What is the process of defining a method in terms of itself that is a method that calls itself polymorphism?

Functional Programming in Lean


Just as in most languages, types in Lean can take arguments. For instance, the type List Nat describes lists of natural numbers, List String describes lists of strings, and List (List Point) describes lists of lists of points. This is very similar to List<Nat>, List<String>, or List<List<Point>> in a language like C# or Java. Just as Lean uses a space to pass an argument to a function, it uses a space to pass an argument to a type.

In functional programming, the term polymorphism typically refers to datatypes and definitions that take types as arguments. This is different from the object-oriented programming community, where the term typically refers to subclasses that may override some behavior of their superclass. In this book, "polymorphism" always refers to the first sense of the word. These type arguments can be used in the datatype or definition, which allows the same datatype or definition to be used with any type that results from replacing the arguments' names with some other types.

The Point structure requires that both the x and y fields are Floats. There is, however, nothing about points that require a specific representation for each coordinate. A polymorphic version of Point, called PPoint, can take a type as an argument, and then use that type for both fields:

structure PPoint (α : Type) where x : α y : α deriving Repr

Just as a function definition's arguments are written immediately after the name being defined, a structure's arguments are written immediately after the structure's name. It is customary to use Greek letters to name type arguments in Lean when no more specific name suggests itself. Type is a type that describes other types, so Nat, List String, and PPoint Int all have type Type.

Just like List, PPoint can be used by providing a specific type as its argument:

def natOrigin : PPoint Nat := { x := Nat.zero, y := Nat.zero }

In this example, both fields are expected to be Nats. Just as a function is called by replacing its argument variables with its argument values, providing PPoint with the type Nat as an argument yields a structure in which the fields x and y have the type Nat, because the argument name α has been replaced by the argument type Nat. Because types are ordinary expressions in Lean, passing arguments to polymorphic types (like PPoint) doesn't require any special syntax.

Definitions may also take types as arguments, which makes them polymorphic. The function replaceX replaces the x field of a PPoint with a new value. In order to allow replaceX to work with any polymorphic point, it must be polymorphic itself. This is achieved by having its first argument be the type of the point's fields, with later arguments referring back to the first argument's name.

def replaceX (α : Type) (point : PPoint α) (newX : α) : PPoint α := { point with x := newX }

In other words, when the types of the arguments point and newX mention α, they are referring to whichever type was provided as the first argument. This is similar to the way that function argument names refer to the values that were provided when they occur in the function's body.

This can be seen by asking Lean to check the type of replaceX, and then asking it to check the type of replaceX Nat.

#check replaceX replaceX : (α : Type) → PPoint α → α → PPoint α

This function type includes the name of the first argument, and later arguments in the type refer back to this name. Just as the value of a function application is found by replacing the argument name with the provided argument value in the function's body, the type of a function application is found by replacing the argument's name with the provided value in the function's return type. Providing the first argument, Nat, causes all occurrences of α in the remainder of the type to be replaced with Nat:

#check replaceX Nat replaceX Nat : PPoint Nat → Nat → PPoint Nat

Because the remaining arguments are not explicitly named, no further substitution occurs as more arguments are provided:

#check replaceX Nat natOrigin replaceX Nat natOrigin : Nat → PPoint Nat #check replaceX Nat natOrigin 5 replaceX Nat natOrigin 5 : PPoint Nat

The fact that the type of the whole function application expression was determined by passing a type as an argument has no bearing on the ability to evaluate it.

#eval replaceX Nat natOrigin 5 { x := 5, y := 0 }

Polymorphic functions work by taking a named type argument and having later types refer to the argument's name. However, there's nothing special about type arguments that allows them to be named. Given a datatype that represents positive or negative signs:

inductive Sign where | pos | neg

it is possible to write a function whose argument is a sign. If the argument is positive, the function returns a Nat, while if it's negative, it returns an Int:

def posOrNegThree (s : Sign) : match s with | Sign.pos => Nat | Sign.neg => Int := match s with | Sign.pos => (3 : Nat) | Sign.neg => (-3 : Int)

Because types are first class and can be computed using the ordinary rules of the Lean language, they can be computed by pattern-matching against a datatype. When Lean is checking this function, it uses the fact that the function's body pattern-matches to run the same pattern in the type, showing that Nat is the expected type for the pos case and that Int is the expected type for the neg case.

Linked Lists

Lean's standard library includes a canonical linked list datatype, called List, and special syntax that makes it more convenient to use. Lists are written in square brackets. For instance, a list that contains the prime numbers less than 10 can be written:

def primesUnder10 : List Nat := [2, 3, 5, 7]

Behind the scenes, List is an inductive datatype, defined like this:

inductive List (α : Type) where | nil : List α | cons : α → List α → List α

The actual definition in the standard library is slightly different, because it uses features that have not yet been presented, but it is substantially similar. This definition says that List takes a single type as its argument, just as PPoint did. This type is the type of the entries stored in the list. According to the constructors, a List α can be built with either nil or cons. The constructor nil represents empty lists, and the constructor cons represents a single element in the linked list. The first argument to cons is the head of the list, and the second argument is its tail.

The primesUnder10 example can be written more explicitly by using List's constructors directly:

def explicitPrimesUnder10 : List Nat := List.cons 2 (List.cons 3 (List.cons 5 (List.cons 7 List.nil)))

These two definitions are completely equivalent, but primesUnder10 is much easier to read than explicitPrimesUnder10.

Functions that consume Lists can be defined in much the same way as functions that consume Nats. Indeed, one way to think of a linked list is as a Nat that has an extra data field dangling off each succ constructor. From this point of view, computing the length of a list is the process of replacing each cons with a succ and the final nil with a zero. Just as replaceX took the type of the fields of the point as an argument, length takes the type of the list's entries. For example, if the list contains strings, then the first argument is String: length String ["Sourdough", "bread"]. It should compute like this:

length String ["Sourdough", "bread"] ===> length String (List.cons "Sourdough" (List.cons "bread" List.nil)) ===> Nat.succ (length String (List.cons "bread" List.nil)) ===> Nat.succ (Nat.succ (length String List.nil)) ===> Nat.succ (Nat.succ Nat.zero) ===> 2

The definition of length is both polymorphic (because it takes the list entry type as an argument) and recursive (because it refers to itself). Generally, functions follow the shape of the data: recursive datatypes lead to recursive functions, and polymorphic datatypes lead to polymorphic functions.

def length (α : Type) (xs : List α) : Nat := match xs with | List.nil => Nat.zero | List.cons y ys => Nat.succ (length α ys)

Names such as xs and ys are conventionally used to stand for lists of unknown values. The s in the name indicates that they are plural, so they are pronounced "exes" and "whys" rather than "x s" and "y s".

To make it easier to read functions on lists, the bracket notation [] can be used to pattern-match against nil, and an infix :: can be used in place of cons:

def length (α : Type) (xs : List α) : Nat := match xs with | [] => 0 | y :: ys => Nat.succ (length α ys)

Implicit Arguments

Both replaceX and length are somewhat bureaucratic to use, because the type argument is typically uniquely determined by the later values. Indeed, in most languages, the compiler is perfectly capable of determining type arguments on its own, and only occasionally needs help from users. This is also the case in Lean. Arguments can be declared implicit by wrapping them in curly braces instead of parentheses when defining a function. For instance, a version of replaceX with an implicit type argument looks like this:

def replaceX {α : Type} (point : PPoint α) (newX : α) : PPoint α := { point with x := newX }

It can be used with natOrigin without providing Nat explicitly, because Lean can infer the value of α from the later arguments:

#eval replaceX natOrigin 5 { x := 5, y := 0 }

Similarly, length can be redefined to take the entry type implicitly:

def length {α : Type} (xs : List α) : Nat := match xs with | [] => 0 | y :: ys => Nat.succ (length ys)

This length function can be applied directly to primesUnder10:

#eval length primesUnder10 4

In the standard library, Lean calls this function List.length, which means that the dot syntax that is used for structure field access can also be used to find the length of a list:

#eval primesUnder10.length 4

Just as C# and Java require type arguments to provided explicitly from time to time, Lean is not always capable of finding implicit arguments. In these cases, they can be provided using their names. For instance, a version of List.length that only works for lists of integers can be specified by setting α to Int:

#check List.length (α := Int) List.length : List Int → Nat

More Built-In Datatypes

In addition to lists, Lean's standard library contains a number of other structures and inductive datatypes that can be used in a variety of contexts.


Not every list has a first entry—some lists are empty. Many operations on collections may fail to find what they are looking for. For instance, a function that finds the first entry in a list may not find any such entry. It must therefore have a way to signal that there was no first entry.

Many languages have a null value that represents the absence of a value. Instead of equipping existing types with a special null value, Lean provides a datatype called Option that equips some other type with an indicator for missing values. For instance, a nullable Int is represented by Option Int, and a nullable list of strings is represented by the type Option (List String). Introducing a new type to represent nullability means that the type system ensures that checks for null cannot be forgotten, because an Option Int can't be used in a context where an Int is expected.

Option has two constructors, called some and none, that respectively represent the non-null and null versions of the underlying type. The non-null constructor, some, contains the underlying value, while none takes no arguments:

inductive Option (α : Type) : Type where | none : Option α | some (val : α) : Option α

The Option type is very similar to nullable types in languages like C# and Kotlin, but it is not identical. In these languages, if a type (say, Boolean) always refers to actual values of the type (true and false), the type Boolean? or Nullable<Boolean> additionally admits the null value. Tracking this in the type system is very useful: the type checker and other tooling can help programmers remember to check for null, and APIs that explicitly describe nullability through type signatures are more informative than ones that don't. However, these nullable types differ from Lean's Option in one very important way, which is that they don't allow multiple layers of optionality. Option (Option Int) can be constructed with none, some none, or some (some 360). C#, on the other hand, forbids multiple layers of nullability by only allowing ? to be added to non-nullable types, while Kotlin treats T?? as being equivalent to T?. This subtle difference is rarely relevant in practice, but it can matter from time to time.

To find the first entry in a list, if it exists, use List.head?. The question mark is part of the name, and is not related to the use of question marks to indicate nullable types in C# or Kotlin. In the definition of List.head?, an underscore is used to represent the tail of the list. In patterns, underscores match anything at all, but do not introduce variables to refer to the matched data. Using underscores instead of names is a way to clearly communicate to readers that part of the input is ignored.

def List.head? {α : Type} (xs : List α) : Option α := match xs with | [] => none | y :: _ => some y

A Lean naming convention is to define operations that might fail in groups using the suffixes ? for a version that returns an Option, ! for a version that crashes when provided with invalid input, and D for a version that returns a default value when the operation would otherwise fail. For instance, head requires the caller to provide mathematical evidence that the list is not empty, head? returns an Option, head! crashes the program when passed an empty list, and headD takes a default value to return in case the list is empty. The question mark and exclamation mark are part of the name, not special syntax, as Lean's naming rules are more liberal than many languages.

Because head? is defined in the List namespace, it can be used with accessor notation:

#eval primesUnder10.head? some 2

However, attempting to test it on the empty list leads to two errors:

#eval [].head? don't know how to synthesize implicit argument @List.nil ?m.16156 context: ⊢ Type ?u.16153 don't know how to synthesize implicit argument @_root_.List.head? ?m.16156 [] context: ⊢ Type ?u.16153

This is because Lean was unable to fully determine the expression's type. In particular, it could neither find the implicit type argument to List.head?, nor could it find the implicit type argument to List.nil. In Lean's output, ?m.XYZ represents a part of a program that could not be inferred. These unknown parts are called metavariables, and they occur in some error messages. In order to evaluate an expression, Lean needs to be able to find its type, and the type was unavailable because the empty list does not have any entries from which the type can be found. Explicitly providing a type allows Lean to proceed:

#eval [].head? (α := Int) none

The error messages provide a useful clue. Both messages use the same metavariable to describe the missing implicit argument, which means that Lean has determined that the two missing pieces will share a solution, even though it was unable to determine the actual value of the solution.


The Prod structure, short for "Product", is a generic way of joining two values together. For instance, a Prod Nat String contains a Nat and a String. In other words, PPoint Nat could be replaced by Prod Nat Nat. Prod is very much like C#'s tuples, the Pair and Triple types in Kotlin, and tuple in C++. Many applications are best served by defining their own structures, even for simple cases like Point, because using domain terminology can make it easier to read the code.

On the other hand, there are some cases where it is not worth the overhead of defining a new type. Additionally, some libraries are sufficiently generic that there is no more specific concept than "pair". Finally, the standard library contains a variety of convenience functions that make it easier to work with the built-in pair type.

The standard pair structure is called Prod.

structure Prod (α : Type) (β : Type) : Type where fst : α snd : β

Lists are used so frequently that there is special syntax to make them more readable. For the same reason, both the product type and its constructor have special syntax. The type Prod α β is typically written α × β, mirroring the usual notation for a Cartesian product of sets. Similarly, the usual mathematical notation for pairs is available for Prod. In other words, instead of writing:

def fives : String × Int := { fst := "five", snd := 5 }

it suffices to write:

def fives : String × Int := ("five", 5)

Both notations are right-associative. This means that the following definitions are equivalent:

def sevens : String × Int × Nat := ("VII", 7, 4 + 3) def sevens : String × (Int × Nat) := ("VII", (7, 4 + 3))

In other words, all products of more than two types, and their corresponding constructors, are actually nested products and nested pairs behind the scenes.


The Sum datatype is a generic way of allowing a choice between values of two different types. For instance, a Sum String Int is either a String or an Int. Like Prod, Sum should be used either when writing very generic code, for a very small section of code where there is no sensible domain-specific type, or when the standard library contains useful functions. In most situations, it is more readable and maintainable to use a custom inductive type.

Values of type Sum α β are either the constructor inl applied to a value of type α or the constructor inr applied to a value of type β:

inductive Sum (α : Type) (β : Type) : Type where | inl : α → Sum α β | inr : β → Sum α β

These names are abbreviations for "left injection" and "right injection", respectively. Just as the Cartesian product notation is used for Prod, a "circled plus" notation is used for Sum, so α ⊕ β is another way to write Sum α β. There is no special syntax for Sum.inl and Sum.inr.

For instance, if pet names can either be dog names or cat names, then a type for them can be introduced as a sum of strings:

def PetName : Type := String ⊕ String

In a real program, it would usually be better to define a custom inductive datatype for this purpose with informative constructor names. Here, Sum.inl is to be used for dog names, and Sum.inr is to be used for cat names. These constructors can be used to write a list of animal names:

def animals : List PetName := [Sum.inl "Spot", Sum.inr "Tiger", Sum.inl "Fifi", Sum.inl "Rex", Sum.inr "Floof"]

Pattern matching can be used to distinguish between the two constructors. For instance, a function that counts the number of dogs in a list of animal names (that is, the number of Sum.inl constructors) looks like this:

def howManyDogs (pets : List PetName) : Nat := match pets with | [] => 0 | Sum.inl _ :: morePets => howManyDogs morePets + 1 | Sum.inr _ :: morePets => howManyDogs morePets

Function calls are evaluated before infix operators, so howManyDogs morePets + 1 is the same as (howManyDogs morePets) + 1. As expected, #eval howManyDogs animals yields 3.


Unit is a type with just one argumentless constructor, called unit. In other words, it describes only a single value, which consists of said constructor applied to no arguments whatsoever. Unit is defined as follows:

inductive Unit : Type where | unit : Unit

On its own, Unit is not particularly useful. However, in polymorphic code, it can be used as a placeholder for data that is missing. For instance, the following inductive datatype represents arithmetic expressions:

inductive ArithExpr (ann : Type) : Type where | int : ann → Int → ArithExpr ann | plus : ann → ArithExpr ann → ArithExpr ann → ArithExpr ann | minus : ann → ArithExpr ann → ArithExpr ann → ArithExpr ann | times : ann → ArithExpr ann → ArithExpr ann → ArithExpr ann

The type argument ann stands for annotations, and each constructor is annotated. Expressions coming from a parser might be annotated with source locations, so a return type of ArithExpr SourcePos ensures that the parser put a SourcePos at each subexpression. Expressions that don't come from the parser, however, will not have source locations, so their type can be ArithExpr Unit.

Additionally, because all Lean functions have arguments, zero-argument functions in other languages can be represented as functions that take a Unit argument. In a return position, the Unit type is similar to void in languages derived from C. In the C family, a function that returns void will return control to its caller, but it will not return any interesting value. By being an intentionally uninteresting value, Unit allows this to be expressed without requiring a special-purpose void feature in the type system. Unit's constructor can be written as empty parentheses: () : Unit.


The Empty datatype has no constructors whatsoever. Thus, it indicates unreachable code, because no series of calls can ever terminate with a value at type Empty.

Empty is not used nearly as often as Unit. However, it is useful in some specialized contexts. Many polymorphic datatypes do not use all of their type arguments in all of their constructors. For instance, Sum.inl and Sum.inr each use only one of Sum's type arguments. Using Empty as one of the type arguments to Sum can rule out one of the constructors at a particular point in a program. This can allow generic code to be used in contexts that have additional restrictions.

Naming: Sums, Products, and Units

Generally speaking, types that offer multiple constructors are called sum types, while types whose single constructor takes multiple arguments are called product types. These terms are related to sums and products used in ordinary arithmetic. The relationship is easiest to see when the types involved contain a finite number of values. If α and β are types that contain n and k distinct values, respectively, then α ⊕ β contains n + k distinct values and α × β contains n × k distinct values. For instance, Bool has two values: true and false, and Unit has one value: Unit.unit. The product Bool × Unit has the two values (true, Unit.unit) and (false, Unit.unit), and the sum Bool ⊕ Unit has the three values Sum.inl true, Sum.inl false, and Sum.inr unit. Similarly, 2 × 1 = 2, and 2 + 1 = 3.

Messages You May Meet

Not all definable structures or inductive types can have the type Type. In particular, if a constructor takes an arbitrary type as an argument, then the inductive type must have a different type. These errors usually state something about "universe levels". For example, for this inductive type:

inductive MyType : Type where | ctor : (α : Type) → α → MyType

Lean gives the following error:

invalid universe level in constructor 'MyType.ctor', parameter 'α' has type Type at universe level 2 it must be smaller than or equal to the inductive datatype universe level 1

A later chapter describes why this is the case, and how to modify definitions to make them work. For now, try making the type an argument to the inductive type as a whole, rather than to the constructor.

Similarly, if a constructor's argument is a function that takes the datatype being defined as an argument, then the definition is rejected. For example:

inductive MyType : Type where | ctor : (MyType → Int) → MyType

yields the message:

(kernel) arg #1 of 'MyType.ctor' has a non positive occurrence of the datatypes being declared

For technical reasons, allowing these datatypes could make it possible to undermine Lean's internal logic, making it unsuitable for use as a theorem prover.

Forgetting an argument to an inductive type can also yield a confusing message. For instance, the argument α is not passed to MyType in ctor's type:

inductive MyType (α : Type) : Type where | ctor : α → MyType

Lean replies with the following error:

type expected failed to synthesize instance CoeSort (Type → Type) ?m.20429

This error occurs because Lean contains an extensible set of rules for "punning" between different types, which allows convenient mathematical notation such as using a type that represents an algebraic structure in a context where its carrier set is expected. The error message is saying that MyType's type, which is Type → Type, has no such rules. The same message can appear when type arguments are omitted in other contexts, such as in a type signature for a definition:

inductive MyType (α : Type) : Type where | ctor : α → MyType α def ofFive : MyType := ctor 5


  • Write a function to find the last entry in a list. It should return an Option.
  • Write a function that finds the first entry in a list that satisfies a given predicate. Start the definition with def List.findFirst? {α : Type} (xs : List α) (predicate : α → Bool) : Option α :=
  • Write a function Prod.swap that swaps the two fields in a pair. Start the definition with def Prod.swap {α β : Type} (pair : α × β) : β × α :=
  • Rewrite the PetName example to use a custom datatype and compare it to the version that uses Sum.
  • Write a function zip that combines two lists into a list of pairs. The resulting list should be as long as the shortest input list. Start the definition with def zip {α β : Type} (xs : List α) (ys : List β) : List (α × β) :=.
  • Write a polymorphic function take that returns the first n entries in a list, where n is a Nat. If the list contains fewer than n entries, then the resulting list should be the input list. #eval take 3 ["bolete", "oyster"] should yield ["bolete", "oyster"], and #eval take 1 ["bolete", "oyster"] should yield ["bolete"].
  • Using the analogy between types and arithmetic, write a function that distributes products over sums. In other words, it should have type α × (β ⊕ γ) → (α × β) ⊕ (α × γ).
  • Using the analogy between types and arithmetic, write a function that turns multiplication by two into a sum. In other words, it should have type Bool × α → α ⊕ α.

What is the process of defining a method in terms of itself that is method that call itself?

Recursion is the process of defining something in terms of itself. It allows us to define method that calls itself repeatedly until it meets some base case condition.

What is the process of defining a method in terms of itself that is a method that calls itself select one a Recursion B polymorphism C abstraction D encapsulation?

(ii) The length of the list. ... .

What is the process of defining a method in terms of itself in Java?

The explanation is: Recursion is the process of defining something in terms of itself.

What is the process of defining a method in a subclass having same name and type signature?

Explanation: When a method in a subclass has the same name and type signatures as a method in the superclass, then the method in the subclass overrides the method in the superclass.


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