What outline is a complete sentence outline reflecting the full content and organization of your speech quizlet?

Title, Topic, Purpose, and Thesis

The title for the speech is new in this outline format. Otherwise, listing the speech topic, the specific purpose, and the thesis statement are the same.

Introduction, Body, Conclusion, and Transitions

Each of these components is included, as in the working outline. In the formal outline, try to settle on exactly how you would like to state each point
Works Consulted

Another new component is a section in which you list sources used in creating your speech. Doing so here makes it easier for you to refer to the list when needed and to prepare your bibliography.

A pattern that organizes a speech by showing how action produces a particular outcome.

When using this pattern, clearly and carefully link the cause with the effect, providing appropriate and effective supporting materials.

Although most often used for persuasive speeches, the cause-and-effect pattern also can be applied to informative speeches.

For example, an informative speech on the positive effects of meditation works well with a cause-and-effect pattern of organization.

Checking for inconsistency or contradictions is part of which outlining principle?






You should write ________ in complete sentences.

the full sentence outline

the speaking outline

the working outline

both the full sentence outline and speaking outline

the full sentence outline

(True/False) You should try to use only one notecard per main point.


(True/False) Keeping your speaking notes in outline form will remind you of the importance of clear organization in the speech you deliver.


It is important to write a full sentence outline for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

It will help you have a clear indication of the time needed to give your speech

It is part of your ethical responsibility to your audience

It encourages extemporaneous delivery

It provides a full plan for your speech so you will not struggle with wording

It encourages extemporaneous delivery

Which type of outline helps you to develop and construct your speech?

Formal outline

Working outline

Full sentence outline

Speaking outline

Working Outline

(True/False) Most speaking outlines include supporting materials you plan to use.


Your textbook suggests using notecards, rather than paper, for your speaking outline for all the following reasons EXCEPT

Notecards make you look more prepared.

They will help to prevent you from reading your speech.

There is less of a chance of dropping notecards.

Sheets of paper are noisier than notecards.

There is less of a chance of dropping notecards.

Which outlining principle requires that all major points have matching grammatical construction?






(True/False) Each point in your outline should represent only one idea.


What is wrong with these main points from a speech outline on "Preserving Our National Parks?"
Our national parks are threatened.
Our national parks can be saved.
New national parks can be designated.

One point represents more than one idea.

One point is not grammatically parallel to the others.

One point is irrelevant to the purpose of the speech.

The outline has too many main points.

One point is irrelevant to the purpose of the speech.

Which outlining principle states that you need at least two pieces of evidence to support a major claim?






A speaking outline may contain

labels to act as 'triggers' to recall wording.

supporting materials for the speech.

long quotations written in full sentences.

all of the above.

all of the above.

According to your textbook, outlining includes all of the following purposes EXCEPT

to check the scope of the speaker's content.

to test the logical relations among parts of the speech.

to help the speaker with their nonverbal communication.

to check the relevance of supporting ideas.

to help the speaker with their nonverbal communication.

Which outlining principle requires that each section of your speech receive approximately the same amount of 'equal time?'






(True/False) A full sentence outline is a complete sentence outline reflecting the full content and organization of your speech.


Working outlines are written

A. in complete sentences.

B. as a loose list of key ideas recording your research and brainstorming processes.

C. to enable the speaker to narrow, focus, and balance the topic.

D. both B and C

D. both B and C

(True/False) In your speaking outline, include just enough information to remind you of your points.


A full sentence outline includes citations ________________.

within the text.

at the end of the text.

neither at the end of the text nor within the text.

both within the text and at the end of the text.

both within the text and at the end of the text

What is a full sentence outline?

An outline in which all points introduce complete sentences

An outline in which all points introduce words or groups of words

An outline that has some complete sentences in it

An outline that cues the speaker to make complete sentences

An outline in which all points introduce complete sentences

What outline is a complete sentence outline reflecting the full content and organization of your speech?

(True/False) A full sentence outline is a complete sentence outline reflecting the full content and organization of your speech.

What is a complete sentence outline quizlet?

complete sentence outline. An outline in which all numbers and letters introduce complete sentences. key word or phrase outline. An outline in which all numbers and letters introduce words or groups of words. working outline.

What is an outline speech quizlet?

A detailed outline developed during the process of speech preparation that includes the title, specific purpose, central idea, introduction, main points, sub points, connectives, conclusion, and bibliography of a speech.

What are the three types of outlines quizlet?

Terms in this set (17).
1.Working outline (is a through outline used to craft a speech) ... .
Working outline - benefits the instructor for following along with the speech. ... .
Introduction (attention-getter).

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