Which of the following areas of study typified macroeconomics as opposed to microeconomics?

Video Transcript

So economics, so i want to walk through each of these 4 things and try to explain why they're microormacterel, the easiest ones are b and c right savings and the effective savings on the national income. The national income is the number 1 object of mackerel right. When we were talking about mackerel economics, the most mackerel thing we could have is the total income of the country is a whole. Remember, mackerel means big picture. It means markets, variables, statistics, phenomena of the entire economy where microbe refers to small parts of the economy. When we're talking about how much everyone saves and how much that affects our national income, we're talking about the nation, which is the mackerel picture right. The same thing is true for c right c is relating inflation and inflation is someone, that's something that affects everyone which makes it a mackerel thing and then living standards. Living standards are also a mackerel thing right, so both of these affect everyone. So these are mackerel. Subjects they are looking at things that affect the economy as a whole, so d and a are both considering the minimum wage. So it may seem weird that, because, if they're both dealing with the minimum wage, aren't they both mackerel, but the first 1 is minimum wage on the fast food industry and the fourth 1 is minimum wage on unemployment. Do you see how d is more mackerel right on employment? Is everyone the fast food industry is all part of the economy, so b, c and d are primarily focused on issues that affect everyone. A is an issue that affects only a small part of the economy. So a is the micro economic issue.

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Which of the following areas of study describes macroeconomics as opposed to microeconomics?

Microeconomics deals with individual aspects such as individual firms and individual consumers while macroeconomics talks about wider aspects of the economy that is deals with the economy as a whole.

What are 4 main areas that macroeconomics focuses on?

Macroeconomics focuses on the performance of economies – changes in economic output, inflation, interest and foreign exchange rates, and the balance of payments.

What are the two areas of study of macroeconomics?

The two main areas of macroeconomic research are long-term economic growth and shorter-term business cycles.

What are the fields of study in microeconomics and macroeconomics?

Microeconomics is the study of individuals and business decisions, while macroeconomics looks at the decisions of countries and governments. Though these two branches of economics appear different, they are actually interdependent and complement one another. Many overlapping issues exist between the two fields.


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