a thorough, in-depth understanding of participants.

The "typically occurring habitat" being observed cannot be controlled.

Results may not be generalizable beyond the sample.

Dr. Ingram deliberately varied the presentation of items on a list and later measured participants' recall of the items. Dr. Ingram conducted ________ research.






Identify a true statement about theories.

They vary in their breadth and level of detail.

They are predictions stated in a way that allows them to be tested.

They always agree with the intuitive explanations that people develop in their daily lives.

They are translations of hypotheses into specific procedures.

They vary in their breadth and level of detail.

Wilma is undertaking survey research. Which of the following is she probably doing?

asking a sample of students a series of questions about their sexual attitudes and behaviors

comparing students' performances on abstract and concrete versions of problems

observing the problem-solving strategies of an extremely gifted middle school girl

recording the behaviors of sea lions in their natural habitat

asking a sample of students a series of questions about their sexual attitudes and behaviors

Which of the following terms is defined as behaviors, events, or other characteristics that can change, or vary, in some way?



control groups



An experimenter flips a coin for each participant and assigns the participant to group A when "heads" came up and to group B when "tails" came up. This process is referred to as

random assignment to condition.

purposive sampling.

operational sampling.

random correlation.

random assignment to condition.

Which of the following researchers is carrying out deception?

Riya observes 200 dolphins to understand the effect of age on their navigation skills.

Ahmed asks the participants in a study about creativity to build structures using building blocks.

Lena observes a few children in a public playground to understand the development of their interpersonal skills.

Grace pretends to be a participant in an experiment and does the opposite of what other participants do.

Grace pretends to be a participant in an experiment and does the opposite of what other participants do.

A pharmaceutical company wishes to test the efficacy of a new antidepressant using a double-blind procedure. Which alternative correctly describes the procedure the company would use?

The research assistants would know which participants were receiving the new drug and which were receiving an inert pill. Each patient, though, would not know which type of pill he or she was taking.

The research assistants would know which participants were receiving the new drug and which were receiving an inert pill. Each patient would also know which type of pill he or she was taking.

The research assistants would not know which participants were receiving the new drug and which were receiving an inert pill. Also, each patient would not know which type of pill he or she was taking.

The research assistants would not know which participants were receiving the new drug and which were receiving an inert pill. Each patient, though,would know which type of pill he or she was taking.

The research assistants would not know which participants were receiving the new drug and which were receiving an inert pill. Also, each patient would not know which type of pill he or she was taking.

A positive correlation indicates that

as the value of one variable increases, the value of the other decreases.

little or no relationship exists between two variables.

as the value of one variable increases, the value of the other increases.

one variable causes the other.

as the value of one variable increases, the value of the other increases.

In which of the following procedures are participants assigned to different experimental groups on the basis of chance and chance alone?


random assignment to condition


random sampling method

random assignment to condition

Angel is a psychologist who conducts research studies frequently. If she is currently working on a naturalistic observation study, in which of the following tasks is Angel most likely engaged?

asking participants a set of questions about the effects of outdoor activities on issues related to anxiety and depression

recording interactions between middle-level managers in an accountancy firm

conducting an in-depth investigation of a boy with exceptional musical abilities

examining crime statistics compiled by the Department of Justice to see if the rate of property crimes is related to the rate of violent crimes

recording interactions between middle-level managers in an accountancy firm

When asked to define "popularity," Brianna offers, "It's when everyone likes you." Chrissy suggests, "It's basically the number of friends you have."
How do the two girls' definitions differ?

Chrissy's is an operational definition; Brianna's is not.

Brianna's is an operational definition; Chrissy's is not.

Chrissy's is a procedural definition; Brianna's is not.

Brianna's is a procedural definition; Chrissy's is not.

Chrissy's is an operational definition; Brianna's is not.

Arjun, a psychologist, conducts an experiment to study the side effects of a drug. In this experiment, as Arjun wants to ensure accurate assessment of the drug's effects, the participants and the experimenter who interacts with the participants are unaware of the nature of the drug that is being administered. Arjun is conducting a

single-blind procedure.

placebo experiment.

control treatment.

double-blind procedure.

double-blind procedure.

Maryam is a student of behavioral psychology. She is currently conducting a research study that involves recording instances of physical aggression among children in a schoolyard at recess. Maryam is most likely conducting

correlational research.

a survey.

experimental research.

naturalistic observation.

naturalistic observation.

Identify a shortcoming of survey research.

The results are not generalizable beyond the sample.

The sample may not be representative of the larger population.

It is dependent on the availability of existing data.

It is often very expensive to conduct.

The sample may not be representative of the larger population.

A hypothesis is best defined as a

behavior, event, or other characteristic that can assume different values.

specification of a variable in terms of the procedures that will be used to measure it.

prediction stated in a way that allows it to be tested.

broad, general explanation of the phenomenon of interest.

prediction stated in a way that allows it to be tested.

Which of the following descriptive research methods is correctly matched with a description?

naturalistic observation—behavior is investigated in the environment in which it typically occurs, without intervention by the researcher

case study—a sample is asked a series of questions about their thoughts, attitudes, or behaviors

survey research—existing data is examined to test a hypothesis

archival research—in-depth investigation of an individual

naturalistic observation—behavior is investigated in the environment in which it typically occurs, without intervention by the researcher

Mark is a criminal psychologist. For a study, he is using newspaper clippings that are available in a federal database. Mark is conducting a(n)

naturalistic observation.

double-blind experiment.

case study.

archival research study.

archival research study.

The strength and direction of the relationship between the two variables are represented by a mathematical statistic known as a(n)

operational definition.

standard deviation.




When compared with the theories about human behavior that people generally develop in their daily lives, those formulated by psychologists are

more formal.

harder to test.

less comprehensive.

more frequently applied in daily life.

more formal.

Which of the following researchers is conducting a case study?

Dr. Kulik, who is studying newspaper stories on serial killers

Dr. Jefferson, who is observing children on a playground

Dr. Henriette, who is investigating the effect of word imageability on list memory by handing out questionnaires

Dr. Innis, who is investigating in detail the tactile perception of a blind woman

Dr. Innis, who is investigating in detail the tactile perception of a blind woman

Frederico is presenting the outcomes of an experiment he conducted in a talk at a regional psychology conference. Frederico is engaged in the ________ step of the scientific method, namely ________.

first; communicating results

first; formulating an explanation

last; formulating an explanation

last; communicating findings

last; communicating findings

The approach used by psychologists to systematically acquire knowledge and understanding about behavior and other phenomena of interest is called

the scientific method.

the informed speculation method.

the educated guessing method.

the trial and error method.

the scientific method.

Which of the following sequences best reflects the order of events in an experiment?

informed consent → debriefing → experiment

experiment → informed consent → debriefing

informed consent → experiment → debriefing

debriefing → informed consent → experiment

informed consent → experiment → debriefing

The correlation coefficient ranges from ________ to ________.

+1.0; −1.0

1; 10

0; 1

−10; +10

+1.0; −1.0

Which of the following correlation coefficients represents the strongest relationship between two variables?






In an experiment studying the effects of alcohol on social anxiety, alcohol is the ________ variable.






Which of the following sequences of correlation coefficients correctly arranges the relationships between three pairs of two variables in order of increasing strength?

+.10, +.50, −.60

−.60, +.10, +.50

−.60, +.50, +.10

.00, −.60, +.50

+.10, +.50, −.60

Research in which existing data, such as census documents, college records, and newspaper clippings, are examined to test a hypothesis is known as

archival research.

a case study.

experimental research.

naturalistic research.

archival research.

Evelyn, a psychology graduate, watches parent-child interactions in a park. She simply records what she sees and does not make a change in the situation. The method she uses is known as

archival research.


naturalistic observation.

a case study.

naturalistic observation.

Using a sample of young adolescents, Dr. Nguyen finds a correlation of +.55 between scores on a measure of neglectful or uninvolved parenting and scores on a measure of delinquent behavior. Which of the following might Dr. Nguyen legitimately conclude?

Uninvolved parenting is unrelated to delinquency.

Parenting that is more neglectful is related to a higher degree of delinquent behavior.

Uninvolved parenting causes juvenile delinquency.

Parenting that is more neglectful is related to a lower degree of delinquent behavior.

Parenting that is more neglectful is related to a higher degree of delinquent behavior.

Central State University's Department of Psychology is considering expanding its doctoral program to include an additional specialty. The department wants to focus on a "growth" area likely to attract federal research funding as well as up-and-coming new faculty and bright, passionate graduate students. Which of the following specialties should the department consider most closely?

perceptual psychology

cross-cultural psychology

evolutionary psychology

personality psychology

evolutionary psychology

Dr. Leleux asserts that psychologists should attempt to identify the fundamental attributes of mental experience. Dr. Leleux appears most sympathetic to the ________ perspective in psychology.






Dr. O'Malley is informing participants before he begins the experiment that their participation is completely voluntary and that they can stop taking part at any time. Dr. Hensley is providing a detailed explanation of the study to participants who have just completed participating in the study. Which of the following statements is true?

Dr. O'Malley is obtaining informed consent from his participants. Dr. Hensley is debriefing her participants.

Dr. O'Malley is debriefing his participants. Dr. Hensley is obtaining informed consent from her participants.

Dr. O'Malley and Dr. Hensley are both debriefing their participants.

Dr. O'Malley is assuring his participants of confidentiality; and Dr. Hensley is communicating the results of the study to her participants.

Dr. O'Malley is obtaining informed consent from his participants. Dr. Hensley is debriefing her participants.

Wallace is engaged in archival research. In which of the following projects is he most likely engaged?

asking a large sample of community dwellers a set of questions about their perceptions of healthcare reform

examining the registrar's records at a state university to explore the relationship between SAT scores and freshman GPA

comparing the effects of cell phone distractions to those of text message distractions on participants' performance in a driving simulator

recording language comprehension deficits in a woman with left hemisphere brain damage

examining the registrar's records at a state university to explore the relationship between SAT scores and freshman GPA

Which of the following is a reason that college students are often used as participants in psychological research?

They cost the researcher very little.

They have a basic understanding of research methodology.

They are representative of the population at large.

Researchers do not need to obtain informed consent from college students.

They cost the researcher very little.

Callie works in the field of psychology. All else being equal, the chance of her highest degree being a Master's degree is






Paul is testing the effectiveness of a new treatment for anxiety disorders. He intends to administer the treatment to a group of participants and measure their levels of anxiety. What should Paul introduce into his research design to rule out factors other than the new treatment in the alleviation of anxiety?

ethical research practices

diversity in the group of participants


a control group

a control group

Which of the following is true of the neuroscience perspective of psychology?

The neuroscience perspective has little appeal because every behavior ultimately can be broken down into its biological components.

The neuroscience perspective includes the study of heredity and evolution, which considers how heredity may influence behavior.

The origins of the neuroscience perspective are linked to Sigmund Freud.

Proponents of the neuroscience perspective rejected psychology's early emphasis on the internal workings of the mind.

The neuroscience perspective includes the study of heredity and evolution, which considers how heredity may influence behavior.

Hui conducts a correlational study on people's height and their vulnerability to anxiety. Her study establishes that no relationship exists between these two variables. This correlation is most likely represented by






Doctors Chase and Sanborn are conducting an experiment on the effects of caffeine on memory. Participants are randomly assigned to a caffeine or a no-caffeine group; their recall of items on a word list is later assessed. Which pair below correctly names and identifies the variables in this experiment?

word recall—control variable; caffeine—experimental variable

word recall—experimental variable; caffeine—control variable

word recall—dependent variable; caffeine—independent variable

word recall—independent variable; caffeine—dependent variable

word recall—dependent variable; caffeine—independent variable

Dr. Lin and Dr. Marino both study obesity. Dr. Lin relates the likelihood of obesity to levels of the trait of neuroticism—the tendency to experience upsetting emotions. Dr. Marino relates obesity to the frequency with which individuals eat alone, with family members, or in the presence of larger groups of friends, acquaintances, or strangers. Which of the following statements is most likely TRUE regarding the subfields in which the researchers specialize?

Dr. Marino is a personality psychologist.

Dr. Marino is a social psychologist.

Dr. Lin is a behavioral psychologist.

Dr. Lin is a social psychologist.

Dr. Marino is a social psychologist.

Evelyn, a psychology graduate, watches parent-child interactions in a park. She simply records what she sees and does not make a change in the situation. The method she uses is known as


a case study.

archival research.

naturalistic observation.

naturalistic observation.

Before participating in an experiment, the participants must sign a document affirming that they have been told the basic outlines of the study and are aware of what their participation will involve, what risks the experiment may hold, and the fact that their participation is purely voluntary and they may terminate it at any time. This refers to which ethical principle of research?

informed consent

experimental manipulation

significant outcome


informed consent

In a negative correlation

the values of both variables decrease simultaneously.

the values of both variables increase simultaneously.

as the value of one variable increases, the value of the other decreases.

one variable is the cause of the other variable.

as the value of one variable increases, the value of the other decreases.

How is the diversity of psychology limited in the United States?

Racial and ethnic minorities are underrepresented among psychologists.

Psychologists in the United States far outnumber those in all other countries combined.

Most research is conducted outside the United States.

The majority of psychologists are male.

Racial and ethnic minorities are underrepresented among psychologists.

In an experiment studying the effects of alcohol on social anxiety, social anxiety is the ________ variable.






Statistically meaningful results that make it possible for researchers to feel confident that they have confirmed their hypotheses is known as a

subjective outcome.

significant outcome.

conditional result.

mutually exclusive result.

significant outcome.

The purpose of random assignment is to

determine how likely it is that the results of a treatment were due to chance.

ensure that participant characteristics are equivalent across the various groups.

combine the results of a number of similar studies.

determine whether two variables are related.

ensure that participant characteristics are equivalent across the various groups.

Which of the following is the focus of experimental psychology?

studying the processes of sensing, perceiving, learning, and thinking about the world

exploring the relationship between psychological factors and physical ailments or disease

investigating the relationship between people and their physical environment

analyzing how people grow and change from the moment of conception through death

studying the processes of sensing, perceiving, learning, and thinking about the world

Enterprise City has been hard hit by a recent economic downturn. Local psychologists are holding a public workshop to help the citizens cope with the adversity. Dr. Kurutz is outlining strategies to help adults who have been laid off avoid overeating and the use of drugs or alcohol. Dr. Kurutz is most likely a(n) ________ psychologist.






Dr. Estevez prepares a set of questions to ask college students about their drinking behavior and their attitudes toward alcohol. Dr. Estevez is undertaking a(n)

case study.

archival research.

naturalistic observation.

survey research.

survey research.


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