What organizational variables can influence the size and composition of an InfoSec programs staff?

Among the variables that determine how a given organization chooses to structure its information security (InfoSec) program are organizational culture, size, security personnel budget, and security capital budget.

What are the three planning parameters that can be adjusted when a project is not being executed according to plan?

Answer: When a project is not being executed according to plan, three planning parameters can be adjusted: effort and money allocated, elapsed time or scheduling impact, and quality or quantity of the deliverable.

What are the components of the security program element described as preparing for contingencies and disasters?

What are the components of the security program element described as preparing for contingencies and disasters? Business plan, identify resources, develop scenarios, develop strategies, test and revise plan.

What is the purpose of security education training and awareness SETA )? Quizlet?

The security education, training, and awareness (SETA) program is designed to reduce the incidence of external security attacks.

What are the 4 phases of a project?

Planning, build-up, implementation, and closeout.

What are the three major steps in executing a project plan?

Project planning steps

  • Create and Analyze Business Case.
  • Identify and Meet Stakeholders for Approval.
  • Define Project Scope.
  • Set Project Goals and Objectives.
  • Determine Project Deliverables.
  • Create Project Schedule and Milestones.
  • Assignment of Tasks.
  • Carry Out Risk Assessment.

What are the key elements of any contingency plan?

The key elements of a contingency plan are “protection, detection, and recoverability.”

What are the key points to consider when creating a contingency plan?

To create a contingency plan for your organization, follow this five-step framework:

  • Identify/prioritize your resources. …
  • Pinpoint the key risks. …
  • Draft your contingency plans. …
  • Distribute your plans. …
  • Maintain each plan.

What is the first step in beginning the contingency planning process?

What is the first step in beginning the contingency planning process? To begin the process of planning for contingencies, an organization must first establish an entity that will be responsible for the policy and plans that will emerge from the process.

What is an example of internal threat?

Common methods include ransomware, phishing attacks, and hacking. Internal threats originate within the organization itself and usually are carried out by a current and former employee, a contractor, a business associate, etc. Insider attacks can be malicious or inadvertent.

Who is responsible for the day-to-day management and overall performance of an organization?

In smaller companies, the director or coordinator is responsible for most of the day-to-day management activity. Larger businesses, on the other hand, tend to delegate specific daily management tasks to staff members or hired specialists like bookkeepers or lawyers.

What is the purpose of security education training and awareness SETA )?

Security education, training and awareness (SETA) programs are designed to reduce the incidence of accidental security breaches. Through the readings you will learn about the design and delivery of these programs as well as various training techniques.

What is the purpose of security education training and awareness Seta?

A Security Education, Training and Awareness (SETA) program can be defined as an educational program that is designed to reduce the number of security breaches that occur through a lack of employee security awareness.

What organizational variables can influence the size and composition of an InfoSec program’s


Q: flowchart describe Organization working.

A: In an organization, the distribution, and coordination of job assignments, expertise, and authority.…

Q: What is the significance of method analysis? What is the relationship between method analysis and…

A: Method analysis is a way to remove the unnecessary procedures and operations in the overall system…

Q: Why is it necessary for an organization to align its managers with the corporate strategy to ensure…

A: A strategy is associated with every business and is used till last in order to make the organization…

Q: 1. What is slicing and dicing from an analytics perspective?

A: NOTE: "Since you have asked multiple questions, we will solve the first question for you. If you…

Q: Explain network structure, and discuss how it might be more close to the current trend of…

A: An organization can be structured in varied ways that determine how it operates and performs.

Q: Explain the implications of organizational development for the client? Explain the nature of the…

A: The kind of implications of organizational development for the client is lack of communication,…

Q: Select TWO DIFFERENT organizations i.e UNILEVER AND P&G brief SWOT analyses of both the…

A: We’ll answer the first question since the exact one wasn’t specified. Please submit a new question…

Q: Explain How can we deal with "Time Wasters?" Share some of the methods that organisations have used…

A: The organizational is the process that ensures and groupings work to be accomplished, defines and…

Q: teps would you follow and what would you aim to put in your report to primal?

A: This spot ought to be perfect, peaceful, sufficiently bright, a cool temperature and away from all…

Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of workcells?

A: Operation manager is the one who manages the operations of every organization, Who is responsible…

Q: Differences between manufacturing and service organizations?

A: The goods are tangible and can be seen whereas services are intangible and can only be felt. There…

Q: What is Open System Task Analysis (OSTA)?

A: OSTA or open system task analysis, is an alternative socio technical approach which attempts to…

Q: Identify four contemporary staffing challenges, and explain the process of planning for a company’s…

A: Organization success depends on many factors. Success is the fulfillment of all the objectives and…

Q: Identify four contemporary staffing challenges, and explain the process of planning for a company’s…

A: Staffing is the process of identifying the need for personnel in the company and then filling it…

Q: of SWOT analysis showing the potentia weaknesses, threats and opportunities ar conclusion…

A: SWOT SWOT is about the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats.SWOT is useful for an organization…

Q: Describe process thinking and system boundaries?

A: Total Quality Management ( TQM) is the ongoing method of identifying and minimizing or removing…

Q: What is a collaborative arrangement? Why firms collaborate?

A: A collaborative management can be referred to as doing business in a way where two parties come in…

Q: Using examples, how could organizational development specialists use the principles of bureaucracy…

A: A Bureaucracy is a method of authoritatively coordinating enormous quantities of individuals who…

Q: Using examples, how could organizational development specialists use the principles of bureaucracy…

A: Organizational structure aligns and relates parts of an organization, so it can achieve its maximum…

Q: What is dynamic programming and how does it work?

A: Dynamic programming is both a mathematical optimization method and a PC programming strategy. The…

Q: 2. Identify the three items that may be included an organization's knowledge base. ANSWER:

A: Organizational information is information specific to the organization; usually gained by expertise.…

Q: What is a critical resource, or key success factor?

A: Critical thinking is the one where the thinking quality of the thinker is worked upon by skillful…

Q: In organization manager’s functions consist of planning, organizing, leading and controlling.…

A: Management is the business function that ensures the best process to complete the task and control…

Q: explain in detail how many models are used to understand the context of an organization?

A: Organizational models:                 Organizational models help to know the context of the…

Q: What are some adavantages and disadvantages of benchmarking?

A: The term benchmarking refers to the setting of organizational standards in accordance with the best…

Q: What strategies do you propose to address job pressure, time factors, task difficulty, change in…

A: Strategic Management Strategic management refers to the actions and associated procedures that are…

Q: What is a group technology?

A: Step1:Group technology is the approach to manufacturing in which similar parts are identified and…

Q: Define each element of the PESTLE analysis and discuss how a company can use this to analyze its…

A: PESTLE analysis can be referred to as strategic planning tools that are mainly used to identify the…

Q: Why is a divisional design structure used?

A: The Answer is option

Q: What are the sociological implications of CHIP programs?

A: The term "social suggestions" alludes to the impacts that the activities of a person or bunch have…

Q: How would the organizational goals best facilitate interactions within and among teams in a web…

A: Organization goals are key destinations that an organization's management sets up to outline…

Q: How does Tim Hortons empower CRM Staff?

A: Tim Hortons uses a promotion strategy that increases brand loyalty, and repeat purchases.

Q: Is there any necessity to train new employees in how to handle the customers?

A: Orientation and training are the first course of action for a newly hired employee. The employee is…

Q: What is quantitative approaches?

A: The purpose of a research is to bridge the gap of asymmetric information. using factual &…

Q: Analyze how organizational level play the vital roles in input, process and output in a Basic…

A: The organizational level in any organization refers to the hierarchical structure of various…

Q: In Criminal Management System there are different Prisons across country where different criminals…

A: An entity type corresponds to one or several related tables in the database. Entity-Relationship…

Q: What should be done to manage relationship between consultant and client appropriately?

A: Below are the steps that can be taken to manage the relationship between consultant and client…

Q: a primary function is to guide the system by decision making a. employee b. producer c.…

A: Decision making refers to the process used to determine the best course of action from the available…

Q: 2. I will complete the following table with information pertaining to three position n an…

A: An organizational chart is a design that visually communicates an organization's organic composition…

Q: What is a functional structure,what is overall function and how the functions are defined in a…

A: A functional organizational structure is used by companies that continuously manufacture the same…

Q: What is Fantasy in regards to execution styles?

A: Advertising is a form of communication where a message is conveyed to the target audience regarding…

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    What is an InfoSec program describe in detail the functions needed to implement the InfoSec program?

    An information security program consists of a set of activities, projects, and initiatives that support an organization's information technology framework. These initiatives also help organizations accomplish all related business objectives and meet corresponding benchmarks.

    Who in an organization should decide where in the organizational structure the infor mation security function is located Why?

    No one single person should decide on where the information security belongs within the organization. Within different departments there should be someone making decisions on where the information security function belongs depending on the need of that department's goals and resources.

    How might an InfoSec professional use a security model?

    4. How might an InfoSec professional use a security model? Answer: InfoSec professionals can use security models as an outline for a comprehensive design of an organization's entire planned security program or as the starting point for a more fully customized version of such a plan.


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