What’s the purpose of the holdover clause in the krec non-exclusive open listing agreement?


Appurtenance is defined as anything that, by right, is used by the land for its benefit, often referenced as “runs with the land”.

When property is taken for public improvements from an unwilling owner, it is referred to as?

Which of the following statements best describes what happens to mineral rights when the Land is sold?

If the seller does not reserve the mineral rights then according to the contract all interest they have in the property including mineral rights transfer to buyer

A buyer made an offer on a house and the seller excepted the offer written. The buyer wanted some of the sellers personal property to remain with the house. The personal property were transferred to the buyer under which of the following conditions

If it was included in the contract

A buyer bought a property. The property contained a nice set of built-in bookshelves. Which Statement is true regarding built-in bookshelves

They stay with the property as they are permanently attached

The state government can take property that has been Abandoned by the owner through what right?

Fee simple title would best be described as receiving?

The maximum rights in a property

A child owns a life estate and sells the property to a friend. Which of the following statements is true regarding the friends estate

It ends when the child dies

Jimmy and Susan own a commercial property as joint tenants. If Susan dies, who would receive the property?

A person leased there condominium to Katherine for one year. What did this create?

Which of the following is a voluntary lien against a person’s property?

A trespass of an improvement is which of the following?

Which of the following would transfer legal use but not ownership of the property?

Which of the following is an encroachment

A building with the roof that extends over the boundary line

Who would determine the amount for maintenance fees in a condominium?

An owner of a condominium unit failed to pay their property taxes. Which of the following acts is most likely to occur?

Ownership of the condominium unit will be jeopardized

When ownership is conveyed by the transfer of shares of stock this is?

As a condition of owning space in a condominium, the owners were assessed a monthly fee for the use of the clubhouse and swimming pool. And owner did not use either the Clubhouse or the swimming pool. The owner?

Would it still be required to pay the full monthly assessment

I relocation company purchased a property. The relocation company in trying to sell the property only wanted to guarantee the property since the time they have owned it. The type of deed necessary to accomplish this would be a?

The purpose of an encumbrance clause in a General warranty deed is to protect against?

Unrecorded lien’s that may affect the value of the property

When does title to real estate transfer from seller to buyer?

When the deed is delivered and excepted

Documents are recorded to provide?

In which of the following instances is a quick claim deed most generally used?

Too quiet a cloud on the title

Which of the following items would not place a limitation on your rights in the property

An established family grocery store is in an area that has recently been zoned residential. If the grocery store was to be sold, what document would be needed to allow continued use of the grocery store?

Pre-existing nonconforming use

Property used for something other than the current zoning is referred to as a

What is the purpose of a mortgagor giving a mortgage to the mortgagee

To pledge property as security for the loan

The primary purpose of a mortgagor giving a mortgage to the mortgagee is to

A property appraised for 42,000. If the buyer borrowed 28,000 what is the difference between the two amounts called?

Which of the following statements is true of an adjustable rate mortgage (arm)

The interest rate changes based on the market indexes agreed to upfront

Upon which of the following events would a prepayment penalty be enforced

The loan being paid in full before it’s due date

Two creditors have an agreement to switch the lien priority. This agreement would be referred to as:

A buyer purchased the sellers home and assumed the seller’s loan. The seller does not want to remain liable for the loan. What should the seller do?

Arrange for the lender to give a release of liability to the seller

A loan or mortgage that uses both real and personal property as security?

A seller sold property to a buyer. Since the buyer did not have enough money for the down payment, the seller took back a mortgage on the property and loaned the down payment money to the buyer. The sellers interest in the property is secured by a

In order for a veteran to receive a VA loan, the veteran must first obtain a?

Certificate of eligibility

Which of the following statements is correct regarding a VA loan?

The lender makes the loan and the VA guarantees the loan

What is the purpose of a barrower paying for private mortgage insurance?(pmi)

To ensure the lender against loss for a portion of the mortgage.

Discount points of 1% would be computed based upon the?

A buyer was interested in purchasing a home. The buyer found a house to buy but had to obtain financing to purchase. The buyer talked to a lender who gave the buyer in writing a commitment on the interest rate and discount points. This letter is called a?

A contract for deed can be best referred to as an?

Installment sale contract

What is it called when a buyer purchases the property, makes monthly installment payments to the seller, and receives the deed after the entire purchase is completely paid

Which document is required under the real estate settlement procedures act to be given before closing

A good faith estimate of closing costs

According to the real estate settlement procedures act “RESPA”, the closing statement must be signed by the buyers, sellers, and?

Which of the following would be an example of a lender violating the usury laws?

A lender charging more than the maximum legal amount

Is dual agency legal in Kansas?

What does a person have who can sign legal papers for another person?

Which type of relationship is established between a principal and a broker?

Is a sales person an agent for their broker?

I listing agent is showing the listed property to a prospective buyer. The buyer tells the listing agent that A favorable change in zoning is coming with regard to the listed property. What should the listing agent do?

Tell the seller because of the fiduciary obligation to the seller

Between the time of buyer and seller signed a sales contract and closing, the zoning on the property was changed. Does the listing agent need to disclose this fact to the buyer who is a customer?

Yes, the agent should notify the buyer immediately as it is a material fact

Which of the following would be a violation of the Sherman anti-trust law’s?

A group of brokers setting a common commission rate

At closing, all parties receive a copy of the

If a person is employed by utility company to acquire easements on behalf of the utility. Which of the following statements is true

No license would be required if the person acquired gross easements, not appurtenant easement

Can an auctioneer sell land without a license?

No, Unless it’s part of the government regular duties

Does the Arkansas broker need a license to do seminars and Kansas on properties for sale in Arkansas?

How are the Kansas real estate commissioners compensated

A resident licensee of another state who wants a Kansas license must do all except?

Maintain an office in Kansas

If I Kansas license is denied or rejected for licensure in another state, how many days does that person have to notify the KREC

How long can a licensee remain in active Without having to re-test?

You would begin to be assessed penalty hours after two years. At the end of five years he would be required to retest

Would a broker have to notify the Kansas real estate commission if they change the business location

Can a broker advertise commission rates

How long is a broker required to keep all real estate records

When can earnest money be disbursed out of an escrow account in the event of a dispute between buyer and seller

In the main office of a real estate company, who is responsible for assigning the escrow numbers to all escrow documentation

A branch broker is not required to maintain a transaction numbering system if

The branch office maintains no trust account. It could be kept at the main office

The Kansas real estate commission can suspend or revoke a person’s license after what circumstances except

Failure to renew in a timely manner

A licensee had their real estate license revoked by the KREC. The licensee could appeal their decision to the?

Court for judicial review

If an agent is representing a seller and tells a buyer they could purchase At a lower price and the seller finds out the KREC could

Fine, restrict or revoke the sales person’s license

A broker has been found guilty on two minor violations of the Kansas license law. What is the maximum fine that can be imposed by the KREC.

First offense is $1000 if it is the second offense it could be 2000 per violation

When would money be paid from the recovery fund?

Money will not be paid until there is a court order

The recovery fund has dropped below 100,000. License has been sent a notice to pay the $5 or $10 to reimburse the fund. However the license has not responded. What could the KREC do

Suspend the license until the amount is paid

What is the maximum amount that can be paid out of recovery fund for one person

Under the brokerage relationships and real estate transactions act, if I listing broker is aware of a roof leak, the broker is required to? BRRETA

Disclose to all buyers as this is a material condition concerning the property

according to BRRETA what must a sellers agent disclose to a customer?

Any and all material defects in the title if known

Would encouraging a seller or buyer client to cancel the agreement with their agent be a violation under the brokerage relationships and real estate transactions act? BRRETA

The brokerage relationships in real estate transaction act does not prohibit which of the following

And oral, non-exclusive listing

Which of the following would not be considered a ministerial act

Suggesting a fair offer a price to a buyer customer. You cannot suggest or advise a consumer without being their agent

Who interprets or explains the license law?

Attorney general of Kansasr/>

Who enacts/makes the real estate license law in Kansas

What info is required when requesting and getting a real estate license in Kansas

A person passed the salesperson’s test in March. They did not make application for licensure until November. In order to obtain license does the person need to submit proof they have been a Kansas resident the past one year minimum.

A person passed the salesperson’s test in March. They did not make application for licensure until November. In order to obtain license, what are 3 things they need to do

- retake and pass the test
- Affiliate with a broker
- Submit proof that the person is honest, reliable and has good integrity

A salesperson has to renew their license how soon

The last calendar day of the proceeding the license expiration date

A salesperson with 2 years experience wanted to obtain a broker’s license. In order to apply for a broker’s license they must accomplish...

Complete a broker’s 24 hour pre license class within the preceding 12 months and pass the test.

A salesperson let their license expire on May 31st, 1998. In order to renew license in the next 6 months, the licensee would have to

Who can de-activate a license

Does a licensee have to report suspension from local board of realtors to the KREC

Does a licensee have to report a rejection for license by another state to KREC?

Does a licensee have to report civil action for a real estate commission to the KREC

Does the licensee have to report change of personal address to the KREC?

A broker who decided to move his office to a new address in the same town should

Move and notify the KREC within 10 days

Does a licensee with a de-activated license need continuing education to renew a license

Must a broker obtain approval from the KREC if wanting to use a name for the brokerage company other than the brokers own name?

If a broker wants to use a name for the brokerage company other than the brokers own name must they register the name with the Secretary of State

Is depositing $500 of the broker’s own money into the brokers escrow account to cover costs of operating it allowed under the Kansas License Law?

Under the Kansas License Law can a broker call the seller who was listed with another broker under an open listing.

A buyer gives an expensive necklace as an earnest deposit. The broker should

Write on the contract that the earnest deposit is in the form of a necklace.

If a buyer gives an expensive necklace as an earnest deposit does the broker have to have it appraised to determine value

Who has the right to inspect a broker’s trust account records?

Can the broker keep the interest with written consent of all parties earned on a broker’s escrow account?

How many days do you have a licensee to renew your license without penalty after the expiration date

5 members appointed by the governor

How many years is a license issued for

Does the director of the KREC have to vote at the commission meetings

Does the director of the KREC have to call a meeting if two or more commissioners request it

Does the director of the KREC have to keep records of all the meetings

Does the director of the KREC have to certify records to the district court?

Who holds the license of a salesperson operating out of a broker’s branch office

A branch office must be supervised

By a broker approved by the KREC

When a leased space becomes uninhabitable because of the landlord’s neglect in maintaining the property. What term describes the tenant’s right to terminate the lease.

In an exclusive agency agreement only the broker or the owner may sell the property?

Which type of listing would NOT have the commission listed as a percentage of the selling price

In order to be in compliance with the Statute of Frauds, a sales contract must be

When is the purchaser said to have “equitable title”

At the signing of the sales contract by both buyer and seller

An agreement has been signed by all parties but the terms have NOT been fully performed. What best describes the current status of this agreement

A contract where one party is bound to perform but the other party is not would be referred to as.

Knowingly misrepresenting a material fact in a deliberate way so that someone else suffers a loss in an attempt to make money is:

Which of the following terms best describes an “option to purchase”?
-Down payment

When an option to buy is exercised, the contract becomes

Is a Broker depositing payroll funds into the trust account considered commingling by a licensee?

The Metes and Bounds method of giving a legal description uses

Which of the following statements is true about a Metes and Bounds description?
-it is no longer considered to be an accurate legal description
-the description must end by taking the last leg of the description back to the point of beginning
-the last leg must intersect with a meridian or base line.

The description must end by taking the last leg of the description back to the point of beginning

A sale of interstate real estate securities would be governed by which organization?

A corporation who purchased a piece of real estate as a co-owner with an individual would usually take title in which of the following manners?

An owner decided not to list their property for sale with a broker but rather decided to be a for-sale-by-owner. Which would be true regarding advertising under the Federal Fair Housing Laws.

The owner would have to following rules advertising under Fair Housing Law applies to all residential sales

A mobility impaired person was renting a unit in an apartment complex. Half of the units have assigned parking spaces near the door. The other half do not. The owner:

Must give a parking space near the door to the handicapped person if one is available and a need is demonstrated

Which of the following terms BEST describes the practice of encouraging owners to move from an area due to minorities moving in making the neighborhood more integrated?

An apartment building was exempted from the rules regarding familial status under the fair housing law. Which of the following applicants would it be allowed to accept and still fall under the familial status exemption?
-50 year old nurse currently employed
-retired construction worker who is age 53
-54 year old retired teacher
-63 year old postal worker currently employed

Retired construction worker who is age 53

A seller listed their single family home with a broker. The seller refused to sell to some particular buyers. When would this be a possible violation of law?

The buyers had a handicapped relative who was going to live in the house

A 50 unit garden style apartment was completed in 1992. It has two stories but does not have an elevator. Under the 1988 amendments to the Fair Housing Law, which of the following areas must need handicap specifications?
-only the first floor
-the first and second floor
-only the second floor
-modifications can be made as handicapped persons move in

Which of the following would have the greatest influence on appraisal value?
-Local economic conditions
-the average of local comparable sold properties
-assessed value of the property
-original price owner paid for the property

Local economic conditions

What is the recompense for an appraiser?

A fee based on the amount of time and effort

The difference between reproduction cost and present value is

A residential property was equipped to handle electrical service of 60 amps. The standard in the rest of the homes in the area was 100 amps. Having only 60 amps causes the home to suffer from

The purpose of capitalization of income is to:

Convert net income into a value indication

Which of the following methods of appraisal would MOST likely be used when appraising a single family house?
-reproduction and income
-reproduction and market data
-market data and capitalization rate
-market data and residual land

Market data and residual land

Which of the following terms BEST describes personal property that, by attachment to real property, is regarded as real estate?

A salesperson who prepares a written listing agreement with a seller is helping to create a contractual relationship between the:

Salesperson’s broker and the seller

Which of the following clauses in a conventional mortgage instrument entitles the lender to accelerate the loan if the loan is assumed?
-right to sell
-due on sale
-variable interest rate

The term “holdover tenant” refers to a lessee who takes what action?

Remains in possession of a leasehold beyond expiration of the lease

A veteran is entitled to what benefits upon repayment of the full loan balance of a VA mortgage.

Restoration of loan benefits for future use

Charging an interest rate higher than the legal limit is called

One of the required elements of a valid real estate sales contract is that it MUST:
-provide for possession of the property by the buyer
-provide for installment payments
-be signed by the seller
-contain a metes and bounds description of the property

Under a sales contract, the legal remedy that may be used to force the seller to consummate the sale is called

The provision in a mortgage or deed of trust that gives the lender the right to call the entire balance due upon a default in any payment is called an

If the value of a property is affected by negative forces outside the property which are beyond the control of the owner, this is referred to as

When a husband and wife take title to a property as tenants in common, they have elected a form of ownership that allows for

Unequal shares of ownership

The owners of a house sign a listing agreement and later tell the salesperson that the garage roof leaks. If they tell the salesperson not to reveal the roof’s condition to any prospective buyers, the salesperson MUST

Advise the sellers that they must disclose the condition of the roof to prospective buyers

Who is protected by the holdover period?

In general, a holdover clause protects the brokerage and states that if you enter into an agreement of purchase and sale within a specified time (the “holdover period”) after the expiration of the contract, you may still need to pay commission to the brokerage.

What is a holdover period real estate Ontario?

A holdover clause permits your real estate brokerage to collect its fee or commission from you if you enter into a purchase contract with a buyer within a specific number of days after your listing agreement ends and that buyer was introduced to your property during the term of the listing agreement.

What are the essential elements of a buyer agency agreement?

The key elements of the buyer-broker agreement are broker exclusivity, contract duration, compensation, and the description of the type of home the buyer is seeking.

Which encumbrances does the seller list on the Colorado exclusive right to sell listing contract?

Which monetary encumbrances should be listed by the seller when completing the Exclusive-Right-to-Sell Listing Contract? The seller should list all encumbrances known at the time of the listing. The status of these encumbrances after the property is sold would not be relevant (or known) at the time of the listing.


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