Which of the following are among the advantages of high intensity interval training HIIT )? Quizlet?

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Terms in this set (73)


The maximal force you can generate will be greater at a contraction speed of 20 m/sec compared to a contraction speed of 120 m/sec.


The outermost layer of connective tissue which fuses with the tendon and surrounds a whole muscle is the:

are highly oxidative

Type I muscle fibers and Type I motor units:

A new ATP molecule must bind to the myosin head

What action is specifically required in order for a myosin cross-bridge to release from actin following each power stroke?

very oxidative

Which of the following best describes a unique characteristic of a Type IIa fiber or motor unit?

skeletal muscle

Which type of human muscle is voluntary, striated and controlled by the somatic nervous system?

motor unit

The motor neuron and all of the fibers it innervates make up a:

less force can be produced at high velocities

The speed of contraction will influence how much force can be generated. For concentric movements, this force-velocity relationship is best described as:

final hydrogen receptor creating water

During oxidative phosphorylation, oxygen must be present. What is the role of oxygen in this process?


Which of the following processes takes place in the sarcoplasm of a muscle fiber?


Fatty acids can ONLY be used to generate ATP aerobically (oxidative phosphorylation).

similar improvements in H+ buffering capacity

Research discussed in class indicated that steady state endurance training and high intensity interval training can BOTH result in all of the following EXCEPT:


Which energy pathway is capable of producing ATP the quickest?

Cori Cycle

Which enzymatic pathway in the liver allows us to use lactate to regenerate glycogen or glucose from lacate?

pulmonary arteries, right atria, vena cavae

Which structures below will all contain deoxygenated blood?

left ventricle

Which chamber of the heart will have the thickest myocardium due to the higher pressures it must contract against?

At a high velocity, force production is very low. At a low velocity, however, force production is very high. The greatest forces can be produced during static movements. During concentric movements, force production is limited to the force-velocity relationship, fiber length and joint angle or ROM. Eccentrically, muscles are less limited and are able to produce a greater amount of force, such as in doing negatives during a workout.

Explain the relationship between speed of contraction and capacity for force production in whole muscle. What happens to force production as velocity increases? Is this the same for both concentric and eccentric muscle movements?

ATP is no longer being produced by the body and delivered to the muscle after death. Therefore, the myosin heads are unable to detach from the cross bridge, causing the muscle tissue to remain contracted and stiff.

Explain what happens during rigor mortis. What causes muscle to become stiff for a period of time post-mortem (after death)?

By creating smaller Type I fibers, the diffusion of the gasses, especially oxygen, is optimized. This allows for a greater endurance capacity and better delivery of oxygen to the muscle tissues for better oxidation capacity.

Endurance training may result in smaller Type I fibers. Explain why this could be a positive adaptation for an endurance athlete.


At rest, which protein covers actin binding sites?

Aerobic capacity

Which of the following is considered a "Health Related" component of fitness?


Which Principle of Training is best described as the concept that you must continually modify the load or intensity of a program in order continue to see adaptations?


Generally, when periodizing an annual training program for an athlete, at what point in the season will they spend the least amount of time on conditioning and the most amount of time of sport specific movements and strategies?

Diminishing returns

Which Principle of Training describes the fact that novice athletes will have quicker and more dramatic improvements compared to elite athletes? Elite athletes will have to work much harder to see significant performance improvements.


Research described in your text indicated that after 4 weeks of detraining, blood lactate levels were _____________ at the same work rate among swimmers.


The acronym FRITTO can be used to outline the components of a training program Which of the following is NOT one of the acute program variables included in this acronym?


Which Principle of Training indicates that even when a group of athletes all follow identical training programs, there will be differences in the adaptations that occur?


Validity of a field test of performance can be determined with an SEE (Standard Error of the Estimate) - better field tests will have _____________________ SEE values.


You administered a 1RM bench press assessment. If your criterion measure is a 1RM, what would you predict your validity coefficient would be?

access to equipment

Which of the following is NOT considered part of the initial Needs Analysis for an athlete?


Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) is an easy way to assess body composition. Results will be similar no matter WHO administers the test. If 5 different administrators completed a BIA assessment on the same athlete on the same day...what would you predict the inter-tester reliability (objectivity) coefficient to be?

phosphagen and glycolysis

Gymnasts participating in a floor routine (90 seconds) will be utilizing primarily:

body composition: skinfolds

When administering a battery of tests in one session, which of the following should be administered first?

about 80% aerobic and 20% glycolytic

A cross country runner would likely benefit from emphasizing which of the following during training?

glycolytic system

A maximal effort lasting 45 seconds would rely primarily on the:

The exercise movements required for the athlete's sport (ie. muscles and muscle groups)

The energy systems involved and to what extent each is used. (ie. a cross country runner will rely more heavily on oxidative metabolism while a sprinter will rely more heavily on the ATP-Pcr and fast glycolosis)

The most common injury sites or previous injuries the athlete may have.

Other than the characteristics of your athlete, name at least 3 things that should be included in a comprehensive Needs Analysis prior to fitness testing and program design.

A 1 and 1/2 mile run test can be used, in which the athlete runs as fast as possible 1.5 miles. Afterward, we can use a prediction equation to estimate VO2 max of the athlete.

Name a field assessment for measuring or estimating aerobic capacity (VO2max).

You should take into account the athlete's age, height, weight, experience level, and skill level.

When preparing a Needs Analysis for testing and training, you should consider the characteristics of your athlete. Name at least 3 athlete characteristics that you should take into account.


With regard to body composition measurements, which of the following is NOT considered a criterion or reference measure?

less than 30 seconds

The rest interval recommended between sets or between exercises for a resistance training program emphasizing muscle endurance is:

3-4 sets

The number of sets for each assistance exercise should generally be:

sqauts with chains attached to the bar ends

Which of the following is a common example of "variable resistance" training?

DB curls

Which of the following is best described as an assistance exercise?

6-12 reps, 67-85% 1RM

Your athlete is working on a HYPERTROPHY program. What is the recommended rep/load scheme to optimally emphasize hypertrophy?

Back squats

Which of the following exercises is considered "CORE" or structural?


Typically coaches will choose one training goal for each phase of training. Which of the following is NOT one of the primary training goals of a resistance training program?

knee extensions : leg curls

Which of the following represents a "super-set" - with little to no rest between sets.

2-5 minutes

Strength and power programs are both intended to stimulate adaptations of the phosphagen system. What is the recommended rest interval between sets or between exercises to allow full recovery of the phosphagen system?

power clean

Which of the following exercises would be considered a "core" exercise - one of the foundational movements with application for most sports.

1 day between sessions

Following a high intensity leg workout day, what is the recommended interval before scheduling another heavy leg workout day?

1. Perform a warm up set of 10 reps of about 50% of expected 1RM

2. Perform another warm up set of 5 reps of 75% of expected 1RM

3. Rest 3-5 minutes

4. Perform 1 rep with resistance of about 90-95% of expected 1RM

5. Rest 3-5 minutes

6. Attempt 1 RM lift

7. Rest 3-5 minutes

8. If successful attempt new 1RM

9. Continue the protocol until failure or until you reach 5 attempts

Explain, in 5 or 7 steps, how you should assess an athlete's 1RM. Assuming they have already completed an adequate general warm-up, how do you administer a 1RM assessment?


Ladder drills are designed primarily to develop:

False: Slower speeds initially emphasizing proper mechanics

Agility drills should always be performed at maximal speed.

longer stride length

Which of the following is NOT true about backward running or backpedaling?

stride rate

Which appears to be more important in determining a runner's maximum velocity?

are highly oxidative

Type I muscle fibers and Type I motor units:

about 80% aerobic and 20% glycolysis

A cross country runner would likely benefit from emphasizing which of the following during training?


An appropriate Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) for most endurance athletes during long slow distance (LSD) runs would be:

160 bpm

An athlete with a max HR of 200 bpm and a resting HR of 60 bpm, would like to use HR to determine and monitor an appropriate exercise intensity. If she wants to train at approximately 70% of her heart rate reserve (HRR), what should her HR be during exercise?

similar improvements in VO2peak with greater improvements in total sprint work with the HIIT

According to the article by Edge, continuous training at moderate intensity (MIT) compared to high intensity interval training (HIIT) resulted in:

By improving mobility and strength a sprinter can increase stride length. This helps the athlete improve ROM and flexibility.

resisted sprinting drills can improve stride length. Methods such as uphill running, parachute, towing, bands/harness systems...

List and describe at least one method that is specifically useful for improving stride length for a sprinter.

10 days

Based on research discussed in class with regard to altitude training, among trained cyclists, a significant increase in RBC's (Hbmass) in response to 5 weeks of training at 9000 feet was lost after how many days back at sea level?


Based on the in class presentation, PETTLEP is an acronym representing the various ways imagery can be applied. Which of the following is NOT on of those techniques?

5-10% each week.

When designing the progression of an endurance training program, the frequency, intensity or duration of training should be increased periodically. It is recommended that the increase should be about:


Based on the definitions and descriptions provided in your notes, which of the following methods of endurance training is best described as: a series of runs of at least 400 m in distance at faster than race pace with complete recovery between each run?

4 mMol/dl

When evaluating an athlete's LT, the most common threshold used to mark LT or OBLA is the point at which blood lactate levels exceed:

about 10%

Based on RESEARCH discussed in class (Esteve-Lanao) and in your text, what proportion of their training time should an endurance athlete spend on high intensity interval training (zone 3 - above LT)?

no change in VO2max and improved force, power and exercise efficiency.

Research discussed in class (Mikkola et al.) with regard to concurrent training among endurance athletes indicated that XC skiers who replaced 27% of endurance training time with explosive resistance training resulted in:

Good choice for elderly and recreational athletes interested in health benefits.

Which of the following statements is TRUE with regard to benefits associated with concurrent training.

no difference in improvements in strength measures

Research discussed in class with regard to concurrent training and the impact on maximal strength indicated that among initially untrained individuals, concurrent training resulted in ______________ compared to resistance training alone.

Time to fatigue at Vmax

Laursen & Jenkins suggested Vmax be used to determine an appropriate speed for HIIT. One way to determine an appropriate time for each interval is Tmax. The duration of each interval can be based on a percentage of Tmax. What is Tmax?

increased VO2max

High intensity interval training will result in positive training adaptations in both trained and untrained individuals. Among HIGHLY TRAINED individuals, which of the following is LEAST likely to occur?

running speed at VO2max during a graded exercise test

Laursen & Jenkins suggested Vmax be used to determine a starting intensity for high intensity interval training (HIIT). What does Vmax represent?

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Which of the following are among the advantages of high

HIIT benefits.
HIIT can burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time. ... .
Your metabolic rate is higher for hours after HIIT exercise. ... .
HIIT can help you lose fat. ... .
You might gain muscle using HIIT. ... .
HIIT can improve oxygen consumption. ... .
HIIT can reduce heart rate and blood pressure. ... .
HIIT can reduce blood sugar..

Which is true of high

Which is true of high-intensity interval training (HIIT)? It involves 4 to 10 repetitions of an exercise, with breaks of 1 to 3 minutes between repetitions.

What are some of the benefits of becoming physically fit quizlet?

Any of these:.
Heart and lungs get stronger..
Healthy blood cholesterol levels and blood vessels..
Stronger, more efficient muscles..
Healthy ratio of muscle mass to fat mass..
Increased metabolic rate..
More calories are burned..

Which of the following are components of a physical fitness program select all that apply?

There are five components of physical fitness: (1) body composition, (2) flexibility, (3) muscular strength, (4) muscular endurance, and (5) cardiorespiratory endurance. A well-balanced exercise program should include activities that address all of the health-related components of fitness.


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