Which of the following are among the factors that enhance the ability of a team to make effective decisions?

There are some key areas of excellence that separate top-performing companies from those that struggle to keep their heads above water. One key factor shared by high-performing teams across all industries is that they recognize the importance of positive team dynamics, and take steps to foster them. By investing resources in promoting a spirit of teamwork and collaboration, companies can help their employees thrive in terms of engagement, productivity and achievement.

Factors that Contribute to Positive Team Dynamics

Effective Leadership

A team with an effective leader is more likely to perform well. Bear in mind that effective does not mean that a team needs a commanding or controlling boss – rather, effective leadership means knowing your employees, trusting them to do their work well, and gaining their trust in return. An involved leader that clearly sets an agenda and goals for the team is necessary, but micro-management is counterproductive. 

Frequent, Open Communication

Top-performing teams encourage open and frequent communication. Not only do high-performing teams need to have clear processes and lines of communication in place, but they also need to feel empowered to bring up challenges, issues within the team, and constructive criticisms. Teams that feel supported and confident that their concerns will be heard have stronger team dynamics, and will work better toward high-level goals.

Positive Relationships Between Individual Team Members 

In teams with positive team dynamics, team members have relationships based on mutual trust and respect. Both attributes can help foster a sense of safety when bouncing around ideas. The safer one feels to voice their opinions, the more likely they are to practice open communication.

If you find your team arriving at a common solution too quickly, there's a chance that people are keeping their ideas to themselves. This alone can hinder creative problem-solving and slow progress.

Clearly Defined Roles

A team made up of undefined or poorly defined roles and responsibilities is one that doesn't have clear direction. Transparency and accountability require clarity and precision in this area. Teams without a clear sense of who owns what and who is responsible for what often end up as breeding grounds for chaos, tension and discouragement. Clearly defining every team member’s role should be the first priority of leaders interested in fostering positive team dynamics.

That said, It is not enough to have the roles defined. They also need to be communicated and available to the team itself. Make certain that every team member has access to the plan, objectives, workflow and so forth. Have them written and distributed to everyone to ensure a clear understanding of roles and to foster cohesion and alignment.

Understanding the Effects of Negative and Positive Team Dynamics

Negative Impacts on Team Dynamics 

Weak Leadership

A weak, absent or disinterested leader weakens the team as well, and makes it vulnerable to takeover by a dominant team member. This can exacerbate some of the core contributors to negative team dynamics, like lack of direction and unproductive conflict.


Groupthink is when group members refuse to explore different solutions or alternatives. You'll often find that most team members are quiet and tend to agree on one thing quickly. This is often caused by a lack of open communication and the fear that they'll be laughed at or discouraged somehow (i.e., absence of psychological safety.) A team needs a clear chain of command, but excessive deference to authority isn’t healthy either.

Blocking Behaviors

Characteristics of blocking behaviors in team members include (but aren’t limited to):

  • Being overly critical of others’ opinions or ideas
  • Not participating
  • Recognition-seeking
  • Interrupting sessions by making jokes at the wrong time
  • Disagreeing with everyone's ideas but one’s own

Uncertainty or Lack of Direction

This happens when the objective of the project or the roles of team members remain undefined. If you don’t know what you are expected to accomplish or what your responsibilities are, it’s challenging to feel confident about your contribution or your team as a whole. 

Lack of Psychological Safety

When people constantly feel judged or criticized for their contributions, they may experience a lack of psychological safety. This discourages participation, and can make team members feel apprehensive about giving feedback, providing ideas or taking risks.

Benefits of Positive Team Dynamics 

Strong Results 

Teams with positive team dynamics are more effective across the board – the behaviors that produce good group dynamics work synergistically to enhance team effectiveness. By encouraging good communication, healthy conflict, and shared direction, you create an environment that allows team members to do their best work

Engagement and Retention

By fostering a spirit of trust and loyalty, teammates learn that they can rely on one another. And when team members show each other respect while sharing ideas, they end up feeling valued. Team members that belong to a team with good group dynamics are more likely to stay committed, be more optimistic and remain motivated in the face of challenging situations.

Enhanced Decision-Making and Problem-Solving Skills

When a team leader encourages open communication, they help to eliminate groupthink and encourage independent thinking and constructive criticism. A team that feels supported and psychologically safe is less concerned about agreeing for the sake of agreement and won’t be afraid to challenge bad decisions. A team that is open and respectful in communication is more likely to explore different solutions and come up with better ideas.

What are the 5 key factors for a team to be successful?

5 keys to building a successful team.
Psychological Safety. Psychological safety is a fundamental component of a successful team. ... .
Dependability. The second key component of a successful team is dependability. ... .
Clarity & Structure. ... .
Meaning & Purpose. ... .

What are the factors that contribute to the effectiveness of a team?

Six Factors for Team Effectiveness.
Reinforce a shared purpose. Leaders are often laser-focused on strategy and keeping the business running. ... .
Provide role clarity. ... .
Promote enabling processes. ... .
Be aware of emotional security. ... .
Encourage a collaborative spirit. ... .
Foster growth orientation..

What are the four main elements of a successful team?

To establish an effective team – there are four essential elements: Goals, Roles, Interpersonal Relationships and Processes.

What are the 5 examples of teamwork?

Examples of teamwork skills.
Communication. The ability to communicate in a clear, efficient way is a critical teamwork skill. ... .
Responsibility. ... .
Honesty. ... .
Active listening. ... .
Empathy. ... .
Collaboration. ... .


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