When putting on the second sterile glove the nurse place is a glove thumb at which location?

September 11, 2019

Are you putting your sterile gloves on correctly?

Are you looking at a pair of sterile gloves wondering how you are going to get them on without contaminating them? Have you donned sterile gloves only to get to the last step and realize you have to start over again? It can be a tricky process but you can learn how to quickly don sterile gloves. It just takes practice. We’ve provided you with 10 steps to help you get the process completed without contaminating the gloves.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Choose the right glove size for your hands
    Your gloves should feel comfortable, and you need to be able to move your hands. Consider taking off jewelry. It may make your gloves feel more comfortable.
  2. Prepare a clean work area
    Wipe surfaces that are not washable and before you place the glove package on the surface.
  3. Wash your hands
    Wash your hands and wrists. Use liquid soap from the dispenser that is required for your specific job application. Do not touch anything or any supplies once you wash your hands.
  4. Open the package
    Open the outer glove package. Place the gloves on a sterile table. The gloves will have an inner wrapping around them. Carefully open the inner wrapper so not to contaminate the gloves. You will see both gloves with cuffs.
  5. Put on the first glove
    Start with your dominant hand. Hold the glove on folded edge which is the cuff. Slip your hand into the glove. Wear the glove keeping your hand flat and your thumb tucked in. Touch only the part of the glove that will be next to your skin. Leave the cuff on the glove folded.
  6. Prepare to put on the second glove
    Slip the fingers of your gloved hand into the other glove only touching the folded cuff. Lift up the second glove.
  7. Put on the second glove
    Pull the glove over your fingers keeping your hand flat. Keep the gloved thumb up and back to keep from touching your bare palm or wrist. Pull the glove over your hand.
  8. Adjusting the gloves
    Adjust each glove to get a snug fit. Reach under the cuffed part to pull up or adjust the gloves.
  9. Avoid touching anything once the gloves are on your hands
    Keep your hands in front of you and above your waist. Don’t touch anything outside of the sterile field.
  10. Start over again if you break the sterile procedure
  11. Remove the gloves, throw them away and get a new package of gloves. Time to start over!

Browse our complete line of gloves and other safety products.

Open Resources for Nursing (Open RN)

Use the checklist below to review the steps for completion of “Applying and Removing Sterile Gloves.”

Video Review of Applying Sterile Gloves:[1]


Disclaimer: Always review and follow agency policy regarding this specific skill.

  1. Gather the supplies: hand sanitizer and sterile gloves.
  2. Perform hand hygiene.
  3. Open the sterile gloves on a dry, flat, clean work surface.
  4. Remove the outer package by separating and peeling apart the sides of the package.
  5. Grasp the inner package and lay it on a clean, dry, flat surface at waist level.
  6. Open the top flap away from your body; open the bottom flap toward your body.
  7. Open the side flaps without contaminating the inside of the wrapper or allowing it to close.
  8. With your nondominant hand, use your thumb and index finger to only grasp the inside surface of the cuff of the glove for your dominant hand.
  9. Lift out the glove, being careful to not touch any surfaces and holding the glove no more than 12-18″ above the table without contaminating the sterile glove; carefully pull the glove over your hand.
  10. Use your nondominant, nonsterile hand to grasp the flap of the package, and hold the package steady. With the sterile glove on your dominant hand, hold 4 fingers together of the gloved hand to reach in the outer surface of the cuff of the sterile glove, reaching under the folded cuff and with the thumb outstretched to not touch the second sterile glove. Lift the glove off the package without breaking sterility.
  11. While holding the fingers of the nondominant hand outstretched and close together, tuck your thumb into the palm, and use the sterile dominant hand to pull the second sterile glove over the fingers of the nondominant hand.
  12. After the second sterile glove is on, interlock the fingers of your sterile gloved hands, being careful to keep your hands above your waist.
  13. Do not touch the inside of the package or the sterile part of the gloves with your bare hands during the process.
  14. Maintain sterility throughout the procedure of donning sterile gloves.

Removing Sterile Gloves

  1. Grasp the outside of one cuff with the other gloved hand. Avoid touching your skin.
  2. Pull the glove off, turning it inside out and gather it in the palm of the gloved hand.
  3. Tuck the index finger of your bare hand inside the remaining glove cuff and peel the glove off inside out and over the previously removed glove.
  4. Dispose of contaminated wastes appropriately.
  5. Perform hand hygiene.

When putting on sterile gloves which of the following steps is correct?

The hands are gloved and must only touch sterile devices or the previously disinfected patient body area. Grasp the outside edge of one cuff with gloved hands, avoid touching the wrist. Pull the glove off, turning it inside out and place it in your hand. Hold the removed glove in your gloved hand.

Which hand does donning sterile gloves go on first?

Start with dominant hand first. Open packaging. This step prepares sterile surface to perform sterile application of gloves.

Where would you touch a sterile glove the first one in preparation to put it on quizlet?

1. Grasp the glove for the dominant hand using the nondominant hand, touching only the inside upper surface of the glove's cuff. 2. Open the outer package of the sterile gloves on a clean, dry, flat surface.


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