Which mood and affect abnormality would be observed in a child with Oppositional Defiant Disorder?


Delusions are a patient's irrational and fixed false beliefs. The patient with this abnormality may believe that he or she is the almighty, creator, ruler, God, or a god. Obsessions are unwanted, recurrent, and persistent thoughts or impulses that are intrusive and senseless. With obsessions the patients know the thoughts are not real, whereas patients with delusions truly believe the delusions are real. Compulsions are unwanted repetitive behaviors (not beliefs) that are performed to prevent discomfort or a dreaded situation. Excessive worrying about one's own health and feeling sick without any underlying physical problem indicate that the patient has hypochondriasis.

Which mental health disorder are observed in children?

Diagnoses include social anxiety, generalized anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Compared with most children of the same age, children with ADHD have difficulty with attention, impulsive behaviors, hyperactivity or some combination of these problems.

Which finding would be seen in a patient with aphasia?

Patients with thalamic aphasia usually present with fluent language disorders, often without hemiparesis. Associated findings include anomia, jargon speech, semantic paraphasic errors, intact repetition, and relatively preserved comprehension.

Which mental disorder causes a gradual decrease in the patient's cognitive functioning?

Dementia is a slow, progressive loss of mental capacity, leading to deterioration of cognitive abilities and behavior. There are multiple types of dementia, but the most common are idiopathic (also referred to as Alzheimer disease) and vascular dementia.

Which score on the Mini Mental State Examination MMSE would alert the nurse to the possibility a patient has mild cognitive impairment?

25-30 points: normal cognition. 21-24 points: mild dementia. 10-20 points: moderate dementia. 9 points or lower: severe dementia.


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