Which of the following best describes what should be included in the final communication?


These are the questions and answers as I received them from you.  Many of them have answers, but not all of them.  This is a very long document.  You may just want to scroll through it and check your answers rather than printing it out (I think it is something like 27 or 28 pages, if not more).

CAUTION:  I would not use this as the only way to study.  I would not even look at the answers until you are comfortable with the responses you made on the other exam without the answers.  Use this to study as a last and final check of your material.  Taking the easy way out to study will most likely show when you take the final exam!

Q:      After a long day at work Janet, who has not eaten all day, is
riding home with a coworker.  Along the way her friend tells her about her
sister's wedding in minute detail: the gown, the flowers, the enormous
cake, and the horrible rain storm that ruined it all.  Janet's friend
comments: "Can you believe it rained?" to which Janet responds "What flavor
was it?"  Which element of listening does Janet most clearly demonstrate?
a.      Hearing
b.      Attending
c.      Understanding
d.      Remembering
e.      Responding

A:      b. Attending

Chapter 8
Q:      Which statement best illustrates the fallacy of overgeneralization?

a.      You should work harder.
b.      I'd like to help, but there's nothing I can do about it.
c.      If I tell them what I think, they'll just laugh at me.
d.      You never listen to me.
e.      You ought to be nicer to her.

A:      d. You never listen to me.

Chapter 9
Q:      This theory suggests that we seek people who can give us rewards
that are greater than the costs we encounter in dealing with them.

a.      Social Exchange Theory
b.      Turning Points
c.      Dialectics Theory
d.      Social Penetration Theory
e.      Deterioration Theory

A:      a. Social Exchange Theory

Chapter 10
Q:      At the office Christmas party Betty urges Don to try her dish.  Don
agrees and bites into an extremely spicy appetizer that starts to make him
feel ill.  When Betty asks how he likes it, Don responds: "I've never had
anything quite like it."  Don's comment is best described as an example of:

a.      Self-disclosure
b.      Catharsis
c.      Manipulation
d.      Lying
e.      Equivocal language

A:      e. Equivocal language

Chapter 11
Q:      Which of the following is not a type of defensive behavior?

a.      Evaluation
b.      Empathy
c.      Equality
d.      b and c
e.      a, b, and c

A:      d. b and c

Chapter 12
Q:      Which statement best describes an assertive person's approach to
handling conflict?

a.      I'm OK; you're OK.
b.      I'm OK; you're not OK.
c.      I'm not OK; you're OK.
d.      I'm not OK, but you're really not.
e.      none of the above

A:      a. I'm OK; you're OK.

Class Discussion Questions
Q(10/16/97):    After Jean finished telling Sandy about her terrible day,
Sandy responded by summing up Sandy's story in her own words for clarity.
Which listening tool is Sandy using?

a.      Parroting
b.      Paraphrasing
c.      Reflective listening
d.      Counterfeit questioning
e.      Empathizing

A:      b. Paraphrasing

Q(11/6/97):     In which stage of a romantic relationships is one's public
identity (i.e. boyfriend, girlfriend, couple, lovers, etc.) created?

a.      Contact
b.      Involvement
c.      Intimacy
d.      Deterioration
e.      Repair

A:      c. Intimacy

Q(11/13/97):    Equity Theory differs from Social Exchange Theory in that:

a.      alternatives are also evaluated.
b.      the relationship is compared to a close friend's marriage.
c.      instability in a relationship increases as outside outcomes
increase in value.
d.      one chooses relationships that provide the greatest profit.
e.      both partners have a relatively equal balance of costs and rewards.

A:      e. both partners have a relatively equal balance of costs and rewards.

Q(11/6/97):     Which is not a "turning point" in the development of a
romantic relationship according to Leslie Baxter and Connie Bullis?

a.      Physical separation
b.      Reunion
c.      External competition
d.      Deterioration
e.      Quality time

A:      d. Deterioration

Essay Question
Q:      How does the Uncertainty Reduction Theory explain why we decide to
become involved with someone?


Uncertainty Reduction Theory is based on the premise that
uncertainty is natural in all encounters and that we have an innate need to
reduce that uncertainty.  According to URT, our main purpose in talking
with other people is to try to make sense out of the world in which we
live.  The more information we have, the more predictable the world and
those living in it become.  Therefore, as we learn more about the people
we're interested in a feeling of intimacy develops and we begin to like
those people more.

Chapter 8:
A certain amount of anger or irritation can be constructive because:
a.  it decreases your risk factor for certain stress related diseases.
*b.  it often stimulates a person to improve the unsatisfying conditions.
c.  it raises your blood pressure and therefore provides cardiovascular
d.  it enhances effective communication.

Chapter 9:
Differentiating is:
a.  the point at which the relationship begins to become identified as a
b.  the act of trying to look more physically attractive for the sake of one's
     relational partner.
c.  the act of disclosing very personal information.
*d.  the point when a relationship begins to experience its first, inevitable

  Chapter 10:
One difference between male and female expression of intimacy is:
a.  there is no difference, males and females always express intimacy in very
     similar manners.
*b.  females bond by doing things, while males bond through personal talk.
c.  males bond by doing things, while females bond through personal talk.
d.  males bond because they easily open up and share their feelings, while
     females bond only as a result of excitation transfer.

Chapter 11:
The difference between defensive and supportive behaviors is that:
a.  defensive behavior includes description, certainty, and control while
      supportive behavior includes empathy equality and strategy.
*b.  defensive behavior includes control, strategy, and evaluation, while
     supportive behavior includes spontaneity, empathy and equality.
c.  defensive behavior includes description, equality, and problem
     while supportive behavior includes evaluation, certainty, and
d.  there is no difference between the two.

Chapter 12:
In deciding which communication style to use when handling a conflict it is
important to consider which 3 things?
*a.  the situation, the other person, and your goals for the resolution of the
b. the size of your opponent, your location, and the goals you opponent has in
c.  your past successful attempts to resolve conflict, the other person, and
     amount of time you have to diffuse the situation.
d.  how long you have known the other person, your age, and the situation.

Notes 10-16-97
A cultural truism is:
a. something that all members of a given culture know to be true because the
     facts have been passed down by word of mouth via one's ancestors.
*b.  something you have been reared to believe to be true because you have
      never been given any reason to question its truthfulness or any grounds
      argue against any persuasion opposite to the truism.
c.  something that is true only of one culture but does not apply to all
d.  something you have been raised to believe so strongly that no one can
     change your opinion about, regardless of the arguemented position.

Notes 11-6-97:
The stages in romantic relationships are:
a.  dating, engagement, marriage
b.  friendship, dating, engagement
*c.  contact, involvement, intimacy
d  friendship, intimacy, engagement

Notes 11-13-97:
The equity theory holds that:
a.  both partners in a relationship should derive from that relationship more
     what they have invested.
b.  we evaluate the value of our relationship by comparing it to past
     equitable relationships are only those which are better than all past
c.  the relationship will not last if one partner is earning more than the
*d.  dissatisfaction will exist is one partner is getting a greater balance of
     relative to costs.

Notes 12-4-97:
Cognitive factors in negotiation strategies include:
a.  framing, anchoring, avoidance, intuition
*b.  framing, anchoring, availability, overconfidence
c.  framing, drafting, anchoring, intuition
d.  avoidance. intuition, phrasing, monitoring

Chapter 7
10-16 notes: Which is an important thing to do when listening to someone in order to retain the
a)relate the information to something you already know
b)evaluate the information in terms of credibility
c)question the information
d)maintain eye contact
*e)a, b, and c

book: Which is an example of a supporting response?
*a)"I'm here for you if you need me"
b)"she's doing it because she needs help"
c)"You should wear the blue sweater"
d)"that's a good idea"
e)none of the above

Chapter 8
notes: Physiological states in drama are the same as when falling in love refers to
*a)excitation transfer
b)causation strategy
c)debilitative emotions
d)experimenting stage
e)contact illusion

book: If a person bases a belief on a limited amount of evidence they could be engaging in the
fallacy of
d)catastrophic expectations

Chapter 9
11-16 notes: Essay- Explain the dialectical theories of autonomy and connection, novelty and
stability, and closedness and openess.
Answer: The dialectical theory of autonomy and connection expresses your desire to remain an
individual but also to be intimately connected to another person and to a relationship. Novelty
and stability centers on the dual desires for newness and adventure on the one hand and
sameness and comfortableness on the other. Closedness and openness relates to the desires to be
in an exclusive relationship and one that is open to other people.

book: When a cople begins to take on an identity as a social unit they enter a/an
a)bonding stage
*b)integrating stage
c)intensifying stage
d)experimenting stage
e)avoiding stage

Chapter 10
I haven't copied anyone's notes from this day of class yet, so I made up two book questions.

Characteristics of self disclosure are that it
a)has the self as content
b)is intentional
c)is directed at another person
d)is revealing
*e)all of the above

If someone asked you if you liked their hair and you replied, "It's really unusual," when you
actually hate it, you would would be

Chapter 11
11-4 notes: Events which are most frequent or vivid are more easily accesible in the thought
process refers to
e)reactive devaluation

book: The most destuctive way to disagree with another person is through:

Chapter 12
book: The inability or unwillingness to express thoughts or fellings in a conflict is called
b)indirect communication
d)direct agression

Chapter 7
Directive Responses fall into which 4 catagories
a) advising,evaluating,empathy,praise
b) empathy,praise,diversion,supporting
c) supporting,analyzing,advising,evaluating
d) analyzing evaluating,supporting,empathy
e) supporting,evaluating,agreement,praise
correct answer (c)

This particular listening skill is useful when trying to get at underlying
a) parroting
b) cultural truism
c) availability
d)reflective listening
e) paraphrasing
correct answer (d)

Chapter   8

Select one answer that best describes what influences our expression of
a) culture,gender,social conventions,social roles
b) weather, feeings, social roles, mood
c) culture, social status, mood,conversation
d) gender,feelings,mood,social roles
e) culture,mood,feelings,social roles
correct answer (a)

People are less likely to express their emotins in which type of the follow-
ing culture?
c) Qualitative
d) Primitive
e) Empathetic
correct answer (b)

Chapter  9

In a relationship you will see_____________ when to people reestablish their
individual identities?
a) bonding
b) stagnating
c) avoidance
d) Integrating
e) differentiating
correct answer  (e)

Essay question
Discuss some of the reasons we have relationships and their significance.

Answer There are several reasons we have relationships. One reason is we all
want to be loved by someone. There seems to be this human nature that we all
seem to receie fulfilment from when we have companionship and are loved.
Another reason is , because we desire human support systems which help to
lessen lonliness. And there also seems to be a positive repercution with our
self-esteem when we are in realtionships. this is especially true for positive
realtionships that we encounter.

Chapter 10
In a causal relationship, the following occurs?
a) the depth great-not the breath
b) no breath- no depth
c) the breath is great- but not depth
d) depth is great- breath is great
e)none of the above
answer (c)

Choose the item that is not needed in effective ethical communication
a) knowledge of the allternatives
b) knowledge of personal value systm
c) knowledge of values of others
d) revealing information you promised to keep secret
answer (d)

Chapter  11
the reciprocal pattern in the climate of relationship is best illustrated
 by which shape
a) a circle
b) a line
c) a figure 8
d) a spiral
e) a square
correct answer   (d)

The following is not an example of a Heuristic or bias that may be used
while negotiating with someone during conflict resolution
a) framing
b) anchoring
c) avoidance
d) overconfidence
e) reactive evaluation
correct answer  (c)

Chapter 12

Which are methods of conflict resolution,choose all that apply
a) win/win
b) compromise/win
c) lose/lose
d) lose/compromise
e) all of the above
correct answers (a) and (c)

Ch. 7
What is the most common reaction when approached with another's problem?
a. evaluating
b. advising
c. empathizing
d. analyzing
e. supporting
answer: b

Ch. 8
What fallacy suggests that satisfaction in life is determined by forces
beyond out control?
a. catastrophic expectations
b. perfection
c. neuclear destruction
d. overgeneralization
e. helplessness
answer: e

Ch. 9
Which social theory, based on an economic model, suggests that people seek
out and remain in relationships in which the rewards are greater than the
a. social exchange theory
b. equity theory
c. social penetration theory
d. reinforcement theory
e. uncertainty reduction theory
answer: a

Ch. 10
Which of the following is not a reason for lying?
a. acquire resources
b. initiate and continue interaction
c. catharsis
d. present a competant image
e. increase social desirability
answer: c

Ch. 11
Which type of responce fails to acknowledge the other person's
communicative attempt?
a. interrupting
b. tangential
c. complaining
d. aggressive
e. impervious
answer: e

Ch. 12
What conflict style shows the inability to express thoughts or feelings in
a conflict?
a. indirect communication
b. passive aggression
c. nonassertion
d. assertion
e. direct aggression
answer: c

notes - 11/6/97 - essay question
When do problems occur in relationships?
-Individuals may prefer different levels of each of the dimensions
-One partner may be high in the need for novelty while the other wants to
move to predictability
-One partner may want an exclusive relationship and other may want
socialization and openness
-Biorythms graph

notes - 11/13/97
What form of communication interferes with an individuals freedom of
choice by presenting the other person from securing information relevant
to the choices to be made?
a. destructive communication
b. manipulative communication
c. aggressive communication
d. ehtical communication
e. unethical communication
answer: e

notes - 12/4/97
What conflict strategy would be most successful when bargaining with a car
a. insist on objective criteria
b. invent options for mutual gain
c. seperate people from problem
d. focus on interests and not positions
e. develop a BATNA
answer: a

Chapter 7:

Book: Jackie reflected back to what Sarah was saying in hope  of receiving
more information in return.  Jackie is participating in?

A. Passive listening
B. Effective listening
C. Questioning
D. Paraphrasing
*E. Active Listening

Class: 10-15

What is the main difference between paraphrasing and reflecting what
someone is saying to you?

Answer:  The main difference is that paraphrasing is you summing up what
the person has just said back to them.  Reflecting is you repeating the
same key phrases that the person has just said.

Chapter 8

The book:
        When Robin came to high school she engaged in drinking in order to be
social and liked, even though she was against it in high school.  Robin has
fallen for which myth.

*A. Fallacy of approval
B.  Fallacy of should
C.  Debilitative emotions
D.  Fear of self-disclosure
E.  Social conventions

Class: 11-5

Following the principal of least interest, how would you gain the most
power in a relationship in general terms?

Answer:  You would have the least amount of interest in the relationship.

Chapter 9:


Give an example of a way or explain how to indirectly gain compliance from
a friend.

Answer:  You would hint around hoping that the other person will infer or
assume your real intent.
Example:  Your going to go get something to eat.  I'm really getting hungry.

Class: 11-5

Brian doesn't mind driving his neighbor down the street to work everyday
because the money he pays him is a lot more than the gas money it would
cost to drive him for a month.  The reason Brian keeps driving his neighbor
is an example of what theory?

A.  Reciprocity
*B. Exchange
C.  Competency
D.  Integrating
E.  Bonding

Chapter 10:


List 4 ways in which intimacy can be achieved.

Answers will vary:  meeting for exercise, going on a date, physical
hugging, exchanging important ideas


Paul and Carrie are now associating with different groups of people since
the separation, this is an example of?

A.  Deterioration
B.  Repair
*C.  Dissolution
D.  Social Penetration Theory
E.  Both B and D

Chapter 11:


Tom treats people around him as if they are not valid and have little
importance.  Tom has most likely been psychologically effected in the past by?

A.  Complaining
B.  Defensiveness
*C. Disconfirming messages
D.  Agressiveness
E.  Endorsement

Class: 11-12

What is the main reason why a person would be come defensive and what part
of you would the person be challenging?

Answer: The main reason why people become defensive if because us with
face-threatening acts that say they are not accepting of what who we are.
When this happens they are challenging our image that we want to protect.

Chapter 12:


Two friends went out and needed to decide where to eat.  Julie could either
be nonassertive or directly aggressive about where to go.
Give an example of each response:

Nonassertive:  You can just choose where you want.
Directly aggressive:  Were going to this restaurant.

Class: 12-3-97

An example of a analytic conflict is:

A. The new grading policy
B. A boss
C. A friend drinking an driving
D. Your next door neighbor
*E. Both A and C

*Answer to multiple choice questions

Test Questions:

Chapter 7.
        Staying attentive and nonverbally responsive without offering
verbal feedback is:
        a. Active Listening             b. Poor learning habits
        c: Passive Listening            d. Hearing

Chapter 8.
        Perceiving others more accurately is the only challenge
communications face.
        a. True         b. false

Chapter 9.
        What is the most commonly used compliance strategies to
intensify dating relationships?
        a. Increase Rewards                     b. Increased contact
        c. Social Support and assistance        d. Relationship negotiation

Chapter 10.
        Acquiring resources, presenting a competent image, increasing
social desirability and         initiating and continuing interaction are
reasons for:
        a. Self disclosure              b. Honesty
        c: Listening                    d. Lying
Chapter 11.
        Defensive behavior consists of:
        a. Evaluation                   b. Empathy
        c: Equality                     d. Provisionalism
Chapter 12.
        A wife is upset because her husband is spending little time at
home, she complains and         the husband withdraws and spends even
less time at home.  This is an example of:
        a. Complimentary Conflict Style
        b. Symmetrical Conflict Style
        c. Parallel Conflict Style
        d. Both B and C
October 15th Notes:
        Paristing is:
        a. a form of active listening
        b. Used best in moderation
        c. An example of paraphrasing
        d. a & b
        e. All of the above
October 29th Notes
        No notes.
November 5th notes:
        Everyone progresses through the stages in a romantic
relationship in a particular order.
        a. True         b. False
November 12th notes:
        Which theory focuses on how human communication is used to
gain knowledge and      creates understanding?
        a. Dialectal Theories           b. Social Penetration Theory
        c: Uncertainty Reduction Theory d. Social Exchange

November 19th and 26th
        No class
December 3rd notes:
        Avoidance is:
        a. Non-action of the aggrieved party
        b. An example of a heuristic
        c. The number one way in which people deal with conflict
        d. A form of reactive devaluation

Essay Question

Your best friend broke up with her boyfriend a month ago and recently
found out he was dating someone new.  You have been very supportive
of your friend and plan a night out on the town to take her mind off of it.
You're sitting at the restaurant, when she begins to tell you the story of
their breakup once again. What style of listening do you choose and

The answer to the question will vary from student to student, however 3
things should be mentioned when explaining why they choose a certain
Style.  The situation, the other person and themselves

Ch. 7
Q:   your best friend is telling the story of a love affair gone bad for
The 20th time this week.  You respond by not responding or giving any
Encouragemnent for her to continue.  What type of listening is this?

A) active  b) passive  c) understanding  d)  responding  e)  attending

Q:  when one goes to great lengths to seek acceptance from others even if
It means sacrificing hi/her own happiness, they are communication through
Which fallacy?

A) perfection b) approval  c) should  d) helplessness e) causation

Q:  when a couple makes public gestures to let the world know their
Relationship exists, they are in which stage of their relationship?

A) experimenting  b) bonding  c) integrating  d) intensifying

Ch. 10
Q:  choose which one is false.

A) an obsession with intimacy can lead to less satisfying relationships.
B) shared activities can provide ways to achieve intimacy.
C) at every age, women disclose more than men.
D) although both sexes are equally likely to reveal negative information,
Men                                  are more likely to share positive
E) intimacy varies from culture to culture.

Q: the most destructive way to disagree with another person is through -------.

A)disconfirming message  b) arguments c) complaining d) aggressiveness

Q:  partners in interpersonal relationships can use a particular style to
Manage their conflicts.  When partners use different but mutually
Reinforcing behaviors they are engagong in which style?

A) parallel  b) complementary  c) symmetrical  d) relational  e) situational

Lecture questions:

1) this theory uses an onion and its layers to describe breadth and depth
And the progression of relationships.

A) social exchange  b) social penetration  c) dialectical  d) equity  e)

2) there ar several theories that help us decide whether or not to pursue a
Romantic relationship.  Which of these is not one of those theories?

A) social exchange  b) uncertainty reduction  c) equity theory

3) in today's society people move to the suburbs for peace and quiet.
Which strategy are they engaging in in terms of conflict?

A) nonconfrontation  b) confrontation  c) avoidance  d) negotiational

4) the ability to express your desire to remain an individual but also to
Be intimately connected to another person and to a relationship is what?

A) autonomy and connection  b) novelty and stability  c) closedness and


In class we discussed the turning points in romantic relationships.  List
These and give examples of each.

1) getting to know time---- first meeting someone, first date, first time
Studying together
2) quality time that enables the couple to appreciate one another and their
Relationship------meeting the family for the first time, or getting away
3) physical separation-----due to vacations or business trips
4) external competition---new or old rival, demands to compete for
Relationship time
5) reunion----getting back together after physical separation

Ch. 7
1.  Which type of response contains the reciever's assessment of what the
speaker has just said and imply what the reciever thinks the speaker should
*       A.  Directive response
        B.  Supportive response
        C.  Analyzing
        D.  Active listening

Ch. 8
2.  Understanding and changing feelings lie in patterns of thought that is
        A.  Debilitative emotions
        B.  Facitative emotions
*       C.  Self-talk
        D.  Feelings

Ch. 9
3.  Seeking out people that give us rewards is called
        A.  Reciprocity
*       B.  Exchange theory
        C.  Competency
        D.  Complementarty

Ch. 10
4.  Self disclosure is
        A.  Intentional
        B.  Self as content
        C.  Honest
        D.  Revealing
*       E.  All of the above

Ch. 11
5.  Attacking the self concepts of other people in order to inflict pain is
        A.  Complaining
*       B.  Aggressiveness
        C.  Arguementiveness
        D.  Disagreeing messages

Ch. 12
6.  When a person is unwilling to express thoughts or feelings in a
conflict it's called
*       A.  Nonassertion
        B.  Indirect Communication
        C.  Passive Aggression
        D.  Direct Aggression

7.  Why do we bother with romantic relationships?
        People enjoy relationships because they lessen lonliness and secure
stimulation. You can gain self knowledge and esteem because yoiu see
yourself through the eyes of others.  Being in a relationship maximizes
pleasure and minimizes pain.

8.  Which theories help us decide to pursur a relationship?
        A.  Social exchange theory
        B.  Equity theory
*       C.  All of the above
        D.  None of the above

9.  T or F  Romantic conflict deals with issues more than people.  False

Part A

Ch. 7:  Which of the following is a barrier(s) to listening?
A.  noise
B.  personal concern
C.  rapid thought
D.  information overload
E.  all of the above

Ch. 8:  Which of the following is NOT a primary emotion?
A.  joy
B.  love
C.  fear
D.  surprise
E.  sadness

Ch. 9:  Which of the following is an important principle(s) about
A.  relationships do change
B.  relationships require commitment
C.  relationships meet the participants' expectations
D.  relationships can be improved
E.  all of the above

Ch. 10:  Which reason for self-disclosure states that you disclose
information to "get it off your chest?"
A.  catharsis
B.  self-clarification
C.  self-validation
D.  reciprocity
E.  none of the above

Ch. 11:  The social tone of a relationship is
A.  face
B.  communication climate
C.  aggressiveness
D.  neutrality
E.  none of the above

Ch. 12:  Which of the following are types of direct aggression?
A.  character attacks
B.  competence attacks
C.  maledictions
D.  teasing
E.  all of the above

Part B

Ch. 7:  This type of listening attempts to reflect rather than direct
others' messages
A.  insulated
B.  passive
C.  active
D.  defensive
E.  none of the above

Ch. 8:  Which fallacy says that a worthwhile communicator should be able to
handle any situation with complete confidence and skill.  The fallacy of
A.  perfection
B.  approval
C.  should
D.  causation
E.  overgeneralization

Ch. 9:  (Essay) Describe the six stages in a romantic relationship.  Is
there any particular order of these stages?

Ch. 10:  Which theory likens the progression of relationships to moving
through layers of an onion?
A.  social exchange
B.  dialectical
C.  uncertainty reduction
D.  social penetration
E.  none of the above


Ch. 12:  Which of the following is a part(s) of the phase model of
A.  prehistory
B.  no treatment of the dispute
C.  consequences of the dispute
D.  A and B
E.  A and C

I could not identify the date of the class discussion because I do not date
my notes, but the questions did come from my notes.


 Ch. 7:  E
 Ch. 8:  B
 Ch. 9:  E
Ch. 10:  A
Ch. 11:  B
Ch. 12:  E


 Ch. 7:  C
 Ch. 8:  A
 Ch. 9:  essay
Ch. 10:  D
Ch. 11:  no question
Ch. 12:  E


The first stage is contact.  This stage allows you to become aware of the
other person and to make yourself known.  The next stage is involvement.
This stage involves getting to know the other person and how they feel
about the relationship.  Each partner is subjected to test during this
stage.  The next stage, intimacy, gives the relationship a title.  For
example, boyfriend or girlfriend, lovers, married, etc.  The fourth stage
is deterioration.  This stage starts with personal dissatisfaction and
escalates to interpersonal deterioration.  The next stage is repair.  This
stage involves improving difficulties as a way of preventing or solving
relationship problems.  The six and final stage is dissolution.  This is
the breaking-up stage.  This stage has interpersonal seperation first and
then social seperation.  It also includes the reasons why the break-up
occured.  Although, these stages seem to be in order in reality they have
no order.  Progression through these stages can be in anyway.

In Class Questions
        Mimicing a word or two, or repeating is known as
          ^ A) parroting
            B) paraphrasing
            C) mocking
            D) voice
            E) spontaneous combustion


        In _____ people make a commitment to the relationship and develop a
"public identity as boyfriend/ girlfriend, lovers, married couples, etc.

             A) involvement
           B) repair
         ^ C) intimacy
           D) deterioration
           E) romance

        The process of moving backwards from the "core" to the outer layer of
the social penetration model is called

            A) dialectics
            B) peeling
            C) regression
            D) avoidance
          ^ E) depenetration

         The comprehensive process of joint decision making among parties in a
dispute is called

               A) Avoidance
           ^ B) Negotiation
             C) Scripts
             D) Conflict management
             E) Agreement

Text Book

   Chapter 7
       In this type of listening, listeners can provide feedback that
clarifies and extends a speakers message

           A) passive listening
           B) collective listening
           C) questioning
         ^ D) active listening
           E) spacing

Chapter 8
     The fallcy of _____ occurs when a person bases a belief on a limited
amount of evidence

           ^ A) overgeneralization
             B) causation
             C) helplessness
             D) catastrophic expectations
             E) radiation

 Chapter 9
      The conclusion of a relationship, characterized by the acknowledgement
of one or both partners that the relationship is over

             A) stagnation
             B) circumscribing
           ^ C) termination
             D) avoidance
             E) differentiation

Chapter 10
     The process of _____ is where you may choose to disclose information
about yourself to encourage another person to begin sharing

           ^ A) reciprocity
             B) self validation
             C) tattle tailing
             D) catharsis
             E) impression formation

Chapter 11
    Communicators focus on finding a solutuion that satisfies both their own
needs and those of the others involved in

              A) controlling communication
            B) evaluation
          ^ C) problem orientation
            D) togetherness
            E) spontaineity

Chapter 12
    When we hint to others instead of expressing ourselves outright we have

          A) passive agression
          B) direct agression
          C) private persuasion
          D) direct communication
        ^ E) indirect communication

     Distinguish between a script and a schema. Give an example of these.

                A schema is a normal or previously encountered situation.
Scripts are patterns of behavior we develop to fit schemas.  An example of a
schema is an argument over bills not being paid.  Whereas, your script is the
part you play in the situation.  Your script may be as the mediator for the

Chap 7:

Emphathizing occurs when a listener:
a. ~acknowledges the content and legitimacy of a speaker's perceptions.
b.   realizes they are understanding a message incorrectly
c.   pays no attention to the speaker
d.   tries to argue a speaker's point
e.   understands the content and legitimacy of a speaker's perceptions, but is
unable to relate to them.

Chap 8:

Which type of emotions hinder or prevent effective performance?

a.  facilitative emotions
b.~debilatative emotions
c.  inner emotions
d.  direct emotions
e.  outer emotions

Chap 9:

During the  ______ stage, the couple makes symbolic public gestures to show
the world that their relationship exists.

a.  integrating
c.  differentiating
d.  lovemaking
e.  intensifying

Chap 10:

The reason you might disclose information in an effort to "get it off your
chest" is called _______.

a. self-clarification
c.  self-validation
d.  reciprocity
e.  impression formation

Chapter 11:

An ______ message judges the other person asually in a negative way.

a.  descriptive
c.  spontaneous
d.  concrete
e.  angry

Chap 12:

In _______, a speakers statement expresses thoughts and feelings clearly.

b.  passive aggression
c.  passivism
d.  conflict
e.  all communication

ESSAY:  Explain reciprocity and why it occurs.

Reciprocity is the idea that we disclose information about ourselves in order
to encourage the other person to begin sharing.  It is kind of a give and
recieve process.  You reveal information in order get to know the other person
better hoping they will disclose with you.  If this process does not work,
then one person if not both will immediate stop disclosing information and the
communication process between the two people is damaged.

If you decide to use essay, it would be nice to know the question such as 20
possible on the review page and you put 5 of those on the test.

     When a listener picks out a key word or two from the speaker's statement
and repeats them, it's known as......
      (a) Active Listening
      (b) Mimicry
      (c) Parroting
      (d) Paraphrasing                               Answer: (c)
      (e) Reflective Listening

Ch.7 Book
     Which of the following are methods of supportive responses?
     (a) Agreement
     (b) Offers to Help
     (c) Praise
     (d) Diversion                                      Answer: (e)
     (e) All the above

Ch.8 notes
     When the emotions a person is feeling has the same physiological
responses as being physically attracted to someone.
     (a) Excitation Transfer
     (b) Emotional Transfer
     (c) Mixed Emotions
     (d) Dibilitative Emotions                               Answer: (a)
     (e) Facilitative Emotions

Ch.8 Book
    List three falacies that lead to dibilitative emotions and give a brief
discription of each.
1. Fallacy of Perfection:  people believe that a worthwhile communicator
should be able to handle any situation with complete confidence and skill
2. Fallacy of Approval:  people believe that it is vital to obtain everyone's
3. Fallacy of causation:  people believe they should do nothing that can hurt
or in any way inconvenience others because it will cause them to feel a
particular way.

Ch.9 notes
     Which stage of  romantic relationships involves getting to know the other
person and finding out how he or she feels about the relationship?
     (a) Contact
     (b) Intimacy
     (c) Involvement
     (d) Deterioration                                   Answer: (b)
     (e) Repair

Ch.9 Book
     What are descriptive messages that refer to other messages? e.g. when we
discuss a relationship with others.
     (a) Relational Messages
     (b) Compliance Gaining Messages
     (c) Indirect Appeals
     (d) Face Maintenance                            Answer: (e)
     (e) Metacommunication

Ch.10 notes
     Which of the following influence our decision to become involved with
      (a) Physical Attraction
      (b) Similarity
      (c) Social Attraction
      (d) Proximity                                              Answer: (e)
      (e) All the Above

Ch.10 Book
     The method of self disclosure that includes clarifying one's belief's and
feelings by talking about them is__________.
     (a) Self Validation
     (b) Reciprocity
     (c) Catharsis
     (d) Self Clarification                                  Answer: (d)
     (e) Impression Formation

Ch.11 notes
     If options are presented as gains, people are risk averse.  If options
are presented as losses, people are risk seeking.  This is an example
     (a) Anchoring
     (b) Framing                                                     Answer:
     (c) Overconfidence
     (d) Reactive Devaluation
     (e) Availability

Ch.11 Book
     Which of the following help create a positive climate?
     (a) Description
     (b) Certainty
     (c) Spontanaity
     (d) Both a & c                                           Answer: (d)
     (e) Both a & b

Ch.12 Book
     Which of the following is not a symptom of dysfunctional conflicts?
     (a) Escalation
     (b) Shortsightedness
     (c) Focusing
     (d) Isolation                                                  Answer:
     (e) Negative results

Chapter 7: (Essay Question)
Explain the difference between hearing and listening.  Include any key points
limitations of either process.
        Hearing is the process in which sound waves strike the eardrum, causing
vibrations which are transmitted to the brain.  Hearing cannot be stopped at
the ears will pick up sound waves and transmit them regardless of whether or
not you choose to hear the sounds that create them.
        Listening happens when the brain reconstructs the electrochemical
impulses into a representation of the original sound and in turn applies
to them.  Listening does not occur automatically as is the case with hearing.
can deliberately decide to not listen.  At other times we may think we are
listening, when actually you have stopped the cognitive process involved in
listening.  During this situation we are merely hearing.  the act of being
able to
repeat a message we've just received doesn't require an understanding or
listening; the process is made possible because we can retreive the message
from our short-term memory.

Chapter 8:
A certain amount of anger or irritation can be constructive because:
a.  it decreases your risk factor for certain stress related diseases.
b.  it often stimulates a person to improve the unsatisfying conditions.
c.  it raises your blood pressure and therefore provides cardiovascular
d.  it enhances effective communication.

Chapter 9:
Differentiating is:
a.  the point at which the relationship begins to become identified as a
b.  the act of trying to look more physically attractive for the sake of one's
     relational partner.
c.  the act of disclosing very personal information.
d.  the point when a relatioship begins to experience its first, inevitable

  Chapter 10:
One difference between male and female expression of intimacy is:
a.  there is no difference, males and females always express intimacy in very
     similar manners.
b.  females bond by doing things, while males bond through personal talk.
c.  males bond by doing things, while females bond through personal talk.
d.  males bond because they easily open up and share their feelings, while
     females bond only as a result of excitation transfer.

Chapter 11:
The difference between defensive and supportive behaviors is that:
a.  defensive behavior includes description, certainty, and control while
      supportive behavior includes empathy equality and strategy.
b.  defensive behavior includes control, strategy, and evaluation, while
     supportive behavior includes spontaneity, empathy and equality.
c.  defensive behavior includes description, equality, and problem
     while supportive behavior includes evaluation, certainty, and
d.  there is no difference between the two.

Chapter 12:
In deciding which communication style to use when handling a conflict it is
important to consider which 3 things?
a.  the situation, the other person, and your goals for the resolution of the
b. the size of your opponent, your location, and the goals you opponent has in
c.  your past successful attempts to resolve conflict, the other person, and
     amount of time you have to diffuse the situation.
d.  how long you have known the other person, your age, and the situation.

Notes 10-16-97
A cultural truism is:
a. something that all members of a given culture know to be true because the
     facts have been passed down by word of mouth via one's ancestors.
b.  something you have been reared to believe to be true because you have
      never been given any reason to question its truthfulness or any grounds
      argue against any persuasion opposite to the truism.
c.  something that is true only of one culture but does not apply to all
d.  something you have been raised to believe so strongly that no one can
     change your opinion about, regardless of their arguementor position.

Notes 11-6-97:
The stages in romantic relationships are:
a.  dating, engagement, marriage
b.  freindship, dating, engagement
c.  contact, involvement, intimacy
d  friendship, intimacy, engagement

Notes 11-13-97:
The equity theory holds that:
a.  both partners in a relationship should derive from that relationship more
     what they have invested.
b.  we evaluate the value of our relationship by comparing it to past
     equitable relationships are only those which are better than all past
c.  the relationship will not last if one partner is earning more than the
d.  dissatisfactionwill exist is one partner is getting a greater balance of
     relative to costs.

Notes 12-4-97:
Cognitive factors in negotiation strategies include:
a.  framing, anchoring, avoidance, intuition
b.  framing, anchoring, availability, overconfidence
c.  framing, drafting, anchoring, intuition
d.  avoidance. intuition, phrasing, monitoring

Lecture questions:

There are several stages in a romantic relationship, which of the following
Does not fit this category?

Ethical communication requires choice making, which of the following is not a
Part of the ethical communication choice "plan"?
A)knowledge of alternatives
B)knowledge of morals
C)knowledge of your own value system
D)knowledge of others values

Choose the correct meaning for the acronym batna.
A)believable answer to new arguments
B)best alternative to a negotiated agreement
C)blaim associated towards news allowed

Book questions:

According to gender relation, the following are untrue, choose the correct
A)as a group, women are more likelly than men to verbally and nonverbally
Express the full range of feelings they experience.
B)overall, men express themselves in a much larger and convincing fashion,
Especially when it comes to their present feelings.
C)both men and women express themselves completly, in accordance to their

When we disclose ourselves we:
A)withold all personal information
B)tell others important information about ourselves
C)inform others concerning particulars about our intimate lifestyle

Intimacy is the only measure of relational satisfaction

Confirming messages are ones in which the speaker acknowledges important parts
Of the receivers presenting self.  Which statement confirms the messages?
A)you exist
B)you matter
C)you are valued
D)all of the above

Explain the social exchange theory and relate this theory in comparison to
Your own life.

The social exchange theory refers to humans as "rational" creatures.
According to linear economics the theory suggests that we pursue relationships
When they provide us with more rewards than costs.  Therefore low costs lead
To a high level of rewards.  We are able to anticipate payoffs and that we
Will choose relationships that provide greatest profit.  Overall the theory
Suggests that we evaluate how good our relationship is, in part, by setting up
Comparison.  (insert personal reference to this theory)

Chapter 7
The book mentioned seven poor listening habits that we all need to work on,
which one of the following was not included in those seven?
A.  Stage hogs
B.  Constructive listening
C.  Fill in gaps
D.  Pseudolistening
E.  Isolated listening

Chapter 8
In the section on managing difficult emotions, in chapter 8, facilitative
emotions and debilitative emotions are distinguished from one another.
Which of the following is true?
A.  facilitative emotions =  emotions that prevent effective performance
B.  facilitative emotions =  to cause someone else to experience effective
C.  facilitative emotions =  emotions that contribute to effective functioning
D.  debilitative emotions =  emotions that contribute to effective functioning
E.  debilitative emotions =  to cause someone else to experience
ineffective emotions

Chapter 9
Choose the false statement from the following sentences about the dynamics
of interpersonal relationships.
A.  Differences strengthen a relationship when they are complementary
B.  Infants as young as three months old recognize attractive pictures vs.
C.  Some relationships are based on an economic model
D.  Most people judge others on the basis of how they act.
E.  Beauty is not culture-specific.

Chapter 10
Which one is not an element of self disclosure?
A.  has the self as content
B.  is intentional
C.  is honest
D.  is revealing
E.  is directed at yourself

Chapter 11
There is one type of message that encompasses recognition, acknowledgement,
and endorsment, which is it?
A. Confirming message
B. Disagreeing message
C. Agreeing message
D. Disconfirming message
E. Defensive message

Chapter 12
When partners have a tendency to hint to others instead of expressing
ourselves outright; this is an example of
A.  Passive aggression
B.  Direct aggression
C.  Indirect aggression
D.  Manipulative aggression
E.  Assertive aggression

Questions from class lecture:

Lecture of 10-15-97: Listening
When using the technique of paraphrasing you should
A.  Signal when you are done speaking
B.  Use clear emotional words
C.  Remember that ambiguity is very strategic
D.  Sum up what the speacker said
E.  Recite word for word what the speaker said

Lecture of 11-5-97:  Relationships- essay
Choose one of the relationship theories discussed in class or from the list
used for the paper assignments.  Define the theory, explain who the person
related to the theory is, and describe what you learned from it. (Can be
the one used in the paper)

Dialectical theory is described best as relationships that involve constant
states of tension and are constantly changing.  The ability to work through
these tensions are what make some relationships successful and others
unsuccessful.  Leslie Baxter is the most predominant scholar responsible
for dialectical relationship theory.  I learned through the tensions
described in class and in the book that you can work through tensions
within a relationship and use them to your advantage.  Such tensions
include, autonomy and connection, novelty and stability, closedness and

Lecture of 11-12-97: Intamacy
Uncertainty reduction theory contains for predictions, which one is false?
A.  With a high level of uncertainty it is usually easier to make a close
B.  Low level of uncertainty will increase your liking for a person.
C.  It describes why the more comfortable you are the more you like the
D.  The theory does not consider the phenomenon of the more you know
someone the less you like someone
E.  It focuses on how human communication is used to gain knowledge.

Lecture of 12-3-97: Conflict
What word describes the comprehensive process of joint decision making
among parties in a dispute?
A.  Avoidance
B.  Moral Minimalism
C.  Negotiaion
D.  Framing
E.  Anchoring

Chapter 7
What are the 5 components of listening?
a) Hearing, attending, understanding, remembering, and empathizing
b) Understanding, attending, empathizing, responding, hearing
c) Understanding, attending, hearing, responding, remembering
d) Empathizing, hearing, responding, understanding, remembering
The answer is c.

Chapter 8
Which fallacy has irrational beliefs in which conclusions are based on
limited evidence or communications exaggerate their shortcomings?
a) Fallacy of over generalization
b) Fallacy of helplessness
c) Fallacy of perfection
d) Fallacy of causation
The answer is a.

Chapter 9
Explain the four principles about relationships that help people make their
relationships "work."
1) First we must recognize the fact that relationships change
2) Second we need to realize that relationships require commitment.
3) Next, relationships meet each partner's expectations, satisfy each
partner's goals, and do so equally.
4) People can improve their relationships if they so choose.

Chapter 10
Which one of the following is not a reason for self-disclosure?
a) Reciprocity
b) Catharsis
c) Manipulation
d) Superiority
The answer is d.

Chapter 11
Which of the following is a supportive behavior according to Gibb?
a) Equality
b) Certainty
c) Strategy
d) Control
The answer is a.

Chapter 12
What are the characteristics of functional and dysfunctional conflicts?
a) Functional-participants realize that the other person's needs may be
legitimate too.
b) Dysfunctional-participants see themselves as good and the other person
as bad.
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above
The answer is c.

>From the lecture notes
Chapter 7
Which of the following are poor listening habits?
a) Pseudolistening
b) Stage hogs
c) Selective listeners
d) All of the above
The answer is d.

Chapter 8
True or False
People in lower power positions can perceive emotions better than a person
in a higher position.
The answer is true.

Chapter 9
List and explain the 6 stages in a romantic relationship.
1) Contact-becoming aware of the other person and making yourselves known
to each other.
2) Involvements of connectedness (we-ness)
3) Intimacy-people make a commitment to the relationship and develop a
"public identity" as a couple, boyfriend/girlfriend, or lovers.
4) Deterioration-starts with personal dissatisfaction and escalates to
interpersonal deterioration.
5) Repair-involves improving difficulties as a way of preventing or solving
relationship problems.
6) Dissolution-the severing of the bonds between people.

Chapter 10
Which of the following is not a dialectical tension?
a) Autonomy & connection
b) Intimacy & distance
c) Novelty & stability
d) Closedness & openness
The answer is b.

Chapter 11
Which of the following are examples of aggressiveness?
a) Name calling
b) Sarcasm
c) Badgering
d) All of the above
The answer is d.

Chapter 12
The following is an example of:
        An antique is selling for $500. You offer $100 and they sell
        it to you for that price.
a) Reactive devaluation
b) Anchoring
c) Framing
d) Availability
The answer is a.

Chapter 7:
When a person fails to hear or acknowledge a topic they would rather not deal with, they have adopted the habit
a. selective listening
b. pseudolistening
c. insulated listening
d. defensive listening

Chapter 8:
which fallacy does the following statement pertain to?
a. fallacy of perfection
b. fallacy of helplessness
c. fallacy of approval
d. fallacy of overgeneralization

Chapter 9:
the exchange theory is based on the idea that
a. we seek out people who can give us rewards that are greater than or equal to the costs we encounter in
dealing with them
b. knowing others like us creates a reciprocal sense of attraction, especiallyin the early stages of relationships
c.  differences strengthen a relationship when each partner's characteristics satisfy the other's needs
d.  we like to be around talented people probably because we hope their skills and abilities will rub off on us

Chapter 10:
A female intimacy style is characterized by____ and a male intimacy style is characterized by____.
a.  equivocal language: self-validation
b.  shared activities: self-disclosure
c.  self-validation; equivocal language
d.  self-disclosure; shared activities

Chapter 11:
the difference between a person who insists they know all the facts and a person who acknowledges that they
might not always be right is called______.
a.  certainty vs. provisionalism
b.  superiority vs. equality
c.  neurality vs. empathy
d.  control vs. problem orientation

Chapter 12:
What type of culture places importance on being direct and literal?
a. low context
b. high context
c. colectivist
d. individualistic


In which stage of a romantic relationship does the severing of bonds between people occur?
a. dissolution
b. repair
c. deterioration
d. isolation

which theory states that both partners should have a relatively equal balance of rewards and costs?
a. uncertainty reduction theory
b. social exchange theory
c. equity theory
d. deterioration theory

which script is the most effective?
a. toleration
b. negotiation
c. third party intervention
d. depends on the situation

name 3 heuristics that people use in making decisions. describe and give an example of each


Final exam questions and answers
Brian Jacques

ch. 7
1. The following question is put to you by a friend.  "Are you busy tomorrow?"
It is obviously a counterfiet question, what type is it.
a. a tag question
b. a hidden agenda question
c. a question making a statement
d. a question seeking the "correct" answer.
e. a question based on unchecked assumptions

ans: b

2. class discussion 5 Nov

Rober Plutchik's wheel describes both primary and mixed emotions.  Remorse is a mixed emotion containing which two primarys?
1. sadness  2. anticipation  3. disgust  4. anger   5. fear
   a. 2 & 4
   b. 3 & 5
   c. 3 & 4
   d. 1 & 3
   e. 1 & 5

ans: d

ch 8 essay
3. Considering intense and mild emotions there are both effective and ineffective ways in which to communicate intense emotions.  Rita is known by her family and friends to express her emotions.  In fact most of them would say she is constanly saying either things are fantastic or they are terrible.  What is wrong with this show of emotions, and why?

This is to extreme of a discription for all situations.  When we constantly use these extreme terms for a common situation, it leaves us with no good description for the intense emotional descriptions for important situations.

Ch 9
4. Of the reasoons we form relationships, sometimes whe might choose a friend, even though you might have to listen to their daily problems because they are always there for you when it comes to fixing things around the house or your vehicle.   What reasoning is this?
   a. Complimentary
   b. Reciprocity
   c. Exchange.
   d. competency
   e. proximity

ans: c

class discussion 12 Nov
5. Equity theory is a form of the social exchange theory with the following exception.
   a.  An equal balance of rewards for all participants
   b. You receive more gainses that costs
   c. Your partner receives mroe gains than costs.
   d. You and your partner share equal costs.
   e. a and d

  ans: e

ch 10.
6. Self disclosure is not defined as
   a. having the self as content
   b. unintentional
   e. direted at another person
   d. honest
   e. revealing

ans: b

class discussion 3 Dec.
7. Of the folloing, which is not an example of avoidance ?
   a. being absent without leave
   b. committing suicide
   c. getting a divorce
   d. giving the cold shoulder
   e. filing an emergency protective order

ans: e

ch 11
8. Which of the following statements communicates provisional behavior?
   a. That will never work!
   b. You don't know what you're talking about.
   c. I'm not sure I agree.
   d. My guess is that you'll run into problems with that approach.
   e. none of the above.

ans: d

ch 12

9.  According to Stanlee Phelps and Nancy Austin there are 5 styles of behavior used in confict.  Which of the following statements in the approach to others would mark the Passive Aggressive style ?

a. I'm OK; you're not
b. I'm OK; you're not OK. (but I'll let you think you are.)
c. I'm not OK; you're OK
d. I'm OK; you're OK
e. none of the above

ans: b

Lecture of 10-29

Excitation transfer:

a.  enhances your feelings towards an object
b.  delays gratification
c.~ takes emotions and transfers them
d.  makes a subject very hiper
e.  actually results in less self-disclosure


The Social Penetrations theory states both the ____ and _____ of intimacy
varies depending on the type of relationship.

a.~breadth, depth
b. breadth, length
c. love, desire
d. emotion, intellect
e. depth, reach


What focuses on how human communication is used to gain knowledge and
create understanding?

a.  The Social Penetration theory
b.~ The Uncertainty Reduction theory
c.  The Give and Take theory
d.  The Social Exchange theory
e.  The Equity theory


Most likely to #1 way of managing conflicts is to:

a.  Meet it head on
b.~ use Avoidance
c.  Talk it over
d.  Find alternate methods of communication
e.  negotiate

Questions from the book:
Chapter 8 (Emotions)
Women are more skilled at interpreting others' emotions because
A.  they are encouraged from birth to be caregivers
B.  they themselves are more emotional
C.  they learn to interpret others' emotions as a survival mechanism
D.  both A and C
E.  none of the above
Answer: D

Chapter 9 (Relationships)
Which dynamic is not considered a reason why people form relationships?
A.  appearance
B.  wealth
C.  similarity
D.  competency
E.  proximity
Answer:  B

Chapter 10 (Intimacy)
Of the choices below, why do people lie?
A.  to save face
B.  to avoid tension or conflict
C.  to guide social interaction
D.  to gain power
E.  all of the above
Answer:  E

Chapter 11 (Climate)
The term "communication climate" refers to
A.  ability to achieve one's goals in an acceptable manner
B.  the emotional tone of a relationship between two or more individuals
C.  when partners conflict they use mutually reinforcing behaviors
D.  all of the above
E.  none of the above
Answer:  B

Chapter 12 (Conflict)
What is the distinguishing characteristic in win-lose problem solving?
A.  age
B.  gender
C.  dominance
D.  power
E.  none of the above
Answer D

Questions from class discussion:
November 5th
Essay:  List and briefly describe the six stages of relationships.
1.  conflict-being aware of the other person
2.  invlovement-getting to know the other person
3.  intimacy-making a committment to the relationship
4.  deteoritation-personal dissatisfaction with the relationship
5.  repair-improving difficulties in the relationship
6.  dissoution-severing bonds between people

November 12th
Which of the following influences our decision to become involved with someone?
A.  physical/social attraction
B.  proximity
C.  familiarity
D.  similarity
E.  all of the above
Answer E

December 3rd
Which of the following statements about conflict is true?
A.  conflict involved grievances between people
B.  conflict can be normative ir analytic
C.  conflict can have prosocial or antisocial effects
D.  none of the above
E.  all of the above
Answer E

Chapter 7
When a person takes an innocent comment and turns it into a personal attack he/she is engaging in

a) Pseudolistening
b) Insulated listening
c) Defensive listening
d) Selective listening
e) Ambushing
answer c

Chapter 8
What is a belief that a worthwhile communicator should be able to handle any situation with
complete confidence and skill?
a) Fallacy of perfection
b) Fallacy of approval
c) mixed emotions
d) Fallacy of should
e) primary emotions
answer a

Chapter 9
What type of compliance-gaining strategy do we use when a direct request would be awkward
or ineffective and we hope will see our true intent?
a) Direct requests
b) Indirect appeals
c) Exchange and reciprocity
d) Reward and punishment
e) Relational appeals
answer b

Chapter 10
When a person says," It's not a big deal. We can do it your way. Really." What is their reason for
a) Avoid interaction
b) Aquire resources
c) Exaggeration
d) Increase social desirability
e) Avoid conflict
answer e

Chapter 11
" I am having personal problems and I need a few days off." A response of " We all have
personal problems" is given. What response is being given?
a) Tangential
b) Impervious
c) Interrupting
d) Impersonal
e) Incongruous
answer d

Chapter 12
Go ahead and have a good time. Just leave me here to do all of the work is an example of
a) Indirect communication
b) Direct aggression
c) Passive aggression
d) assertion
e) nonassertion
answer c

Question from notes 11/5
We'll things just did't work out. We fought all the time. This is an example of
a) Covering up
b) Grave dressing
c) Repair
d) Intimacy
e) Deterioration
answer b

Question from notes 11/12
The theory that focuses on how human communication is used to gain knowledge and create
a) Social Exchange Theory
b) Uncertainty Reduction Theory
c) Equity Theory
d) Social Penetration Theory
e) Attraction Theory
answer b

Question from notes 12/3
What is an arbitrarily reference point that will significantly influence value estimates?
a) Anchoring
b) Availability
c) Fixed pie assumption
d) Framing
e) Overconfidence
answer a

Explain the social exchange theory.
The social exchange theory is a linear economic theory that says we go in search of a
relationship where we feel we will receive rewards. It is said that we choose this type of
relationship because we anticipate the fact that rewards will be given. And we tend to choose a
relationship that we feel we will receive the biggest and best rewards.
Another aspect of this theory is comparison levels are used. When we are not happy in a
relationship we look at other relationships to model ours after. We look to see if our relationship
is okay, if we are going out enough, if we talk enough, just if we are doing things right. Then we
may try to change our relationship to be like the other.

Return to Interpersonal Syllabus

Which of the following individuals should normally not receive a final engagement communication related to a review of the purchasing cycle?

Which of the following individuals should normally not receive a final engagement communication related to a review of the purchasing cycle? The chair of the board. Include this observation in the current engagement communication.

Which of the following best describes the primary purpose of exit conference?

Which of the following best describes the primary purpose of exit conferences? To present audit results.

Which of the following is an element of authority that should be included in the internal audit activity's charter?

Which of the following is an element of authority that should be included in the internal audit activity's charter? Access to records, personnel, and physical properties relevant to the performance of engagements.

Which of the following best describes what should determine the extent of supervision required for a particular internal auditing engagement?

1, 2, and 3. Supervisory review of all engagement work. Which of the following best describes what determines the extent of supervision required for a particular internal audit engagement? The proficiency of the internal auditors and the complexity of the engagement.


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