Which of the following best explains how increases in agricultural productivity in the eighteenth?

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The degree of improvement of the yield of arable crops in the eighteenth century has been underestimated; therefore the role of agriculture in economic growth in the eighteenth century has also been underestimated. Using published estimates of grain yield for the period c. 1650-1850, but in particular wheat yields, and with new estimates from the Home Office inquiries of the Napoleonic war period, this article argues that the improvement in grain yields was larger than previously estimated, and that the greatest successes probably predated the upturn in population growth in the late eighteenth century. In addition, some evidence is presented to demonstrate the improvement in productivity per acre as a result of enclosure.

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The Economic History Review publishes articles based on original research on all aspects of economic and social history. The Review is edited on behalf of the Economic History Society by leading scholars. It has been published since 1927 and is one of the world's leading journals in the field. The Review welcomes contributions based on the full range of methodological approaches used by economic and social historians and is pleased to publish high quality research on the economic and social history of any area of the world. The emphasis is on broad coverage of themes of economic and social change, including their intellectual, political and cultural implications. In addition to regular papers, some issues contain contributions to a series of 'Surveys and Speculations' which are more reflective survey articles. For many years past a comprehensive annual list of publications on the economic and social history of Great Britain and Ireland has been published. Each issue also contains a substantial number of book reviews. JSTOR provides a digital archive of the print version of Economic History Review. The electronic version of Economic History Review is available at //www.interscience.wiley.com. Authorized users may be able to access the full text articles at this site.

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The Economic History Review © 1982 Economic History Society
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Which of the following most directly explains the importance of improved agricultural productivity to the industrialization?

Which of the following most directly explains the importance of improved agricultural productivity to the industrialization of economic production in western Europe in the period 1750-1900 ? Because less labor was needed on farms, more people moved to urban areas to work in factories.

Which of the following developments in the nineteenth century would most likely help explain the size and composition?

Which of the following developments in the nineteenth century would most likely help explain the size and composition of the workforce at the Bayer plant as described in the second paragraph? The construction of railroads facilitated the migration of people to interior regions.

Which of the following best explains why transoceanic migration increased significantly?

Which of the following best explains why transoceanic migration increased significantly in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries? The development of steam-powered ships made it easier and safer for people to cross the oceans.

Which of the following best explains how the prior development of the putting out system created the conditions for the early mechanization?

Which of the following best explains how the prior development of the putting out system created conditions for the early mechanization of the textile industry in Europe? The putting out system established a large and steady market demand for clothing.


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