Which of the following actions should an EKG technician take when preparing a patient for a standard?

  1. Resumes & cover letters
  2. 8 Steps To Write an EKG Technician Resume (Plus Example)

By Indeed Editorial Team

Published April 2, 2022

The Indeed Editorial Team comprises a diverse and talented team of writers, researchers and subject matter experts equipped with Indeed's data and insights to deliver useful tips to help guide your career journey.

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Holl explains how to choose the best type and format of resume for your application, and how to maximize the impact of your resume bullet points

An electrocardiogram (EKG) technician is a health care professional who works with doctors and monitors patients' heart performances. Working in this role can provide you with a busy day of working with other health care professionals and caring for patients. Understanding what to include and how to write a resume for this position may help you find success in your job search. In this article, we discuss what an EKG technician is, including eight steps on how to write an EKG technician resume with a template and example for you to use as a reference when creating your own.

Related: 38 Interview Questions for Technician Roles (With Answers)

What is an EKG technician?

An EKG technician is an individual who has completed their degree or taken courses with several tests that certify them for this position and ensure they're equipped with the knowledge to do their job well. They use EKG machines to monitor the performance of a patient's heart, noting any irregularities or challenges. To use the EKG machine, these professionals attach wires and electrodes to patients' chests, arms and legs, ensuring that the wires are attaching and working properly. Some of their other tasks can include:

  • Helping physicians during a procedure

  • Checking the quality of data in the system

  • Talking to a patient and getting their medical information

  • Preparing patients for tests, such as cardiovascular tests

  • Ensuring the equipment is operating as expected

What to include on an EKG technician resume?

Here are the key details to include on your resume for this role:

  • Your name

  • Your location

  • Your email address

  • Your phone number

  • A professional summary

  • Your work history

  • Your relevant skills

  • Your educational background

How to write an EKG technician resume in 8 steps

Here are a series of steps you can follow to create and ensure you're including all the correct information into your EKG technician resume:

1. Add your contact information to the header

Begin your resume by introducing yourself with your contact information. It's important to include your name and at least two methods for the hiring manager to contact you, which are your phone number and professional email address. You may also include the city and state you live in, a link to your professional social networking profile and your online portfolio, if applicable.

2. Write your professional summary

Below your contact information is where you can write your professional summary. Use this section to gain the attention of hiring managers to encourage them to read the rest of your resume. It's essential to make the summary scannable because, often, hiring managers are skimming several resumes in a short amount of time to determine who to call and schedule an interview with for the role.

If you have several years of experience in this role, use this section as a one to a two-sentence summary about your experiences so far and how it's prepared you for this role. If you've only been working for a few years or recently graduated college trying to get a job, you can outline your career goals and how you're prepared to reach them with this position.

3. Include your education section

You can title this section of your resume "Education" and you can include the name of the school you attended with the state the facility is in, your graduation date and the degree you earned. If you've graduated in the last three years, include your graduation year, but if you've graduated over three years ago, it's unnecessary to include the year you graduated. It's also important to include the month of your graduation if you've graduated in the last year. Include only your degree title. Be sure to include your minor if you earned one while attending your school.

If you've earned multiple degrees, whether you achieved them from one school or multiple, you can include all of them in this section.

Related: What Dates To Include on a Resume: Template, Examples and Tips

4. Define your work experience

It's important to define your relevant work experience because it shows the hiring manager that you have the required amount of experience to perform this job. You can detail these professional working experiences under the "Experience" section of your resume. If you've held several positions that make your resume turn longer than a page, consider narrowing down your experiences to the most relevant ones that have prepared you for this job. Include the name of the organization you worked for with your start and end date.

List the tasks you were responsible for while working there using past tense verbs and using present tense verbs if you're still currently working there.

Related: Writing a Resume With No Experience

5. State your certifications, if any

Once you've listed all the crucial information, such as your education and work experience, you can add in your certifications, if you've earned any and if they're relevant. Stating your relevant certifications on your resume may help you find more success when applying for jobs. When a hiring manager is reviewing your resume and comparing it to others with similar credentials, if you have your certifications listed while another professional may not, a hiring manager might be more likely to call you first.

Your certification can differentiate your resume from others with a similar background to yours, which might be you a more desirable hire.

6. List your relevant skills

Detail your relevant EKG technician skills that you can apply to your work when hired. This role requires special skills and knowledge that you're required to do well and know to secure this role and be successful at it. When you list these skills, it shows the hiring manager or professional looking over the resume that you're equipped for the tasks and responsibilities of this position.

7. Add additional sections to your resume as relevant

Additional information sections on your resume are where you can include relevant information that may help show you're qualified for a position as an EKG technician. Information in these section types can include if you've published your work in an essay or peer-reviewed journal or if organizations have given you any awards for your work. If you have little experience in the field, especially if you've just graduated college, you may find it helpful to list your passions that are also relevant to this role. This can show hiring managers you're interested in this work.

Related: Additional Information You Can Include on Your Resume

8. Proofread your resume

It's important to proofread your resume to ensure it's free of grammatical errors, such as syntax and punctuation. When you read over your resume before sending it in with a job application to a company, it allows you to ensure all the information is correct and the format of the resume is correct. If your resume is free of errors, you can present yourself professionally. Additionally, this may show hiring managers you pay close attention to detail in your work, which is essential for a role as an EKG technician.

EKG technician template

Here's a template you can use as a reference when creating your resume:

[Full Name]
[Phone number] | [Professional email address] | [City, State] | [Portfolio or professional website link]

Professional Summary

[Include your professional summary or objective here. Make sure it's about one to two sentences giving the relevant highlights of your career.]


[Degree earned]

[Institution name], [Graduation year, if you graduated in the last three years]

Work Experience

[Job Title One], [Start date–end date]
[Company Name], [Location]

  • [Strong verb] + [Job task] + [Impact]

  • [Strong verb] + [Job task] + [Impact]

  • [Strong verb] + [Job task] + [Impact]

  • [Strong verb] + [Job task] + [Impact]

  • [Strong verb] + [Job task] + [Impact]

[Job Title Two], [Start date–end date]
[Company Name], [Location]

  • [Strong verb] + [Job task] + [Impact]

  • [Strong verb] + [Job task] + [Impact]

  • [Strong verb] + [Job task] + [Impact]


[List the name of your certifications here, including the educational facility you earned it from and the year.]


[Skill one] | [Skill two] | [Skill three] | [Skill four] | [Skill five] | [Skill six] | [Skill sever] | [Skill eight] | [Skill nine]

EKG technician resume example

Here's a resume example to use as a reference when structuring and writing your own:

*Jane Doe (615) 745-7834 | | Nashville, TN | Janedoe.jobprofile.example.com*

Professional Summary

Certified EKG Technician with experience working in a fast-paced health care environment for two years, seeking a position at the Shining West Lake Hospital. Passionate and driven to ensure patients feel comfortable before procedures and during their various tests.


Bachelor of Science in Medical Assisting Service

Mitt University, 2020

Work Experience

*EKG Technician, Current
ADM Clinic, Nashville, TN*

  • Prepare patients for their stress tests and cardiovascular assessments

  • Assess images and test results to ensure the quality and accuracy of them

  • Monitor patients' heart performance with the EKG machine

  • Clean and adjust equipment between patient uses

  • Collaborate with other medical staff members to care for patients effectively


Basic Life Support Certification, 2021
General Hospital Institution


Physical stamina | Problem solver | Attention to detail | EFG machine operation | Interpersonal communication

Which of the following actions should an EKG technician?


Which of the following statements made by an EKG technician correctly prepares the patient for telemetry?

EKG test questions.

Which of the following methods should an EKG technician use to calculate a patient heart rate from the EKG tracing?

Which of the following methods should an EKG technician use to calculate a patient's heart rate from the EKG tracing? Divide 300 by the number of large boxes between two R waves. An EKG technician is performing a standard 12-lead EKG for a patient who is experiencing accelerated junctional rhythm.

When performing a 12 lead ECG Which of the following electrodes should the tech place at the Four intercostal space along the left sternal border?

Placement of Lead V2 Since you have placed lead V1, you can now put the electrode for lead V2 at the same level to the left side of the sternum (4th intercostal space, left sternal border).


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