Which leader of the moral treatment movement believed that many forms of abnormality could be cured by restoring the dignity and tranquility of patients?

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Who was the person most responsible for the early spread of moral treatment?

The person most responsible for the early spread of moral treatment in the U.S. was Benjamin Rush (1745-1813).

Who brought the reforms of moral therapy to the United States?

The man who brought the reforms of moral therapy to the United States was: Benjamin Rush. The "moral treatment" movement rapidly declined in the late nineteenth century because: hospitals became underfunded and overcrowded.

What are some of the reasons Trephination is believed to have been performed?

By Galen's time (129–199) trephining was in standard use in treating skull fracture for relieving pressure, for gaining access to remove skull fragments that threatened the dura, and, as in Hippocratic medicine, for drainage.

Which of the following are criteria used by psychologists to distinguish normal from abnormal behavior select all that apply?

Abnormal behavior is any behavior that deviates from what is considered normal. There are four general criteria that psychologists use to identify abnormal behavior: violation of social norms, statistical rarity, personal distress, and maladaptive behavior.


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