Which evaluation criterion indicates that the humerus was properly positioned for the AP projection?


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varus turned inward
demonstration of the posterior fat pad on the lateral projection of the adult elbow can be caused by trauma/pathology & less than 90 deg fexion
the coronoid process should be visualized in profile medial oblique elbow
PA of gastroduodenal surfaces of a barium-filled high & transverse stomach angle the CR 35-45 deg cephalad
Sattegast, can see patellofemoral articulation & tangential patella
right lung has 3 lobes; each lung is enclosed in serous membrane; the main stem bronchi enter the lung hilum; apex is superior true
oml perpendicular to IR; petrous pyramids fill the orbits; CR to nasion PA skull
pacemaker electrodes can be introduced thru a vein in the chest or upper extremity, from where they are advanced to the Right ventricle
widening of the intercostal spaces is charactertistic of Emhpysema
Stuctures located in RUQ rt upper quadrant hepatic flexure, galbladder
RPO left kidney is more parallel to IR
UGI, a stomach of average shape demos a barium-filled fundus & double contrast of the pylorus and duodenal bulb. position most likely to use is LPO
articulations to form ankle mortise talotibial, talofibular
projection of foot best demos longitudinal arch lateral weight-bearing
graves disease is assoc. w/ thyroid overactivity
to best visualize the lower ribs, exposure should be made on expiration
AP axial (Towne method) of the skull, w/ CR 30 deg caudad to the OML & passing midway between the EAM, best demonstrates occipital bone
right posterior oblique postion (Judet method) of the right acetabulum will demo anterior rim of the right acetabulum & right iliac wing
heart on right side instead of left dextrocardia
a frontal view of the sternum is best accomplished in which position RAO
name of the condition that results in the forward slipping of one vertebra on the one below it spondylolisthesis
during atrial systole, blood flows into the left ventricle via the bicuspid valve; right ventricle via the tricuspid valve
how should a chest exam to rule out air-fluid levels be obtained on a trauma pt inlude a lateral chest exam -dorsal decubitus position
use of iodinated constrast agents w/ pts taking metformin metformin is used to help lower blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetic pts; pts on metformin who have IV iodinated contrast are at risk for renal failure; metformin should be withheld for 48 hours after IV iodinated contrast studies.
erect PA, chin extended, OML 15 deg from horizontal to get PA axial Caldwell
Position is used to demo the frontal & ethmoid sinuses; the ethmoid sinuses are seen near the medial aspect of the orbits; the perpendicular plate is seen in midline of the nasal cavity PA axial Caldwell
to avoid excessive metacarpophalangeal joint overlap in the oblique projection of the hand oblique the hand no more than 45 deg1
positions to demo SC jnts RAO, LAO, PA (not wt bearing)
position to place right kidney parallel to the IR LPO
when examining a pt whose elbow is in partial flexion, how should an AP projection be obtained with humerus parallel to IR, CR perpendicular & with forearm parallel to IR, CR perpendicular
position to demo small amounts of air in the peritoneal cavity lateral decubitus, affected side up
anatomical stuctures listed below is seen most anteriorly in lateral chest cardiac apex
AP knee on pt 21 cm from ASIS to tabletop, CR is 0 degrees (perpendicular)
olecranon process is best seen in medial oblique
on a lateral LSP, can see intervetrebral foramina & pedicles best
which of tangential axial projections of the patella is complete relaxation of the quadriceps femoris required for an accurate diagnosis supine flexion 45 degrees (Merchant)
which projections can be used to supplement the traditional "open-mouth" projection when the upper portion of the odontoid process cannot be well demonstrated AP or PA through the forament magnum
floor of cranium includes all the following bones 2 temporals, ethmoid, sphenoid
lateral projection of the hand in extention is often recommended to evaluate foreign body or soft tissue
the condition that results from a persistent fetal foramen ovale is an atrial septal defect
which of the following projections or positions will best demonstrate subacromial or subcoracoid dislocation PA oblique scapular Y
pt recumbent with head lower than the feetl, pt is in trendelenberg position
what positions can be used to demo the axillary ribs of the right thorax LAO & RPO
in which projection of the foot are the interspaces between the first & second cuneiforms best demonstrated lateral oblique foot
the sternal angle is at approx. the same level as the T5
which of the following structures is (are) located in the right upper quadrant (RUQ) gallbladder, hepatic flexure
to demo esophageal varices, the pt must be examined in the anatomic position
the tissue that occupies the central cavity w/in the shaft of a long bone in an adult is yellow marrow
all the following stuctures are assoc. w/ the posterior femur except intertrochanteric line {anterior femur popliteal surface, intercondyloid fossa, linea aspera}
which of the following prejections of the ankle would best demo the mortise medial oblique 15-20 degrees
which of the following bony landmarks is in the same transverse plane as the symphysis pubis prominence of the greater torchanter
a radiolucent sponge can be placed under the pt's waist for a lateral projection of the lumbosacral spine to make the vertebral column parallel w/ the IR; place the intervertebral disk spaces perpendicular to the IR
to reduce the amount of scattered radiation reaching the IR in CR/DR imaging of the lumbosacral region, which of the following is recomended close collimation & lead mat on table posterior to the pt
which of the following is distal to the tibial plateau tibial condyles & tibial tuberosity
evaluation criteria for a lateral projection of the humerus include lesser tubercle in profile; SI epicondyles
which position of the shoulder demo the lesser tubercle in profile medially internal rotation
w/ pt in PA position, which tube angle & direction combinations is correct for an axial projection of the clavicle 15 - 30 degrees caudad
which fx classifications describes a small bony fragment pulled from a bony process avulsion fracture
portion of the humerus articulates w/ the ulna to help form the elbow joint trochlea
movement of a part toward the midline of the body adduction
during myelography, contrast medium is introduced into the subarachnoid space
junction of the sagittal and coronal sutures is the bregma
scapular Y pt RAO, MCP is 60 degrees to the IR, acromion process is free of SI
Examples of synovial pivot articulations include the atlantoaxial joint, radioulnar joint
lumbar transverse process is represented by what part of the "Scotty dog" seen in a correctly positioned oblique lumbar spine nose
an injury to a structure located on the side opposite that of the primary injury is referred to contrecoup
positions for sesamoid bones of the foot be demonstrated to be free of SI w/ the metatarsals or phalanges tangential metatarsals/ toes
conditions is limited specifically to the tibial tuberosity Osgood-Schlatter disease
AP stress studies of the ankle may be performed following inversion or eversion injuries ; to demonstrate a ligament tear
part of the bony thorax manubrium, 24 ribs
aspirated foreign bodies in older children & adults are most likely to lodge in the right main stem bronchus
pt seated at the end of the xray table, elbow flexed 80 degrees, & CR directed 45 deg laterally from the shoulder to the elbow joint, which of the structures is demo coronoid process
structures forming the brain stem include pons, medulla oblongata, midbrain
CR parallel the intervertebral foramina in which projection lateral thoracic spine; lateral lumbar spine
structure can be located midway between ASIS anterosuperior iliac spine & pubic symphysis dome of acetabulum

Which evaluation criteria indicates that the humerus was properly positioned for the AP projection?

Which evaluation criteria indicates that the humerus was properly positioned for the AP projection? The humeral head and greater tubercle are both seen in profile. With reference to the plane of the IR, how is it determined that the humerus is properly positioned in true lateral position.

How should the hand be placed for the AP projection of the humerus?

Positioning for an AP projection of the humerus Abduct the arm slightly, and supinate the hand so that epicondyles of the elbow are equidistant from IR. A coronal plane passing through the epicondyles should be parallel with the cassette plane for the AP or posteroanterior (PA) projection. Respiration: suspend.

What criterion is used to determine whether the AP axial clavicle has been correctly positioned?

What criterion is used to determine whether the AP axial clavicle has been correctly positioned? The lateral half of the clavicle is shown above the scapula. Most of the clavicle is projected above the ribs and scapula, with the medial end overlapping the first or second rib.

When performing AP projections of the shoulder where should the central ray be directed?

Central ray: The central ray should be directed to the scapulohumeral joint perpendicular to the image receptor. For an AP Axial, a cephalic angle of 35 degrees.


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