Which of the following best describes the most important function of the health record quizlet?

Which of the following are components of the patient-centered medical home?

Coordination of care Emphasis on quality and safety Enhanced access to care All of the above

Which of the following was NOT part of the transfer of some aspects of public health to the national level?

Smallpox vaccination technique introduced into U.S., 1800

Which of the following could be considered landmark events in U.S. public health history?

Public health in the U.S. has been so successful in combating infectious diseases, that in 2007 only how many of the top ten causes of mortality were NOT either chronic disease- or injury-related?

The data that states send to CDC contains patient identifiers (true/false)

The increase in average life expectancy in the U.S. since 1900, about 30 years, is primarily due to public health initiatives

In general, there are three levels of public health - local, state, and federal

Which of the following statements about public health reporting is NOT true:

Nationally Notifiable Diseases (NND) are decided upon by CDC and the states must comply

Which of the following would NOT be considered a characteristic of public health?

Action usually taken after illness/injury occurs

Worldwide eradication of smallpox, one of public health's biggest triumphs, occurred in which year?

Which of the following terms is NOT correctly matched with its definition?

Intervention � number of new events/cases in a population

There is some overlap between different facets of public health, such as between chronic diseases and environmental health, or between communicable diseases and environmental topics.

Which of the following is NOT true for bioterrorism in the U.S.?

HSEES is an important bioterrorism surveillance system

Which of the following statements about environmental public health in the U.S. is NOT correct?

Hazardous waste management is not a function of environmental public health.

Which of the following statements about chronic disease in the US is NOT correct?

The main public health focus for prevention is vaccination.

An overt terrorism attack is one that is announced and is intended to create panic as well as damage.

Which of the following statements are NOT correct?

Hazardous chemicals are categorized by CDC by type of chemical and method of transportation

Which of the following does NOT apply to communicable diseases?

Control has been mainly due to behavior modifications

Chronic diseases now account for 70% of deaths in the U.S.

Which of the following diseases has been globally eradicated?

CDC communicable disease activities include which of the following?

Gathering national data on infectious diseases

The following government agency enforces HIPAA

A clinical documentation improvement (CDI) program strives to

Lack of informed consent can lead to accusation of

Administrative Hearings would be held for

Which organization developed the National Patient Safety Goals, the Sentinel Event Policy, and the Speak Up Initiative

Negligence is one of the two main types of

The Joint Commission (formerly known as JCAHO) accredits

Entire health care organizations

The Affordable Care Act is slated to

Which of the following is one of the main roles of the FDA

A government agency that is an important source on research about patient safety and privacy is

The intentional misrepresentation or concealment of relevant facts

Which of the following is NOT true of HIPAA

New employer plan may limit coverage due to pre-existing condition

In order to prove medical malpractice, an injured person must prove all of the following EXCEPT

The injury resulted in physical harm

Fee-for-service payment type includes (choose all that apply)

Traditional retrospective

Fee-for-service payment type includes (choose all that apply)

Traditional retrospective

Which of the following is/are currently used to code claims for health care services (choose all that apply

Concierge medicine or retainer practices

Methods to control health care costs that raise ethical questions for providers, policy makers, and patients include which of the following?

Rationing Changing utilization patterns through increased patient out-of-pocket expenses

Which of the statements about clinical decision support are true?

All of the above statements are true

BlueCross BlueShield is: Term

A managed care organization

Most people in the US get health insurance through

Health care is the prevention and treatment of illness

Patient assessed value and efficiency are parameters of a framework to assess:

Health information technology allows a secure exchange of information between health care consumers and providers

About 75% of health care establishments are hospitals

Personal health records reduce the cost for healthcare organizations and providers

Choose the best statement about Medicaid and Medicare coverage:

Medicare covers older adults; Medicaid covers people with low income

An interdisciplinary team is a group of individuals with diverse training and backgrounds who work independently to improve patient care.

Which of the following types of nurse requires the least amount of education?

Which one of the following is an example of a nonclinical role that physicians assume?

Serving as a hospital administrator

Nursing administration is a nonclinical role that some nurses perform in both hospitals and ambulatory settings. Which term means the same thing as ambulatory?

Jerome has just completed medical school. Including college, how much education beyond high school has Jerome most likely completed?

Rob is taking the drug Cymbalta for major depression. He sees Dr. Chen every 3 to 6 months to evaluate how well the medication is working and to see if any changes need to be made to Rob’s medications. What kind of health professional is Dr. Chen?

A critical aspect of dentistry is making sure that dental health problems don’t arise or worsen. Which of the following terms best describes this type of care?

Tyler has just graduated high school. He’s very interested in how x-rays are taken and used in health care. In the fall, Tyler is going to college to earn an associate’s degree in order to become which of the following?

Which occupation often receives on-the-job training with an emphasis on the heart?

Which of the following types of nurse requires the least amount of education?

What is the certification requirement for a general registered nurse (RN)?

Certification is not required

Angela just completed her medical degree last month. She is now receiving additional training in her chosen specialty, cardiology. She works under the supervision of a licensed cardiologist. Where on the training path to becoming a physician is Angela?

Leanne is so happy with the care Dr. Young has provided to her children that she wishes Dr. Young could continue seeing them while they’re in college. Although Leanne’s children plan to attend the local college, they will be too old to continue seeing Dr. Young. What kind of physician is Dr. Young?

Which one of the following is a type of advanced practice registered nurse (APRN)?

Which one of the following is an example of case management?

Coordinating the services associated with discharge or return home for a patient

Which of the following professionals is most likely to have a master’s degree?

Which of the following is not a requirement for a physician to obtain certification?

Successfully pass the licensure examination separately for each state in which the physician wishes to practice

Which of the following often receives most of their training on the job?

Clinical nurse specialists

Is any type of nurse allowed to prescribe medication?

Yes, a nurse practitioner

In both physical therapy and occupational therapy, which occupation, does NOT participate in any clinical care?

The preparation for becoming a pharmacist can be thought of as what type of program?

Which of the following is true of physician assistants (PAs)?

They must be supervised by a physician

Dr. Gregg always tells people that one of the best parts of her job is showing expecting parents the ultrasound images of their developing baby. Dr. Gregg is which of the following professionals?

Jasmine is right-handed, and she is recovering from a serious injury to her right arm. She needs help using writing and eating utensils. From which of the following professionals will Jasmine receive treatment for her injury

What can a nurse practitioner (NP) do that no other type of nurse can do?

Which of the following provide(s) assistance with activities of daily living?

The person responsible for the daily operations of a hospital is called the

The major branch of the US government that provides healthcare for all Americans is the

Department of Health and Human Services

Which of the following is/are never funded by Medicare?

The three major divisions of the Department of Veterans Affairs are the

Veterans Benefits Administration, Veterans Health Administration, and National Cemetery Administration

What is the difference between the ICU and CCU departments of a hospital?

An ICU is for general intensive care and a CCU is intensive care for patients with cardiac disease.

Besides food and drugs, the Food and Drug Administration also regulates

Which of the following is NOT true of US healthcare at the state level?

State healthcare is regulated by the Office of Inspector General.

The Department of Veterans Affairs offers all of the following types of healthcare

Of the following, the main way in which a board and care home differs from a nursing home is that

A board and care home does not provide medical care

Receptionists, schedulers and greeters in a primary care office are examples of

Occupational therapists help patients recover their speech after a stroke

True or false. Retail clinics are typically staffed by physicians

Which of the following roles are NOT applicable to pharmacists in the outpatient setting?~ Pharmacists help patients with questions about medications~ Pharmacists may help patients manage chronic diseases by adjusting the dose of their medications (for example the dose of insulin for managing diabetes mellitus)

Pharmacists may diagnose and treat diseases

The primary care medical specialty that encompasses patient care that involves all ages, both sexes, each organ system and every disease entity most likely is

The patient-physician relationship is an essential component to the delivery of primary care

The Medical Assistant rooms patients, and obtains their vital statistics and chief complaint

Overcrowding in the ER can lead to

Which of the following is NOT a primary care medical specialty?

Which of the statements about specialists is FALSE?

Some physicians are considered specialists without additional training after they graduate from medical school.

Which of the following statements about urgent care centers is FALSE?

Urgent care centers are intended to treat life-threatening emergencies

Which of the following statements is true about primary care?

Patients can stay overnight or for a few days after they undergo surgical procedures in outpatient (ambulatory) surgical center

Ancillary service providers such as emergency medical technicians may provide critical care in the field to patients, and are the �first responders� in the primary care setting.

Forensic pathology labs are specialized laboratories that resolve medicolegal issues.

Urgent Care Centers, Mental Health Clinics, and Diagnostic Laboratories are examples of outpatient facilities.

Which of the following is NOT a method to reduce inappropriate ER visits?

Build more emergency rooms

Which of the following statements are TRUE?~ Physicians are seeing an increasing number of older patients with complex medical issues.

Emergency Department visits are

Choose the best statement about Medicaid and Medicare coverage:

Medicare covers older adults; Medicaid covers people with low incomes.

Which of the following does not correctly describe the role the government plays in health care in the US?

Provides coverage for health care expenses to all citizens through national health insurance.

Combine health insurance and health care services

Most people in the US get health insurance through

All of the following statements about health care and its role in the economy are true EXCEPT:

Health care is the tenth largest sector of the US economy.

Which of the following is NOT true about the United Kingdom's National Health Service (NHS)?

What group determines whether someone is eligible for Medicare and processes their premium payments?

The Social Security Administration

Of the following types of plans, costs for the patient are lowest, but choice of providers is most restricted, in a

Health maintenance organization

All of the following are privately funded EXCEPT

The Children�s Health Insurance Program

The Canadian health care system

Limits the use of private insurance for the services it provides

An association of private companies

Which of the following statements is/are TRUE?

The EMTALA act requires hospitals receiving federal funds to evaluate individuals presenting to the emergency department

Regardless of their ability to pay

Samples of an electronic data interchange transaction include (choose all items that are samples)

837 transaction for health care claims

The sectors of health care spending that consume the most resources include (choose all that apply)

Hospitals Physician services Pharmaceutical costs

Which of the following is used for diagnosis coding and reporting on claims, regardless of the provider?

Managed care reimbursement may be paid using which of the following methods

Either fee-for-service or episode-of-care

Episode-of-care reimbursement types include all of the following except

Which of the following is not considered a chronic disease?

Examines the evidence gathered from scientific research and applies it to clinical decision making

Health care spending can be slowed by

Alternative methods for delivering primary care at a low cost include (choose all that apply)

Urgent care
Retail clinics

The age group associated with the highest medical expenses is

Factors that contribute to escalating health care expenditures in the U.S. include (choose all that apply)

Technology Chronic disease An excess of primary care doctors The uninsuredDefinition

A physician operating under the Patient Centered Medical Home model sees a patient in the clinic for routine appointments, in the hospital when she is acutely sick, and in the nursing home when she becomes too frail to live at home. Which element of the PCMH model does this best describe?

Consider the statement "Clinicians use evidence based medicine and clinical decision support tools to guide their decision making". Which element of the PCMH model does this best describe?

Comparative effectiveness research compares

Decision support systems help with the following functions

The "PDSA" in a PDSA cycle stands for

The USPSTF recommends a service as grade 'B'. This suggests that the service has

High certainty of moderate net benefit or moderate certainty of moderate to substantial net benefit

Evidence based practice is a method that helps clinicians make decisions about patient care

In the PICO model of asking questions during evidence based practice, the letter 'C' stands for

The USPSTF recommends a service as grade 'C'. This suggests that the provider should

Tailor recommendations to individual patients but not routinely provide the service

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)

Which of the following is not required to achieve incentive payments for meaningful use of the electronic health record (EHR)?

Formal training of providers in clinical informatics

Which of the following is not a required standard for some aspect of Stage 2 of meaningful use?

Which of the following are not eligible for payment as an eligible professional under Medicaid for meaningful use?

Hospital-based emergency physician

Which of the following is not a required standard for Meaningful Use?

Arden Syntax for clinical decision support

Which of the following is an example of a primary purpose of the health record quizlet?

What is the primary function of the health record? To store patient care documentation.

Which of the following is a purpose of the medical record quizlet?

They provide a written account of a patient's health care. Medical records can be used for legal purposes to protect patients and medical professionals.

What are the functions of health records department?

FUNCTIONS/SERVICES PROVIDED Sorting. Filing and Retrieval of Patients case notes. Booking of patients for appointment and making sure the patient's folder are available before the clinic day or appointment date. Issuing of Medical Records consumbale to vatious Departments.

What is an example of a primary purpose of the health record?

The primary purpose of the patient record is to provide continuity of care, which means documenting services so others have a source upon which to base care.


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