What is the process of drawing meaning from the symbols that were used to encode a message?

Which of the following statements about the expectations that accompany the speaking format is true?

The audience expects pre-recorded presentations to be more polished than in-person presentations.

What type of speech is an educator likely to give most often in the classroom?

Which contextual factor involves knowing whether there will be sounds from airplanes, cars, air conditioners, or poor acoustics that will require you to either speak very loudly or use a microphone?

Which speaking format places the speaker directly in front of the audience?

Which contextual factor involves the size of the group that you will be speaking to, whether they agree or disagree with you, how much they know about your topic, and why they are attending your presentation?

General audience characteristics

The process of drawing meaning from the symbols that were used to encode a message is called

Jerome is having trouble hearing the speaker because there is a loud air conditioner in the room. What is Jerome experiencing?

Amelia lives far from her granddaughter but wants to be an active part of her life, so she has a Skype conversation with her granddaughter every weekend. When Amelia and her granddaughter talk, which part of the communication process would Skype be considered?

Which component of the communication process includes beliefs, values, the physical setting, history, and relationships?

Which component of the linear model of communication can interfere with or change the message after the source encodes and sends it?

What are you doing if you create a list of possible topics and keep adding to this list as you think of new ideas?

Tara decides to give a speech to convince people to stop eating food that contains high fructose corn syrup. What is Tara’s speech topic?

-High fructose corn syrup

In her speech, Gina plans to teach her audience how to dance salsa. What is the general purpose of Gina’s speech?

“To ensure success in college, you should meet with an advisor often to make a clear plan, set aside time to prepare for each class every week, and proofread all papers before turning them in” is an example of a

In his speech, George plans to convince his audience to buy a refillable water bottle instead of disposable water bottles. What is the general purpose of George’s speech?

When outlining, the process of creating a hierarchy of ideas in which the most general ideas appear first followed by more specific ideas is called

Which type of outline utilizes symbols and full sentences and includes everything that you plan to say?

When Mark is preparing his outline, he makes sure that each main point has at least two subpoints. Which tenet of outlining is Mark following?

When Zeneida is preparing her persuasive speech about why we should use a refillable water bottle instead of buying disposable water bottles. She makes sure that all three of her main points are equally significant and are given approximately the same amount of emphasis. Which outlining principle is Zeneida following?

Which of the following should NOT be included in a speaking outline?

Which part of your introduction provides a roadmap of your speech for your audience?

-Preview your main points Clearly state the relevance of your topic Get the audience's attention State your argument

What should be included in a transition between main points?

Internal summary, signpost, and internal preview

A carefully worded one-sentence encapsulation of exactly what you will cover in your speech is called the

Preview of main points Transition Topic sentence -Thesis

Which of the following is NOT part of the introduction of a speech?

Establish your credibility Get your audience's attention -Announce your name and topic Preview main points

A connecting statement that lets the audience know that you are leaving one point and moving to another is called a(n)

-Transition Outline Thesis Preview

According to Hofstede, which of the following nations is highly masculine?

___________refers to a group of people who identify with each other based on a common experience, which might include geographic or national origin, ancestry, history, cultural and social norms, religion, race, language, ideology, food, dress, or other factors. 

Which dimension of national culture involves the degree to which individuals are integrated into strong, cohesive groups versus having loose ties to others?

Which of the following can be defined as "a social construction that includes the attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that a given culture associates with a person’s biological sex?"

Which generation graduated from high school after 2000, tended to be very protected by their parents, and had high expectations set for them?

Which of the following is a good recommendation for the physical delivery of your speech?

Let your facial expressions mirror the tone of your speech.

When words such as “ah,” “umm,” “like,” and “uh” are used as filler words in a speech, they are called

During a speech honoring a retiring teacher, James points his hand toward the teacher being honored while saying, “I think that we all owe Mrs. Garrett a tremendous thank you for the impact that she has had on each of our lives and for her many, many years of service to the students and families in our community.” Which function of physical delivery is served when James points at Mrs. Garrett while also saying her name?

With which type of delivery does the speaker prepare and practice the speech in advance and then deliver the speech with limited notes in front of them?

Which aspect of vocal delivery involves how high or low your voice is, along with the rise and fall of your voice?

In her speech, Andrea says, “Do we care more about protecting guns than protecting children and families? Do we care more about protecting guns than protecting our schools and parks and streets? Do we care more about protecting guns than protecting our theaters and malls and other community gathering places? What do you really want to protect?” Which language structure is Andrea using?

Parallelism Alliteration Antithesis -Repetition

Charles Dickens’ opening to A Tale of Two Cities reads, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishnesss….” Which language structure is Dickens using?

Which characteristic of language refers to the idea that language is intangible and that some words are less precise, or concrete, than others?

Which characteristic of language means that symbols are used to represent things that are not intrinsically connected to those things?

Which of the following is an example of inclusive language?

When you are in the final stages of practice, which part of the speech should you be primarily focusing on?

Approximately how much of your total speech should be constituted by the body of your speech?

Which of the following is NOT a recommendation to consider when practicing?

Give your practice audience no guidance on for the kind of feedback you want.

After you have practiced your speech enough that you are comfortable with the overall organization and outline, what kind of practice should you emphasize next?

-Get feedback from others on the outline, manuscript, and delivery of your speech

Which of the following is true about practicing with a stopwatch?

-You should practice with a stopwatch every time you practice out loud so that you know how long your speech

Andrew gets nervous when speaking in front of others, so he decides to try to gradually expose himself to speaking situations to help overcome his fear. First, Andrew asks his roommate to listen to his speech. Then, he asks two or three friends to listen to his speech so that he has a slightly larger audience. Finally, he asks a dozen or so people living on the same floor to listen to his speech. Which communication apprehension reduction technique is Andrew using?

-Systematic desensitization Employ relaxation techniques

Convincing yourself that something is going to happen before it does, thus leading to the occurrence of what you originally expected, is called

-Self-fulfilling prophesy

The strategy in which you reduce communication apprehension by relaxing, closing your eyes, and imagining yourself giving your speech confidently and effectively from beginning to end is called

Which of the following is usually true for people who have high levels of communication apprehension?

They tend to procrastinate when preparing speeches.

The fear or anxiety associated with real or anticipated communication with another or others is called

Communication Apprehension

Eli is giving a speech about recycling. First, he plans to talk about how different materials are recycled. Second, he plans to talk about where to find recycling centers throughout the region. Finally, he plans to talk about how recycling regulations vary in other countries. Which pattern of organization is Eli using?

Fred is giving a speech about legal decisions that were important in the U.S. civil rights movement. First, he plans to talk about Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court decision in 1896 that required racial segregation in public facilities. Second, he plans to talk about the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision in 1954 that declared that separate public schools for black and white students were unconstitutional. Finally, he plans to talk about the Civil Rights Act of 1968, which provided for equal housing opportunities regardless of race, creed, or national origin. Which pattern of organization is Fred using?

Chris is giving a speech about how to build a coffee table, starting with how to turn a tree trunk into flat wood planks, and finishing with how to apply the final coat of lacquer. Which pattern of organization should Chris use for his speech?

Phil is giving a speech about President Barack Obama’s inauguration as the first biracial President of the United States. What type of informative speech is Phil giving?

In his show Good Eats, Alton Brown often gives presentations about how to cook a variety of foods. For example, in one episode, he talks about how to brine and cook a perfect Thanksgiving turkey. What type of informative speech is Alton Brown giving in each of these episodes?

When using information, you may want the information to catch the attention of the audience, to provide background facts, or to make an argument and try to persuade an audience. Which characteristic of information literacy is this?

Know why you want an area of information for the speech

Speakers often pull together information from various sources to create a coherent explanation of how those pieces of data fit together, thus helping the audience see something in a different, more complex light. Which characteristic of information literacy is this?

Know where to get the information that you seek Know why you want the area of information for the speech Know how to assess the quality of information you have found -Create new knowledge

The unfair preference or distortion of information, particularly if the source will gain sometime by getting the audience to believe a certain way, is called

Plagiarism -Bias Accuracy Integrity

Janis is looking for information that lends direct support to her thesis and the main points of her speech, such as statistics, testimony, and examples. What kind of information is Janis searching for?

When verbally citing sources during your speech, which information is unnecessary to include in your oral citation?

The page number of the quotation

Which of the following is NOT a question that you should ask when evaluating whether a source can be trusted?

Is this person an expert in this area or in a position to know this information? Are the claims made by this source substantiated by other credible sources? =Does this source say what I want it to? Is this source recent enough to be relevant?

As soon as he hears that his classmate is speaking about marriage equality, Andrew becomes defensive and immediately dismisses all of the arguments in the speech instead of concentrating on the message. Which responsibility as an audience member is Andrew failing to fulfill?

Avoid profanity -Keep an open mind Do not heckle Pay attention

When one of the candidates for President came to campus to speak, there were a few students who supported the candidate’s opponent attending the speech. In the middle of the candidate’s speech, they started yelling demeaning things at the candidate. Which responsibility as an audience member did these students violate?

Keep an open mind =Do not heckle Pay attention

Which ethical responsibility requires speakers to choose to create messages that they firmly believe are in the best interests of the audience rather than choose messages that are self-serving or crafted in a way that manipulates the audience?

Ethics of an audience member =Ethics of choosing a topic Ethics of language and delivery

Taking ideas from more than one piece of work and putting them together into a new piece of work, and then presenting them together as original work without giving due credit to the sources is

Which element of the speaking situation is usually the only one over which the speaker has complete control?

Which of the following is NOT a question that is concerned with the physical location of your speech?

-What does your audience already know about your topic?

Which tool should a speaker use if he or she does not have a powerful enough voice to project through the entire room or is speaking in a room that is too large for a voice to carry well?

When of the following would NOT be recommended if you have a very small audience in a very large room.

Give your speech exactly the same way you would if the large room were completely full.

Which aspect of the speaking environment is concerned with how you carry yourself, your posture, and how you dress?

In his speech about the rising cost of textbooks, Eli said, “For example, let’s imagine that there is a college student named Joe. Joe is taking public speaking, composition, algebra, and biology this semester. If Joe had walked into the book store to buy his textbooks in 1985, he probably would have paid around $400 for his books, but today, Joe’s books would probably cost around $800.” What kind of support material is Eli using?

Which type of support material involves using teh words of other people to lend support to an argument?

An example that makes a very quick point and can be effective at any point in a speech is called a(n)

In his speech, Jerome says, “As you can see in this chart, the fruit that is most often identified as someone’s favorite fruit is the apple.” What type of statistic is Jerome using?

In her speech, Rensi said, “To learn more about superconductors, I talked with Dr. Stephen Blundell, a professor of Physics at the University of Oxford who is one of the most respected superconductor researchers in the world. He told me that superconductors hold promise for even greater technologies.” What kind of support material is Rensi using?

While giving his speech, Jaime watches his audience members’ facial expressions, head nods, yawns, and smiles to find out whether his audience is engaged and interested in his speech. Which method of audience analysis is Jaime using?

-Direct observation Personal interviews Polling the audience Scientific surveys

Categories of definable characteristics of groups of people, such as age, race, religion, socioeconomic status, education level, and sexual orientation are included what kind of data about your audience?

Javier has been asked to deliver the keynote speech at a Young Entrepreneurs Convention. As part of his preparation for his speech, he asks the conference planner how big the room is, how it will be set up, how many people will be in attendance, and whether there are any special guests or audience characteristics that he should keep in mind. What method of audience analysis is Javier using?

Which method of audience analysis can be done while giving a speech?

Which of the following is a strategy for gaining audience interest?

If a speaker brings the actual thing being discussed, what type of presentation aid is he or she using?

Maureen is giving a speech about Kendo, a modern form of Japanese swordsmanship that uses a bamboo sword called a shinai. For her speech, Maureen brings her bamboo shinai to show the class and to use to demonstrate some of the traditional techniques. What type of presentational aid is Maureen using?

What type of chat is depicted? (hisogram)

Cassie is giving a speech about the rising cost of higher education. In her first main point, she talks about how high the cost of a college education has become and explains why this has made college unattainable for many students. In her second main point, she talks about the reasons that college has become so expensive. In her third main point, she provides recommendations for reducing the cost of a college education and making it accessible for all students. Which pattern of organization is Cassie using?

Eliza is giving a speech in which she argues that recreational use of marijuana should be legalized because it will reduce crime, save money, and reduce the number of people in prison. What type of persuasive speech is she giving?

What kind of credibility do you have with the audience before you begin your speech that is based on your experience and the audience’s prior knowledge about you?

Which type of persuasive speech is concerned with the occurrence or existence of something?

The first stage of the persuasive process in which you focus the audience’s attention on the issue and show why the issue is important is called

Which kind of argument uses specific premises to reach an unavoidable and certain conclusion?

Reasoning by sign -Deductive reasoning Inductive reasoning Reasoning by analogy

What kind of syllogism is illustrated in the following set of statements? Each speech will earn a passing or failing grade. Juan’s speech did not earn a failing grade. Therefore, Juan’s speech earned a passing grade.

Philipe looks out the window and sees people walking with umbrellas. He concludes that it is raining. What kind of reasoning is Philipe using?

In a discussion about gun control policies, Aaron says, “Well, if you let politicians ban automatic assault rifles, pretty soon they’ll want to regulate all guns. And if you let them regulate all guns, pretty soon they’ll try to ban all guns. And once you ban all guns, then only the criminals will have guns and then there will be school shootings every day because the criminals won’t have to worry about else shooting them when they pull a gun.” What kind of reasoning fallacy is Aaron using?

Andrew has taken several math classes. He did very well in his algebra class and his geometry class. He is also doing very well in his calculus class and finds that the concepts are easy to understand as long as he does the work. Therefore, Andrew concludes that he is good at math. What kind of reasoning is Andrew using?

Is the process of encoding a message?

Encoding is the process of turning thoughts into communication. The encoder uses a 'medium' to send the message — a phone call, email, text message, face-to-face meeting, or other communication tool. The level of conscious thought that goes into encoding messages may vary.

What is the process of decoding a message?

The decoding of a message is how an audience member is able to understand, and interpret the message. It is a process of interpretation and translation of coded information into a comprehensible form.

What is encoding in communication process?

In order to convey meaning, the sender must begin encoding, which means translating information into a message in the form of symbols that represent ideas or concepts. This process translates the ideas or concepts into the coded message that will be communicated.

What is the process of converting the symbols encoded by the sender?

The process of converting the message into communication symbols is known as. Media. Encoding.


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